SpellsRUs: Urge for Self Loving


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I carefully unwound myself from the tangle, hearing them mutter or sigh, and rolling about a bit. I looked down at them, and had a momentary urge to take a picture. I chuckled, and with Jay echoing it, I went down the hall and back into the lab, which had been sealed since the day after David had been born. I scrawled the opening symbols across the pattern holding the door shut, and the door swung open.

'Shut the door, baby. This isn't for anyone else to see, just you and me.' I could feel his excitement at this surprise. 'Go over and pull out the scrying crystal, put it in the center of the circle.' I did so, not recognizing what he was having me do. "It's a mystery, dear. Just enjoy it.' I sat down in his chair, smelling the leathery scent that had tagged his body so often. I heard him chanting some words, not recognizing the language. The circle filled with a yellowish light, forming a pillar. A shape took form there, one that made my heart go up into my throat. It was Jay! He smiled at me, and his spoken words were echoed by the ones in my head.

"Come here, baby. This won't last long, and I want to hold you again." I jumped up from the seat, and dashed over the perimeter of the circle. My hair stood on end as I breached the barrier, but it didn't stop me. I threw my arms around him, feeling the solid strength of his body. I felt his arms straining to pull me harder into him, and his mouth latched onto my own. After I told him silently how much I'd missed him, he turned me around in his embrace, my arm wrapping around his back. "I've missed you too, Jackie. But you need to see this." His fingers flew through the passes of a spell, and the light surrounding us shifted to an orange color. The lab outside was the same, but sitting in the chair this time was me, a me I'd never been! She was at least six months pregnant, and as bare as I was. He spoke again. "Beloved, come here." The arm that wasn't holding me to him gestured again, and she/I waddled over, stepping again into the light.

She kissed him as hard as I did, and pasted herself around his other side. She looked at me. "Nice to see you again, Jackie." She reached across his chest and ran her fingers down my cheek, before holding it out for my hand. I gave it over, and she pulled it across to lay on her swollen stomach. "I've only got another two months left. Then we get him back, full-time." I felt her hand twitch across his back, pinching him and getting a jump.

"Easy now, girls. Don't wear out the old man just yet. We've got another three stops to go." He smiled, and nodded his head forwards. Both of us turned ahead again, my hand still pressed beneath hers, and I could feel Jay kicking beneath her flesh. The light turned green, and we saw another tableau. We were still in the lab, but instead of a lone inhabitant, the Jackie this time was sitting up in a birthing chair facing us. She was screaming, apparently in a contraction. Peter was kneeling between her legs, and giving her encouragement.

"Push, Jackie, push! I can see his head!" His hand left her knee and did something we couldn't see, but we heard a gush of fluid, and a squishy sound. "Got him!" He wiped down the infant, clearing off the vernix before cutting the cord. He laid Jason down on her chest, and stepped back. Peter turned around, and we saw the surprise on his face. "Jay? Jackie? TWO Jackies?" he spun around to look at the one he'd been with. "What's going on?"

"Long story, Pete." Our Jay reassured him. "He'll tell you real soon. But first, I think you'd better take care of the afterbirth." Peter snapped back around, and took care of the distasteful task. He gathered up the messy cloths he'd had on the floor with a gesture. "We'll be seeing you soon, Peter. Take care of them, okay?"

"You know I will, bro." He saluted us. "You'd better get those two back to wherever they came from." The me behind him looked up from her suckling newborn, and spoke.

"Girlfriend," she said as she looked right at me, "trust me, what's left has to be seen to be believed. Although," she smiled, "I can't wait till he's as big as the one you've got." She waved baby Jason's hand at us, and my twin and I waved back. Jay nodded sharply again, and the light flashed, becoming blue. When the flash cleared, we were looking in on an orgy. This time, however, both of the boys and Suzanne had each of us with a pussy speared on their dicks, all of 'us' facing the circle. The Jay of this time, an adult who was making love with Rebecca, looked up at the flash.

"Took you long enough, Jay", he panted between thrusts. "How are you liking the preview, Jackie?" he asked me/her.

"It's wonderful. Although it makes me impatient." We both chuckled. In truth, the sight was making me yearn to join in. Finally, I'd get my ultimate fantasy, all of my lovers together in one place, and all participating. "How far ahead are we?" I asked the Jay I'd come with.

