Stanley Steamer Ch. 12: Pam+Talia Xmas


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"Derzu got well all of a sudden so I'm back to the studio. Ta-ta!"

Her goodbye involved licking all exposed nipples. She kissed Stan and Pam long and hard. She slipped on red boots at the front door and was gone.

Pam invited Tanya and me for a near-naked morning jog around the Rancho with Ursula and Megan. Sneakers and sports bras were all we needed to run a rough trail around the remote compound's fat boulders and wide high-desert landscape. Ursula, whose body looked way too young to be our grandmother, would run ahead, circle back, and chide us lazy slugs. She stopped to stretch and bend. Pam got behind her and stuck a thumb up her mother's ass.

"You can run and swim, Mom, but how far over the hills can you carry a fat broke-leg tourist on a stretcher?"

Ursula squawked but was polite afterwards. Pam scoured her thumb in sand. Megan, Tanya, and I pretended we had observed nothing.

Our jogging mileage added up. We all seemed happy to jump in the water tank to rinse off sweat and dust. Megan pushed close to Pam and Ursula.

"Hello, Mother." Megan slowly kissed her mother's mouth and breasts.

"Hello, Grandmother." She kissed and suckled her mother's mother.

She turned to me. "Hello, Cousin." She nursed my tongue and tits.

And then to my twin. "Hello, Cousin." She kissed and sucked firmly.

"Hello, Cousin," Tanya said, and returned her slurps. As did I. And Ursula and Pam. Tanya and I, and our aunt and grandmother, mouthed our greetings.

I think Tanya felt as I did, that we were a clan -- women of a family. We might be close to other women, those drawn by Stan's magnet, but we were family.

We all sat close and low. Only heads showed above water. We talked quietly.

Ursula looked at Tanya and me. "You are lovers." It was not a question.

"That's how we raised and educated ourselves," Tanya said. "And you are lovers too. All of you." Again, not a question.

Pam sighed. "It's complicated. But it starts with Stan rescuing people. Things spin out of control from there. And we find ourselves enmeshed in this life."

"What does our father DO?" I asked.

"His occupation?" Pam said. "Free-lancer. It used to be quiet government work. Now he says he 'massages data' for agency and corporate clients. He goes on unexplained business trips. He and Anny did a job for a LOT of money but they won't discuss it. He hauls expeditions for tribal councils. He rescues fair maidens and slays dragons non-violently. Now he does music too -- well, he always played, but it's going big-time."

Pam looked at me, and Tanya, and Megan. "You three are in this music thing now. It could mean lots of money. Stan fixed the contracts for that. You'll have to think hard about your futures."

"Yeah, lots of money," naked Stan said from the kitchen door. He climbed into the tank with us. He slurpily greeted us all. We licked his nips and tongue too.

"Okay, tonight is arranged. We fly in, dress, play, and fly back. Sony wants a ninety-minute set after a warm-up act so figure two hours in the air and two hours there, seven to eleven."

He went under. Fingers tickled my feet. I sputtered. He surfaced, smiling.

"Kaylee and Nikki are headliners but we six will split the proceeds when Sony packages this promo show. And future releases, with all of us, have the same split, with Nikki and Kaylee getting double shares. I wanted triple shares for them -- hey, if it was just me and them, one-seventh of a lot is still a lot -- but they insisted on double shares. They need a vicious business manager. So do you. And me. A corporate contact might help. I've started inquiries."

He laughed. "All the best are snakes I wouldn't trust farther than I can squirt a turd, but they're okay when they know they're watched. The greatest human motivations are greed and fear. I can work with those." His laugh was scary.

Kaylee and Nikki had not shown up for breakfast. They came from the kitchen, naked, munching pastries. Their sticky hands were empty when they dunked in the water and surrounded Stan. He must have sucked sweet crumbs from their teeth during their fierce three-way kiss. They turned and enveloped Megan. And then Tanya. And then me, our tongues dancing, hands fondling and probing, breaths shared. I felt electrified.

"You guys are conjurers," Kaylee said. "You stir up a potion with us and it goes too fucking magical to fucking survive." She looked at Nikki. "We'll have to marry them all, won't we?"

They exchanged usual 'hello' slurps with Pam and Ursula.

Nikki hugged Stan. "Thanks for letting us sleep late. And the wake-up."

A wake-up fuck, I thought. Stan fucks these girls properly. They looked happy.

"Last night wasn't hard, was it? And you still zonked our big-time. Tonight will be stressful. Adrenaline will flow. You'll need your strength. I recommend you let Ursula chase you on a few jogging rounds. Then get back in the tank to rinse and meditate. Some ginseng tea, Thai take-out I'll pay a fortune to have delivered out here, and we'll be ready for the stars. But first, it's lunchtime."

