Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 17B


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She even had enough money left to get a half dozen of the impossibly good rolls to take home, along with a mascot hoodie as Chris' Valentine's gift at the Jock's Nitch. Perversely she opted to stop at Spencer's where she selected an only slightly inappropriate card as well as a gift bag for her husband's gift, ignorant of the staring young men and the awkward pass the clerk attempted, asking who the card was for as he bagged it. She stopped outside the store, and found herself considering whether she should be getting cards for her favorite frat members. This was not their holiday, she told herself confidently, still frustrated at their ignoring her.

She carefully put the hoodie in the bag and scribbled a heartfelt note of thanks to her husband for his letting her return to chase her dream, sealing the envelope and leaving them together in the open back of the Land Rover before she ever put the key into the ignition to drive home. It was cold, but she had seen the camera footage of some of the things that had happened inside of her car, and she wanted to keep her husband's gift a secret.

Curling up on the couch, she loaded and enjoyed her bong, but uncharacteristically she selected the Lifetime channel, and spent the evening, giggling at the ridiculous situations in which a series of women found themselves, and got up only once, when a fit of the munchies hit. She considered going out to the car for more of the cinnamon rolls, but having stripped naked as had become her habit the moment she was in her place, Sharon decided donning even her own hoodie and sweats would be too much work. She opted instead to microwave some of the Orville R popcorn, washing it down with a champagne pop before she fell asleep on the couch.

Sharon nearly overslept, but heard the louder back up alarm from the clock on the nightstand and jumped up, throwing on the sweats that had been too much effort the night before and rushing to class without bothering with make up. She mistook the stares of the passing young men as being that she looked hideous without makeup, never recognizing that the curves of her body were plain against the cotton material, and that the students' attention was entirely complimentary.

Between classes she slipped into one of the women's rooms, applying enough make up to 'look presentable' without being late too class. It was only when she caught a guy in her second class staring at her chest that she realized she had practically been advertising all morning. She smiled at the young man, pleased at the attention from the obviously hesitant young man.

She paid him no more heed, though, confident he would not approach her, and as certain he would not be able to satisfy her, even if she was looking for a quickie.

She blinked at that thought; sex with the ZB had become a wonderfully routine experience, and the men she pleasured at work... well, that was work. And sometimes a bit of pleasure she admitted to herself, but it was work. She was not looking to have sex with anyone, though. And she was going home, to the man she loved, after all, she scolded herself. She paid no attention to the cooling effect that had on the arousal that had threatened to become an even more prominent display to the young men and women scattered through the lecture hall.

Sharon barely kept from jogging back home after class; she was truly looking forward to being home. She knew that unfettered the new 'improved' her would draw unwelcome attention, though; she even clutched her binder over her chest rather than packing it into her backpack on the trip across campus and through the union. She did not head to the gym first, and did not stop for coffee or a bite, because she had to get ready.

Safely back at her small place, Sharon glowered at the tank and T shirt she had neglected to don before rushing off to school. She stripped in the front room, padded naked into the kitchen, looking into the fridge and opting for a bowl of baby carrots and a glass of almond milk, which she carried through the bedroom and set on the bathroom counter before she started the shower.

She reached out periodically and snacked as she soaped, then carefully though largely unnecessarily shaved before soaping again, eyeing herself critically in the mirror as she dried off. There was no mistaking the change-- she hoped Chris would like it. Snorting, she knew he was going to be pleased. She went through what had become routine, teasing her hair up, fixing it just so, and applying her make up in a manner guaranteed to attract attention. Gone was the mousy housewife of the plain hair and bare minimum cosmetic assist.

The concession to her intended destination was the perfume, a scent Chris liked, which she never wore when working or attending the various ZB soirees. She applied it deftly, behind the knee, her neck between the collarbones and beneath each ear. Without thinking, she dabbed again between her augmented breasts, and then trailed a bead from her navel to the top of her sex.

She returned to the front room, scooping up the bags she had left on the couch the night before. She was relieved to see that the silk had not wrinkled, giggling because she had no iron if it had. She fished a red lace thong out of the dresser, then went into the bathroom to dress, eyeing herself critically in the mirror. The plunging neckline left nothing to the imagination. Her legs looked good, but she found herself wishing she had purchased hose as well. Satisfied, she threw a clean hoodie and sweats set into her Vera Weekender, along with more underwear and T shirts, adding her purse to the bag before grabbing the keys, prepared to drive back to her family.

