Shifting Sands


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"About seven." He looked down at her and smiled. She was smiling at him and she was on her side and her light brown hair was scattered over his pillow. He quickly dropped down, almost throwing himself on top of her, and smothered her in a fast series of kisses on her lips and face as his arm went around her. Kara quickly rolled onto her back and put her arms around him then and pulled him down on top of her. Her eyes were dancing as she said, "You better be careful mister."

"Oh no, I've been far too careful my whole life. For this moment I'm following my heart and not my head."

"And what does your heart tell you to do?"

"To kiss you, to hold you, and damn it, I can't follow my heart after all.

I suspect Grace is already wondering where I am."

"Oh, I forgot about Grace."

"I have to shower and get out there. Will you have breakfast with me?"

"In front of Grace?"

"We have to tell her about what has happened." Their rolling around had moved the bedding away so she looked down at her less than modestly clad body and said, "I better go put something on then." He kissed her again and let his hand slip down to her bare belly saying, "I wish you could put less on."

"Oh God Lee, don't do that. You just made my heart jump."

He did stop but he smiled and said, "Okay, but just this once."

"Now go get your shower mister and I'll see if I can sneak out and get us coffee."

"If you see Grace, tell her...just say good morning, and give her one of your pretty smiles."

"I'm going to tell her that I just came from your room and that you are naked in here."

"You wouldn't do that."

"I might." There was no reason for them to try for any modesty anymore. In reality there hadn't been much point in them going through that charade before getting into bed. Lee boldly got up and stood there as Kala got up and they fell into each other's arms.

An instant later Kala jumped back and said, "Okay then, that wasn't such a good idea. I'll be back with coffee," and grabbing her robe almost raced for the door. Lee had to just stand there for a moment after he watched her disappear. He was so in love with her. He could do nothing about it, and in fact, he felt he couldn't even tell her, but there was no doubt in his mind now. He loved her totally and completely. He forced himself to get moving and headed to the shower. He was standing in front of the mirror with a towel around his waist shaving when she appeared with coffee. Kala watched him shave and they talked in short sentences and then she followed him in and watched him get dressed and he asked her, "You going to get dressed?"


"So you will venture out in just your robe."

"Well yes. Are you ready to face Grace?"

"I already have."


"She was right there when I went for our coffee."

"What happened?"

"I told her the truth."

"What truth?"

"That I spent the night with you."

"You didn't."

"Lee, I talked fast and told her that something terrible happened that involved Gil and that we would tell her the details soon. I told her about how you were there for me and have kept me protected all night."

"What did she say?"

"She just smiled and said that she understood completely."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Once Lee was dressed they shared a light kiss and he asked her, "Ready?"

"I'm starved." As they appeared in the kitchen Grace smiled and said, "Well good morning, Lee."

"Morning, Grace, how are you?"

"Fine as always. Sit down both of you, breakfast is past ready." The two of them ate in near silence until Grace said, "When I get back from the dining room I want to hear the rest of the news about Gil." As soon as Grace returned she poured coffee for the three of them and sat down.

"Talk fast because our guests are almost done eating." The two of them told her of the murder and of Gil's connection and possible involvement.

Grace tasted her coffee as she measured her words and then asked, "Kala, haven't you heard from him at all?"

"Not a word."

"Let me ask you this. If it were Lee in Gil's place, do you think you would go that long without hearing from him?" Kala looked at her not sure how to respond to the question. Grace, didn't flinch or even blink. "Kala, Gil babbles about some business crisis and takes off. First of all I don't have a clue just what it is that he does but it's a fair bet that he has any number of people that could handle his business emergency. But that aside, just the fact that he left so abruptly and mysteriously should prompt at the very least one call from him. This whole thing is getting unsettling at the least." Lee was a little shocked by Grace. She was this quiet and very efficient maid, cook and friend that had never shown an assertive side before.

Kala continued to study Grace and then said, "I agree Grace, and that's why I have been so frightened. Gil has always been his own man and it isn't unheard of for him not to call me like that. But I have to agree with you about his abrupt departure. That alone should have precipitated a call."

