Shadow School Ch. 11


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Kristie stared at the naked woman on the bed just a room from where she stood and felt herself her pulse quicken even though she had been sated just moments earlier. Nicole was tweaking her nipples to the tune of hard pool balls getting racked and rolled into position. With the room this quiet, Daman would be able to hear every moan and gasp the two girls would make.

And he had set this up.

Mouth dry, Kristie licked her lips and glanced at the dark-skinned vampire leaning over the green felt as he aimed for the triangle of colorful spheres. Would he play during...?

Looking back at the door Kristie took the few steps towards the bedroom, her eyes locked with the heated gaze of the woman on the bed. She felt her own core flare with need as she leaned against the door frame and even returned the smile she received before reaching for the door and closing it with a click.

What the fuck was she doing?

Kristie rested her head against the door when she heard the balls on the pool table stop their clacking and waited for the next shot. It never came.

Turning, she met Daman's eyes.

"Fuck it," she muttered, taking a few long strides toward him and leaping into his arms. His ability to read her mind had him ready to catch her and as she wrapped her legs around him and planted her feet on the pool table behind him, Daman spun them with her momentum and had her laying on the surface with one graceful move.

Pool balls scattered as she landed on a few and before she could dig one ill-placed one from her back, Daman used her lifted position to pull her pants from her hips. Cool hair brushed her heated center as her panties went with them, and she gasped when she landed on the felt with not a stitch covering her. By the time she looked down, Daman's hand had found her wetness, his fingers sliding inside her without hesitation.

Kristie inhaled when his thick digits filled her, so much deeper than her own fingers could reach. He buried them between her lips and brought his thumb down expertly onto her clit. Any moan that produced was swallowed when his body covered hers and his mouth clamped down tightly on her own, his tongue plunging greedily between her lips.

Daman pressed into her, giving her all of his weight before letting her up for air. He rose from the table and shed his shirt before yanking at her jacket and stripping her down to her bra within seconds. The moment her head was free of the material of her shirt, his mouth was on hers once more and his fingers were back between her legs.

He had bitten his tongue during their break from kissing.

When his tongue slipped between her lips once more, Kristie tasted blood and knew what he was doing. She sucked his tongue hungrily, metal flooding her mouth with each pulse. It was over quickly, his wound healing itself, but it was only a few more heated, caressing moments before Kristie began to feel the haze creep through her system.

"Fuck me," she said before her mind fogged too much for dirty talk. She had to tell him what she wanted him to do. "I want you to taste me and I want to taste you. I want to fuck you so hard I see stars."

There. That about covered it.

Daman answered with a growl before throwing her back further on the pool table. She expected him to leap on top of her but he didn't. Instead, he grabbed her ankles and planted them on the edge of the table, wide apart, his head diving toward the juncture between her legs. She called out as his mouth clamped down on her pussy, his tongue plunging between her lips to tease her. It wasn't as long as his fingers but the sheer anticipation of his skill had Kristie squirming.

Daman didn't disappoint. He rose above her to suck at her clit before lapping at her juices and burying his head into her once more. His hands grabbed roughly at her thighs, reaching up to tweak her nipple, squeezing at her lace-covered breasts. His hands were everywhere. They grasped at her body like a man with an intense craving for flesh, and she arched toward his hunger, feeding him her need.

Kristie felt Daman's fingers enter her once more and she knew she would come soon. Just as she got to the edge Daman was gone and she moaned at the loss of his heat. When she finally looked up to find him, she found that she was being stalked. Daman was wound tightly but was teasing her. His pants were gone, and his cock stood straight out from his body, erect and leaking with precum. He wanted to be inside her as much as she wanted him to be. She could see the fierceness in his eyes as he denied himself just to string her out so she wouldn't find release. He was denying himself for her; her mind was barely clear enough to understand but she got the simple version of it. He wanted the blood lust to remain a bit longer.

Reaching out she held her hand up for him. Daman stared at it before stalking forward and knocking her arm away. His head and fingers went right back to the mound between her legs and she cried out as he attacked her with his tongue. It was amazing how he revved her up so quickly when only moments ago he was denying her release.

Change of plan, it seemed.

She came, hard and fast, and clamped her legs around his head, squeezing as his fingers danced within her, relentlessly drawing out the firing of her nerves. Her ass was in the air, her own legs straining to press her harder to his face while her hands grasped his head; with no hair to tangle her fingers in, Kristie had woven her fingers together at the back of his head to press him closer during her orgasm.

When she collapsed back onto the pool table Daman followed her, their limbs scattering pool balls so that they clanked together and a few even found their way into the corner pockets.

