All Comments on 'Struggling to Survive Pt. 01'

by javmor79

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

Interesting prologue. Everything was set up nicely. How far will she have to go to keep her job? We all know that just the one time won't cut it. That would seem to be the premise for the next chapter. Please continue...

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 8 years ago
Impressive start and I understand your dilemma. How to see this play out?

Love isn't a feeling, it's a choice and a sacrifice, one that every couple will have to endure when the chips are down.

The problem is what the head knows and what the heart thinks and in this case, it's already a war between support and resentment. So what happens? I'll wait to see where they go but for the moment, I'll withold suggestions.

5 stars!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
Charles Dickens , George Lucas without the frills or leavening humor ?

First I want to say its appreciated what javmor79 is trying to accomplish within the constraints of multiple installment short story form. But when you try to showcase economic and marital collateral damage resulting from vocational setback and psychic damage entailed with nigh unrelenting pathos ? It's heavy lifting for both writer and reader.

This is only the introduction, but hopefully the angst quotient is relieved at some point. Dickens would use humor, oddball characters and insert magic moments as drama unfolded and stakes were raised. My recommendation to javmor79 ? Find 'Oliver ' the musical. Insert an Artful Dodger character go with Fagan and Bill Sykes villains.

Star Wars Analogy :The noble stoic mindset isn't relentless stiff upper lip. Yoda is case in point. The quirks like humanizing the bad guys even as they seek to further mayhem . Pander to reader expectations then yank the rug out from under their feet with " I am your father Luke " moment . Try to avoid ewoks and Baba Fett. Good luck.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
Platinum scene that deserves megakudos

Kara and ex-boss coming to understanding. No words.

gmann57gmann57about 8 years ago

You take real life and spin it well, I hope that her boss ends up beaten to death by a group of teens that her son is part of

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Tough reading but well written

Marital distance and stress, especially when caused by financial difficulty, is so common and so difficult to resolve that it can be tough reading about it. The hope for a 'happy ending' or even some resolution without something unbelievable happening always seems so remote. (And if the unbelievable something does happen the story becomes unbelievable.)

I always have difficulty with stories written first person from more than one viewpoint, even though here I felt it was done better than most. However, when combined with the switching of time frames, I found the story to be rather disjointed.

It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
yep a well written story of a wife and mother turning into a whore

1* yeah I know it happens every day, but do I have to like it or even read about it? Killing of innocents because of religion happens every day also and nothing is done about that also.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Decent premise in our economy

While your premise is good the character Kara is unbelievable.....a strong woman who put her past behind her as Jazmin would no way demean herself as portrayed above. All she had to do was record the conversation with boss on her phone when she asked for her job and she would have hit the lottery......that or she could have gone back to dancing without prostituting herself. I agree with above criticism as well....not enough fleshing out characters before the transitions......transitions were a bit awkward leaving too much unsaid. Where is the promised relationship with Starlet her friend?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
How many people are in poverty?

Millions, especially in the black community. How many suck their boss's cock t keep their job? The premise isn't good. How many "sexual harassment" seminars and workshops have those of us who are employed attended? In this business environment, it isn't conceivable that this could go on. Not only is it unethical and immoral, it's illegal and anyone doing something like this goes down in flames. This should be in non-consent, not loving wives.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you all for reading

I thank you for the constructive comments. There was one comment that was constructive and I actually thought about keeping it. The only reason I deleted it was the commenter attacked me in it. I had to delete it to keep my promise.

Like I said, negative comments aren't taboo. Attacking comments are. I don't mind you guys not liking the story. But keep the comments on the story. What didn't you like about it? Those are the ones I want to read.

To the commenter who wondered about the friendship that was promised, this is only chapter one. Starlet becomes more important later on.

To the commenters that didn't like the time jumps, I apologize. I wanted to set just enough of a scene to foreshadow some future events, as well as set up the personality of the players involved. The next chapters don't have so many time jumps.

