Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 17B


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Hello, Mr. and Mr. Wood?" she stepped inside, hesitating a moment before the curtain dropped, leaving her with her dates. A painfully thin man with a severe face, his dark hair greased and swept back from his balding pate unfolded his hands where they had been resting on the table. His fingers were long, and Sharon shivered, reminded momentarily of a spider. He looked familiar though, and when he spoke, she knew him. There were three funeral homes in the city. The Woods' was in its third or fourth generation, and the Charles Woods' dry, arch voice seemed more in line with a cartoon villain than a trustworthy empathetic funeral director. But the man apparently liked the limelight-- his ads ran frequently, encouraging families to pre plan and 'take some of the pain out of death.'

Standing close to him, Sharon shivered, because it was not just his voice that screamed cartoon villain. He wore all black, had a slight stoop, and a hawkish nose below piercing black eyes. He even held his hands like a predatory bird. Desperate to find distraction, Sharon switched her attention to the second man. As obese as his father was thin, Carlton was finishing up the last of the food-- hers, Sharon noticed-- barely paying her any attention. His clothes were also black, but the straining front lapels showed more of the white dress shirt beneath. Charles cleared his throat, and his son looked up. Instead of sympathetic eyes, the son's were piggish, set too close, the image made worse by his several chins.

As intense as the elder Woods' gaze felt, Sharon's skin prickled at the stare of his son. Carlton was eyeing her in the same way he had the food, she was sure. She looked away from the younger Woods, eyes falling to the table, and the drink... drinks, she realized. A daiquiri and a mojito. Carlton had stood and was opening his pants.

"Wait!" his father scolded, pursing his lips, then returning the unblinking gaze on Sharon, "Is she to your liking?"

"You kidding?" Carlton resumed opening his pants, "I told you, she's the best BZ Bitch. I have all of her movies." Sharon fought to keep smiling. "I'm gonna fuck her ass, since Darci won't..."

"Carlton," his father's voice took on a tone and the younger Woods flinched. Sharon was trying to decide if taking them one at a time would be better, but the idea of the elder watching while his son... she swallowed back bile, but kept smiling. "We've discomfited our hostess," Charles went on, and Sharon blinked, trying to think of anyone who would use that word. "I said to stop that, Carlton." The younger man had stepped out of his pants. Sharon could not see him, though, as his equipment was hidden by rolls of fat. She forced herself not to stare, looking instead to Charles as she reached blindly for the mojito.

"It's all right," she said, taking a drink, "I was just thirsty. I'm so sorry I made you wait."

"Serves you right, then I ate your meal," Carlton licked is fingers, then wiped them on his jacket, "Didn't give us much, anyway." His father sighed in exasperation.

"I told you," he paused, "This meal is a subtext."

"No, it was filet," Carlton shook his head, "No seafood." Charles gaze moved to his son. "C'mon, girl, strip. Lemme see you in the flesh." Skin crawling, Sharon slipped her dress off, setting it far from the men at one end of the bench seat. She paused, then turned away from the younger man and bent at the waist, stripping off her thong. When she stood and turned back, Carlton's face was red. "C'mon, dad, ain't that the hottest thing you've ever seen?"

"I've embalmed starlets," his father said archly, but his gaze had changed. There was a hunger there, and his focus was no longer Sharon's face. She stepped forward boldly, setting a hand on Charles' chest.

"But has a starlet done this," she dropped to her knees. While distracting him with the hand on his chest, Sharon had exposed the zip of his slacks, and was holding it so that as she dropped she could seemingly catch it in her teeth and open the undertaker's pants at the same time. Charles' hands came up in surprise. She was already fishing him through the vent in his boxers. His pubic hair was gray and sparse, the skin of his still swelling cock dry. She wondered momentarily if he had ever violated a corpse, and thrust the thought away but not all of the horror the thought triggered. "Have they done this?" and then she had sucked him into her mouth. It was easy-- he was no bigger than Chris-- and she swirled her tongue around him, refocusing on the subtle ridge at the underside of his erection. It was no surprise when his hands came to rest on her head.

It was a surprise when Carlton's hands caught hold of her hips and she felt him move up behind her. She reached back, anxious to be sure he was wearing a condom. Before she could know he was pushing into her, though. She was surprised enough to groan around the elder's cock, even though there was not really any pain.