She yanked open the door, gasping as Kelly nearly fell through the resulting space into Sharon's arms. The young brunette cried out, catching hold of Sharon to steady herself.

"Let a girl knock, Shar'," she managed, when she had here balance again. Sharon had stepped back instinctively and Kelly and the other young BZ Bitch followed her into her house. "You're already ready?" Kelly continued, pouting, "I was hoping we could have some fun, first."

"I," Sharon hesitated, as she wondered at 'what she was ready for' even as her body responded at the prospect of some playtime with the sexy younger woman. "Uhm, ready?" Kelly set a hand on her hip, frowning at the taller blonde.

"The mixer," Kelly looked Sharon up and down, then rolled her eyes, "Why, what are you all dressed up for?"

"I was..." Sharon paused and looked at the other girl, trying to remember her name, "I was going home. It's a special day."

"It is a special day," the other young woman agreed, "And you look great. Perfect in fact. They'll love it." Sharon blinked at her, then looked to Kelly, whose eyes were glued to her cleavage. Her nipples tightened as if Kelly's was touching them.

"Shannon's right," Kelly nodded her head, belatedly tearing her gaze away to meet Sharon's eyes. She winked, "And maybe we can find some time to play around after all."

"But I told you..."

"When are you supposed to be home?" Shannon asked, reaching out to take Sharon's bag from her. She had not closed the door, and Sharon found herself following the younger women onto her porch.

"I, uh... well, we're going to have dinner..."

"Oh, you'll be done by then," Shannon waved a hand, "Can we take your car? Kelly and I walked over from the frat." Sharon felt a pang of jealousy. She shrugged.

"Where's this mixer, the frat?" she asked hopefully.

"I can't believe you didn't get my text," Kelly groused, climbing into the back seat. Sharon caught the strap of her bag, which Shannon relinquished gracefully. The puzzled housewife opened the back gate, set the bag down and dug her phone out. It was dead. She groaned, realizing she had not put it on the charger after shopping the day before. She showed it to her friend.

"Sorry, I forgot to charge it," she brought it around toward the driver's side, but Shannon was already standing in the open door.

"It'll be quicker if you let me drive," she said confidently, and Sharon shrugged, circling the front of the vehicle and climbing into the passenger seat. The young woman climbed in, affixed her seatbelt, and carefully checked the mirrors before starting the big SUV.

"Charge it," Kelly warned, "You can tell Chris you may be late." Sharon turned around as the car pulled away from the curb.

"She said it wouldn't be a problem," she argued. Kelly shrugged, "I don't think she knows you don't live here."

"That isn't your place?" Shannon motioned with her head toward the receding home.

"It is, but.. .Well, my family isn't here," Sharon finished lamely. Shannon nodded as if that made complete sense. "I need to go home today," Sharon went on, "I can help at this mixer or whatever for awhile, but my husband expects me home today." When Shannon just nodded, Sharon focused on getting the car charger working. After a moment the screen lit and the phone chimed, but it would be another minute before she could use it. Sharon began to compose her text in her head. "Where are we going?" Shannon smiled blandly.

"Lonely Hearts," she said as if Sharon should know. It's a ZB mixer they have every year.

"A fund raiser?" Shannon nodded.

"This car is sweet," she ran her hands over the leather accents, "What does your husband do?" Sharon ignored that, looking back to Kelly.

"How will you two get home afterwards?"

"Oh," Kelly, chewed at her lip, "Well, could I come home with you? I could hang with Scott and Catherine..." Sharon nodded.

"We may not be back before class tomorrow."

"It's okay," and by her tone, Sharon knew her friend was not bothering with classes. She realized she felt jealous about that, too.

"What are we doing?" Kelly shrugged, and Shannon offered no explanation. "How long have you been a BZ Bitch?" Sharon asked next. The brown haired co-ed glanced across the car at Sharon.

"I'm a junior," she said, as if that was an answer. And Sharon guessed that it was... it had only been freshmen in her Sister's group.

