Stanley Steamer Ch. 12: Pam+Talia Xmas


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"Put me on a couch, psychoanalyze me. Or find a better use for the couch."

Anathea came back from her barn wearing moccasins and a sun visor.

"Enough of that. Let's get some exercise. Let's go walking."

She 'helped' pulling Stan from the tank.

"You've been slacking, haven't you? Just look at those flabby legs."

Our father's naked, dripping legs looked pretty strong to me.

Tanya and I found sandals and strolled with Anny and Stan. She held his hand. Ever seen a radiant naked pregnant woman drag a man on a path? Me neither.

Anny asked about us and we told her. She asked Stan about the bike ride plans and he told her. What, we were taking off this afternoon? That was the plan.

A few times around the trail was enough for Anathea and for Stan, apparently.

"Go back to work, Anny. We have our own work here."

Stan broke out six long-frame BikeE's with panniers and six Nomad trailers. Much camping gear needed to be loaded. Two oversized tents -- one for Stan, Pam and Ursula, and one for Megan and us. Lightweight folding tables and chairs. Sleeping bags and pads. Many water jugs. A kerosene stove and fuel. Dried foods. Tools. Every trailer had room left for a personal duffel.

We lined-up the six bike-plus-trailer combos for takeoff and then returned to the tank. We dunked and surfaced. I went to Stan in the water.

I held his head. "Hello, daddy." I kissed his mouth and his nipples, slowly.

"Hello, Talia," he said, and nursed my breasts, and danced with my tongue.

Tanya took Stan. "Hello, daddy," she said, and licked his nipples and tongue.

"Hello, Tanya," he said, and mouthed her just as slow. "But am I your daddy?"

"Something is happening here," she said. "We had no idea -- well, maybe a fraction of an idea. But life here is nothing we expected. And last night... that was so powerful! Something strong and strange happens with the music. It's not only lust music that drives folks insane. It's love music. When we play and they sing, all I hear is love.

"Nikki told how you met them. You rescued your girlfriends from an orgy gone bad. The singers trusted you enough to overnight at your place. You made music and it devoured you all. It was instant love. Other people heard your music and it was instant love. And the show last night -- it was all love."

"What you do is love," I said, "What we feel is love." I held onto his dick underwater. Tanya's hand covered mine. "What we have is love." My tongue touched his. Tanya made it a threesome kiss. His arms circled us.

Tanya broke off. "You say you've never been a daddy. We never had a daddy. When girls brought their daddies to school, we had our uncle Louis. Other girls had no daddies or even uncles so we weren't the worst." She paused.

"What we saw with all the daddies, more than the uncles, was love. Daddies were there because they loved their kids. Uncles were there because they had to be but they probably still loved them. Uncle Louis was very good to us but he was no daddy. Girls talked of how their daddies or uncles were good or bad to them. We laughed or cried or ranted with them but we had no daddy so what did we know?"

Her hand squeezed mine on our daddy's cock. "Now we have a daddy," she said. "We found what we came for." Our lips and tongues joined again.

For the talker of us, not the thinker, she did pretty well. At least she had not offered to fuck him on the spot. I was not ready for that yet. Not quite yet.

Ursula returned on one of the short-frame BikeE recumbents and saved us from sin. Otherwise-silent Heidi crunched the dirt track soon after. Pam and Megan, our aunt and cousin, exited, stripped, and followed naked Ursula into the tank. Every tit was kissed hello. This felt like the new normal.

"I'm tired," Pam said. "This kid..." (she rubbed her daughter's head) "...played her damn melodica, and the girls sang, and I nearly drove off the freeway. The Cabazon dinosaurs are lucky to still be there. We're lucky to be alive."

Megan licked her mother's nipples. "And you loved every minute and can't wait for more. Okay, you can buy the release too; make us rich, oh yeah!"

Ursula looked at the loaded bikes and trailers. "You're ready for a ride?"

"After lunch, and burritos it is," Stan said. "Our first leg is short, thirty-odd miles, just to Indian Cove campground in the national park. There's water and restrooms but no privacy so keep your tops on, ladies." Oh darn.

"Clothes. Bright is good but tight isn't needed. Forget the spandex, Ursula. Safety and comfort are what matter on a 'bent. A BikeE is semi-recumbent so that makes it a 'bent. Anyway, wear bright shirts, loose shorts, and sneakers for pedaling. Evenings and mornings will be chilly so bring long pants and warm tops. Or be ready to parade in goosebumps. That will be cute."

Lunch was good. Packing personal duffels did not take long. We adjusted bike seats to fit our legs, hoisted flags on each trailer, saddled up, and rode off to tomorrowland.