"Take it," Carlton demanded, "I knew it would be great." There was a strange pressure, and Sharon realized he had settled his gut on her ass as he thrust in and out of her. At least, she thought he was fucking her ass. She made the right noises, whining when he would thrust at her with more force. But she resumed bobbing her head, teasing and sucking at Charles' cock. For some reason she found herself feeling sorry for Carlton. Sure he was a brutish little pig, uncaring of other people. But he had been raised under the thumb of the wraith of a man whose cock she was sucking. And somehow, Sharon was certain that if Carlton finished before his father there would be... judgment. She could tell Carlton was getting close, though. So in the midst of a double fucking that would forever revisit in disquieting dreams, Sharon reached up, slipping a finger first into her empty sex, collecting a bit of the lubricant, and then in a single motion she drover he hand into Charles Woods' pants, up the wide right leg hole, and pushed her lubricated digit into his ass...

"Ahhh" Charles erupted into her mouth, and Sharon held herself in place, swallowing his load with ease, her body still rocking under the labored thrusts of the younger Woods.

"Yeah," Carlton cut loose a moment later, and Sharon was able to recognize that he had not bothered with a condom. She made a mental note to ask Amanda about that, and sat up, releasing Carlton's father's limp cock with an audible 'plop' when the younger man pulled out of her ass. She could imaging the young brute trying to get into her pussy, too, and sat up, denying him the chance.

She resisted the urge to wipe her mouth, rising gracefully to her feet, then trying to clench her ass cheeks to keep her date's spend from leaking down her thighs. She shrugged into her dress, enjoying the power she held over the speechless still recovering older man and ignoring the smile of wonder lighting piggy's face. She caught her thong in one hand, not bothering to put them on.

"I hope you two enjoyed your valentine's surprise," she smiled, waiting for a beat before slipping out of the booth. She walked three steps, then broke into a trot, shuddering at what had just happened. Sharon shouldered through the curtain into the back, ignoring the people moving about and Amanda's call to her, nearly running into the women's bathroom. As she entered the stall she thought it was to clean up where the younger man had managed to make a mess of her ass-- he had barely been inside of her after all.-- so she was surprised when instead she bent at the waist, vomiting loudly and repeatedly into the toilet.

When she had stopped retching, she leaned heavily against the cool metal side of the stall, and absently began to use toilet paper to wipe at her ass. It was several minutes before she was certain she was not going to get sick again and felt calm enough to go back outside. And of course, Amanda was waiting, clipboard in hand.

"Wait," Sharon raised a hand, moving with the upper classmen in tow to get a bottle of water out of the five gallon bucket someone had left along a wall. "I may be sick." Amanda rolled her eyes. "One of them didn't use a condom," she paused, considered admitting that neither had, "Maybe I shouldn't go back out." She thought she heard Amanda huff 'prima donna' under her breath, and for a delicious moment Sharon imagined slapping the younger woman, and not stopping until she had pushed her into a booth to enjoy a 'date.' She even held up a hand as if imagining slapping the snooty bitch, and Amanda slipped the card between Sharon's fingers.

"Better hurry, he's been waiting." And then she was gone. Sharon sat staring at the number and name as she emptied the water bottle. She realized her thong was in the same hand and slipped it back on, then mutely followed two of the other freshman out and to the appropriate booth.

The process became something of a blur. She smiled, said the right things, did the right things, and in quick succession sucked off a fat truck dispatcher, fucked a heavily and badly tattooed mechanic, and fucked one of the young students who served as a trainer for the football team. When each was finished she smiled, thanked them, registered their obvious pleasure with something like relief, and made the trip back to the ready room. As she started to go through the heavy curtain, Sharon looked toward the front of the gym, realizing that it was no longer light out. She blinked, trying to remember why that was important. Something...

"You all right?" Sharon was standing in the ready room, staring vacantly at the knot of women who she had not seen working for... She shook her head and managed with difficulty to focus on Kelly, who was looking at her anxiously. "Sharon?"

"Sorry," she waved a hand, "I... there was a guy... two guys? Two guys who... It was weird. Like Twilight Show weird." Kelly frowned and Sharon realized the younger woman had no idea about the Twilight Show. Hell, she had been too old except for reruns. She reviewed what had happened since she had checked out mentally... three men? She should be done. Kelly had her hand, leading her out of the room and past the rest room.

