Sentenced to the Church Youth Group


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"If your hand is getting tired let me know, " I mentioned after a couple of minutes. "I'm trying not to cum because this feels so good."


"Sure, can't you tell?" I replied while nodding down at what he was holding. "My dick is getting red - the head is almost purple - and see how the veins in the shaft are bulging?"

"Yes, I noticed that, and there's a little drop of your seed leaking out of you," Bruce related.

"Just keep doing what you're doing," I instructed as I looked up at the ceiling to keep my neck a break, and after I did Bruce's hand crept over to my exposed armpit where he every tentatively began raking his nails through my pit hair.

"Nice," I said as his manicured fingers toyed with my armpits, an area of mine that he had shown interest before as well.

"You're such a hairy young fellow," Bruce mentioned for at least the second time, and while I was no bear I supposed that I looked like one to him.

Judging by his re-energized manhood which bobbed in front of him as he knelt at my him, he was enjoying what he was doing, but while I had fought off cumming up until then I could tell the end was near.

"I'm going to cum pretty soon," I warned Bruce.

"I can tell. The seed is drooling out of your penis like lava," Bruce noted.

"Use it like lotion - that's it," I encouraged. "Now when I cum, don't stop. okay?"

"Okay," Bruce replied, and it wasn't much longer when I grunted a warning seconds before a rope of cum erupted out of me, and although Mr. Temple flinched he didn't stop.

"OH! OH! OH!" I moaned as a few more spurts popped out before my cum began to flow out and then stop, but to his credit Mr. Temple kept rubbing me until there was nothing to really hold onto, leaving him with semen all over his hand and wrist.

"You survived," I noted as Mr. Temple reached over for a tissue while I looked at the mess in my crotch, and after he let out a nervous chuckle out of the corner of my eye I saw him bring his wrist to his mouth before cleaning it off with a tissue.

This was like trying to drag somebody to someplace you knew they wanted to go but were putting up resistance for reasons known only to then, so when I saw my spiritual adviser was still semi-erect I decided to pull harder.

"It's a shame to waste that," I mentioned while noticed to the spear at half mast. "I couldn't help noticing you were so hard when you were jerking me off, and I have an idea about someplace you could put that weapon. A place that would feel good to both of us."

"What?" Mr. Temple replied in his most shocked high-pitched tone. "That's - that's - that's sodomy."

"Think about how it would feel," I suggested while rolling over so he could look at my plump buttocks. "You wouldn't have to worry about going too hard or going too deep because I can take it."

"Out of the question, and besides I think it's time you went home Jimmy," Mr. Temple declared. "Grace will be home before long and I must wash this bedding. Good day."

"Sorry. Do you still want me to go to the meeting tomorrow night?" I asked, hoping to salvage something from this.

"Of course," was the answer. and there was no handshake for once.

The Youth Group meeting was even worse than usual, and that was saying something. Mr. Temple avoided eye contact with me whenever he could, and shied away whenever our eyes did meet, but least at the end of the meeting there was something positive.

"Boys and girls, I have an announcement to make before you go. Mrs. Temple and I are going on a little retreat so the next two meetings are cancelled," he declared, and when there were a bunch of melancholy groans in response I almost laughed out loud.

"We need to get away. Refresh and renew and reaffirm our love for each other," Bruce concluded, and that statement got a bunch of 'aw's' from the girls.

Was it my fault? I didn't know and frankly I didn't care because this meant I had almost a week's reprieve from this Youth Group madness. Adding to that, I had applied for a job and it actually looked promising, so I assumed this bizarre chapter of my life was over.


Much had happened since the Youth Group mentors had taken off on their retreat the previous weekend, not the least of which was me getting a job. While it wasn't all that great a position, it would get my folks off my back and allow me to put away some money for the college education I was still hoping would take place.

Another thing was that I had begun to exercise some, nothing dramatic at first as I took long walks around the neighborhood that had a little jogging mixed in. I wasn't choked up about having people see my jiggling body in all it's glory, so I did it mostly just before and right after daylight.