Once again, thank you all for reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Hard to make a happy ending

When you let betrayal into the story... we are heading into blackmail country and videos and tapes and pictures and threats will be next. Go a head and finish off the marriage, it is all but dead now.

patilliepatillieabout 8 years ago
The drama is just not there

This tale follows a well trodden path of females compromising their virtue for cash. Their is just nothing sexy nor juicy about it. It's been done a million times in a million ways. A better tale is the growing relationship between a well off co worker, a mentor, that slowly evolves into a relationship that supplants the marital one. Now that is a story with some chops.

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago

Gotta say, I like the premise of the story, though it's been used before. However, I thought this story told a bit more about the emotional aspects of the boss/slut wife dynamic. I can actually see this happening in real life.

I do find the time jumps disconcerting. Reading your comment, I can see why you used this technique, but I feel that it could have been done better. Maybe better transitions or something.

Things I did like were the scenes with the wife. Her stripping days and her blowjob scene. The inner dialogue made her humiliation easy to feel.

In the future, I would avoid the time jumps. I would also try to move at a faster pace. The feelings of this story are out front, but it does slow down the action a bit.

Another note. You didn't make any friends with your introduction. I do understand what you want, and I applaud you for it. It did come off as arrogant though. People will down score your story without giving it a chance simply because they don't like YOU. it is a shame, because it seems like this story is one worth reading.

Good luck. Thanks for the read. Look forward to the future chapters.

mike9698mike9698about 8 years ago

look i know it makes a good story but every time i read these stories i laugh my ass off. maybe 30 years ago this could happen. now with cell phones every conversation can be recorded. with sexual harassment laws being what they are companies will fire your ass without batting an eye. ive seen a dozen coworkers fired over the years for just flirting to much. one manager got fired because he went out drinking with some girls and it got back to his bosses.he got fired for fraternization with subordinates.the president of my company is a women. a very nice lady named mary. she is very sweet kinda like a grandmother. yet ive seen her fire a female manager for openly flirting with a male subordinate. as someone else said, do you know how many workshops ive had to go to on sexual harassment.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
I'm hooked

You've done an excellent job of fleshing out Kara's character, and I'm anxious to see where you take this story. On the other hand, we don't know anything about Tom's background at this point, and it seems like his character is secondary to this story. I think this story would have worked better if you had kept the narration from the first-person perspective of Kara's. But then, I don't know where this story is heading, so that may not be possible.

You've set the stage for countless possibilities, and I can see why you're struggling with the ending. I'll reserve my ideas on how I would finish the story until another chapter or two is posted. For now, you've set an intriguing stage. I can envision the boss man (James Worthy! LOL) escalating this situation further and further, gradually upping the ante until...

Nice job, as always, Javmor, and THANK YOU for removing the useless comments. Now you just need to remove the useless rating feature as well!

EddboyEddboyabout 8 years ago
not sure where youre going to take the next

one but this was a good start. Only thing i would really suggest is giving it some kinda of shock value. By that i mean if this whole story is going to be about her giving her boss this blowjob and somehow her husband finds out and then spends two more chpaters trying to figure out if he can forgive her, you will lose readers. I have been reading cheating wife stories for atleast a couple of years now and the ones that i really enjoyed were the ones that had some great betrayal, even if i didnt agree with the ending i enjoyed reading how the author would progress the characters. You accomplished this in "Catwoman" so im interested to see how this plays out

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I will wait to the end to rate this, but it is off to a lame start.

So we have a fairly stupid husband and a fairly desperate wife. Now she decides to start acting as stupid as her husband. And we are supposed to read in suspense the stupid shit they do to themselves and each other? They are STUPID, so what else can we expect? She married a loser, a very typical faux alpha male who did not plan, save, and prepare for economic downturns (Cable TV, with Premium Sports channels? You know what that shit does to your brain? You're seeing it demonstrated in this story.). So now she is going to become a loser too. Probably very very typical in real life. So when has stupid people doing stupid stuff ever been an interesting read? It snot. Just boring and depressing.