"I know just what you need."

"I need... I need to get home," Sharon realized belatedly, "Chris is waiting." Kelly silenced her with a kiss, and Sharon responded immediately her body and soul craving the intimacy that the entire operation had been lacking. Kelly did not let up, and in moments the brunette had two fingers working in and out of Sharon's lubricated sex, her thumb tweaking Sharon's clit with the skill of familiarity.

"Yes," Sharon moaned, then kissed the shorter woman hungrily, pressing her groin against Kelly's fingers. "Oh God, don't stop!" She was right on the edge, and whined when Kelly broke their kiss, but her fingers went on, teasing her closer and closer. Then her curled thumb applied persistent pressure against Sharon's clit, pushing her over the edge.

"Breathe in," Kelly murmured, holding up an short mason jar with two holes in the lid. There were straws from Bubba tumblers thrust through the holes, and the younger woman held one of the straw ends beneath Sharon's nose. The cumming housewife did not think, she inhaled... and moaned as her orgasm seemed to expand and persist. Her body came alive, every nerve singing, the climax like nothing she had enjoyed.

It felt like an hour before rational thought prevailed. Sharon found herself still standing, or rather leaning braced against the wall, one leg up, the knee bent, her foot flat against the wall. Her hands were spread wide, bracing against the wall as well. And her dress was back in place, hiding any evidence of what Kelly had just done. Sharon let her head loll toward the main room, then tracked back to the elfin smile of her lover.

"Oh my God," she blinked, "That was... What was that?"

"You liked it?" Sharon nodded, then frowned,

"It wasn't crack..." Kelly laughed.


"You promise?"

"I promise."


"I'll show you later," Kelly assured her with a smile, "I don't want to spoil the surprise until I do that to you again." Sharon pouted, but her friend laughed in response, then her expression fell as she looked to her left, Sharon's right. Amanda strode up, holding a card out to the brunette.

"You're almost done," she said by way of response, "And you are too," she held out a card to Sharon. Sharon considered arguing. She looked about but did not see Dave.

"I thought there were only five dates," she groused. Amanda shrugged.

"I guess if you're too tired to help out," she sniffed, "But I thought Sharon Sobel was the woman who could get the whole frat off single handedly."

"It helps if the frat gets me off, too," Sharon countered without hesitation. She pushed away from the wall, glad that Kelly had done... whatever she had done. She was awake, and confident she could handle one more sad sack loser. The name under the number was badly smudged, but that did not matter. She wondered for a moment what time it was, looking out the window and seeing it was fully dark. Forcing her performance smile into place, she caught the edge of the curtain and spun into the room, "Hey lover..."

She paused, blinking, still smiling, as her brain tried to understand what she was seeing.

"Sharon?" She sat down hurriedly, glad that the table hid how high the dress rode, and looking down, glad that her breasts had not made a peek a boo appearance from the loose edges of the sexy dress. "Is that really..."

"Ta da!" Kelly swept into the room, setting a mojito on the table. Sharon blinked, staring at the drink. The room seemed to tilt violently, and she clutched at the table. "Sharon's been so excited about Valentines," her young lover was telling Chris, "But Dave and the others thought it would be fun if you could surprise her here." She leaned close, "She didn't believe it when I said she should get dolled up like she had planned to do for you," she looked at Sharon, "Who'd you think was going to be in here with you dressed like that, huh?" Sharon managed a feeble smile.

"Oh, uh... I thought you and the other sisters were going to tease me about my outfit," she managed lamely.

"Well if that's my Valentine's gift, I'm glad you called," Chris said, still staring at Sharon, "I can't believe you wore that anywhere outside the house, though."

"You don't like it?" Sharon pouted, the conditioning of months dancing letting her respond even as her mind was spinning.

"No, I mean, I love it... You look amazing," Chris seemed at a loss for words, "I just mean... You wore that here?" Kelly laughed.

"Oh no, silly," and she rolled her eyes as if it was a ridiculous thought, "She knew we were doing a fund raiser here, so she came to see us girls, but she came in that old trench coat she has... I had to dare her to walk from the back out here even though no one else was out here." She put a hand on Chris' bicep, and Sharon noticed how she let it linger, and how it absorbed her husband's focus, "I bet she thought it was going to be an empty room."

"No," Sharon pouted, "I was sure it was just going to be Lisa and Diane and Shannon."

