She's Addictive Ch. 05

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Tragedy strikes.
2.9k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/29/2008
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Graduation had finally arrived. Both Cort and Iliana would be receiving their degrees. Since Iliana was due at any moment with their son she would be attended the ceremony in a wheelchair to keep the pressure of the extra weight off her legs. Cort had wished she would've stayed home to prevent her from getting out of bed but she had protested and insisted on being apart of the event she had been working towards for the past four years. When he and Iliana arrived at Colson University's audiotorium Iliana's family was waiting outside for them with ear length smiles.

Iliana's mother snapped pictures of her and Cort in their caps and gowns. "Cort, where's your family?" Iliana's mother asked after taking the hundredth photo. Cort's smile faded and he looked his future mother-in-law in the eyes.

"I told them about Iliana and the baby and they refused to be apart of my life any longer. They really don't approve of our relationship." he told her and she drew him for a hug.

"It's their loss baby." she said in his ear. "You know we're here for you three if you need anything." She released Cort and bent down and kissed Iliana's cheek. She rubbed her protuding belly and they chatted about minor details. Iliana's father approached Cort and stood next to him.

"So what are you plans for the future son?"

"Well I already have a job lined up that I'm set to start next month. It starts at $60,000 so Iliana and Cort Junior will be well taken care of." Cort said proudly and shook Iliana's father hand when he extended it to him.

"My daughter is lucky to have you. I'm very proud of you both." He smiled and walked to his daughter and wife. "Let's get her inside out of this heat." He grabbed the handles of Iliana's wheelchair and pushed her inside the audiotorium. Cort followed and they took their seats.

The ceremony started 30 minutes after all the graduates were seated. Iliana's family cheered loudly when her and Cort's names were called to receive their degrees. Iliana and Cort left with her family when the ceremony was over and went back to their apartment for a small get together. Iliana's father cooked while Cort sat in the bedroom with Iliana and rubbed her swollen feet.

"I really wished you would've stayed home." he said as she winced at the pressure on her feet. Just walking from the wheelchair to the bed had caused them to swell profusely.

"I'll be all right." she said. "As soon as Cort Junior is born I never have to worry about swollen feet again."

"Wait a minute." Cort said giving her a confused look. "Are you saying you're not going to give me a gorgeous little girl?"

"Nope. This is it baby."

"Well I think I'm going to have to work on changing your mind." Cort smiled and leaned in to give her a kiss, As soon as his lips reached hers his cell phone rang. Groaning he pulled away from Iliana and pulled his phone from his phone.

"Hello?" he answered and heard his brother crying hysterically. He told him his father had suffered a major heart attack was taken to the hospital but he died just one hour ago. Cort could hear his mother screaming in the background. "I'm on the way." he said and hung up.

"Something wrong?" Iliana asked sensing the emergency in his tone of voice.

"Yeah, everything's fine." he lied. "I gotta go but I'll be back a little later." He bent down and kissed her quickly before grabbing his car keys and heading out the door.

Cort left Iliana in the care of her parents and rushed to the hospital. When he got there he saw his mother being comforted by his older brother, Sam. His sister-in-law, niece and nephew were near by crying and hugging. Cort's mother looked up from her son's shoulder and saw Cort. She rushed to him and laid a resounding smack on his cheek. "Mom!" Sam yelled and rushed over and grabbed her.

"This is all your fault! You broke your father's heart by being with that girl! You killed him! I hate you!" she screamed and Cort held his cheek that had grew red from her strike.

"You can't blame me or Iliana for this!" Cort yelled. His mother threw up her hand to silence him.

"Don't even speak her name! You know how your father felt about that type of relationship. You caused him to be so stressed out his heart gave out! I will never forgive you for this!" she cried and pushed Sam off her. She walked to her daughter-in-law and hugged her grandchildren. Cort looked at his brother whose eyes were swollen from crying.

"Just go. I'll call you and let you know the details with the funeral." Sam said. Cort nodded and left the hospital.