Daman was on top of her, his hard cock pressing against her slick cunt as his mouth found hers, his hand, grasping her jaw as she tasted her own essence from his lips and tongue. She arched, no longer in the haze his blood delivered to her system, her fingers raking down his back, creating wounds that would heal in seconds.

Daman roared above her, pulling back, he slammed his cock inside her. He plunged forward again, withdrawing slowly before taking her again and again. It was rough. It was hot. Kristie brought her knees up to her chest and Daman wrapped his arms under them as he grasped her shoulders and began pounding into her. The angle rubbed her clit against the coarse curls of his manhood and she felt another climax building. Their bodies slapped together, each of their faces contorted with intense desire and concentration for release.

As Kristie felt the next orgasm build, Daman did it again. He left her. One minute he was ravishing her body the next he was gone and she was left blinking up at the dim light hanging above the pool table. Before she could look for him though he was there, beside her, pushing her aside on the table until he was laying next to her and using his arms to pull her up to a sitting position. She took his cue and climbed on top of him as he scooted over to the center.

Kristie always expected sex to be a fumbling mess as she learned a new lover's body but Daman's ability to read her thoughts as she had them made every transition smooth; like the choreographed moves of actors on TV shows. The experience left her fascinated even if Daman was a man; a fact that was slowly pressing into her as she slid down his length.

So what if Daman wasn't a woman. If he was a normal man she doubted she would be so attracted to him sexually and though it colored her cheeks to know he could hear these thoughts, Kristie accepted it and considered at what did make him attractive. His cock was huge inside her. The way he fucked her was exciting and she loved the thrill he gave her every time he attacked her with his lust. And she loved the way he knew her. She loved the taste of his blood and what it did to her.

She watched as Daman scraped his fingernails across his pecks, one of the scraped drawing blood. It was for her; she knew it. He grasped her head and brought her face to his skin, her tongue reaching out for the red liquid oozing up from beneath the surface. Kristie sucked the drops into her mouth, her tongue tasting iron and sweat, and when the wound had healed seconds later she moved to his nipple.

Daman's hands grasped her hips and ground her down onto his cock as she took the tip of his nipple between her teeth and bit teasingly. He practically purred. Kristie grinned and sucked the ache away only to do the same to the other side of this chest.

Kristie released the pearled tip from her teeth and sat up, her body finding it's natural rhythm as she rode him, her head coming close to the light above so she was bathed in the light from the bare bulb under the decorative shade.

Her eyes closed from the light and she tilted her head back as Daman found her fingers and intertwined them with his own. Together they used their strength to make her ride his cock, up and down, over and over until she was sure he would come and her legs began to ache. When Daman grasped her hips to give her rest, she brought her head back down and opened her eyes to see him staring back at her just inches from her face.

Daman took her head in his hands and kissed her hard, bruising her lips and using his other hand to rock her back and forth on his length until the teasing of his pubic curls once again took her over the edge. Kristie ground down on him, her body rutting against his until her orgasm left her tingling all over. She opened her eyes and once more stared into the gray depths of the vampire's gaze. He looked hungry for more than just the release he would have soon.

Clear minded, Kristie tilted her neck to the side and mentally offered him her pulsing vein. It was the first time she truly wanted to give something back to him without feeling that she needed to. She knew he would come soon; she could feel that much. But this, she offered without the haze fogging her mind.

Daman's eyes darkened and within a blink he was no longer in front of her. It was a second later that Kristie felt the sting of his bite and realized he was already at her neck. As soon as that registered she began to ride him once more, her muscles clenching around his cock, taking him over the edge. She felt him grunt into her neck, felt the warm blood from his bite trickle down her chest as he pressed his forehead to her cheek.

Kristie moved off him quickly before he came, rubbing her slick heat up and down the length of him as his cock twitched and cum splattered across her breasts and belly, some hitting her chin. Daman said nothing about her dismount as he rode the wave of his own release.

When his body relaxed, Kristie found her arms wound around him and her hands caressing his shaved head as he breathed against her. The scents of their coupling wafted up to her nose and she smelled the blood he had spilled. Daman's tongue found her neck once more and he cleaned the wound. He even licked his own cum from her chin, kissing her afterward so she could taste his musky scent mingled with her own blood.

When their eyes met again, Kristie was surprised by what she saw.