The road to Yucca Valley had twists, dips, and climbs, but was smoother than Stan's graded bike path. The highway east from Yucca Valley was busy but we had a bike lane. I was glad to take the side road to the federal campground.

We claimed a full site and built a kitchen on its camp table after posting the tents. Dinner (Stan's frozen burritos, now thawed and heated) included wine, the last flan we would see for days, and a joint. Stan played his tenor mandola. He was good but non-magical without the singers. I missed them already.

Coyotes sang late in the night. The stars were brighter than in Kansas. Why?

We all took dry baths and crawled into our two tents. I heard sounds from the adults' tens. Was our daddy fucking his sister and their mom? Tanya, Megan, and I lay naked on shoved-close sleeping bags and masturbated each other.

===== [29 Dec 2002]

Breakfast was coffee, oatmeal, cheese, and more coffee, but no tequila. We broke camp and pedaled the still-busy highway. We stopped in Twentynine Palms for water and fresh food. Pam seemed nervous here and was happy to leave the off-base town behind. Traffic dwindled. The desert was ours!

Miles flowed by easily. I knew about cadence and the BikeE's many gears let me pick a great rhythm that kept me with the others. Ursula had geared way down so she spun fast and exercised her fantastic legs even more. I was lazy -- jut enough effort to push me along at a steady clip.

We took breaks every hour. Stan pointed to a dry lake at a quick lunch stop.

"That's Old Dale, and New Dale is nearby. Mineral companies scrape complex salts from the dry playa beds. Don't eat plants that grow around the edges -- they're toxic, full of heavy metals. Stick to packaged cole slaw. Yum."

We rode through the afternoon, past the end of the national park, and on to a slim side road. The seventy-odd miles had been easy. Stan led us to a flat site behind rare trees.

"Howl like a coyote when you pee on the scrub," Stan said. "Scare the pumas."

This was a dry camp but we had hauled plenty of water. We all sponged-off.

That night was quieter. Maybe because Megan went down on us and we went down on our cousin while our mouths swallowed groans and yells. Were the adults sticking to oral sex too?

===== [30 Dec 2002]

We refilled water at a junction's gas station halfway through the day's ride but that was a precaution. Our evening campground was along the Colorado River. We took a remote, secluded site. We took showers. We dined and drank well. Stan played his mandola. I tried it but it is like a guitar's bottom strings tuned backwards -- it drove me nuts.

The adults retired to their oversize tent. Megan, Tanya, and I brought our sleeping bags in with them. We were all naked by now.

"We know what you're doing," Tanya said. "We want to watch. Don't try to warn us off because we'll want to taste -- Megan told us about your 'genetic' ritual. We want to watch our father fuck his mother and sister. Go on, Ursula -- atone. Start with Megan."

Nobody argued. Ursula opened her mouth to the thick, stiffening dick of her son, our father. Megan kissed Stan's mouth and laid back. Ursula put her butt up and her lips down into Megan's crotch. Stan got behind his mother and slid his manhood into her womanhood. He held her hips and pressed in deep but did not fuck in and out. Pam kissed her wide-open daughter. Megan writhed under her grandmother's tongue on her twat and her mother's mouth on her breasts and face. Their hands rubbed her body and legs.

Ursula did well. Megan screamed into her mother's mouth. Megan calmed as Ursula and Ram stroked her, cooled her. Megan rolled aside. I moved to her.

"You're right. I want to taste what Ursula tasted." I lapped at her pussy and moved aside. Tanya followed me. We knew her flavor by now.

"You want this," Pam said, not asked. "Yes," I said. "Yes," my twin said.

Pam opened her thighs to her mother's lips and tongue and fingers. Her daughter kissed her breasts. Stan stayed steady except to breathe and push. While Megan kissed her mother's mouth, Tanya and I moved to nurse at our aunt's breasts. Pam did not last long under our concerted efforts. Megan swallowed her mother's yell.

Pam moved from her mother's mouth. I lasted my aunt's pussy. Tanya tasted her pussy. Megan tasted her mother's pussy. We each kissed her mouth with hers and Ursula's juices on our lips.

Tanya looked at Ursula. "I'm youngest. I'm next." She spread to her athletic, guilty grandmother. "Go ahead, atone for not being there." She knew the rite.

Ursula went lickety-split into my twin. Megan and I nursed her. Pam kissed her mouth. Tanya twisted and twitched under our assault. I hoped my cum would be as deep as what I felt coursing through her.

She rolled aside. I tasted her. Megan tasted her. Pam tasted her, longer. Pam had not tasted us before. Did she find Tanya's flavor familiar?

I took her place. My aunt kissed my mouth. My twin and cousin sucked my tits. My grandmother licked my pussy. My father was still inside his mother, waiting. Waiting for my yell of satisfaction. Then he would fuck his mother.