"A year to the day, baby. You started planning this as soon as you got back to your present." An orgasmic screech from Daphne drew his eye. "Ease up, Peter. How else are you going to keep it going long enough?"

"Fu... fuck you, bro." Peter was drenched with sweat. Daphne was apparently squeezing the hell out of his dick. I squirmed in place, envying them all. "Get on with it, will you? I don't know how long I can hold back." He leaned forwards and moaned into his lover's back.

"Trust Jason to spend a shitload of time and energy to watch an orgy." Suzanne ground out as she eased back into Pam's pussy. "Good to see you, girls. Peter told us about this, but I didn't believe him. Now, get where you're going." She raised her hand in farewell. Jay nodded to his other self, and with a purple flash, we were back in the lab. The light died out, and Jay walked us out of the circle.

"How long were we doing that, Jay?" I asked.

"Only a few days. They'll be done soon." His anticipatory grin made me slap his stomach. "Hey, they've been enjoying themselves immensely. I just had to do this."

"When are we?"

"Couple of weeks after the orgy. We're alone now." His grin stretched even wider. "And I've got two of you for the price of one." He pulled the other me into his lap, and tweaked her nipple momentarily before laying my head down on his thigh. "I did this because I couldn't let either of you go this long without telling you how much I love you. Saying it with my mind isn't the same." He rubbed his hands over our bellies. "All five of me had to do this, and we could only do it this one time." She pulled his head down to her own, giving him a throat-swabbing kiss before doing the same to me.

"Hmm, I kiss just as well as you say I do, Jay." she said when we'd finished. Funny thing was, we were speaking in sync, but it didn't surprise us. "Now, I believe you were saying something about telling us how much you love me?" we finished. He looked surprised at our stereo-speak, then grinned.

"Peter's going to be sorry he missed this," he said while he stripped his clothes off. We cuddled close to each other, our hands finding just the right spots and eliciting a dual squeal. "Now, which of you should I start with?"

I ended the playing by grabbing him and roughly throwing him to the floor, pinning him under me.

"We're doing the starting, lover." My twin came around and sat on his face, propping herself up on her toes. His hands came up around her legs, pulling her cunt to his face. She moaned in heat when he parted her lips. Meanwhile, I had his dick ready to go, and I speared myself onto it with glee. I hadn't been with him in a month, while it had been nearly six times as long for her. I felt his cock swelling inside me, stretching me. I ground my pelvis into his on each downstroke, grazing my button every time. I looked over at my twin, who was grinning back. I reached out and stroked her tits, feeling how swollen they'd become. She moaned louder at my touch, and bent forwards to catch my mouth again. "Feels good, doesn't it?" she asked. I whispered back that it was heavenly. "Then make it count, girl, because you've got a six-month wait till you're me." She smirked back at me. I took her words to heart, and ground myself down on his cock until he nipped her sex in pain. "Ease off, willya, darling? He almost drew blood." We heard a mumbled apology from between her legs, and giggled. I leaned forwards and pressed my chest against his, needing to feel his whole body beneath mine. Since we were the same height, I turned my head slightly and I was able to join Jay's tongue action with my own. My twin squealed, and came on our faces, letting down a flood of salty, sweet juices. She pulled back, and I lapped at his face to collect all of it. He let me clean him off, then returned the favor as he rolled me beneath him.

"Careful, lover, I'm a future mother," I said into his mouth. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them next to my head. "Now what are you going to do with me now that you've got me?" I smiled up at him. He answered with a deep thrust that sealed his groin to mine. He jabbed his hips sharply into me, as his head snaked down and caught a nipple between his teeth. I hummed with pleasure as he chewed softly on it, teasing me. I forced my hands free from his grip and took hold of him, wrapping my arms under his and locking over his shoulders. He renewed his attack, driving into me with all his might. "Mmmm, behave yourself, baby, we've got an audience."

"Oh, I don't mind, dear. I've been where you are, remember?" My twin was sitting tailor-fashion next to us, running her hand down Jay's back while occasionally pulling at her breast. Her other hand was between her legs, manipulating the tender flesh there. "However, I'm not averse to sharing, either." Her smile was one to break hearts, or to mend them. I felt Jason shudder through a climax, and he fell to my breast afterwards, chest heaving. I held him to me with all my limbs and smelled the clean scent of his sweat, and the cheap shampoo he used on his hair.