Grace got up to see to the guests but Kala stopped her by asking, "Grace, what prompted you to put Lee in Gil's place earlier?"

Grace just smiled then and said, "The way the two of you glow when you are near each other?" That was all she said before she went through the doorway to the dining room.

Chapter Eleven

Lee looked at Kala and smiled. "Who would have guessed that we glow."

"I'm not surprised that she knows. Think about it. Gil and I come down here for a week or two and he takes off half of the time or more and I don't complain at all. I am happy to be here and to see you. And you're no better. You see that I'm well cared for at lunch and dinner even though you do not provide those meals to any other guests. Right from the first time I was ever here, you have brought me refreshments and spent time with me when Gil was who knows where, and on top of that you have always worried about me and flattered me."

"It doesn't say much for Gil that he's never noticed anything."

"If he has he's never commented other than to say he really appreciates the way you look after me."

"So now Grace knows what? I mean does she assume that we make love?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"If only that were true," Kala took his hand and kissed it before saying, "Our little after shower stunt just about pushed me over the edge."

"It's your fault you know. Of course, I'm not complaining either." He stood up and said, "I better go say something to my guests. I'll be right back."

"I guess I better go get something on."

"Don't do it for my benefit."

As he reached the doorway Kala said, "Lee," and when he turned she opened her robe and flashed him. He just smiled, blew her a kiss and made a hasty escape.

Grace passed Lee just outside of the kitchen and gave him a knowing smile but kept going. Kala was still standing there taking the last sip of coffee and when she saw Grace she said, "Grace, I hope you don't think less of Lee because of us."

"No, of course not. Both of you are adult enough to know what you are doing."

"I sometimes wonder if we do. We haven't made love, Grace."

"Now why would you tell me that?"

"I don't's...for whatever reason it is important to me that you know that. That you know that Lee isn't..."

"You love him."

"You say that as a statement."

"But I'm right."

"Yes, you are right I do love him very much, but he doesn't know that."

"And Gil?"

"I wish I knew Grace, especially now. I'm about as mixed up and afraid as I've ever been in my life."

The sound of the phone ringing came to them from the front reception desk as Grace said, "I don't envy you right now that's for sure. There are so many unanswered questions."

"And I'm sure there is a lot the police know that we don't."

"You can count on that."

"Oh, you're still here," Lee said as he entered. "Mel is on the phone asking for you." Kala's heart jumped as Lee continued. "Take it in my room why don't you?" "Thanks, I better do that."

Lee passed on more coffee and was standing there worrying when Kala reappeared.

"They found Gil." Kala's expression told them that there was more to say. Lee went over and put his arm around her and asked, "What do you mean found him?"

"He isn't in Raleigh at all, he's in Morehead City. The sheriff said that Gil just arrived at the station and the detectives are talking to him."

"Do you want to go to him, Kala?"

"I can't decide. The sheriff said that Gil is likely to be there for some time at least. I'm going to go get dressed and think about it I guess."

"If you decide to go I'll drive you. I can't imagine you keeping your mind on driving right now."

"Thank you, Lee. I feel like I should go and be a wife. But...I don't feel much like a wife and I don't think he remembers he has a wife half the time. No, I'm staying here. If and when he gets back here, he and I have a lot of talking to do and he has a lot of explaining to do."

"Just let me or Grace know what we can do to help."

"Thank you I will." Kala left the kitchen and Lee and Grace just stood there.

As Grace put dishes in the dishwasher she said, "Lee, don't forget that we have guests arriving this afternoon."

"I remember, Grace." "I'll stay in case you or Kala need me."

"Would you mind?"

"Of course not, Kala might need a woman to talk to more than a man before this is over." Lee sat down heavily then and just stared at the table.

"You really do love her don't you, Lee."

His eyes teared up then and he managed to say, "Oh Grace, I love her so much. I have a whole lot of hurting coming at me when she leaves. How did I ever let things go this far?"

"You had little choice in the matter is my opinion. You were falling for her long before this visit."

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Grace." She tried to lighten the moment saying, "You just like my cooking."

