SpellsRUs: Urge for Self Loving


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"I still think you're over-reacting, Jay. If I set up a clean-room environment and set it to burn if the nanites escape confinement, would you consider it?" He reluctantly agreed to this proposition. So we spent the next hour or so working on the clean-room. I didn't need an entire room to work with, since the nanites were so small, and with the technology I could already whip up, I could manage with less than a few cubic feet of space. We constructed a small test chamber made up of a small transparent steel cube inside of another, with a pair of inset waldo-arms to manipulate the inner workings. When we were both satisfied with the preparations, he used the Control Console to give me the knowledge I needed.

I squeezed his shoulder in appreciation. "Thanks, bro. If my theories are correct, we might be able to use these things to solve our problem with Daphne's parents." I still wasn't happy with the idea of having an infectious pair of people in my home, but I understood why Jay had to do it. There was simply no other way to keep them confined without someone getting wind of what we were doing. The idea of having a government agency, or worse, the media, getting involved was enough to give me the creeps. So, I'd turned my mind towards problem solving.

Jay blinked. "I'd never thought of that. I was focused on undoing it, not compensating for the problem." His short-sighted-ness was understandable. His talents, not to mention the Control Console, made it a lot simpler to just undo things rather than working around them. I smiled again.

"You're right, though. If we can resolve it so she doesn't have that kind of effect on people, it'll make our lives a lot easier."

"My thoughts exactly. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll get to work." He slapped me lightly on the shoulder, and wandered off to his lab. I shook my head behind his back. He meant well, even if he was acting like a reactionary. However, I wasn't about to make the mistake of taking every word he said as gospel, even if we did agree on almost everything. Mercifully, Jay (nor I, for that matter) wasn't the type to let ego get in the way of a better idea. "I've got to talk to Jackie. If Jay's serious about this crusade of his, the two of us are going to have to patch the holes in his thinking. He's liable to get himself killed if he tries to handle the rest of those fuckers the way he handled David." Unfortunately, Jason's telepathy only worked between myself and him or him and Jackie, so I had to go get her myself. I knocked on Daphne's door, and got a feeble "Just a second," in response. I smelled the scent of sex on the air, and smiled to myself. Neither of my twins were wasting a second in making their sex lives more interesting.

The door swung open a crack and I saw Daphne's face behind it. "Is it dinner time already?"

"No, I just need to talk to Jackie. Is she still asleep?" Her face turned away from me momentarily.

"No, she's up. Hang on a sec, willya?"

"Sure. Daph, how're you getting along?" I asked.

"Oh, pretty well, I guess." Her nervousness was evident. I made some banal reply, and she vanished. Jackie opened the door long enough to come out, then shut it.

"What's up, doc?" Her quirky grin and raised eyebrow dared me to ask what she'd been doing in there, but I kept my mouth shut on that score.

" I had an idea, and I wanna run it over with you while Jay's still distracted." Her eyebrow crept a little higher, and she followed me back to my workshop. Inside, I showed her the nanite experiment, and after briefly explaining what I was trying to do with it, got down to brass tacks.

"I'm worried about Jay, sis. This crusade of his is liable to get him killed." She agreed with me, and I sat her down in my chair while I leaned against the work top, gathering my thoughts. "I'm not so much worried about the two of us as I am about him. He thinks this is all his responsibility, and I'm afraid he won't take adequate precautions for his own survival."

"Howso? We're both identical to him, and we've both thought about it." This admission on her part didn't really surprise me much, since we were as paranoid as Jay was. "If we've thought about it, chances are that he has too, or will very soon."

"Right, but because we've diverged from his personal time-line, we think of things in ways that he can't, or won't. And on that note, I've had an idea that I want to vet past you. You and I are clones of Jay, with the trifling matter of a replicated X chromosome in your case. Would it be possible, given your knowledge of magic, to snag his spirit if he gets killed, and then implant it into another clone?"

"Possible, but somewhat difficult. I'd have to get his consent for such a thing to work."

