Sorority Pledge Pt. 03

Story Info
Things get worse for Harmony as the kinky LesDom continues
18.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/27/2010
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Hi Everyone,

This story follows on directly from where Sorority Pledge part 2 finished, so this will make much more sense if you read parts 1& 2 first.

As always I love getting comments and messages from you all about my stories, especially from other girls!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy, Love and Licks, Lucy X X X X

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Chapter 16: Awakening

She could hear a voice that seemed to come from a long way away, it was muffled but she thought she recognised it, she opened her eyes but saw only darkness, she was somewhere very warm, her face was pressed close to someone else's skin, only partially awake her mind reached to think where she was, she must be in bed with some cute boy she had met the night before, that's why she was pressed up against someone else under what she now realised were bed covers.

Harmony's illusion was shattered as the covers lifted a bit, as the daylight reached her eyes she heard Amy's cheerful voice drift down to her

"You awake down there my little slut!" she laughed,

Amy's voice had brought it all back to her, it was Friday, she was in the guest room of the Zeta Sigma Omega sorority house & currently had her face stuffed between the ass cheeks of that 5 foot 1 blonde, rich, bitch Amy, who so delighted in using & abusing her. As her other senses awoke she tasted a mixture of her cruel captor's piss & cum in her mouth from the night before.

"That was Ashley on the intercom," said Amy as she unstrapped the belt around her waist, releasing Harmony's head from the harness it had been trapped by all night,

"She wants us all in the party room in 30 minutes." Amy finished as she slid out of bed and made her way to the bathroom.

As Harmony emerged from under the covers & sucked in fresh, cool air for the first time in what she now saw was nearly 11 hours she heard the shower start up. The potential pledges had been sent to bed at 11pm the night before & by the time Amy had finished using her it was around midnight, the clock on the wall showed that it was just after 10AM, but despite the nearly 10 hours of sleep she had got Harmony still felt drained. Over the past 4 days she had done so many disgusting, revolting, horrible things, so many things she had never dreamed she would do.

As she got out of bed ready to enter the bathroom & have her shower as soon as Amy was finished Harmony thought about what was in store for her that day, an involuntary shiver ran through her whole body when she remembered the words of Rebecca from the morning before,

"If you're still a potential pledge at the end of today we get to play with you tomorrow morning!"

Harmony had a long standing enmity with Cindy & Rebecca that had started years earlier when they attended summer camp together & since the two rich bitches had won their sisterhood on the first afternoon of pledge week they had taken every opportunity to torment & humiliate Harmony, as well as encouraging everyone else in the house to do the same. So the thought of spending a significant amount of time at their unchecked mercy both appalled and scared her, with nobody to stop them how far would they push things? She dreaded to think.

Eventually Amy emerged from the bathroom, Harmony hurried in & prepared herself for the morning. By 10.30 all four remaining potential pledges were sat in the party room with their breakfasts in front of them. Michelle whispered with both Amy & Heather before updating the tormentuous whiteboard that told everyone who saw it all the nasty things Harmony & the other potential pledges had been forced to do. By this point the list was:

Amy, Britney, Cindy, Rebecca, Scarla & Tiphany: All nothing


Pussys licked to orgasm: Ashley 4 times, Scarla once


Pussys licked to orgasm: Tiphany 5 times, Amy twice.

Feet cleaned orally: Amy once


Pussys licked to orgasm: Heather and Taylor 4 times each, Amy 3 times.

Feet cleaned orally: Tiphany once


Pussys licked to orgasm: Britney 6 times, Amy and Tiphany 5 times each, Cassie and Michelle twice each, Cindy, Heather and Rebecca once each.

Piss drank: Britney and Cindy twice each, Amy, Rebecca and Tiphany once each

Face farted in: Britney for two whole nights + 1 other time

Feet cleaned orally: Britney and Cassie once each

Asses kissed: Cindy and Tiphany once each

Publicly fingered to orgasm: by Heather once

Group spankings: once with a paddle

As Harmony looked at this she screwed up her face in disgust, she had been forced to do so much more than any of the other girls & so much of what she had been forced to do was far more unpleasant than the others had suffered.

Ashley saw Harmony looking at the board & couldn't help saying,

"I'm looking forward to updating that after Cindy & Rebecca are finished with you!",

The look on Harmony's face made Ashley giggle & she added,

"They've both had breakfast & gone back to bed, but don't worry I'll take you up to them soon!"