But, please, demonstrate what a presumptuous asshole I am to not give your story a chance before condemning it. Show me how clever you are going to turn this obvious giveaway reluctant (at first) cheating whore plot into a totally surprising dramatic and heart warming turnaround story of strength versus weakness, perseverance versus surrender, virtue versus self denigration. Please?

I'll wait.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
I don't know where the writer is taking us....

I don't know where the writer is taking us...What we know is that he has already wrote 3 parts, having problems in finishing parts 4 and 5...This is just the beginning...I'll wait for the end of part 3 to comment more and if possible to tell how I see what can or should happen...As I like your stories and want to read the other 2 parts, 3* for now...

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
To anonymous: Stupid characters

I thought your comment was pretty spot on. However, I feel that the "stupidity" of the characters demonstrates what many people go through. How many people actually planned to be jobless when the recession hit? There were many people who splurged unnecessarily, and then were put in a situation in which they had to decide exactly what was necessity or luxury.

Also, there are marriages full of people who do stupid things to each other. If they didn't, we wouldn't have divorce. Many of the stories in this hub are about stupid people and the damage that they do to their marriage. Granted, the majority of the stories focus on the stupidity of the wives, but I think that is a common theme.

There was also a few comments about her bringing a cell phone in with her. I think that is a good idea, but hindsight is 20/20. How many people set their phones to record before begging for something? Kara didn't plan on getting sexually harassed and propositioned, therefore using her cell phone wouldn't have happened. She could have started recording after the conversation started, but how do you do that covertly? She'd have to pull up the app without alerting her boss. Most cell phones are locked with a code, so this would have made it that much more difficult to do that. That is a fair comment, but I think in this context pulling it off would have been more fantasy than reality. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible, so I feel that no one in this situation would have been able to pull this off.

I appreciate all of the comments. Thank you all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Complex? - I think you have the meaning wrong

Nothing complex about a woman that whores herself out. The oldest profession...

Nothing complex about a poor planning wimp in the making.

The woman is stupid and there is nothing wrong with calling her stupid, she clearly is. The restaurant alone would have been grounds to go to personnel or HR. The conversation/bribe the following day would have sent him down in flames AND solved all their financial problems. Sorry but you paint two totally different women is she bi-polar? Maybe that is where the "complex" will come from?

The pre-story rant lost 4 points for me. Do not judge lest ye..... based on the content of the posts of mine you have deleted, I have to say why bother? Nothing I have said was attacking you or even the premise, I was just pointing out the holes. Are you only keeping the cheerleader posts?

I tried to keep the number of words and negative comments about the story to a minimum, will this be deleted as well?

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
i have to ask anonymous this

I won't delete this comment, because this time you kept it about the story. But I have to ask a question. When did I use the word complex? I rechecked my pre-story "rant" and my comments, but I didn't see me say anything about this story being "complex". I think you put words in my mouth. Do you think my story is complex?

You obviously wrote a few times because you wanted me to see your comment. I have seen it. Can you reply back and answer my question. Maybe there is something I missed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
To Javmor

Now I wish I saw what he wrote. If you deleted someones post they can't repost from the same IP address or computer. If you deleted more than one of their posts they are probably out of devices to use.

Personally I never saw the word complex but in your story before your story you did mention things like "not 2 dimensional" and "duality" - giving the impression that the characters are not 2 dimensional (to me they were very 2 dimensional).

You can't tell us she is smart then have her do repeatedly stupid things. Your excuse about the phone is nothing more than an excuse. Not recording during lunch would be expected. Going in the next day and not recording is stupidity of the tallest order. As a commenter said, it would have been the end of him and a huge cash windfall for the family.

So she will be blackmailed because she is weak - I thought she was strong? The husband will feel bad for not getting a job and being at home and "understand" her whoring around. Rinse and repeat.