I rolled over, leaving me on top of him. "You can't sleep now, Jay. You've still got some work to do." I kissed him, dragging him back from his lethargic stupor. I slid off of him, leaving a kiss on his still-nodding cock as I did. I held my hand to my other self. "Your turn, cutie." She took my hand, and kissed me in passing. She grabbed his hands from where they lay on the floor and held them to her breast. With a growl, she lay down on him, spreading her legs around his hips.

"She's right, Jay. You've still got to work me over." She chuckled as she inched her way forwards to put her tit in his mouth. "I still remember that little trick you pulled when I was only a day old. Time for me to return the favor." She squeezed her breast, and Jay spluttered as some of it splashed out onto his neck. He coughed for a moment, clearing his throat before attaching himself to her nipple. When he sucked, she moaned. I saw her other nipple beginning to dribble in sympathy, so I moved over and latched onto it. The milk was thin and sweet, but tinged with some indefinable musky flavor. "Ohhh, you're Momma's goooood babies, aren't you?" She ran her fingers through my hair. Jay snaked his arm out and caught me against his side, briefly.

"I want something a little different, babies. Jay, get in that chair." Jay followed her instructions, stroking his dick back to rigidity. She sat down on his lap facing him, sliding his cock into her. "Come to Momma, little Jackie." I joined them in the chair, laying across it's high armrests. "No, no, that'll never do." She incanted a brief spell, and I felt weightless. She brought my head around to rest against her right nipple, wrapping the rest of my body around to her left. She offered me the nipple again, and I tasted the sweet nectar flowing from it. "Ohhhh, good girl, Jackie." She wrapped one arm around my back, the other hand holding my head against her tit as she raised and lowered herself on his dick. Thrust, suck, thrust, suck. I timed my nursing to coincide with her downthrusts, and Jay wrapped his arms around both of us. We made love like this for an hour or more, slowing down when Jay got close to cumming. She teased him mercilessly, taking his tongue into her mouth and keeping it there, only occasionally letting him up for breath. Meanwhile, my stomach was filling up with thin milk, and she switched me around. I couldn't wait to be her.

Finally, Jay had had enough. He crushed us both to him, and with a grunt, he emptied himself into her, driving her over the brink as well. The pair of them sandwiched me, and I felt the love between her and Jay, knowing it was my own as well.




I was confused when Past-Jackie and Jason appeared during Jackie's labor, but I knew them well enough to know that they'd explain later. After I'd finished checking both of them out (both 'mother' and infant being perfectly fine), Jackie explained to me what was going on.

"Jay's selves at 5 points in time were all focused on making us know what would happen down the line. The Jay that was with them is from about 4 months or so in our future. Now, are we going to age this fella to his right age, or are we going to debate time-travel?"

Needless to say, I went with Option No. 1. The Master PC returned Jay to his prime, and we spent the next week in an orgy of celebration. His magics were even stronger than before, if you can believe that. Something about having spent a normal gestational period in another human being had strengthened his will, not to mention having been born with magic this time.

Jackie organized the orgy/ritual that would power their little temporal jaunt, and a good time was had by all. She never went back to Social Work, but instead spent increasingly greater amounts of time practicing her own magical skills.

Suzanne, Daphne, Pam, and Rebecca all settled into a routine, almost like a commune. Little David had four mothers instead of the standard one, and seemed to be fine with it. Daphne opted to be a stay at home mother, with Rebecca helping her out, in between continuing her web-based Amazon Fetish-wear sales. The four of them regularly joined us for games, dinners, and just hanging out.

As for me, I patented a cheaper Liquid Crystal Television that cost about half as much to make. I raked in a pile on that one. My siblings and I spent the other fifty % of our time tracking and eliminating malignant Users. The few we found that weren't abusing other people we left alone, but they were few and far between.

Unfortunately, one of the nastiest bastards we took down, a Robert Parkham, had set a rather nasty booby-trap. His Master PC had been set to mail itself out as a piece of junk e-mail. Most people that got it deleted it, since it sounded like the usual bullshit. Anyone that opened it, however, was rewarded with their very own spawned-copy.