"Shit. Okay, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now, here comes the tricky part. Since I don't think we want him as vulnerable as he'll be if we restore him like that, what if we used magic to make you pregnant with his clone?" Her look of surprise was gratifying; I had the literary background Jay and Jackie both shared, but none of the practical knowledge. " We could even use the Control Console to age him once his new body gets old enough."

"Now that's an interesting proposition. From what I've read, a reincarnation like what you're talking about would neatly sidestep the immortality problem." When I looked puzzled, she elaborated. "The Immortality Problem is an ancient paradox of sorcery. If you wanted to make yourself immortal, there are several workings that will do just that, but each has an increasingly inconvenient side effect; some of them require that you become a vampiric being, others make you a thaumivore, an eater of magic. What you've got in mind is something like what the Buddhists believe about the Dalai Lamas."

"Good to know, but will it actually work? If we implant his spirit in a clone, we could also recreate his memories via the Master PC, I think." I stressed the last word. I wasn't sure if it would work, but I couldn't see a problem with it, except perhaps Jason's commands to let me use the Master if he were killed or rendered unable to use it. I assumed that the command would simply remove my block against touching the Control Console, neglecting to take notice of when or if Jay ever became able to use it again.

"If he can give Daphne all new memories with his magic, I don't think Master PC would find it any more difficult. But how are we going to get him to consent?"

"I'll leave that to you, dear one. You're much better at persuading him than I'll ever be."

"I kind of doubt that. You're both members of the Dick Brotherhood. You're much more like him than I am." Her good humor took me away from the gloomy permutations of time I'd been dwelling on.

"Maybe, but he likes you best."

"Does not!"

"Does too!" I stuck my tongue out at her, and we broke down into giggles. "Seriously, though, do you think he'll give you any grief about the whole consent thing?"

"I honestly don't know. We both know that he's stubborn, not to mention contrary. Not to mention, he believes in death. I don't know that either of us can predict how he'll take to serial reincarnation." I nodded and shrugged in dismissal. "I have to say, though, that I'd never once thought about just using my womb as a healing device. Good thinking there, brother." I bowed mockingly.

"Hey, what're alternate twins for?" A change of topics was definitely in order, I thought. "So, how was Daphne? Is lesbian sex as intense as straight?"

"Apples and oranges, Pete. Woman/woman sex takes a little more invention, since we don't have some of the same equipment, but it's also a little easier, since we know where to touch and how hard to press in different spots to make each other crazy." She got this haughty expression on her face. "That's about as much info as I'll give you. If you want any more, you'll have to try it for yourself." I snorted derisively.

"If you think I'll try and talk Jay out of one of the better self-preservation ideas he's had, you're crazy." Jackie looked at me thoughtfully.

"I wondered when you'd finally get around to admitting you care for him."

"What're you talking about? I've not concealed that I love him."

"Bullshit." She shook her head sadly. "You and him are so much alike. Different as your minds are, you both react the same way." I asked her what she meant. "Neither of you will admit how much you care for each other. At least you'll admit it to me, if noone else." I was flabbergasted. I mean, I've never thought I needed to say it. We're the same person, more or less. Why should we have to rely on such a human way of reassuring each other?

"I don't get it, but apparently you think it important that I say something to him." She nodded.

"Much though none of us likes to admit it, we're human. Humans need each other to remind themselves of who they are. You know that as much as I do." I thought about it for a moment or two, and still didn't get it, but resolved to do as she asked.

"Well, as fascinating as all this is, Jay probably has dinner ready. You wanna get Daphne, or should I?"


Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving

Disclaimers: If you're under 18, leave now! This story ain't for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something.

My thanks to:

J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories.

My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series.

Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic's Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with others' actions and how it troubles the conscience of the self-respecting, not to mention frequent mentions in this little yarn.

Bill Hart, creator of the Spells R Us and it's Wizard, master of the fine print,

Robert Heinlein for writing such wonderful classics as Stranger in a Strange Land, and

finally, all of you out there who read these stories..