That did make him smile so he said, "No, I love your cooking."

"Go to your room and put yourself back together. Kala might be looking for you to give her strength later. Plus, you have that couple from room one to see off in a while."

It was well after lunch when Gil finally appeared. Lee saw his car as he pulled in so he went to the solarium where Kala was reading. "He's back." She looked up at Lee and didn't have to ask who he meant. She silently closed her book and giving Lee a look of fear headed upstairs. There was nothing that Lee or Grace could do for her. She had to talk to her husband and handle the situation as she saw fit. One thing Lee did know was Kala was a sharp minded woman and Gil had some explaining to do.

When Kala entered their room Gil looked at her and smiled. "So what did the police ask you, Gil?" Kala wasn't about to engage in pleasantries now.

"Do you know about the murdered woman, Kala?"

"Yes, who is she?"

"A woman I hired for the Raleigh office."

"And why would you hire her when the company has a human resources department?"

"I met her and she impressed me so I just got the ball rolling for her."

"Who is she? Correction, who was she?"

"A woman named Rae Ann Cummins."

"But you were in Morehead City all this time, not Raleigh."

"How do you know that?"

"What does it matter? You lied to me right from the start. Then you said you would call me but you didn't."

"I'm sorry, I've been so damn busy."

"I'll just bet. With Miss Cummins is my guess."

"That's not true."

"The police think you killed her don't they."

"I think so."

"Did you?"

"How can you ask me that question?"

"Well, how would I know if you did or didn't? You have hardly been here since we arrived. You lied about Raleigh, you took off from here on some bullshit emergency story, and I didn't hear from you or see you for two days. I think you have forgotten that we are married."

"Now I warned you I would have to do some work down here."

"You've done more so called work since we've been here than you do back in Chicago."

"Kala, I did not kill that woman. I'm not capable of doing such a thing."

"That's what I wanted to think Gil, but I realized I don't really know you."

As Gil stood in front of the glass sliding doors looking out Kala asked him, "So now what? Do we go back to Chicago?"

"I'm afraid that if we do the police will suspect me just that much more, like I'm running or something."

"So do we sell the condo and move in here?"

"Don't be flip. If they haven't solved the murder by the end of our two weeks we'll go home. The police can't make anything of that I don't think."

"What else has happened that I don't know about?"

"What do you mean, like what?"

"You tell me."

"I can't think of anything can you?"

"So the police suspect you because of the Sand Castle note and the cell phone."

"You know about those things?"

"Of course, the police came out here and questioned me too. So what were you doing in Morehead City all that time?"

"I was working. I just decided to handle it from there rather than drive all the way to Raleigh."

"Then it sounds to me like you could have handled it from here too. No Gil, Raleigh was just something that popped into your head to help cover your long absence."

"No, I had to meet with people and I couldn't very well do that in the solarium."

"Gil, the farther this goes the less believable it all sounds. No wonder the police questioned you for so long. I can't begin to imagine the questions and answers that flew back and forth between you and them. One thing is for sure, they will find the murderer of that woman, I hope you realize that."

"I hope they do and that it happens soon."

Kala headed for the door and he asked her, "What are you going to do?"

"I'll be right back" and went out closing the door behind her with a slam.

She went downstairs in search of Lee but could only find Grace.

"How is it going Kala?"

"Not worth a damn. Do you know where Lee is?"

"He ran into Davis for supplies. He should be back shortly, can I help you?"

"Do you know if there is another room available."

"I think so but will it help to be just a door or two away from Gil?"

"I don't know Grace, but I do know that I don't want to stay with him."

"Okay, go pack your things. Come to the kitchen when you are done and we'll fix you up somehow."

"Thank you, Grace."

"I'm right here if you need me." Kala turned on her heel and marched back upstairs and into her room. As Gil looked on she grabbed a bag and started to stuff her things into it. "What the hell are you doing Kala? Are you going back to Chicago?"