"Dammit, how many times are we going to have to go through this? Trying to contain these assholes is taking every erg of power we can muster between the three of us!" I complained while we were dealing with the ripples from a user in North Dakota. If this son of a bitch had gotten more ambitious, he could have gotten someone to set off the nukes in Minot!

"Just be thankful Xanthos decimated the one on the Newsgroups, Pete." Jackie was leveling the bastard's house with a crush-spell and a large warhammer. "Think how bad it'd be if he hadn't. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't pay him a visit."

"No way in hell, sis. Xan's a good man, but he's at least as smart as we are. I'm not about to make him paranoid. Besides which, he's got his own fish to fry." Jay's declaration was punctuated by a transformation of a victim back to her normal state. Jay sent her home, under an amnesia spell. "He's taking your route, Pete, and he's done enough to handle this whole fucking mess." I was still a little antsy, Jay having caught a serious energy blast in our little conflict. The tattoo I'd given him was all that had saved him, his magical shield having collapsed.

"Yeah, but from what I read, he's just like you, bro. Even if he wasn't slick enough to give himself magic powers." My exoskeleton crunched through the reinforced concrete floor. "This bastard, however, was. Need I remind you of the 'demon' he conjured up?" This one had been a real nasty customer; he'd been kidnapping women and breeding up a sacrificial pool. Every time he'd crushed one of their heads on his altar, his pet demon got stronger and stronger, which reinforced his power. We'd had to call in the Wizard for a consultation, since neither Jay nor Jackie had any experience with Demons. Jackie had had to lure said Demon into a spirit trap the Wizard had provided, and Jay had to trigger it. All the Wizard had taken in trade for it was the Demon itself. He didn't really trust anyone with that thing in their arsenal, and I concurred. Hell, we'd even managed to earn the old man's trust with that one. The User himself, Jackie toasted with her bracelet when his link with the demon was cut off.

The sensors in my exo-skel's hand's gave me a ping. "Hey, I've got it!" I pulled the rubble aside, uncovering our goal. "Little shit had it buried in the concrete!" We'd demolished his main terminal, but he'd had the Master running on a supercomputer. No wonder he'd had such a fast processing time and an extended range. Jackie levitated me a case with my diagnostic tools. I attached a probe to the frame, and took my readings. "Holy fuck, he upgraded this thing himself!" God, I was glad we'd gotten him. Bad as he was with his pet Demon, if he'd had a chance to get to his terminal, we'd all have been toast. There were more onboard parallel logic processors than an entire computer lab at MIT. "I think we oughtta take this home, I'm not about to stay around here and play with it."

"Works for me, but is it gonna fit back through the Doorway?"

"... Fuck no. I'll have to rent a U-Haul. I don't even know enough about it to shrink it down."

"I'll go, I've got the cash," Jay volunteered.

"No, I'd better go. There might be more magic traps around here, and I'm useless for that shit." I hauled the supercomputer out of it's niche and set it down in the now-scorched living room. We'd set off a series of trip-wire spells when we'd gone after Arnie, and I wasn't about to volunteer to find more of 'em with my klutzing about. I disengaged the armor's control system and it released me, folding itself back down to steamer-trunk size. I hauled my ass back outside, hopped into the rental truck and went hunting a U-Haul.

While I drove, I did some heavy thinking. We were living in a constant state of readiness; Jackie hadn't removed her blasting-jewelry for months, Jay had enough scanning spells around himself to fill an entire spellbook, and I was sleeping with an infrasonic gun under my pillow. We'd armor-reinforced the condo and the rest of the building to withstand anything short of a fusion bomb, and noone in our little clique left the building without one of us three along for the ride. The girls were understanding, but getting a little jumpy, and I wasn't much better. However, being married to all of them was nice.

The recently-passed legislation legalizing multiple marriages, gay marriages, and the like had swept most of the country, including Kentucky. We'd taken the opportunity to marry the girls, making us a family in every last way. Jay's parents, however, weren't understanding of it, and had disinherited him for it. He'd written them off with a "fuck you too" letter, but he still felt guilty about it. Afterwards, he'd gone into overtime making sure all of us were as magically protected as he could manage. None of us slept alone anymore, not feeling real safe with one of our loved ones outside our umbrella.