For the rest of breakfast Harmony sat in silence looking down at her plate, Amy was whispering excitedly with Michelle, Heather was stroking hands with Ashley & Lindsay was looking at nothing in particular clearly wishing she was elsewhere.

A couple of minutes after everyone had finished eating Taylor came in & whispered to Ashley,

"I've spoken to my friend & they're very interested."

Michelle had leant in to listen & both girls smiled at hearing this news. This was all to do with a plan Ashley had made that she hoped to be able to put into action the next morning.

Silence had fallen as the potentials had hoped to overhear the conversation so Ashley took the opportunity to address the girls,

"Right girls, here's your schedule for today, Harmony as you know you've got a date with Cindy & Rebecca, I'm going to take you up to them & will be staying to watch & make sure they don't do you too much damage!", Michelle, Amy & Heather laughed at this.

"Heather you're going to be Taylor's assistant for the morning, Lindsay the same for you with Michelle. Amy, Tiphany & Britney have asked if you can help them this morning, I don't know their plans but I'm assured you won't have a bad time" The sorority president explained.

"Lunch is at 2pm, after that you'll all be sent to prepare yourselves for tonight's activities. This includes making sure you're properly shaved as I explained on Monday. You'll all be using guest room 1 as we'll have another guest using guest room 2 tonight. I'll let you know more details about what's happening this evening a bit later." Ashley finished.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 17: Cindy & Rebecca's Playtime

Ashley stood up telling Amy & Harmony to get up too & follow her. As they walked up to the first floor of the house Amy had a massive smile on her face, she knew Harmony was going to suffer & she was looking forward to hearing all about it & maybe trying some of it on Harmony herself! Once they reached the first floor Ashley knocked on room 5 & when Tiphany opened the door she motioned Amy inside before turning to Harmony with the sort of smile an animal gets when it's cornered its prey!

"Before we start I just want to be clear about something," started Ashley,

"I've already given both Cindy & Rebecca clear guidelines on what they can & can't make you do, but as I know how much they despise you I am going to stay to watch. I will only stop things if the girls are going beyond the limits I've set & just so we are absolutely clear unless I say to stop you will do everything you are told, you may not speak to me at any point unless I address you directly, is that clear!"

Ashley had been very forceful as she had said all of this & had left Harmony with no doubts that Cindy & Rebecca could use her & abuse her & she couldn't ask Ashley to help or refuse any commands, so resignedly she replied,

"Yes Sister Ashley."

Ashley smiled before crossing the corridor to Rebecca's door & knocking, Cindy opened the door & stepped out closing it behind her,

"Hi Harmony, so nice to see you!" She exclaimed in mock excitement,

"Let's check you look all pretty for your date with Rebecca," she teased,

"well as nobody wants to see that ugly body of yours you can keep the robe on, but I think you're missing something! Oh I know!" Cindy gave that evil smile again as she said that,

Until that point Cindy had kept one hand behind her back to hide what she was holding, that hidden hand sprang in to view & before Harmony could react even to flinch Cindy had placed a thin but strong collar around her neck & clipped it shut.

"That's better!" she smiled giving a gentle tug on the leash to demonstrate that she was now in total control.

"Rebecca's in bed waiting for you!" Explained Cindy before she reopened the door to room 2.

Cindy led the way in to the room pulling Harmony's leash to ensure the potential pledge followed her, Ashley brought up the rear & shut the door once they were all inside Rebecca's room.

Harmony hadn't been inside one of the sister's rooms before & despite the situation she couldn't help looking around. The room was even more spacious than the guest rooms, along the wall on her left were a wardrobe built in to the wall, a chest of draws, what was clearly a work desk with shelves above it & nearest the far wall was a cupboard. On the work desk sat a computer & a lamp, whilst on top of the about 3 foot high cupboard was a large wide screen plasma TV. There was a comfortable looking chair at the work desk too.

On the far wall a window ran along most of that side of the room, it was fairly high up though as the head of Rebecca's king sized bed was against this wall facing towards the door. To the right of the bed against the right hand wall were the en-suite bathroom door, with a mirror, another desk & two even more comfortable looking chairs also along that wall.

"All the sister's rooms are like this." Ashley stated uninterestedly noticing Harmony's eyes exploring the room, she then walked over to one of the chairs near the right wall & sat down.