"Do not even SAY burritos," Pam warned. "Turkey sandwiches and pumpkin beer are in order. It's still the holiday season."

Naked lunch seemed to be traditional here, as were naked breakfast, naked supper, naked everything. Naked afternoon, too, except for Ursula.

"You slugs can stay fat and happy," she said, bulging only a bit in her skintight bright yellow cycling outfit. "I've got legs to improve." She rolled a BikeE from the barn, set its orange flag high, and rode Stan's new bike path to the road.

Naked Stan hugged Tanya and me and kissed our cheeks. Not our mouths or tits. He held our shoulders, not our tits or hips. He was not intrusive.

"Sorry I can't be 'daddy' now but I have more data to tweak, more clients to bilk, more borders to shift. I'll see you later." His office door closed after him.

"Let's not sit around," Pam said. "I really like the desert walk. We won't run so all we need are moccasins." She and Megan, Tanya and I, and the singers hiked the trail in our naked glory, round and round, all unbound. The air was fresh.

We talked as we walked. Some light chatter, some heavier. Tanya looked at Pam and Megan. "You're lovers." Megan nodded. "We're lovers," my twin admitted, holding my hand. She looked at Nikki. "Are you lovers?"

Kaylee shook her head. "We're roommates and best friends and good singing partners but we're not lovers, not gay or even bi, really not. We don't look for women. But we'll do anything for Stan. ANYTHING!"

Nikki regarded Megan and Tanya and me. "You guys are special, like Stan. Really special. We'll probably do anything for you, too." She licked her lips.

Megan blushed. We probably did too -- I could tell Tanya was as embarrassed as I. She steered clear of this and chatted about our life in Kansas, our school, our friends. She mentioned names -- Sara, Erin, N'Della, Imani, Alicia--"

"Wait," Pam interrupted. "Imani? That's not a common name. Do you know her last name? Is it Barnes?"

"Yeah, Imani Barnes, our best friend ever for the last year or so since she moved in with her mom's family there. I think she said she was from out here but had to get away from her wild folks awhile. We're like really, really close."

"You know Imani Barnes?" I asked. I had a hunch.

Megan laughed. "Mom and Stan's cousin is Jeri Barnes. Her sinful brother Larry's lovely wife Sharli's family lives in Manhattan, Kansas. Imani escaped from Palm Springs. She is your second cousin or something."

Tanya turned pale. She looked at me.

"We did a cousin already."

The implications did not escape me.


Naked dinner was protein and cider. After-dinner was dressing casually and staying calm. Stan had the guitar, mandola, and clavichord cased to go. Megan clutched her melodica.

"Don't worry about clothes," Stan said. "We'll be fixed when we get there. Pee when you can -- no piss breaks in the show. By the way, we're billed as Krishnon and Yakamura, that's K-Y, and since we improvise, the show title is K-Y JAM, a clever take on J-Y Jelly, a sexual lubricant. Ha ha."

We pulled on footwear and stepped out the front door. Stan flicked a switch. "Lights, camera, action," he said. Bright lights on the compound's far side lit a stretch of open field and its circle of reflective paint. A helipad!

The chopper landed. The cabin was just large enough for us. We could just hear ourselves talk. We watched the metropolitan maze out the windows.

We landed in a parking lot. A waiting van unloaded us at a backdoor. We were hustled to workers who stripped us and fitted us in black or white, then led us behind a small stage area. Stools and instruments waited.

Stan walked to a group of people in suits. He argued, whispering. The suits gestured. Stan whispered again, then walked back to us, smiling.

"No problem. We're up soon. And they'll eat the chopper cost. I just had to make sure the pilot won't see or hear this. We would ruin her."

We listened to applause as the rather good flamenco guitarist left the stage. Crew setup our instruments and led us to our places. The stage was dark but I saw a nightclub room of dimly-lit tables filled with well-dressed adults. Behind us I heard, "Sound check." We hit notes for the engineer to set levels.

A suit took center stage and announced us. Spotlights brought brief applause for Kaylee and Nikki's brief white gowns. We paused. None knew who would start with what. I thought, "Why not?" and fingered the quiet clavichord with the low line from that very familiar Satie piece. Nikki's mezzo took the next line, and Kaylee's soprano the next. We were as quiet as a calm conversation.

And the universe imploded in the room.

It ended. Absolute silence. No murmurs or clinking glasses. Stan's mandola started to underpin a sweet baroque duet. The girls hit notes. They started again, and went on, and a flood of emotions swept away all thought.