My first cry was a trigger. Stan moved now, a slow cadence. I pulled my aunt's mouth from my mine.

"Pam! Your other lips! Please! Please!"

She stared into my face and then swung a leg over my head. I tasted her again, fuller now, deeper, the scent of her pubes drowning me, ahh... And I was a link in a chain. Stan. Fucking his mother Ursula. Eating his daughter, me. Eating his sister Pam. All together. All one. And my twin and my cousin suckling me. All one.

My twat was already tortured. I held Pam's boobs and wrote frantic messages on her clit. Ursula showed no mercy, shaking me as Stan fucked into her faster and faster, oh fuck. I think she came before he did. I came again, and I felt Pam convulse above me. We all did well.

We fell apart. The tens stank of sex. It was great. I pushed Stan away from his mother's tight butt. Tanya pushed Ursula onto her back.

"Now we'll taste what our father put in his mother," Tanya said. She and I lay together between Ursula's sweaty thighs. Cheeks together, we nuzzled. We licked. Our tongues traced her twat, her vagina, her taint, her labia, her clit. We tasted our father's semen and his mother's juices, and drank, and sighed.

"Now we'll taste his love from the source," Tanya said. She scooted till her head was in Stan's lap. I was right beside her. We nuzzled his smelly wet pubes and shrunken but thick dick. Cum smeared our cheeks. I licked one side of our father's dick. Tanya licked the other side. I sucked his dickhead, then migrated to his soggy scrotum, and back up his thickening shaft. We licked him dry.

And that was all. I felt Tanya's vibe; we backed away together. We were not ready to suck and fuck our father. Not yet.

"Now we know," I said. I felt a surge of power. WE would control the night. WE would decide. And we decided. Tanya spoke.

"We'll sleep better with just three in a tent. Will you come with us, Ursula?"

Tears were in her eyes. "Oh god, oh god," she chanted softly. We hugged her. Her body was like hugging ourselves. Her mouth tasted like us.

We hauled the right sleeping bags and gear back to our tent. Tanya and I sat naked with the grandmother we had never imagined, knee to knee, hands on nearby thighs, and talked, and kissed. We shared and swallowed her guilt. She drank our fears and apprehensions. I swallowed her tongue, and she, mine.

We had sex. Tanya and I licked our grandmother. Ursula and I licked Tanya. Tanya and Ursula licked me. Then we pooled sleeping bags and slept.

===== [31 Dec 2002]

Stan planned only a 'short' forty-odd miles ride this New Year's Eve, just up to Lake Havasu City to buy fresh food and catch a boat ride across the lake from an Indian guy he knew. Our off-limits campsite down the river would be great to view fireworks over London Bridge.

Our boatman seemed an old friend of Stan's.

"Hey, you got a bunch of new ones! And they're pretty foxy! Got any extras?"

"I might have some extra rattlesnake stew left over for you, Beto. Meet my mother, sister, niece, and daughters."

"Hot stuff! Like I said, got any extras? Do any of you girls like red meat?"

"We're not paying customers so sure, you can get away with that. This time. But watch out for grandma here. She has a black belt in aikido." Does she?

Ursula flexed muscles. "He'd be too easy. I'd only need one hand."

"Oh, I like-em feisty! But I give-em an Indian burn and they fall right over."

"You breathe on a horse and it'll fall over, Beto. Better quit the onion rings."

"That's just the expression of complex triglycerides. It's organic."

"So is poison hemlock. Rattlesnakes are natural, too. And appendicitis."

The banter carried us across the dam-calmed river to a lone pier feeding a hard gravel track. No structure was visible on this side of the Colorado.

"You guys sure you want to stay out her all by your lonesomes? All the action will be over by London Bridge. Except for me -- I'm always in action! Yeah!"

Stan flipped him a penny. "Careful with that -- it's an Indian head."

Beto inspected the coin. "Wow! Okay, I'll cut you some slack. Just one girl."

Pam had had enough. "What's the matter? Did your sheep run away?"

Beto's wolf howl resounded as he motored off.

We pushed the bikes and trailers on an almost invisible trail downstream through tall brush screening us from outside view. "We camp here," Stan said.

The site was totally secluded. We set up a full camp -- tents, chairs, tables, kitchen, and latrine shelter. Stan stripped and jumped in the sluggish sun-warmed river. The rest of us followed.

We held the water ritual again. Stan faced Ursula. "Hello, mother." He kissed her breasts and mouth. "Hello, son." She licked his nipples. He went to Pam. "Hello, sister." "Hello, brother." Then to Megan. "Hello, niece." "Hello, uncle."