When I would go past Bruce's place, I couldn't help wondering how their attempt at getting their act together was going. Had he told Grace about his activities with me? Doubtful, but given how loony I thought they were, anything was possible. I did hope he used my lovemaking advice with his church mouse spouse though, and if it worked I would have taken credit as the only guy giving good advice on how to have sex with a woman who hadn't even seen a pussy himself in real life.

I had to admit that in a way I also missed Bruce, despite how much he annoyed me at the Youth Group. Despite being older than me, Mr. Temple managed to not only be more naive than I was, but easily more confused. After all, I knew what I wanted but had spent my time chasing after guys and letting myself be used instead of just letting things happen. Bruce had made me think that maybe - just maybe - I wasn't the hopeless case that everybody, including myself, thought I was.

So my neighbors eventually returned from their retreat although when I saw them emerge from their car they looked as sullen as usual, especially Grace. With me about to be employed I suggested to Mom that this would make my continued attendance at the Youth Group unnecessary, but she disagreed with my opinion even though she was pleased at how much more focused I had become.

"Stick it out for a bit longer," Mom declared, and so I ended up going to the next meeting after all.

Compared to the usual Youth Group meetings which reeked of phony enthusiasm from both the Temples and the group of true believers that hung together up front, this one was rather subdued and even broke up ten minutes early, which was a first.

As I left I got the usual handshakes and goodbyes from Grace and Bruce, but his handshake lasted longer and I could feel something pressed into my palm as well.

A note. How grade school I mused, but I was curious enough to read it as soon as I got outside, standing under a streetlight in front of the church and squinting to make it out.

"Jimmy," it read. "Grace is working at the Thrift Shop from 10 to 2 tomorrow, and I NEED to speak with you."

I didn't know what that meant but since I wouldn't be starting work until the day after that, I had nothing else planned so I went over after dour Grace pulled out of the driveway.

Bruce was waiting at the back door wearing a bathrobe, but he wasn't looking much happier than his wife had, although he gave me a tight lipped smile along with the usual handshake before leading me to the couch.

"So how did your - getaway? - go?" I asked but got a shake of the head in response as we sat on the sofa.

"Our retreat?" he corrected. "It did not go well."

"It rained around here a couple of days," I mentioned.

"That wasn't the cause," Bruce said.

"Oh," I replied, not used to being the counselor.

"I did what you said to do. I was soft and tender, and when I entered Grace I made sure not to go too hard, not too deep and also made sure I didn't end it too quickly."


"Nothing," Bruce admitted. "Grace just looked up at me blankly like she always does, and after a while she said, 'Finish up'."

"Finish up?" I asked, and although I wasn't sure about the straight side of sex, I knew enough to figure that it wasn't a good thing to hear.

"Yes. The next night after we turned in Grace rolled over right away, and the third night I didn't even try anything," Bruce told me. "The only thing I could think about was - you."


"You make me feel like a man," Bruce said as he stood up and stood in front of me, dramatically letting the robe fall off him as he did. "The things you do to me - it's all so good that even though I know it's wrong I can't help myself."

"I got a job," I mentioned while trying to ignore that long pale snake dangling in front of me, and the fact that it was getting hard didn't make it easier. "Starting tomorrow."

"What's wrong?" I was asked when I didn't grab the semi-erect prong.

"For one thing I don't like the idea that you think what we do is wrong," I mentioned. "I sure don't."

"But I'm married," Bruce protested.

"How's that working out for you?" I snapped before continuing. "Another thing, it's just me that's giving while you just take. The one time you touched my dick you acted like it was radioactive."

"I know. I'm not used..."

"To top it off, I suggested that you might want to do something different. I offered to let you take me anally, and you come off like I'm gross."

"I wasn't expecting...

"A simple no would have been fine. It's not for everybody. Hell, it might not even be for me because the only other time I did it I didn't like it," I concluded. "It's just that we were getting along so well and I thought you might like to be inside of somebody who actually wanted you."