The audience was not silent now. I heard moans and gasps.

Megan started a piece, then me another because I felt like it, and Tanya a nice staccato guitar line, and Stan again, and around, and it all went the same. We made cosmic music and the sophisticated club audience, hand-picked by Sony, puddled like molten wax. At least nobody was naked or fucking on tables.

My finger posed above a key to strike the next piece when a suit took the stage and loudly thanked us for appearing. His voice was shaky. What, our time was up already? It felt like an instant to me. Applause began, soft at first, then more, then thunderous. Security people kept the stage clear.

Nikki and Kaylee bowed in their white gowns. A light hit us ninja sidemen. We stood, bowed, and sat. Lights went out. Applause continued. Crew led us away and packed our instruments and arrival clothes. We kept our stage clothes. Perks of the gig, I guess.

The group of suits approached us. One, a blonde woman, ran to Stan and violently hugged and kissed him, and then Nikki and Kaylee. She looked lustfully at Megan, Tanya, and me.

"Meet your agent Ellise," Stan said. That was all the introduction she needed. She slurped we three but went back to Stan. "Good thing she doesn't fuck the talent," Stan said. "At least not after they've signed." He disentangled.

"People!" she cried. "That was so great, but the audience! Masturbating! Sony may have to keep this on adult channels!"

"We've got our contracts," Stan said. "They face non-completion penalties."

Ellise babbled. Stan stopped her. "Mañana, baby. We've got to go."

We broke several laws by smoking a fat joint on the return chipper flight. But my blood felt bubbly and my brain fizzed. I was ready to fuck a rattlesnake.


Ursula, Pam, and Jeri awaited with smoke, drink, and love. We six accepted those but headed onto Stan's big shower to wash off the stink of Hollywood.

All heads were shampoo-massaged by everyone else. We scrubbed all nearby bodies front and back, top to bottom. Tanya and I soaped our father's dick. He soaped our assholes. Everyone sucked boobs. We rinsed, dried, and hugged.

Megan started to leave the bedroom but Nikki jumped ahead and closed the door to the hall.

"We love you," Nikki said. "We said we'd do anything for you and we're going to start right now." She pushed me onto the big bed. Kaylee pushed Tanya next to me. They crawled on us.

"I love you," Nikki said. She kissed my mouth, my neck, my breasts, my belly, my pussy. Kaylee told Tanya, "I love you," and kissed down her body. My face was next to my twin. We kissed and fondled while the singers used trained tongues on us. I saw Megan sitting in Stan's lap in a nearby soft chair. His hands held her breasts. Was his dick inside her?

We were excited. We are empathic enough to read feelings. I felt her fervor and she felt mine. Every heat wave in her body flashed through me. We built to climaxes so fast!! And swallowed each other's scream.

Kaylee and Nikki switched places. Kaylee spread my knees and kissed my pussy. Her lips and tongue drove me beyond stimulation. "No, no," I pulled her hair. She kissed up my body, my tits, my mouth with my own flavor. "I love you," she said. I held her close. Our tongues danced.

The singers rolled off us. Kaylee went to the chair and took Megan's hand. Megan pulled herself off Stan's dick and lay in the middle of the big bed. "We love you." The singers kissed Megan's face, breasts, to her pussy, their faces side by side, tongues playing together, while they fondled and stroked her.

Tanya and I did not need to trade glances. We suckled Megan and smoothed our cousin's trembling body. She groaned, and shook, and cried, and came. I hoped Stan's soundproofing was good.

Stan still sat in the soft chair. Nikki and Kaylee knelt between his knees. They said nothing. Tanya and I watched them suck our father's dick, taking turns mouthing, throating, slurping his scrotum, licking his shaft, teasing his glans. I felt his and their excitement radiating. I felt his semen's pressure in his balls.

Nikki suddenly pumped Kaylee's head up and down on him for a fine face-fuck. I felt his jiz shoot into her mouth, a big gush, and more. Nikki's mouth joined Kaylee draining his dickhead, sharing his cumload, not losing a drop. I felt his ecstatic agony as Nikki's tongue traced his urethra to push out those last drops.

A crazy thought came to me: The Maxwell parachute, good till the last drop. I giggled.

My groaning father pushed their heads away. "Pretty funny, huh, girl?"

I giggled again. "No, daddy, my mind just went away from me."

"A mind is a terrible thing to taste," Tanya said, and giggled.

Giggling lowered the room's atmosphere from hotly erotic to coolly fun with a post-orgasmic glow -- except the singers. Their radiant joy was psychic, not fucked. Tanya and I *did* trade a glance but we did not need to nod. We took the singers away from Stan. Megan returned to his lap but I doubt his used-up dick could impale her now.