SouthernSamanthaSouthernSamanthaabout 8 years ago
I Liked It

I found the story interesting because life is interesting. Life never ever goes as planned or expected. We all find ourselves in situations that we didn't expect. Our strength lies in how we deal with adversity. Calling someone, even a character in a story we choose to read, stupid, doesn't make us appear intelligent. I suggest that if readers don't like the story, they shouldn't read it. I, for one, did enjoy it. I believe it was well written and I felt the characters pain. I look forward to reading the next chapters.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
To anon

I forget what he wrote exactly. I'm sorry you couldn't see it. But he did repost his comment without the attack, so I left it.

I do feel the characters are 3 dimensional, but that is my opinion. I am biased, so it doesn't really count. LOL. But if you don't, then I have to respect that.

And I have to disagree with you about smart people not doing stupid things. On the contrary, it happens all of the time. Politicians, judges, presidents, all of the people who we have felt are smart have done things that are stupid. How many times have we done, or not done, things that we KNEW were dumb?

If you feel that she should have known to set her phone to record before the interview, then that's cool. If that is what you would have done, then kudos to you. But I don't think everyone wouldn't have thought that far ahead.

I do have to thank people for their comments. Agree or disagree, I am glad that they have been respectful and focused on the story.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
Another question to same anon

I have one more question. I reread your comment and you said that I can't say that she's smart and have her "repeatedly" do stupid things. What did she do repeatedly? So far, she's only did one thing one time.

I hope you can respond back. Thank you for your comment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I can see this happening

A lot of people would do anything to keep their jobs if they needed the money. Most people live from pay check to pay check. This story shows what could happen to someone put into this situation. Therefore it is realistic. Guess the question is will this just be a one time thing or will the boss bribe her or blackmail her into more. What happens when one of the other male co workers find out. This story can go many ways. Hope it stays as realistic as it can be in make believe land.

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago
I also have to disagree with anon.

I thought Kara was extremely 3 dimensional. She went from submissive and passive in the woman who told off her boss. The change in her was dynamic. Sure, she did succumb to her boss, but think about this. She already quit her job. So she had no money coming in. Going to Human Resources to get a case going AFTER SHE QUIT wouldn't have gone anywhere. So in this instance, provided she didn't have the thought to record her boss's indecent proposal, she was stuck. While they were investigating her case, she still would have been jobless.

She chose an immediate remedy instead of a long term one that may or may not have worked in her favor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I thought I was one of the characters

Until the story started. Boy am I glad I didn't marry this unthankful whore.

I lost my job a few years back and had a HARD time getting another job (I am still underemployeed). My wife had an opportunity to work in sales for a friend of hers company and she immediately went to work (for the first time in over 20 years). After the first month she came home one day dead on her feet, I felt terrible and I told her I was so sorry that she had to work. She literally came over and sat in my lap and went on to explain that for over 20 years she watched me come home and many times dead on my feet and never did I complain about it or make her feel any less for not workin. She said she was glad she could help and would work until retirement if needed. Funny how when the shoe is on the other foot it gets turned all around.

Is is not the good times that define us but the bad. (to whore or not to whore)

To the poster complaining about the word stupid - seriously? Is it ok to call someone brilliant? Even if it makes the idiot next to him feel bad? Calling something that is stupid something other than stupid is well... stupid. You probably preach before your stories to.

Here is a good definition of stupid - "If you don't like the story don't read it". Like saying if you don't like tomorrow just skip it. How would you know unless you read it? Should we abandon every story because there was a poor first paragraph. IMHO that would be... wait for it... stupid.

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago
To the last commenter

No one is complaining about calling her stupid. Javmor said that smart people do stupid things all of the time. This was in response to people saying, "She should have known to bring a phone in the meeting."

She did do a dumb thing giving the guy a blow job. No one is rebutting that. But to say that this would never happen, that she couldn't be a smart woman and do this, is what is debatable.

BTW, sorry about your unemployment. I was in that boat once, and it sucked.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 8 years ago
Sad story; sad premise

The boss is stupid - if she had recorded the conversation, she would win the lawsuit. He is still opening himself up to blackmail. This lady would be better working as an exotic dancer - she would make more money and control what she did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
You're always a good read.