Cameron sat with her feet in the water, her skin getting wrinkled from the long contact. Elias had been understanding as she made him grasp her situation. She also told him she wasn't sorry for what she had done with him and that she wanted whatever was best for their child. She had, however, told Elias that he would have to win her heart like any other man, immortal or not, if he wanted them to be some big happy family. They had things to think about, especially if he was to mate with some new girl when Cameron became a sophomore. She wasn't the sharing kind, with our without her understanding of how his world worked. So she had some thinking to do as well in case her cons outweighed the pros.

Several times Cameron thought of just easing into the water with her clothes on but had fought the urge to submerge herself in an offering to her cloudy mood. The water wouldn't help, it would just make her soaking wet.

Alone in the darkness of night, she wondered where the watchers that kept her under constant surveillance were hiding. So far she had not seen one person unless they wanted to be seen, which had been twice since this whole protection detail began. They were good at what they did. Cameron wondered how good; especially when she saw Trenton Avery walk out of the shadows toward her.

Cameron blinked, thinking her eyes were playing trick on her but her heart started to race when she realized he was really there. He stopped walking right about where Elias had been left standing when she made that ridiculous speech about fate and the difference between the two was noticeable.

Elias had a grace only someone who had walked the earth for hundreds of years could have. Trenton was a kid. Like her. The difference was that in the last couple of months Cameron had been schooled on many things life had to offer and Trenton was probably still stuck in a high school frame of mind.


Cameron knew she sounded harsh, but really, what was Trenton playing at? Coming to her house at this time of night like it wasn't creepy. If she didn't know she had watchers hiding all over the property she would have been freaked out. As it was, after seeing the things she had seen, Trenton was harmless.

"I came to tell you you should be careful around that new boyfriend of yours."

Cameron eyed him.

Trenton shrugged. "Matt said he's into some pretty heavy shit. Okay? I know what I did was wrong but I still care about you. That dude isn't right, Cam, and someone should tell you."

"So you come over in the middle of the night to tell me this? What the hell, Trent? That's creepy."

"I saw Brandy right after she dropped you off. I knew you were up."

"So you just let yourself into my back yard?"

"Actually I came for help. I know you don't particularly like me right now but Matt and I need to borrow your boat."


"Brock took some chick out in his Dad's boat not knowing it needed gas. He's stranded. He freaked cause he's technically grounded and his parents don't know he's out... your parents have a boat, right?"

Cameron stared at him, flabbergasted.

"Look. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"Call the coast guard. Brock Middleson is not my responsibility."

Trenton adjusted the baseball cap on his head. "Please, Cameron, I'll owe you forever and so will Matt, Kyle and Brandy."

"Brandy is coming with you?"

"She and Kyle are getting a spare gallon of gas as we speak."

Cameron sighed and rolled her eyes. "You have some nerve..."

"I know, I know. Hate me when this is over. For now can we call a truce?"

Standing and walking over to her shoes, Cameron grabbed them and began walking to her room. "Wait here."

Five minutes later she was in the passenger seat of Matt Davis' Dodge Charger, speeding to the marina that was almost an hour away. The ride was mostly silent which was okay with her, but Matt insisted on playing loud rock music from random unknown bands then entire drive down.

Inwardly, Cameron wanted to be anywhere else. But she couldn't resist helping someone who needed it. She also admitted that with her future going the way it was she might need the favor returned one day. Thinking of the mess she was in with Elias made her wonder if her bodyguards were tailing them. How would they watch her once she was on a boat?

Ten minutes before they arrived at the yacht club, it began to rain. Great.

When they arrived Cameron had wondered why Brandy and Kyle weren't at their car but Matt guessed they were already at the boat. When they got to the yacht, however, no one was there.

"Maybe they're not here yet?"

"Maybe," Matt said, then spotted someone waving a flashlight down the dock. They walked further, the night and the downpour making it hard to see. When they arrived at the person, they were greeted not by Brandy, but by a petite blonde. "Matt?"

"Yeah" Matt said, squinting at her in the rain.

"Oh my gosh! We're okay. We ran into these two guys and they helped us out." She started to walk to the end of the dock and Matt followed her. Her light flashed on a tall young man with hair plastered to his head. "Everyone, this is Ian. One of the guys who helped us out."

Matt and Trent both said "Hey" but Cameron just glowered. She really didn't want to be here now that she was no longer needed.

The guys walked on and the blonde waited to fall in beside Cameron. The girl smiled back at her and said "Thanks for your help. We appreciate it."

Cameron simply nodded and muttered, "No problem."

"I'm Britney, by the way. But everyone calls me Brit."

Cameron followed the others toward the light at the end of the dock, the rain chilling her to the bone.