"So you've done this before?"

"Of course," Shannon was terrifyingly close to the 'valley girls' that had been so horrible on television and in movies when Sharon was still driving her daughter to see the latest 'blockbuster.' "I'm a hostess this year."

"And we're servers?" Kelly asked, the thought of what she might be 'serving' making Sharon clamp her thighs together. Sharon almost groaned, imagining having to serve Shaun or Dave or Tom as they enjoyed a meal with their date.

"Oh no, it's catered," Shannon answered. And offered no more.

"Uhm, are we the ZB's dates?" Sharon asked after it became obvious Shannon was not explaining further.

"Well, there are some ZB member there," she said frowning as if she did not have a ready explanation.

"So we're helping them out somehow..." Kelly sat back, "Must be some of the college big wigs will be there or something, since we get to dress up." Shannon smiled back at the sexy brunette and nodded.

"Yes, some of them will be there." Sharon stopped trying to guess, looking at the passing scenery. She realized it was a familiar route, but could not place it. And then she could, although Shannon had come in from the north instead of the east like Verel had.

There were lots of cars in the strip mall where Joyce's salon was located; more cars then there had been when Sharon got her new do. And the cars were not typical of the frat. True, there was a gleaming Hummer close to the shops, but it was mostly high end vehicles... Mercedes, Lexus, Volvo, and Cadillac. A Buick Regal seemed the most pedestrian. 'The Little' Gym' was what the overhead sign read. The soap graphics on the windows, though, had been altered to read 'Lonely Hearts Ristorante.'

Shannon parked and Kelly and Sharon followed their sister toward the storefront. Along the way Sharon pointed out Joyce's salon to Kelly, but her friend already knew. She held up her hands, the glossy black nails almost sparkling in the sunlight. "These haven't chipped for nearly two weeks," she said happily. Joyce was working, and waved at the women as they neared the building. "I've never been here before, though," Kelly nodded toward the gym.

"Me either," Sharon agreed, thinking about Verel and the rec center at school.

The trio passed through the mirror filmed glass front door then. Sharon covered her mouth with her hand to hide a snicker. The various universal machines that would usually be spread across the big room were crowded to the center, with opaque packing film circling them, blocking much of the view of the room. But to their left, in rows of plain seats that reminded Sharon of the DMV, there were a couple dozen men. She was aware of their eyes on her and the other women as Shannon led them away from the waiting crowd toward the rear of the gym.

Glancing at them, she was puzzled... Almost all were white, and were much older than the members of the frat. Some were even older than Chris. She looked away, suddenly terrified that if she kept looking from face to face she would find him there, staring at her.

The overhead fluorescent lights were off, the lighting provided by tiki style poles atop which she saw were battery operated lights that flickered like candles. At the edge of the room particle or press board-- Sharon could never remember the difference-- walls had been erected at four or five foot intervals, with heavy drapes hanging before each stall. They went past five, and Sharon guessed glancing across that back that there were sixteen or seventeen such booths.

They went through a gap at the back between the booths at the rear of the gym and those on the left side. She relaxed slightly, finding other BZ Bitches lounging in the corridor that led to the locker rooms. Kelly and Sharon hugged their fellow 'Freshman class,' looking about, still uncertain what was expected. Lisa and Diane came through a couple minutes after Sharon and Kelly had found space on one of the locker room benches to await their instructions.

Smiling broadly, Lisa hugged Sharon and Kelly and gushed to Diane about how great 'their sisters' had been in including her. Kelly asked if they knew what was happening, and Lisa shrugged. Diane was clearly less enthralled with the situation.

"Amanda texted us to be ready, picked us up, and here we are," she complained, "And what's with the crowd of old white guys... some of them could be my dad."

"She didn't give you any clues?" Sharon asked, not really trying to think about it.

"Nope," Lisa shrugged, "Except she said it's the easiest thing we'll do for the frat this year." Diane nodded, and the women sat down, quickly falling into a discussion of what each was doing 'for the frat'. Sharon listened, trying not to feel jealous. She avoided asking if the others knew about the frat's 'channel.' She got up, wandering through the locker rooms, wondering if Mary Gardner would be there. Before she had returned to the group, feeling pleased that the bitch was not going to be part of the party, people were standing up, headed for the common space between the locker rooms. She rejoined Kelly and was not surprised to find Dave waving his hands before the crowd of BZ Bitches.