Cort returned home an hour later but spent another hour crying in his car. He didn't want Iliana to see him upset because he knew it would only cause her to get upset. He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his gown and headed inside. "Cort?" he heard Iliana call from their bedroom. He walked in and saw her lying in bed rubbing her belly. "Everything OK?" she asked seeing the redness in his eyes.

"Yeah. I just need to get some sleep." he told her and removed his cap and gown. He pulled off his shirt and Iliana smiled at the tattoo on his left bicep on his heart. Her name was scripted beautifully on his skin. He got into bed next to her and cuddled against her soft body. He laid his head on her breasts which had grown a full cup size over the months of her pregnancy. Cort let his hand travel over her stomach and down to her crotch. He cupped her and moaned as he kissed the cleavage she was exposing. "I cannot wait until I can be inside you again." Iliana giggled and kissed his forehead.

"Patience is a virtue." she sang. "Besides Dr. Kotlet said we had to wait six weeks after Cort Junior's birth so I can heal."

"I know and I fully intend on waiting for you but it's gonna be hard."

"I can imagine." she smiled devilishly and reached over to stroke his cock through his jeans.

"Uh-uh. Don't start something you can't finish." he groaned.

"Aint nothing wrong with my hands baby." she grinned and unzipped his pants. She grabbed his erection and furiously pumped away. Cort stared into Iliana's eyes the entire time she jerked him off and he exploded in her hand when she licked and bit her succelent bottom lip. He took that lip in his mouth and sucked on it until another orgasm hit him and he had to toss his pants and boxers off as a result. Iliana brought her hand to her mouth and licked off Cort's cum. "Delicious." she smiled and Cort groaned sexily as he recovered from the massage drainage of his balls and his penis shot back up.

"I love what you're doing to me baby." he whispered and kissed her passionately tasting his cum on her tongue. After pulling away Iliana burst out laughing when he collapsed into a coma-like state.

The next day Sam called Cort and informed him that their father's funeral would be the next weekend. Cort confirmed that he would be attending and he also told Sam that Iliana would be joining him. He told Iliana about his father after the conversation and she let him cry on her shoulder.

"You should have told me earlier." she said caressing his hair lovingly.

"I didn't want to burden you since your in such a fragile state." he said between sobs.

"You can't keep me in the dark baby. Anytime you're hurting I need to know so I can know how to deal with it." She kissed his forehead and rocked him until he fell asleep using her left breast as a pillow.

"Are you sure you're family will be OK with me being at the funeral?" Iliana asked as she sat in her wheelchair in the living room waiting for Cort to come out of their bedroom.

"I can give two shits if they care or not. You're gonna be by my side and they can either accept it and bite their tongues or go to hell." Cort said as he came out in a sharp black suit. He had gelled his hair back to enhance his gorgeous facial features. Cort grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and wheeled her outside.

They arrived at the church just as it was starting to fill up. Cort walked to the front of the church pushing Iliana in front of him and ignored the murmurs and stares from family members and friends of the family. Cort situated Iliana at the end of the front pew and sat next to her. "I can't believe he brought her." Cort heard his mother whisper to Sam.

"Mother, that's enough. It's his life. He's happy, that's all that should matter right?" Sam said and threw a comforting smile to his baby brother. Cort nodded his head in thanks and turned his attention to the casket that held his father. Tears fell from his eyes and he was soon overcast with the shadow of his mother.

"How dare you cry here today? It's your fault he's dead!" she screamed. "You and your little whore killed my husband!" She rose her hand to slap Cort and he grabbed her hand seconds before her palm hit his cheek.

"I've had enough of your holier than thou bigomist attitude. I am your son and you should be happy that I found someone I truly love! It was a mistake coming here!" Cort threw his mother's arm away and turned to Iliana who was holding her stomach cringing in pain. He looked at her feet and saw a puddle of water.

"Cort! My water broke! I think it's time!" Iliana screamed and began breathing heavily. Cort made his way to Iliana's wheelchair and pushed her out the church. His mother followed him out and grabbed his arm spinning him to her.

