Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 17B


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Chris nearly knocked the table over he stood up so fast, tearing at his suit jacket and shirt. Sharon giggled, putting a hand on his chest, "I don't think you need to take that off here." They laughed, even as his hands found her breasts, and Sharon sighed in real delight as he explored territory that was so familiar and yet so different. He had always been good at getting her hot this way, Sharon mused, aware that she now got hot so much faster and so much easier... Her body was already responding, and she giggled in pleasure at what was coming.

She reached down, opening his pants, freeing his erection, a cock that seemed no different from those she had been servicing all night. And in that moment the anticipation she had been enjoying faded. Aware of it, Sharon kissed Chris hungrily. He was as eager, which should have been enough... This was her husband, the man she loved.

"Enough foreplay," Chris growled, his left hand dropping beneath her skirt, easily slipping around her thong, pushing into her lubricated seam. Sharon moaned reflexively, body undulating in a practiced move which only pushed her anxiety higher. She was supposed to really feel this with Chris! She spread her knees, welcoming his touch, murmuring happily when he circled her clit, pleased she was really aroused and that he was so good at getting her that way. She was still wanking him, and he stood in the space between the bench and table, starting to move between her knees. Sharon started to pull him down into her, but then she saw the almost empty mojito glass...

"Wait!" she gasped, pushing at his chest, keeping him from thrusting into her.

"No one's coming," Chris was more brazen than her other dates had been, a part of Sharon's mind noted, "Not unless you pull the lever," he motioned and she looked, eyes moving up and registering for the first time the camera carefully hidden in the shadows. There was no thought about what would become of their recording... the married BZ Bitch was too used to fucking before the cameras to give it any attention. But she knew that it meant if she did not do what she had been told to do by way of the mojito.

"That's not it," she shook her head, adding pressure to push Chris back a step as she sat up, "I wanted to give you another surprise for Valentine's," she reached for the tin at the center of the table, taking out one of the condoms.

"What's that for?" Chris was obviously less than interested in using one, and Sharon could not really blame him-- they had not used condoms since he had been in college, content that if there was an 'oops' it was God's will.

"Well, if you're going to want to be inside of me the usual way after we try anal..." For the second time in an hour her husband was left speechless. It was enough to make Sharon laugh. "I mean, if you don't want to try it, that's fine..."

"No!" Chris shook his head, reaching for the condom. Sharon laughed again, holding it out of his reach. "I mean, are you sure?" Sharon shrugged, remembering to look like she was not used to opening the foil package or handling the prophylactic.

"Kelly says it's not bad at all, and Shannon says she prefers it, so I thought we should try it..." She wrinkled her nose, holding the latex sheath out to Chris, "Shannon also said I should put this on you with my mouth, but I don't think that's really me." Chris snorted, then quickly rolled the rubber down his shaft. He looked like a perverted little boy he was so excited. "Now be gentle," Sharon warned, "I'm still not totally sure they weren't lying just to get me to try it so I can tell them how anal sex feels." Chris was nodding. Sharon paused, then pushed the table almost all the way against the curtain, which left her enough room to bend down over the cool surface. She grabbed her glass, "Wait a minute," and emptied it, "Might was well be ready just in case..." Chris was close to her ass, shifting from foot to foot. He was close enough he would have already been inside of her if he was part of the frat she thought absently. There was a spark of arousal at that, spurring her memory of the night in the cage at the zoo.

"Do my pussy first," she said, turning her head away from Chris. And he did just that, sliding into her from behind. She sighed happily, and he thrust in and out a few times, then abruptly pulled out and set his cockhead against her ass.

"OK?" he asked. Sharon found herself wishing he would just do it, like Shaun or Dave or the others. She nodded, though, and then gasped, grabbing the table edges and shaking her head theatrically when he pushed against... and through her sphincter.

"Wait!" she keened, and he started to pull out, forcing her to shake her head, "No, just stay there... Wait... It burns... But maybe..." she waited, and waited, "It's easing now," she admitted, "Maybe it isn't so bad... Go ahead, baby. Take my ass." He did, going too slowly, backing out almost more than he was thrusting into her. And Sharon kept up her act, hissing when he was deeper, having him stop again before he was fully inside of her. But soon enough his hips were against her ass.

"It's all the way in," she sighed, trying to sound both pleased and relieved, "God, baby, for a moment it felt like you were going to tear me apart." She looked back to see Chris was practically vibrating he was so excited at what they were doing. "So you like your Valentine's gift?" He nodded, and as if that had been his cue he began to thrust back and forth. Sharon let her eyes flicker mostly closed and moaned, "Yesss!" pushing back against him after a few more thrusts. She knew he was close, was going to cum, and yet she could not stop performing, afraid he would see through the charade. "God it does feel good! I like it, I like it!" she cried, and on the next thrust she knew he was done. Chris held himself against her, and Sharon shivered and trembled, hoping he believed it she was with him.

It was actually easier than with customers, because she was aroused, and wanted to be cumming with her husband so badly she was shaking. Part of her laughed cruelly, though-- Lorenz had lasted longer... even the awful Woods brat... Piggy had lasted longer.