"They aren't missing time with their own... significant others?" Chris was puzzled.

"Are you kidding?" Kelly snorted, "Lots of the sisters are too busy to have a steady boyfriend, much less a great husband."

"Oh," Chris glanced at Sharon who shrugged one shoulder apologetically.

"Besides," Kelly went on, "When she found out there's a test tomorrow, she was really worried about not being able to go home, so I told her we could both go... That's when I called you to arrange this." she waved her hands as she spoke. Chris nodded. Just then the curtain was pulled wider and Shannon set two plates with full meals on the table in front of them. Kelly pointed at the lever on the inside edge of the curtain, "Just pull that if you need anything, or when you're ready for dessert," she paused, winking at Chris and then ogling Sharon, "I mean if this isn't enough dessert for you..." And then the young coeds were gone.

"I really meant to come home," Sharon stopped. Chris was staring at her cleavage. She giggled, "Hey, my eyes are up here." Chris looked up, sheepishly.

"Sorry, it's just... Well, I don't know how you're doing it in that barely there dress, but..." Sharon pushed her chest out and laughed at Chris' reaction.

"So you like the new me?" she teased.

"Uhm, new you?" Sharon rolled her eyes, then slipped the straps of the dress down, baring her breasts. Chris blinked and blinked and blinked. His mouth worked but no words came out.

"They're the ZB's" Sharon said, and then she was the one blinking.

"What?" Chris had heard her!

"I've been doing tutoring," she said in a rush, "It pays... well, since it's most of the football team... basketball team now, and swim team, it pays pretty good. And I'd complained to Kelly and Shannon when were at the gym that I was getting saggy, and that you were going to find a younger model. Chris blushed, but Sharon was too busy to notice, "So I got it done... It was a surprise. Do you like them?" Where she had worried about how he would react in the privacy of their own bedroom, Sharon found herself in the same booth where she had started with a complete stranger a few hours before, letting her husband ogle her new breasts. Glancing at the food, she giggled, because she was more concern about being hungry than she was how Chris was going to react. She grabbed a fork and took a bite of the Yukon potato mash. And could not believe she had told him her breasts were the frat's-- even as she admitted to herself it was the truth.

There was a thump on the other side of their booth, and Sharon wondered if they were about to hear one of her sisters getting some poor fool off. Would that make Chris suspicious?

"I'm sorry, honey, but I'm starving," Sharon picked up the knife and began to cut her steak, which of course set her breasts moving. She looked up and giggled, "Are you really speechless?" Chris shrugged, then shook his head.

"No, I'm just... You look amazing. Can we... I mean can I touch them?" Sharon flashed on the other men she had been servicing, so unsure and hesitant. It was not a happy comparison.

"After we eat," she temporized, "I think you'll like the steak." Chris did not argue. He enjoyed a glass of Cabernet as Sharon told him about her classes and her new goals working out. He asked if she had considered what they might do for Spring Break, and she shrugged, both because she had not, and because she doubted she would be free to spend a week with her family. Chris talked about skiing, or the beaches in Cancun, laughing that maybe Sharon wanted to go someplace warm, since she was drinking a mojito in the middle of winter. Sharon considered pulling the lever to ask for a glass of wine for herself, but did not, out of worry they might say 'no.'

"... like to see the new you in a bathing suit," Chris was still talking about Cancun. He mentioned Santa Fe, where they had spent an idyllic couple vacation when the kids were younger, wandering the art studios and open air restaurants. "Cathy wants to go to Vegas," he said then, pausing when Sharon's eyes snapped wide, "Honey?" He was concerned, "What's wrong?" Sharon waved his concern away, claiming she had bit her lip. But the thought of her precious daughter... Trevor's girlfriend, in Vegas... the thought that she WANTED to go to Vegas but she was still just 18... Suddenly Sharon was not hungry. "... there are several concerts she wants to see," Chris was continuing, and Sharon tried to tell herself that was really the only reason. "I mean I guess we could do Orlando if you wanted, but the kids are kind of old for Disney..." Sharon shrugged, "I'll have to make sure Professor Eller does not need me over the break," she said, setting her silverware down and stretching, her bare breasts seeming to move toward her abruptly silent, staring husband, "I thought you wanted to... right here," she bit her lip, tilting her head just so, the professional at work.