He came to Tanya. "Hello, daughter." He kissed her mouth and sucked her tits. "Hello, father." She licked his nipples, held his head, and kissed his mouth, hard, before releasing him. He faced me. "Hello, daughter." He suckled my breasts and kissed my mouth with just a brush of tongue. "Hello, father." I nipped his nips, held his head tightly, tongue-tickled his tonsils, and laughed.

We women of the family greeted each other with proper ceremony. All their tits tasted great. All their mouths were rich. I felt only love. We belonged.

Candle lanterns on tables and a low fire simmering cocoa and a pot of fresh stew cast scant light on our camp. Stars shone bright in the nearly moonless sky. Town lights across the river were neither help nor bother. Winter desert air was warm at our low elevation. Nobody bothered to dress.

For dessert, a bakery pie from town and a long joint from Pam. Stan played his mandola and Megan her melodica. They were good but not magically orgasm-inducing. Megan hooked a long mouthpiece tube on her melodica; Tanya and I played it like a small organ. We did okay -- but no magic without our singers.

Night moved along. Tanya and I brought sleeping pads and bags from our tent to a flat brushed-off area. We went to Stan and took his mandola from him. "I love you, daddy," I said, and kissed him. "I love you, daddy," Tanya said, and kissed him. We tugged his hands. He stood. We led him to our open-air lair.

"This is for you, daddy," Tanya said. She pushed him on his back, settled between his legs, and sucked his dick. "These are for you, daddy," I said. I knelt over him, fed my tits to his mouth, and licked and tweaked his nipples.

When she had Stan fully firm, Tanya said, "This is for you, daddy." She sat on his hips, aimed him, and slid onto his dick. "Oh yeah, daddy," she whispered.

"And this is for you, daddy," I said, swinging a leg over his head and dropping my pussy onto his mouth. His tongue was not shy. My father licked into me.

My twin and I held each other and kissed. She moved her hips to meet his. He handled us. I wiggled on his face. Horns honked across the river. Tanya moved up and down, back and forth, round and-around, faster and faster. I locked my lips to her right tit and pinched her left nipple. I felt her orgasm approach and surge. Stan did not cum inside her. She slowed and stopped. Our eyes talked.

We knew about the 'atonement' position. We knew Stan liked it. So we did it.

Tanya pulled off him. "Yes, yes," she said, and laid back, her legs spread. I crawled between her knees, crouched with my butt up, brushed my long blonde hair back, looked over my shoulder, and said, "This is for you, daddy."

Stan knelt behind me. He held my hips, knee-walked closer, and slid his long, thick dick into my dripping pussy. I buried my face in my twin's open pussy. We rocked. I reached to hold her tits. He reached to hold mine. Horns honked louder. Firecrackers exploded. My father fucked me faster.

Fireworks lit the sky across the river. The new year came in. My father came inside me. I came with his flow. Tanya came on my orgasmic surge. I think Ursula, Pam, and Megan came as they fingered each other, watching us.

Happy New Year!

===== [1 Jan 2003]

Stan's dick dropped out of me. I rolled on my back, and held him and kissed him with Tanya's pussy juice on my face. We lay between her thighs. I moved Stan to put his and my faces together at her twat. We licked. She moaned and kicked. More fireworks sizzled and popped.

I felt hands on my hips. Pam pushed Stan's hips from mine, spread my knees, dove in to suck my pussy clean, and then licked Stan's wet dick and pubes dry.

Tanya rolled away from our oral attack. I knew what else Stan liked. I pushed him on his back and crawled on his face. Pam kept sucking his cock but Tanya crawled next to her and shared her efforts. I twisted my neck to see, but then focused on Stan's hands on my tits and his tongue in my twat. Oh fuck.

A long time passed before my father pinched my nipples too hard in his final eruption of semen into the mouths of his sister and daughter. I did not mind the pain much.

Tanya and I slept with Stan and Pam that night. Ursula and Megan made noises from the other tent.

Happy New Year!

We were lazy, this first day of the year. We had only averaged fifty miles a day for four days but stretching bike muscles was new for most of us. So we took a day off to screw off and fuck.

Stan thought it prudent to avoid frightening tourists in daylight so we ducked inside with the door open for ventilation. Six naked adults could just scrunch into one oversized tent. Three 69ing couples made a better fit -- switching off was the tricky part. Making room for Stan to fuck into the top wet twat of two clenched women also was tricky but solvable.

We squeezed-in a good one. I 69'd on top of Stan. His tongue treated my twat; my tongue teased his tallywhacker. When he was firm, Megan spread his legs and sat. I guided his engorged cock between her livid labia and into her depths. She leaned back. I licked her clit and Stan's shaft as she rode him up and down.