"This is your father's funeral and you're walking out?! He isn't even fresh in the ground and you're choosing her over your own damn family!" she screamed and Cort pushed her off him nearly causing her to fall to the ground. He returned to Iliana and pushed her to their car. "If you leave with her you are no longer my son!" Cort heard his mother scream behind him. He kept his back to her as he reached the car and drove Iliana to the hospital.

Cort was frantiac when he reached the hospital and Iliana was screaming in pain. A nurse took her to a delivery room while another nurse took Cort to change into a doctor's gown so he could help deliver his son. After changing he walked into the room and Iliana was not moving. Panicking, Cort rushed to her side. "What's going on?!" he screamed.

"Sir, we have to perform an emergency C-section. The baby is breeched." A doctor informed Cort. "Please wait outside."

"I'm not leaving her." Cort said crying.

"We can't have you in here, sir. Please wait outside." A nurse grabbed Cort's arm and pulled him outside. She rushed back into the room as Cort paced the waiting room.

"Cort! Is she all right?" Cort heard the voices of Iliana's parents. They hugged him as they reached him.

"They're doing a C-section. It's only been a few minutes." he told them and then noticed that his brother and his wife had entered the waiting room.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Cort asked as he approached his older brother and hugged him.

"I wanted to make sure Iliana was OK. And to check on my nephew." Sam smiled. "You know I don't feel the same way Mom and Dad do. I see how happy Iliana makes you and I'm more than happy to accept her as my sister."

"Thank you." Cort said and hugged Sam again. Cort than introduced him to Iliana's parents. They all took a seat and waited for an update on Iliana's status. Cort paced the waiting room while everyone else drifted off to sleep due to the coolness in the air of the waiting room.

Three hours had passed and when a nurse exited Iliana's room Cort jumped in front of her blocking her path. "How is she? Is my son OK?" he asked grabbing her shoulders.

"The doctor will be out shortly to talk to you." she said and broke free from his grasp. A doctor emerged from the room shortly after and Cort was in his face.

"Doctor, please tell me they're both OK." he said fighting back the tears.

Sighing the doctor looked Cort in the eyes. "We managed to save your son. He's doing fine and a nurse will allow you see him in just a few minutes."

Cort smiled and turned to his and Iliana's family. "They're fine!" he exclaimed causing them to wake from their naps. He sighed a great deal of relief. He turned back to the doctor and frowned at his expression.

"We were able to save your son but Iliana passed away seconds after the birth. I'm sorry but she just lost too much blood. I'm very sorry." he said and Cort felt the walls caving him. Screaming he fell to the ground and punched the floor repeatedly, Iliana's parents and Sam rushed over to console him but hearing the news caused Iliana's mother to break down as well.

"It's not true! This can't be happening!" Cort screamed.

It didn't hit him until a week later as he sat in a church again but this time Iliana was in the casket before him. The entire church was filled with crying mourners. Cort Junior was being cradled his maternal grandmother who was an emotional mess. Cort tried to be strong but his heartbreak was evident.

When Iliana was laid to rest in her grave Cort joined her family at her parents' house. Cort Junior was passed amongst her relatives and they marveled at how he had so many of his mother's features. Cort sat in the dining room inside the kitchen and Iliana's mother sat a plate of food in front of him. "Eat honey. You've got to keep you strength up."

"I can't believe she's gone." he said and pushed the plate away. Iliana's mother sat in front of him and grabbed her hand.

"I know it hurts right now but we've got to raise that boy and you're no good to him in a state of distress. We need to celebrate Iliana's life and cherish the beautiful life that she left behind." Cort smiled at her words and accpeted her hug when she stood.

Cort had made it a tradition to visit Iliana's grave as much as he could but raising Cort Junior was a demanding job. He loved his son so much and only wished Iliana could watch him grow up.


Cort felt the empty space next to him in his bed fill with a body. He smiled as he rolled over and planted kisses on his son's face that was the color of peanut butter. "Morning sport." he said as CJ, as he was affectionately called, giggled.

"Good morning Dad. Do you know what today is?"

Cort sat up and rubbed his chin and pretended as if he didn't.