If you want to repost this story in a free place, go right ahead, just drop me a line at rockwolf7412002@yahoo.com . If you want to repost this in a paysite, DEFINITELY send me a message, or I'll have the Doom Dragons eat your face. Nice people are okay. Mean people that try and get stuff done are cool. Mean people who don't give a shit about anyone else suck.

And now, on with the story!


JASON'S PERSPECTIVE, 6 months later

After our initial dustup with David (now Daphne) Breenan, life settled into a comfortable routine around our home. Daphne moved into her own condo, and we even got her a roommate; Suzanne, the secretary for my stockbroker, who David had altered into a shemale with his version of the Master PC.

David's father and stepmother were still locked away in a spare bedroom of our condo, even though Peter's idea about the nanites worked.

Jackie's contacts in the Social Services department came in handy, and with a little sorcery and the judicious use of the Control Console, I was able to reduce the damage done by abusive families and the like in our area of Kentucky. Jackie was offered a position as Section Lead for her department, but she turned it down in favor of continuing to work with people.

Peter, inasmuch as the 'real' world was concerned, was still just a manager in a bookstore café, but he'd gotten a degree in engineering from a telecommuting college, and had started to patent a few useful inventions in his spare time.

As for myself, I continued to tinker with magic, using my contacts and growing friendliness with the Wizard to make a name for myself. My policy of staying relatively invisible, though, continued to color all of my associations. After all these months, I was no closer to finding out who'd originally sent out the Master. exe program, and the slowness of moving in the mundane world had conspired to keep me from my goal of taking down the most abusive of Users. I took my frustration out in various ways, mostly by throwing myself into my work, rarely remembering to eat or sleep except when absolutely necessary. As I should have expected, Jackie was willing to let me sink myself only so far before she took action.

One January morning while I was pondering what I should do next, she came barging into my lab. I started violently since I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings. Without so much as a word, she grabbed me by my sleeve and dragged me off to the living room, where she made me sit down on the couch and sat down on my lap.

"What's up, Jac?"

"You, you idiot. What are you doing?" My puzzled expression apparently infuriated her. "How long has it been since I've been in your bed, or you in mine?" I actually had to think about this for a minute or two, which told me that it had been too long. I told her so, which finally got me a smile. "My dear, beloved, stupid man." She ran her fingers through my hair while she said it, so I wasn't offended. "You seem to have forgotten a few things lately, Jay. I might be you as a girl, but I still know how you think and act. You've been beating your head against a wall for six months now, and you're getting into a rut."

"True, but I think I may have..." She shut me up with a finger across my lips.

"You're a good man, Jason, but sometimes you can be awfully dense. Come on, we're going to have a little brainstorming." Her smile was wicked and wanton, all at once. I meekly followed her as she dragged me back to her bedroom. I felt a little ashamed of myself, since my memory finally coughed up the last time I'd been with Jackie as having been more than 3 months prior.

When she'd shut the door behind us, Jackie turned to me with a peculiar little twinkle in her eye.

"I hope you don't mind, but I've been experimenting with some spells, and I'd like to try them out, since Peter's immune to them." I acquiesced and started to undress. "No, wait. Let me....there!" I looked at her, but I couldn't see any difference. Then I looked at myself. Nothing obviously changed, but I felt a strange sensation in my groin.

"What've you done?" I was curious, not angered, so I let her pull off my pants. My underwear was a little more full than usual, and when she pulled them down as well, I nearly fainted. My dick was now adorned with a spiraling twist of what looked like engorged blood vessels. "What in hell are those for?"

"Oh, you'll see soon enough." She smiled wickedly and grabbed my cock. As she masturbated me, I became erect, but as it came up, what I had taken to be veins revealed themselves to be otherwise. The mini-tentacles separated from the head of my dick with a scratchy feeling, and began waving in a disconcerting fashion. Jackie took advantage of my surprise to take my dick into her mouth and started sucking me off.