Our father and cousin watched as we went down on the singers who loved us. They sang again, songs of lust and joy. I am glad we could oblige.

Tanya and I traded twats. We licked and tasted and were pushed away.

"It's been... it's been..." Kaylee muttered. "We've gotta go now." She took her vocal partner's hand. "Come on, we need to sleep this off." They kissed Stan and Megan and left for their two-bed room.

I felt Tanya's brainwaves. We were not exhausted but I don't think we could take any more in there, not then. We kissed Stan and Megan and went to lay together in our king bed.

I heard murmurs as we walked off. Our father would not be lonely tonight.

===== [28 Dec 2002]

Morning brought a naked breakfast, except for Jeri dressed for work, and high spirits. And Stan with a plan.

"That shit is over with. Accounts are set up for you for when the money rolls in. Sony called earlier and they sound positive. So I told them not to call back anytime soon. Today we'll get Kaylee and Nikki back to San Berdoo. Then we'll ride. Born to be wild!"

"I'll get ready to ride by riding first," Ursula said. "See you in a couple hours." She emerged from the hall a minute later in bright biking tights.

"You are not going to drive half the day," our auntie Pam said. "I can handle Heidi. I'll be the chauffer."

"I'll come along, Mom," Megan said. "We can sing along the way and drive you batshit insane."

"That's okay, you all go," Tanya said. "Talia and I'll help Stan load for the ride."

She is the talking twin and I am the thinker. I thought this sounded like a setup to leave Tanya and me alone with our father. And we are all naked. Alarm and arousal struggled inside me. I compromised by dipping in the tank with Tanya and our father.

I heard faint crunching on the access road but no engine noise. A sleek vintage Mustang silently pulled in front of the second barn. The tall, striking woman with long red hair and maternity denims must be Anathea, I though.

"Stan, you've got new ones," she called, stripping as she walked to the tank. She skidded into the water and came to me. "Hi, I'm Anny." She sucked me.

"Hi Anny, I'm Talia." I sucked her. Tanya and Anny suckled hello. Anny nipped Stan's nipples and he nursed on her for a good minute.

"Are you bringing cheerleaders home now?" Anathea teased. "I know you like them young but harvesting high school crosswalks is a stretch even for you."

"It's okay, they're over eighteen -- at least they claim to be. At a university already, where they've undoubtedly learned bad habits from dorm mates and sorority sisters. Have you gone Greek? You're in Mu Phi Epsilon, I hope."

Tanya reached to tweak his nose. "You're a bad daddy, Daddy."

"Daddy?" Anathea blinked.

"Welcome to my alleged daughters. They claim not to be evil. But they didn't know they were musical until just now. They and Megan and I did the show with Kaylee and Nikki and they'll be rich soon. Evil won't be a problem then. They can rent all the Paraguayan dwarves they want."

I reached to tweak his nose. "You're a bad daddy, Daddy. You haven't even welcomed us to the tank yet."

Stan held my head and kissed my mouth. "Hello, Talia." He nursed me nicely.

Stan held Tanya's head, greeted her, kissed her, nursed her. She hummed.

Stan held Anathea's head. "Welcome back, Anny." He sucked her again.

"It's like that, then?" Anathea said.

"It's like nothing. We've learned to be friends. I've never been a daddy. I'm learning -- not like Ursula is learning to be a grandma, but... but learning is change. Drop a lead ball and see how it thuds and rolls. Drop it again, and its new dent makes it thud and roll differently. It learned. I'm learning. Drop me on my head repeatedly and I'll roll in new directions. I can change,"

"So it'll be like that, soon," Anathea said.

I though she was probably right. Stan dunked her head underwater anyway.

Anathea's pregnant bulges did not slow her much as she toddled to silently roll the Mustang into her barn. I heard metal-on-metal banging sounds.

"Don't mind her. She just wants to form and deform stuff."

He pointed. Huge metal flowers or vaginas graced boulders around the stony compound. I had noticed them on the jog-walks but did not really pay attention then. I gaped. So did Tanya.

I felt like being direct. "Is she having your baby?"

He shrugged. "We'll have many babies here before long. Anny, Jeri, Ursula, Pam's twins -- I have a housing addition planned. I don't know if I'm a bio-father -- I don't care and I've heard no concerns. No DNA tests that I know of. We've fucked around a lot. Paternities have many candidates, known and unknown. But any woman and kids here are family and I'll learn to be a daddy. Think of it as evolution in action."

"How can you think like that?" I was direct again.