"No. Like you I'm going to stay here and see this mess through. I just don't intend to spend my time with you. If and when you feel you can tell me the whole truth, you let me know. But I can tell you right now, you will have a damned hard time convincing me what is true at this point." Kala continued with her packing as she stuffed everything she could find that was hers into first one suitcase and then a second.

Gil watched her for a short time and then turned his back and said, "You're making a mistake, Kala, I did not kill that woman."

"I hope that's true, but that doesn't explain your lies. I have to wonder just how many other lies you have told me in the past."

"I'm not lying to you."

"Damn it Gil, give it up. There is no way you were working all that time and I'm betting the police already know that. Were you having an affair with that woman, Gil? You know, the woman that was murdered, shot to death and dumped on a deserted street?"

"Don't be silly."

"Trust me Gil I see nothing silly about this mess." Kala hauled her suitcases out into the hall, slammed the door behind her and lugged her bags downstairs.

Chapter Twelve

Kala found Grace folding linens in the laundry room and said, "My bags are in the hall. Listen, if this presents a problem I can get a room in Morehead City."

"Don't you dare, Kala, if you did that I'd never see, Lee. Besides I have the solution. I was looking through our reservations book and then it dawned on me. You'll stay in the maid's quarters. It doesn't have the nice sun deck or a view but it's large and comfortable. It is also well away from the other rooms and the common hallway. In other words it's private so if you choose not to see Gil then that's not a problem."

"Grace, you are a wonder, thank you."

"Of course you could stay with, Lee."

Kala looked at her in shock and said, "I don't think that would be a good idea."

Grace just smiled and said, "No I guess not."

Then Kala smiled and said, "But it had a nice sound to it."

"I'm sure it did."

As soon as Lee returned, Grace cornered him and told him of Kala's move. His first thought was it made him happy that she was not sleeping with Gil, but then he realized they must have really had words.

"Where is she now, Grace?"

"I'm not sure, but I'd guess in her room." When he knocked on Kala's door he said, "It's Lee." A moment later the door opened and she fell into his arms and held him close. "Are you okay," Lee asked softly as he held her to him.

"I think so. Lee the more he talks the worse things get. He just can't stop lying to me now."

"I imagine that if he stops now, things will just explode. Whatever has happened, he's scrambling to find a way to explain things without actually admitting to anything."

"So you think he killed that woman?"

"I don't know about that Kala, but he's covering up something."

"Yes, like having an affair with that woman."

"That could be it, but if so he could have admitted that to you earlier and maybe saved things."

"He wasn't anticipating her dying unless it was by his hand."

"Kala does he own a gun?"

"Not that I know of but that doesn't mean much does it."

They eased their hold on each other then and Lee said, "I'm sorry your room isn't nicer."

"This will be fine for now Lee. Being far away from Gil is more important at the moment."

"I take it things didn't go well for you two."

"It was as you might expect. We started arguing almost immediately, and when he tried to cover up for lying about Raleigh, he just made a fool of himself. Oh, by the way, he claims that he hired that woman so that's why she had his number and name."

"Since when would he be doing the hiring?"

"Exactly. He's just digging himself into a deeper hole."

"Do you think he killed her now?"

"I don't know, I really don't. I have to say that I now think him capable of it though. Plus I want him on the defensive until he breaks down and tells me the truth about everything...and convinces me it is the truth."

"Do you think he will?"

"No. I don't think he's man enough."

"So now it's a waiting game?"

"I guess. Oh, and both he and I will be staying the whole two weeks, so you have rented another room."

"I'm not about to charge you for this room."

"You better. Otherwise if the police look at your records they will start to look at us suspiciously."

"Okay, I'll put it on the books but I'm not accepting anything."

"We'll see. I do have a favor to ask."


"Can I use your computer and fax machine?"

"Of course you can."

"I have some business to attend to."

"Help yourself."

"Is now okay?"

"It's all yours. If you need me, I'll be around, just ask Grace." Lee kissed her lightly then and went out.

When Lee found Grace she said, "I'll say one thing for you Lee, working for you has been more interesting and exciting than it ever was with your Aunt Amalie."

Lee smiled and said, "Well with any luck, it won't be too long before things settle down to a nice boring level again."