"I do," Bruce said, and his cock was so hard that it was actually curving upwards, but after he spoke he dropped to his knees and fumbled for the clasp on my shorts.

Because my belly was in the way I realized I would have to stand up, so I did and let his fumbling fingers take down my shorts. After my boxers came down I watched Bruce take a deep breath before leaning forward and opening his mouth.

For the next couple of minutes I was treated to the worst head imaginable, as his teeth raked up and down my plump stub, but I appreciated the effort and told him so and I asked him whether he had any kind of lube.

I knew he didn't have anything like the barely touched tube of Analglide I had in my dresser at home, but I suggested maybe his wife had some kind of hand lotion or something.

"No. Grace doesn't use any kind of beauty products," I was told, and that didn't surprise me because she was as plain as Bruce was, but not even a hand moisturizer?

"No. Grace doesn't believe in doing anything to change the way we are created," I was told by Bruce from his knees. "No make-up, no razors. Nothing like that. She wouldn't have it."

"Oh," I answered as I wondered what Grace would look like naked and unshorn everywhere. "Then why don't you have a beard?"

"I would if - but nothing grows," Bruce said as he rubbed his smooth cheeks. "She hates my parents for having me circumcised."

"Be right back," I declared as I pulled up my pants and made a beeline for my bedroom, returning in record time with the lube.

"Here. Let me," I said as I squirted some lube on his semi-erect member, and after my hand went up and down his dick a couple of times it was hard.

"Your turn," I said as I handed Bruce the lube, and after I went down on all fours I presented my ass to him. "Lube me up. Put some on your finger and stick it inside of me."

"Don't know how," I heard him mumble as he fumbled with the gel, and then there was a moment's hesitation when I felt his hand between my spread ass cheeks. "Oh. You're hairy back here too."


"No. I like it," Bruce told me as his digit finally found the mark, and as he sunk it into me I pushed back into his hand.

"That's it," I moaned as he moved it in and out, and when he fretted about hurting me I told him to not worry and shut up. "All I want is your dick in my ass. Fuck me like you used to fuck your wife. I won't wimp out."

I wasn't sure about that because even though Bruce's cock wasn't as thick as my previous partner had been, his weapon was long, and I wasn't sure whether Bruce was going to actually go through with it, but we were both wrong.

"Arrgh!" I grunted when after he knelt behind me he put the tip of his tool where his finger had been, and as he leaned into me it sounded like he was babbling in tongues as he impaled me. "Give it to me."

That he did, even though almost right away I thought he came. As I would learn he had but had managed to keep his snake in me and was so excited that he got hard right away.

I wished I could have watched Bruce as he knelt there thrusting hard and fast while squeezing my fleshy hips while the sounds of his babbling and our flesh slapping together filled the air.

It felt real good to me, so much so that I was sad when he groaned and came again, filling my bowels with even more of his seed before he collapsed onto my back and hugged me.

"Thank you," he whispered as his sweaty smooth skin pressed against my back, thankfully not shaking my hand, and then we ended up taking a shower together.

"You didn't - I mean I didn't get to pleasure you," he mentioned as we lathered each other up.

"That's okay," I told him, but as I used my hands to soap his goodies I told him, "I have an idea."

My idea was to take his flaccid organ and press it against my stiff dick, and as I squeezed us together as best I could Bruce smiled and brought his hand down to help.

"Feels good doesn't it? Our dicks rubbing together like this?" I asked, and his delirious nodding answered that question as we ground into each other before I leaned back and rubbed the tips together.

"I'm gonna cum," I announced as I looked down at our duel, and through the shower spray I watched my cum spurt all over his semi-limp dick while my whole body tingled.

"This has been one of the best days of my life," Bruce told me as we hugged, and as it turned out we had several more days like that over the next month, with my neighbor actually managing to suck my dick halfway decently even if all he did was suck on the head while using his thumb and finger on the shaft.

All good things must come to an end though, but it was a shame that it ended like it did. One morning after Grace went to work at the thrift shop I came over and assumed the position on the downstairs rug with Bruce sliding up behind me and putting in the cock that was a perfect fit for me.