"Damn," he whistled, glancing around the room, "Gonna have to have you dress up for a ZB party like this." Sharon smiled, along with the others. "I bet you're wondering why your chaperone's brought you here today," he continued, waving at the line of junior BZ Bitches who were standing behind him closer to the gym. "We have a special treat today," he paused, "You know it's Valentine's... one of the loneliest days of the year for too many people." The women, who had been anticipating something exciting, quieted at the tone and message. "And you may not know it, but we athletes don't have a lot of cash for getting our girlfriends Valentine's gifts." Sharon blinked, wondering just who was Dave's girlfriend if it wasn't everyone of the women in the room with her. "Or at least if we HAD girlfriends," he continued after a moment, lightening the mood. The women giggled. "Before I was a ZB member this began," Sharon wondered if it was true, "We share our sisters for a special meal for men in the community who don't have someone to be their Valentine." The assembled BZ Bitches looked at one another, with various expressions of surprise and puzzlement.

"I know what you're thinking," Dave waved his hand, quieting the crowd, "They aren't ZB, you're right... Some of them never get to spend any... quality time with a pretty woman. And I know that many of you have your own plans for tonight," he leered at the crowd, "So this isn't one of our raves that will go on until tomorrow night." He held a finger up, "Remember, be nice... Show them a good time, think of it as doing a good deed." He stepped back, "Shannon?" The junior ZB Bitch who had driven Sharon and Kelly to the gym stepped up, holding two glasses.

"There's a protocol here," she said, "The men will have flowers for you and a gift. You'll take the flowers, but pass the gift off to one of us," she indicated the other juniors, "We bring them back for Dave to assess. Then he'll send us back with one of these," and she waved the drinks she was holding, "A daiquiri means you should blow your date." There were sudden hushed whispers all around then, "A blue Hawaii, means you should let him fuck you." And another of the junior stepped up, holding a green drink, "And a mojito means..."

"Bottoms up," Dave offered from the side. One of the other juniors had stepped up, holding a canvas basket.

"Grab a couple tubes of lube," Shannon warned, "You've seen our 'dates' aren't the sort of man who can really get us going like Dave," Women around the room giggled at that, including Sharon, despite the flash of jealousy she felt at the response. "I'd say prep both possible access points, and it'll be easier for you.

"There are condoms at the tables," the BZ Bitch holding the lube tubes added to the obvious relief of several of the girls.

"There are more rooms than there are girls," Shannon continued, "But come back here to find your next date after you finish." The women nodded, and Sharon found herself wondering how no one was arguing.

"Remember to smile. Make them think you're enjoying it," the lube Bitch advised, "It makes it go faster, too, I promise."

"And there'll be a surprise when you're through," Shannon added, "Now see any of us for your fist station..."

Which is how Sharon found herself in the moderately lit booth sitting across from the mousy economics under chair. The man's impossibly bad comb over kept threatening to capture her attention, except she was more distracted by the greased and ready to go sensation between her legs, and which was the last thing she expected to be feeling seated with... him. Oh, he was nice enough, and nervous, too. She would have though him sweet, except that he was wearing a wedding ring. She found herself staring wondering why he was cheating, and stared at it until he noticed.

"You're wondering if I'm married," he said sadly, and for a moment Sharon feared hearing that the woman had died, or worse, that her he would be offended. She winced, already wondering how Dave would punish her, and began to shake her head. "She loves me, and I her," the man paused, "But... Well she has no interest in sex, and I..." he trailed off, as if shocked at admitting he could be horny, "I'm weak, I admit." Without thinking Sharon reached cross, covering the man's hand.

"Lorenz... I can call you Lorenz?" She was glad for the name tag. She knew he worked at the university but would not have known his name. The man nodded. For his part, he seemed unable to take his eyes from Sharon's cleavage. "Everyone deserves pleasure, Lorenz. I'm glad I get to give you some tonight." Never mind that it was still early afternoon. The man smiled, his other hand covering Sharon's.