"Holy shit..." I breathed. The sensations from those tentacles was easily twice that from my cock, and I had to control myself stringently to keep from cumming. The tendrils had woven themselves around my cock and each other in a strange pattern, so they were stroking me and each other as their free ends explored the interior of Jackie's mouth. The sheer sensory pleasure from their stroking was driving me wild, and I was squirming where I stood. Jackie pulled me out of her mouth, trailing saliva as she stood up. "Where'd you get this spell?"

"I made it up myself, silly." Her hand was still teasing me, and my cock was surging in her grip. Finally, I could stand it no longer and started to pull her clothes off, while she returned the favor. When she was naked, I saw what she'd done to herself; all around her slit were these other little openings, apparently the female counterpart to my tendrils. "You like?"

" I dunno, let's try 'em out." I grabbed her around the waist and sat down on the bed, pulling her on top of me. I always like having my lover on top, it's much easier on my knees, not to mention more visually stimulating. Her head bobbed down to mine, and we kissed, deeply. My cock and tendrils were still hard as a rock, and I could feel her juices running down the inside of her thighs. Apparently, her secretions were increased when she'd changed herself, just as I had even more stamina than usual. Jackie's hand went to my cock, which she guided into it's accustomed place, right into her box. I gasped with need, and my tendrils got into the act. Each of them straightened out momentarily and sank home, one into each of Jackie's new orifices. They also got longer as they went, thinning down, until they'd worked through her system. Her cries of pleasure were music to my ears, and when the tendrils reached their goal and wrapped themselves back around my cock, we both wailed. We just lay there for a while, getting used to the new sensations, and swapping spit hungrily. Jackie started moving slowly up and down, drawing more moans from us both. I used my hands to pull her tight to me, so she was just moving her lower body against mine. When she was all the way down, I could feel my penile tentacles stretching to reach further inside of her body, all the way to her cervix. When they'd reached this barrier, they made contact, and locked themselves in place. I wailed when this happened, and Jackie squeezed her cunt-muscles down on my cock in orgasm, only the first of many. And it didn't stop there!

My tendrils may have stopped growing when they'd reached her cervix, but their work didn't stop. I got the impression of being in both places at once, filling my lover up with my cock, but also I felt myself being filled by it. "You can really say you're in me now, lover", she whispered into my ear. "How does it feel?"

"As if you had to ask", I replied. Our mutual amusement reverberated down our nerves. Each of us now felt the other's sensations, and it was heavenly. We were inside each other, and surrounding each other, building towards a mutual climax of epic proportions. I/we pulled half of us to our other self, and rubbed ourself just as we knew would feel good. Finally, I/we could withstand the pleasure no more, and we screamed out in agony/ecstasy as we came. We both passed out from the pleasure of having driven ourself to this point. I imagine that each of us had a stupefied look of pleasure on our faces, or that's what Peter told me when he came home and found us like that.

"Jesus Christ! It smells like a whorehouse on payday!" Peter's loud voice echoed into my feeble mind. "What in the hell have you two been doing?" His smile, however, was as curious as it was pleased.

"I've been wondering when she'd get fed up with your shit, Jay."

"Go fuck yourself, bro." The echoing chuckle from Jackie drew my attention back to our situation. We were still locked together as we'd been when we passed out. "Dear, would you mind letting me go now?" I asked.

"Hmmm, I don't know, I kind of like you like this...." Her wicked grin made me laugh, not to mention wonder. With a muttered word, I felt my sensory systems return to normal, and I could even feel my tentacles retracting into my body. I slid my now-softening dick out of her sex, and kissed her hard.

"Thank you, baby. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but whatever it is, I'd do it again." I was really grateful for Jackie's presence in my life. Peter was good enough, but with Jackie added in, my joy approached the infinite. "But right now, I imagine Peter'd like an explanation." I looked back at my brother, who still had a shit-eating grin on his face. I sat up against the headboard and started telling Peter about what had happened. When I got to the part about our nervous systems connecting, the look on his face was priceless, then turned incensed.

"You idiots! Don't you realize what kind of danger you put yourselves in?" He snaked his hand across the intervening space and took my pulse, which he said was entirely too fast. "If I hadn't broken you two apart, you could have killed each other!"