Cindy yanked on the leash leading Harmony along the left side of the bed as the collared girl's stomach dropped seeing Rebecca smiling at her from under the covers. When she had entered the room the smell of perfume had stood out but now she got near Rebecca it was clear that it was not coming from her,

Rebecca gave a little giggle as she saw Harmony's nose turn up when she was brought to the head of the bed,

"Remember yesterday when I told you I hadn't showered since Tuesday?" she paused,

"Well I still haven't & I spent half an hour on one of the running machines in the gym this morning, I really worked up a sweat!" She laughed as Cindy mockingly screwed up her own features pretending to be grossed out too,

"Oh & don't forget Harmony got you all hot & bothered with that naughty tongue of hers yesterday in the corridor too!" Cindy added with delight,

Cindy ordered Harmony to lie on the bed facing Rebecca as she handed the leash to her best friend with a massive smile, before moving back & sitting down on the desk chair where she had a great view of the bed.

"It's so great to see you Harmony, I've been looking forward to getting you in bed ever since I recognised you on the first morning we were here!" Rebecca purred in a mock sweet voice as she leant in close to Harmony's face.

"What to do first, so many options," she raised an eye brow as she pretended to think,

Rebecca was still for a second looking at Harmony then suddenly she raised her face over the collared girl's & spat right on to her! Harmony opened her mouth in surprise and Rebecca spat again straight in to it this time laughing as she did so.

Rebecca smiled & mockingly stroked Harmony's forehead as she added,

"I love how dumb you are Harmony, I'm going to have so much fun with you!"

"Now swallow my spit as I have work for your tongue!" she laughed pulling Harmony's leash towards her as she lay on her side on the bed.

Harmony's head was now right in front of Rebecca's boobs as Rebecca looked down at her before leaning down a little & sniffing near her armpit,

"Wow I smell really sweaty, what do you think Harm!",

As she said this Rebecca wrapped her arm around Harmony's face pushing the trapped girl's face in to her left armpit.

"I want you to lick every drop of sweat from my smelly pits!" Ordered Rebecca,

"Oh my god!" laughed Cindy as Harmony was forced to stick out her tongue & start licking!

As her face was thrust under Rebecca's pit Harmony had to agree it smelt bad, she didn't want to lick it, but she knew she had no choice. As she stuck out her tongue & started to lick she wasn't sure what she hated more the unpleasant sour taste or the sound of Cindy & Rebecca's laughter & mocking words ringing in her ears!

After a couple of minutes Rebecca seemed either satisfied or bored, Harmony didn't know which, but as she had licked up so much of the sweat covering her tormentor's shaved underarm she wasn't thrilled when Rebecca leant back & lowered Harmony's face to her other armpit.

As the sour & salty taste hit Harmony all over again Rebecca motioned for Cindy to pass her the open can of coke sat on her desk, this only added to Harmony's humiliation as now Rebecca wasn't even giving the gross job she had her doing her full attention.

Harmony thought Rebecca had left her licking the second armpit for longer than the first, the cruel girl eventually decided the pit was clean enough when she finished her coke.

Rebecca pulled Harmony's head up & sniffed her face,

"You smell nasty!" she laughed,

She held her victim there for a few seconds looking straight at her before to Harmony's surprise leaning in closer & loudly burping right in her face. This set off a fresh round of laughter from Cindy & Ashley as well as Rebecca.

The next second Harmony felt the leash being yanked down as she was pushed under the covers, out of Harmony's view Rebecca motioned to Cindy who lifted the bed covers from the bottom of the bed revealing Rebecca's feet,

"Ah!" Reacted Ashley instinctively, before moving her chair to the head of the bed, far away from Rebecca's feet,

"Those stink Rebecca!" Exclaimed the sorority president,

"Guess what Harmony's next job is!" joked the dark haired girl, although everyone in the room except Harmony had clearly already figured this out.

Rebecca lifted the covers as she continued to push down on Harmony's head & instructed the potential pledge,

"Kiss my sweaty, smelly feet! Lick every drop of sweat from them, suck out every tiny bit of toe jam!"

As Harmony's head emerged from under the covers at the bottom of the bed she instinctively wrinkled her nose at the disgusting smell that awaited her there, Rebecca's feet smelt worse than she could have possibly imagined! It was like bad cheese but far stronger, she felt physically sick at the smell.