"Dad!" CJ exclaimed when it took too long for Cort to respond.

"I know it's your birthday today." Cort laughed and tickled his son. Hearing him laugh always made him smile. "What do you want to do today?"

"Let's go visit Mom and then have some ice cream!" CJ said.

"We can arrange that. Go get dressed and meet me downstairs." Cort rolled back over and CJ jumped down from the king sized bed. He ran out of his father's bedroom and into his own as he picked out an outfit for the day and dressed.

"CJ! I'm leaving in 2 minutes with or without you!" Cort called as he saw his five year old son run down the stairs. He jumped in Cort's waiting arms and Cort carried him outside to his Nissan Maxima. He placed CJ in the backseat and buckled him up before getting into the driver's seat. Placing on his seat belt he started the car and pressed the button to open the garage door. He pulled out and stopped at a flower shop before heading to the cemetary.

Cort and CJ walked to the plot that had been holding Iliana for the past five years. CJ placed a single rose in front of the tombstone and Cort felt a tear trail down his cheek at the sight. On Iliana's tombstone right below her date of birth and date of death were the words that Cort had felt for her since the day he met her: My Addiction.

After composing himself Cort grabbed CJ's hand and led him back towards the car. "So what flavor of ice cream do you want?"

"Chocolate!" CJ exclaimed. "What about you?"

"Chocolate sounds good to me." Cort smiled and placed his son inside the car and drove off.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Reads like a diary.

Not sure why it seemed so much like a recipe, but it did.

I hope all is well with you, good luck.

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 9 years ago

I actually liked the ending, didn't see it coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

please write a new ending for this story........

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I wish someone wrote a new ending to this story . I keep coming back hoping it will have changed .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
my heart stopped

When she died I almost cried; and I never cry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

It's not fair. And yea I know life's not fair but this is fiction and I want a new ending. She should have survived it's almost as if you're justifying the hate of the mother by killing her off. Their love deserved to be continued by two living people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
sad story

i really liked this story but i dont know what would i do if the same happens to me

MadameblaqueMadameblaqueover 12 years ago

Sad ending, but at least he has his son to remember her by.

magiczeesmagiczeesover 12 years ago
Wow, This Is A Huge Shocker

Dang I feel so much for Cort, he truly and really did love Iliana and for her to be taken away. Whew! This story is fantastic, I loved every minute of it. But I do wished she would have survived and raised CJ as a family together.

kelleigh0127kelleigh0127over 12 years ago

I'm crying for what would of been such a beautiful and wonderful couple. To go through all that and then for love to be lost,I pray that most of us never find out what that's like.

KittyOh48KittyOh48about 13 years ago

Beautiful story...wonderfully written! I loved every line of it. Please do not stop writing you have a talent! I actually cried! I love the words on the tombstone "My Addiction". I would love to be called that!

Double Whammy

For him to lose his father, then his mother disowned him the day that he buried his father-yet gained his son, while losing the love of his life!!!

This is so realistic that it's almost scary...

Good story :>)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I started reading and couldnt stop. First story to make me cry. beautimous!!! Absolutely awesome!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Omgg, this story made me sad!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Outstanding Story

I think this was an outstanding story. It's just too sad that Iliana did not get to live and enjoy her son.

love4811love4811over 14 years ago

This was a really good story. You made me sad and proud at the same time. Please continue with your writing. Are you going to follow up with Cort in round two of falling in love?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I don't care what anyone says, this is awesome. I get all teary eyed reading it. Please write a new story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

This is one of the best and most sad stories I have ever read. How could she die when they finally got together? Its a damn shame certainly a reminder not to take life for granted. Damn!

mspoeticmspoeticalmost 15 years ago
Loved it

I loved the story, not all endings are meant to be happy. Keep on doing your thing!

Born2ReignBorn2Reignabout 15 years ago
uhhh...say what?

She died?!?! I'm stunned!!! You had me up until that point and i feel like the ending totally killed me! but that does not change the fact that the story was great! not all stories have a happy ending its a part of life that we all just have to suck it up and deal with it! so...good work! I enjoyed it!

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