By that time Bruce was no longer shy and was actually playing along with me when I would talk nasty. While he drilled my rectum I would say the nastiest things, stuff like, "Fuck me with your big cock Daddy!", and he actually began to come up with some things of his own.

I believe that when it all went bad, Bruce had a handful of my scalp and was pulling back on it (very gently) while telling me he was going to split my ass wide open with his big daddy dick when things got weird.

I didn't see much of it because I was facing the wall, my eyes closed while being impaled by Bruce, when I heard a scream, quickly followed by a loud crash which was a little bookcase falling because Grace Temple had apparently fainted onto it.

There was blood from a cut Grace got on her head, and because she was passed out Bruce called for an ambulance while we got dressed fast and I tried to figure out what happened.

Apparently Grace had come home because she didn't feel well, and although Bruce was always careful about making sure the front and back doors were locked which would have give us a little warning, Grace came into the downstairs from the unlocked door that went to the garage.

This gave Mrs. Temple a bird's eye view of her husband taking me from behind on the carpet, and I guess it was too much for her to take. Grace did stay at the hospital overnight because of her concussion, and I actually went down to see her although to say she wasn't happy to see me would be an understatement.

"I can't believe how you got my husband to do such a thing to you," Grace said while Bruce tried to calm her down and tell it wasn't all my fault, but she brushed him off like she probably did when he was trying to screw her. "I had a bad feeling about you from the start. I thought you were The Devil Incarnate the moment I saw you but I convinced myself we should try and help you, and THIS is the thanks we get?"

I was speechless, partly because I was looking at Grace's leg that was outside the sheet, and admiring her skinny calf that was almost as hairy as my own, which may or many not be why Bruce was so taken by my body hair, but I took my leave before she got more upset.

Bruce and Grace Temple moved out almost right after that, and I guess that Grace must have paid my Mom a visit because I didn't have to go to the Youth Group any more, and not just because Grace Temple would not have it.

"I take all the blame. Should never have subjected you to those people. They were so weird I should have known," Mom told me, and while I didn't know how much my mother knew I guess she knew enough. "It wasn't your fault honey, and don't worry. Your father will never know."

In the end the Youth Group folded when the leaders left and I grew up and turned out okay, and while I have no idea how Bruce Temple ended up, I hope he was able to end up happy although I suspect that would have meant him getting away from his wife so I don't know. He wasn't a bad guy, just confused and definitely not cut out to be a counselor of young guys.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Common issues

A teenager going through adjustment to being a young adult especially when being an outcast in school. A husband and wife in an unhappy marriage and party wanting to make the other party unhappy because they are unhappy and not willing to do what it takes to make it a real marriage (sex makes a couple a couple). They need that affection and since of trust and security and most important the feeling of being loved. The husband should leave because it is his only chance, if he stays he will die unhappy and have nothing but misery for his entire life.

o2byoungo2byoungalmost 7 years ago
Can't help but wonder

I wonder how many "Bruce's" there are in the world that live their life in misery because they think M2M sex is wrong and sinful.

Admittedly, I spent quite a few years "trying" to be straight - it didn't work, I am who I am! So after wasting too many years in denial, I finally can accept who I am, but at 75 I likely will never have the pleasure of true love with a husband to share my life.

MickyFox0MickyFox0almost 7 years ago

I don't know about you but I kinda of feel sorry for the councillor because he didn't know what he wanted.

Rwa4768Rwa4768almost 7 years ago
Great story

I really enjoyed reading your story. I thought maybe he would fuck the wife and maybe she would like his short fat cock more than her husband's long skinny one. Maybe a threesome with the boy in the middle.

MickyFox0MickyFox0almost 7 years ago

I don't know why the poor kid thought that his dick was small, mine is 5 and 1/2 inches long and 5 in diameter. Yes there are some smaller. But I figure that the main reason is the kid is, was fat that was the main problem. Big or small there's only a few things you can do with it and it's all the same things

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