Thank you so much for reading! I know it was long in coming but real life put a hold on my writing. Hope it was worth the wait! If you enjoyed this chapter please let me know by commenting or rating it.

Thanks so much to everyone who has been writing in with encouragement to continue – I assure you there is much more to come and I hope it comes faster now that I have more time to write.

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reddeR_knows_betterreddeR_knows_better5 months ago

Omg please! You wrote a woman coming on to another woman in a scene that made me say "wow!" And I'm not even into women! I've been reading each chapter, dreading coming to the end, knowing it was going to just leave me on a cliffhanger! You are a talented writer and I love this story!

Rapier875Rapier875over 4 years ago
I just knew this hadn't been finished !

Over 8 years since chapter 11, over 3 years since you told us you were writing again and to expect more in January 2017 - but still nothing. .........

A great storyline, good characters, brilliant plot - but no story and no ending.

Just so disappointing. Very, very disappointing !


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I wonder

I wonder if Mel and William will become a thing. I wonder how much of a terrible person william really is. I wonder if anything is gonna happen between Mel and Gavin. Or is Cam's and Elias's relationship is going to last. Or for that matter Kristie's and Daman. I wonder if Kristie will have Daman's child. Is Devin going to be alright? Will we get to meet the other 3 girls? How's grad school? Are you ok? Will you ever come back?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I've just come across this story again and I am heartbroken it isn't finished yet. This honestly had a really cool plot and characters that just drew you in. Legitimately considering taking up writing again because of this. Please please please try finishing it, if it still interests you.

Sincerely, a hopeful fan

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Awesome story

This is really well done. I look forward to reading more!

ztreaderztreaderalmost 8 years ago
Addictive tale!

You projected talent and a flair for writing that you may or may not be aware of. Typically, I don't care too much for vampire stories or movies. But I have to admit that I found your submission was riveting and intriguing! I hope that you will find the time and the desire to expand and complete this piece of work. It is obvious that you already possess the talent and the imagination for this kind of writing. It was a pleasure to read this "potential" erotic novel. Thank you for putting your thoughts in writing for the enjoyment and pleasure of others!

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 8 years ago
Sad that this story is still unfinished.

It was good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Shadow School - unfunished

I love this story. This is the 3rd time I've read it. Call me crazy but I keep hoping there will be additional chapters. Its so good, it deserves to a great ending, but, could go on for a long time... I hope all is well with you and one day these characters see their way to those of us who patiently wait. Cameron needs saving and a chance to fall in love with Elias. And Melanie and William have a story I'm sure, and Kris she's a happy girl, for now. Anyway, looking forward to what's ahead.

Redheaded_1Redheaded_1almost 9 years ago
4 year hiatus?

I read all 11 chapters in one day, and as a woman who is in her third trimester of pregnancy while working full time and going to grad school I can sympathize with the author to a point. Do I think this story is worth a favorite? No. The writer obviously doesn't care much about her readers since there is no actual timeline for her story's continuation in sight. It was fun while it lasted.

lola1989lola1989almost 9 years ago

Please finish pretty please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
glad to hear your going to finish the story

Ive always loved this story, hope life is going good for you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

It's a great story. Sure wish you would finish.

RedHotLadybugRedHotLadybugover 9 years agoAuthor
So this grad school thing

Turns out, grad school is hard. I mean, yeah I knew it would be, but it's not only a time consumer, it's a life consumer. I've hardly had time to date let alone finish this story.

So, what I wanted to say was, yes, I've been in touch with an editor, and my audible story fetish is all that keeps me going in the world of fiction. I don't even have time to read paper books - I have to have them read to me. My editor-to-be has been very patient with me, understanding that my time is miniscule.

However, please know I haven't forgotten you guys and the emails I've been receiving lately really pull at me to finish. So here's the plan. I can't promise anything, obviously, because when I do, things happen and I never can give you what you want. The next chapter is sitting on my old laptop, waiting patiently to be transferred and finished.

What can say is I WILL finish this. What was a 3 story project got too big and was loved by all of you. I will do what I can. The daunting task at this point is that I posted these without editing them - I want to put out higher quality stuff and that might mean going back through all these episodes. But what I think I might do is leave them as they are and just post new episodes, leaving the edited versions for the book.

All I can say is, keep pestering me. The emails I have received are amazing reminders. I will return. Until then, just know, what will happen next will blow your mind. LOVE YOU ALL!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I've graduated highschool, and graduated college, and there still hasn't been an update, will we ever get one?

magevmagevalmost 10 years ago
More, please?

This story is amazing, won't you please complete it? Or if it is turning into a book, can you please let us know where we can find it?

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