It's nice to read a story that's grammatically correct, and that has a premise (she's young, pregnant and thrown out on her own with a child), a character (she's tough enough to make her own way, regardless), fortune smiles ( a good husband and new family), fortune frowns (just how tough is she?). We'll see, and I'll await it playing out. By the way, I don't think being tough is necessarily beating people up, ruining them or killing them. We must each find our own way, including supporting those dependent upon us, by doing those things necessary for us and them to survive. Being left standing after it's all over doesn't mean that you've knocked everybody else down. It just means that you're still standing and holding up everyone that loves you, and that you love.

c24jc24jabout 8 years ago
Quick ending

Sorry, the ending of Pt. 01 upset me so much, I had to write a quick ending or go crazy . . . Note, this is probably NOT what happens . . . just my fantasy . . . maybe you shouldn't read this until all of javmore's plays out.


A thought occurred to her . . . of course, she'd go to jail for a bit, and her husband would have to take a job as a waiter or busboy or bagger or something . . . which he should've been willing to do in the first place.

Then she bit down hard. She felt the shaft split and tear under her teeth. He wouldn't ever be getting head again. She looked up with blood on her mouth and grinned. She pulled about three quarters of a dick from her mouth and said, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"


Okay, fantasy over

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Keep on writing Javmor. The realism in your stories is a sobering yet refreshing reminder that plausibility will always trump sensationalist vengeance pulp.

5 stars for the effort in writing something that is genuine and therefore actually enjoyable.

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago

Too much pride and not enough self respect here. Cut back, get a job, any job and as many jobs as are necessary. Long before you have to turn into a whore for your middle class life style you can back down a rung and work you ass off and keep your self respect. Blowing your boss does not maintain your position on the ladder, instead it is the express slide to the bottom of the ladder with the other whores and parasites. Neither of these two characters appeared to have been raised with a sense of morality or common sense.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Good Guys vs Bad Guys

I haven't read this yet, but I'm having a little trouble with javmor's premise that there aren't good guys/bad guys or heroes/villains.

In a cheating wife story, just because the husband is maybe not romantic enough, or good enough in bed, or concentrates to much on his career, doesn't mean that he isn't a good guy. If his wife cheats on him without going to him with her concerns, then he IS a "hero" and she IS a villainess!

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Okay So Far

I will accept that SO FAR there are no heroes or villains IN THE MARRIAGE, though her boss certainly qualifies as one!

gordo12gordo12about 8 years ago
Always a pleasure

I don't want to comment till I see where the story is going.

PS there is no resemblance to the "mature woman" story you mention. I've read it.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 8 years ago
The problem I have with the story so far

is the complete lack of justification or explanation for the change in character of two protagonists. Mere financial hardship alone is not enough to justify their change in feelings towards each other.

rvwsrvwsabout 8 years ago
The problem is....

that, although very sad, in today's workforce, this story may not be far from the truth. The managerial elite in the workforce today have very little in the way of morality, ethics or respect for their subordinates. Humiliation, abuse and sexual harassment seem to be the norm nowadays, not the exception. There is another story in LW dealing with the same type of issues, however there the betrayal goes much deeper. I don't really like stories on this subject, but things are what they are.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Writing is a storm we have to weather

You said: "the characters grew and the story started to write itself. I was just a passenger along for the ride."

Many years ago, when I first set pen to paper, another author told me two things I've never forgotten. Her first nonnegotiable, never use L-Y words. Never. Well, millions of novels later, I have to say, Michelle, I tried. I fought a valiant battle, but a few slipped in over the years, here and there.

The other; have your story fleshed out, the beginning and ending. Beyond that, once you begin to find yourself hanging on for the ride, the author is little more than another reader. The characters will write the story for you. I've learned it to be the absolute truth.