Harmony tried to breathe through her mouth as she started as instructed by softly kissing across the soul of one foot then the other. After that she moved on to lick the top of both feet, she was leaving the worst bits til last hoping Rebecca would bore of the game & move on, but she didn't. So once she'd finished with the top of each foot Harmony lifted Rebecca's right foot & started licking up & down the soul, over & over again, it tasted bad, like the armpits, but not as bad as it smelt. After a few more minutes she had finished the souls of both feet & couldn't put off any longer the worst bit, the toes.

Rebecca drew back her right foot & for a second Harmony thought she was about to get kicked in the head, then the truth dawned on her & resignedly she opened her mouth & let those sweaty, smelly toes enter. It was worse than Harmony had expected, the toes really did taste like very strong, very bad cheese, the only tiny mercy was that when she got to the big toe there was nothing nasty by her nose. Dutifully Harmony sucked away on two or three toes at a time, massaging each toe with her tongue & sucking the crud from between Rebecca's digits. Every so often she had to swallow the gunk that built up in her mouth, each time it almost made her gag, but she managed to force it down. Rebecca had her spend even longer on the big toe & audibly sighed with pleasure as Harmony sucked on it. The abused blonde was forced to endure the whole horrid experience over again with the left foot & by the time she was finished a combination of the smell & taste of those feet had made her feel distinctly unwell.

"Ah that was nice, definitely the most enjoyable way to clean my feet!" Exulted Rebecca with a broad smile.

Then to Harmony's relief Rebecca moved around in the bed & tipped all the covers over the side revealing her totally naked body, she hoped the first of her torturers was finished with her but then Cindy came over to the side of the bed & took hold of Harmony's leash as Rebecca moved up the bed & turned onto her stomach

Cindy repositioned Harmony so that her face hovered above Rebecca's bum & the rich blonde handed the leash back to her dark haired colleague with a big grin.

"It's time for the bit I've been most looking forward to & I'm sure it's the bit you've been looking forward to as well, it's time for you to pucker up & kiss my fabulous ass!" Rebecca announced happily as she pulled Harmony's face against her left ass cheek.

Harmony was actually starting to hate Rebecca as much as she hated Cindy by now & she couldn't think of anything in the world she wanted to do less than kiss that bitch's ass, but she knew she had to. So Harmony started to kiss, she laid lots of little, light kisses all over Rebecca's cheek before moving on to the other one. Again she heard pleasured sighs from Rebecca as she did this but she didn't notice as much as she would normally as she was concentrating on staying away from the crack of the vile girl's ass as being so sweaty it smelt revolting.

While Harmony continued to kiss Rebecca's cheeks Cindy whispered to Ashley to move closer as she wouldn't want to miss what was going to happen next!

Satisfied that Harmony was sufficiently humiliated Rebecca pulled on the leash again & positioned the blonde's face right above her ass crack,

"I want you to lean in & snog my asshole! Let it feel that slutty little tongue of yours" Rebecca instructed,

Hearing this Harmony's eyes went wide, almost nothing in the world would make her kiss that part of anyone, let alone someone she hated, far less someone all nasty & sweaty who hadn't showered for 3 days, but the thought of having to live the rest of her life knowing she had wasted so much of her parents money was one thing that would make her do it. She knew if she disobeyed the instruction she was out of the sorority & she knew that getting in to this sorority was the only way she could afford to stay at this university that her parents had paid a lot of money to get her a place at.

Taking a deep breath Harmony leant forward & her lips came in to contact with Rebecca's asshole for the first time, it tasted disgusting, but she didn't let herself stop, she opened her mouth a little & thrust out her tongue gently massaging the rich girl's rosebud! & Rebecca let out a loud gasp of pleasure as this happened

Rebecca wanted to leave Harmony doing that all day, but she had other plans, one of which couldn't wait any longer, she manoeuvred Harmony's face so that the taller blonde's nose was against her asshole, she held the girl's head still with both hands before straining for a second & letting out a long, loud fart right on her victim's face. As she let rip Rebecca shrieked with delight, whilst Cindy clapped & cheered her.

"Oh Wow!" chuckled Ashley,

After the laughter had died down Ashley asked,

"Got any more for her!" with a giggle,

"No, I'm not Britney! I'd been holding that one in for a couple of hours just for her!" Explained Rebecca sounding slightly disappointed.