"That was... that was amazing," Chris panted when he stepped away from her a moment later. She tried not to react as he wrinkled his nose, considering how to strip the condom off of his shriveling cock. He opted to take one of the napkins, catching the reservoir and balling the condom in the linen square. Sharon sat up, after carefully replacing the thong that had been conveniently pushed aside once again. The ringing laughter of the part of her that was disgusted Chris had not gone longer only faded when she turned, leaning back and spreading her legs, lewdly offering her barely covered slit.

"Can we go again now the real way, baby?" Chris snorted, even though his entire focus was on the raw sexual being that was his wife.

"Not yet, babe," he shook his head, "I doubt your football studs could go again so quickly." Sharon smiled, praying that what she had thought, 'You'd be surprised' had not escaped her lips. "Maybe when we get back to your little study nest," he added a half hearted promise she could tell. But she was already thinking about what would happen if he visited her home... the television playing porn, the bong, the fridge full of champagne pops, the stripper pole, the drawer full of sex toys and condoms...

"Oh babe, I thought you understood," she pouted, "Kelly and I have to study later... I'm going to have to take a rain check," she dropped her shoulders, "But we'll be back before Spring Break... maybe this weekend." Chris was obviously disappointed. Sharon shimmied her hips, "You can do my ass again and then take me like we were just married." He smiled, shaking his head.

"Not even at school a year, and listen to how my wife the prude talks." Sharon pouted.

"I just let you do that and you call me a prude? I'm offended." Chris raised his hand in surrender.

"Fair enough. I stand corrected. But that means you'll be okay looking like that when I do this..." and he reached out, pulling the lever. Sharon almost laughed-- because she WAS okay leaning topless against the table, her dress pulled up to expose her panties. But she knew she could not let him see that, and so after a second's challenge to what he had done, she gasped like a proper housewife, scrambling to get the straps of her dress up and her breasts properly covered.

"We were beginning to think you'd fallen asleep!" Kelly teased them when she came through the curtain a minute later. She had strawberry cheesecake and crème brulee with strawberries in a pearlescent cream atop the crust, "You can fight over who gets what, enjoy, but not too much, since we have to study soon." Sharon nodded.

"When are you going to be done?" she asked her young lover. Waiting for her answer, Sharon was suddenly reminded of how powerfully she had climaxed with Kelly before Chris had surprised her. Her body responded so strongly she was certain both of the other would notice, and found herself frustrated that Chris could not get her off like that... Kelly did not even have a dick. 'I need a real cock,' she thought, and nearly flinched, concerned yet again she had said it aloud.

"I'm just waiting for you, Shar'," Kelly shrugged, "You're my ride home."

"Does Shannon need a ride home?" she asked reflexively.

"No, I think Dave's taking her home," Kelly shrugged, and seemed honestly unaware how what she had said hurt her lover and fellow BZ Bitch. Sharon remembered Chris was there.

"I didn't know they were going out," she said. Kelly snorted, then seemed to remember who was with them, too.

"I think he wants them to date, but she's holding out for that second string QB at the Sigma house." It was a lie, Sharon knew, but it was credible. She turned her nose up dutifully.

"They're such rednecks and losers." Kelly nodded agreement.

"Uhm, I was a Sigma," Chris pointed out. Sharon paused, having forgotten. Kelly shook her head confidently.

"You weren't this kind of Sigma," she said confidently, "Or Sharon would never have dated you." Chris had no ready response to that. "Enjoy your dessert," she suggested, "Snuggle like the Valentines you are, and then my ride has to get me home to study, all right, Mr. S?" Chris offered a salute, and Kelly ducked back through the curtain.

Sharon let him choose-- he selected the cheesecake. As she dug into the sugary pudding collecting some of the cream sauce and a strawberry as well as the perfectly torched crust, she realized how lucky she had been that he chose as he did; the creamy sauce was cum. She shivered at the knowledge, almost giggling as she wondered what she would do if Chris asked for a taste. She eyed the cheesecake, wondering if the ZB 'special glaze' had been applied to all of the desserts.

The knowledge also reminded the compromised housewife that she had not gotten off with her husband, and after the amazing climax with Kelly earlier, she wanted to cum again. Thinking about it only heightened the need, until it was a struggle not to play with herself as ate her dessert. Collecting more of the glaze with a slice of strawberry and custard, she offered her spoon to Chris, but her husband declined. He finished his dessert a moment later, and Sharon followed suit. Checking his watch, Chris thanked his wife for the 'best Valentine's ever,' and apologized for her not being able to come home, even though they both knew it had nothing to do with him. At some point one of the other BZ Bitches had slipped Sharon's coat into the booth, and as Chris put his North Face Denali on, she slipped into the too thin London Fog, aware that he might get upset if anyone else saw her in her dress. That is, if he saw anyone see her in the dress, she thought with a smile.

She caught his arm and went with him to the front of the makeshift restaurant, trying not to look around. There were only a few men left in the waiting area, and just one was leaving as they reached the front door. Chris turned, leaning in and kissing Sharon before she knew what was happening, which was decidedly unlike her husband. She kissed him back, but only briefly, aware of the other men's eyes on them.