About taking time away from this story. Always do that if needed. I will occasionally drop a novel simply because the characters aren't taking over, or perhaps I've painted myself into a corner. I might write two or three books over the next six months and then come back to it, repair the problems I encountered, then finish it. Fresh eyes are crucial.

A case in point. Last fall I had painted myself in to a corner, about 80,000 words into an eventual 120,000 word novel. I dropped it, wrote two others and then left on a mule deer hunting trip my son invited me along on. Unlike when he was a youngster, he now takes point when we're together and dear old dad brings up the rear. About seven miles out on a ridgetop on our fourth day of hunting, it came to me. I hadn't been thinking about it, yet the way out of the box I had painted myself into was clear. I couldn't wait to get home. Yes, we each came home with a nice mule deer!

Within minutes of unloading my gear and meat, I was typing away after doing the most painful thing for any author. I had to delete about 10,000 words. Over the next week, my female protagonist took over the story and 50,000 pages and 7 days later, I sent it off to my editor. At this point, I feel it is the best novel I ever wrote.

dwbdazdwbdazabout 8 years ago
Interested to see this develop

I'm liking this story thus far. I think the next chapter or two will be telling. Right now it looks like these two are starting to her down separate paths without working together to get through this. The further things go, the more odds are the gulf between them will be too great.

I am looking forward to the rest of this. Sorry bout the lack of constructive criticism, I'm pretty happy thus far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

What sucks is that this goes on in real life and on all levels. I'm not sticking up for her because I hate cheating pigs but I feel under pressure people make very bad choises. If I had been hubby and found out I probably would of divorced her anyway but her bosses face would be smashed in and his dick for future use would be a problem. I know someone who's wife got caught up in a situation similar to this and found herself divorced . Talked into fucking the boss then blackmailed into fucking two other bosses below him or hubby would find out, which he did anyway. They were vet rough with her and told everyone about it and what they did with her. Hubby became a laughing stock behind his back and everyone saw her as a loose pig . What started out as trying help the family , wind up ending it. Pictures of her being ass fucked and with loads on her face got out for people including hubby to see. I'm no tough guy but for ruling my family and her reputation the three of them would have suffered more than we had to . No matter the consequences . Good story , looking to see how it unfolds. Hope hubby doesn't become compliant to this. The whole on her knees with his hand on her head forcing his dick down her throat is something that is tough to get passed. I'm sure the boss will look to cum on her face to mark his new territory

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartabout 8 years ago
Waiting for ch 5

I'll rad this when all the chapters ar posted, Hopefully in four more days!

smartmalksmartmalkabout 8 years ago
it's worth to take a time for reading

nice story, so interesting built with a turn of the events what changing in time

well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I was with you until the last bit

First, it's "Winners go home and fuck the prom queen". I'm sure you can look it up. Maybe you misquoted it on purpose because your female lead doesn't remember it right.

Second, no one goes back to a job they left in such a spectacular manner, and begs the person they insulted for their job back. Given your female lead's situation, she might go to HR and see if they can give her a job and reassign her if the company is large enough but she wouldn't go back. Especially if she's got a bit of man-hatred from her time as a stripper (and that's what it sounds like. She's started using characatures of men for the men in her life, sometimes justified, other times not).

Third, why hasn't your male lead just taken a shit-job off hours? Is there just no where to work at all? It's reasonable that he'd spend some time just trying to get a good paying job, but after his severance and unemployment insurance run out, with a family? No, I imagine he'd take that walmart job in the evenings so he could job-hunt during the day. His wife would still have to work; you can't live on that sort of wage.

My biggest problem with this story is that the characters aren't really well fleshed out before they become married and in trouble. I've got no attachment to them as a reader. The wife becomes a whore for money because she's uncharacteristically afraid of not having that job that doesn't pay enough anyway, and despite having experience as a stripper with the sort of man who would use you and throw you away, she goes back to someone who would use her and throw her away. Meantime, Mr. Husband just sits back after 15 minutes of job hunting and getting his resume ready and does nothing. He's not looking for alternate ways to save money, earn money, or otherwise contribute. He's just sitting there. He doesn't seem depressed, just unfinished.