"Thanks for being my Valentine again," Chris smiled at her, looked her up and down as if he could see through the coat, and then stepped out into the cold winter night.

"My date didn't walk me out," the sallow skinned sour faced man groused, looking at Sharon as if she might somehow make it right.

"I guess she did not get the right Valentine's gift," Sharon shrugged, immediately telling the man she hoped he would 'join them again next year.' His lips twisted as if he was considering responding, but then he turned away and shuffled into the parking lot. Sharon saw Chris pulling out of his stall and waved in case he was looking, before she hurried to the back.

"You Bitch!" she slugged Kelly in the shoulder hard, but not so hard that her young lover did more than laugh.

"You should have seen your face," she giggled, "Like you had seen a ghost."

"Well I can't believe he wasn't angry that I was wandering around dressed like this," Sharon huffed, "And what if the guys on the other sides of us had gotten noisy." Kelly shrugged.

"Maybe it was other Valentine's couples." Sharon glared. And Kelly laughed again, "You finished him off as fast as your other dates, too... I almost felt sorry for him." Sharon blushed at that, "And you made him wear a condom!" Kelly was having difficulty breathing she was laughing so hard, "That undertaker didn't have to do that."

"He was supposed to," Sharon argued, "And it wasn't the undertaker... It was his son." That somehow made Kelly laugh even harder, and then Sharon joined in. It really was a bizarre holiday. She could not believe that her husband had been there... that they had done that, and he had not been suspicious at all. For a moment she wondered if he really did know; were the ZB renting her from her husband? She snorted at that thought, knowing it would kill Chris if he ever learned just how completely she had undermined their marriage.

Such thoughts vanished, though, as Kelly had stepped close, and her skilled fingers had dipped through the buttoned front of Sharon's coat, teasing her aroused sex through the flimsy thong.

"So is this my Valentine's gift, too?" she cooed. Sharon felt her arousal spike. She nodded.

"And was that... whatever it was mine?"

"You liked it?" Sharon nodded in answer to Kelly's question. "Good, we'll do it again," the brunette was clearly enjoying the mystery. Sharon was about to ask if Kelly was ready to leave when suddenly Amanda was thrusting a card between them.

"Save it for later, Bitches," she scolded, "You have another date." Sharon thought the pushy BZ Bitch was talking to Kelly, but Amanda thrust the card into her hand.

"Wait," Sharon protested, "I just... I mean that was... I didn't think I had any more." If anything Amanda seemed more upset than in their earlier interactions.

"Shut up, you slutty prima donna," she hissed, "Do what you're told." Sharon glared at the younger woman, but there was nothing to be gained by arguing. She shrugged her coat off and strode toward the booths, telling herself when it was her turn to hand out assignments she would treat her sisters with respect. She paused outside the booth, mad that they were making her do this after seeing Chris, and mad she had not been able to get off with Kelly again. She pasted her professional smile into place, telling herself arousal would help get this guy off faster.

"I think I left my Valentine here," she started into the spiel of the practiced sex worker, then squealed in delight when she saw who it was. "I was so right!" she giggled, "And I'm so glad I found you, because I SO need to get off."

Next Chapter 18: Spring Break Surprise

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love it

I totally agree with Jodired's comments about this submission. Wonderful.

ragnarok83ragnarok83over 8 years ago
Excellent story

I think it is unfair to the author and rather silly to negatively review each chapter of an unfinished story. I think it is impossible to make every single chapter be action packed. Some chapters are needed to further the characters and the plot. That being said, this is one of my favorite stories and I prefer a slow build up with things slowly escalating to a crescendo. Overall I love where this story is going and would love to see involvement with the whole family as some other people of mentioned.

Your efforts are welcome Rogue, don't listen to the hate.

jodiredjodiredover 8 years ago
great submission

The reader who observed that the sex in this chapter is not as hot/explicit as in other chapters was right, but I still love this submission. It shows how Sharon has come to acknowledge and accept...even relish...the fact that she is no longer doing the frats bidding because she doesn't want her family to find out. She would be the willing slut in a gangbang with the whole fraternity on her kitchen table with all the family and all her friends watching if the frat told her to. Even if the frat dropped her, she would be at Snake Eyes full time, doing whatever Go told her to do. She is physically, mentally, and emotionally addicted to being a slut; she exhibits all the signs of being a classic nymphomaniac. And she would not go back to being the "old Sharon" for all the money in the world. I understand Sharon, because I am exactly like her. In a way, Sharon's story is my story too.

dd9274dd9274over 8 years ago
At Last

Thank you for continuing this story. Hopefully the absence has allowed you to replenish the well. Looking forward to you taking Sharon in new and exciting directions.

PenPal2001PenPal2001over 8 years ago
Waiting for Sping Break

I've read and loved every chapter of Sharon. 17B was good but not your best with the old geezer session and Chris' subdued surprise. We need family reaction to Sharon's boobs, piercings, hair, etc. Looking for her daughter's debut and boyfriend. Keep it coming!

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