The characters in this story need work. They don't seem as real as the characters in your other work, like this story was rushed.

Good luck.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopabout 8 years ago
I'm reading, keep going

I didn't like the story, then I di, then I didn't. Now I'm not sure so I'll wait for the next chapter. Xoxoxoxox Annette

LamwayLamwayabout 8 years ago
God policy

I have not yet read the story, but wanted to say something about your comments policy. I really like it. It seems that the negativity and hatefulness just feed on themselves and spiral. It gets really tiresome. Thanks for this. I wil get to the story when the next chapter comes out as I tend to forget details in between but in the meantime I appreciate your policy.

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickerabout 8 years ago
Good Start

Sounded pretty real but she gave in awful fast. And don't worry about getting confused with that other married woman story. I've read that one and there's no comparison.

FD45FD45about 8 years ago
One of the most germane comments

It lacked connection. She was a stripper LEAP she is a secretary LEAP she is married with kids and, btw, this couple we barely knew now has a huge fiscal crisis LEAP now she is a whore.

It was too fast...and too slow at the same time. I had to try twice to get through this.

Now, highlighting her humiliation, self disgust, etc at the end was spot on. Forget how many pros feel like this. A distressing number of WIVES feel like this ( word...cardio)

However...FIVE CHAPTERS? Good God man! You had best have twists and turns galore and not a bunch of navel gazing by the woman and man. Make the point. Don't constantly repeat the point save with a word or two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I don't like the way this lays out.

The first part was hard to get through. I know it was background information but that part wasn't well written and I almost gave up. Now we're at a part I have little sympathy for - adults throwing darts at one another rather than solving the problem. So what if he has top work a job or two at a lower pay. A man does what is necessary to feed his family and a wife doesn't slap him upside the head with bullshit words meant to eat at his pride. The second chapter better get better in a hurry or I won't be reading the third. It simply isn't entertaining to read.

1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
why no star ratings

this is the worst story I have ever read on Literotica

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
☆☆☆☆+ (4.3/5.0 = 86% = A)


OnethirdOnethirdabout 8 years ago
Off we go

Good tension, good start. Nice last line too. What the hell is wrong with the anon who claimed this was the worst Literotica story he's read. Does he even know how to read without his lips moving? Or her, perhaps?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago
My third time though

For some reason I had not favorited it. I now think it might be your best. Definitely your most complete and best developed. The emotions are very genuine and well expressed. This is very real life. Five stars (if I could rate it) and now a favorite. Love it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
You want no comment likeidiotic?? O.k. then pathetic!!! MINUS 5*!!!

What a bunch of crap!! Who will be married to a slut like that?? Even its a fantasy its a bad one!! Nothing in your story is linked to Loving Wives! Its only a cheap slut wife story nothing more!! Maybe you extend this crap to cuckold/wimp but it will always be what it is: a cheap slut wife story with cuckold/wimp borrowings!! O.k. now you got enough munition to delete that comment!!!

ErotFanErotFanover 6 years ago
This story is too dark for me

Maybe I'll come back to it when I'm in a fouler mood.

Sorry. I won't rate it now.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
Wow. Too dark to keep reading? But you're EPIC Dawg! Deserves 5 to the 5th button?

TY very much

Hey haters FOAD

You ain't a woman

You ain't a women who was almost homeless with a kid

You don't know dancers, lots of them are nice gals/good women

NEARLY yone had breaking points/Rubicon errors in life

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 6 years ago
of course

she could go straight to HR and file a complaint, threaten a constructive dismal suite. That threat alone would get a meeting with management and probable a transfer to another department. A good HR manager would have this sorted in no time. However as my wife tells me 'there would be no story if everyone acted logically, so I need to suspend reality while reading'. I know where this is going so I will depart before that is required. TK

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Hard to read, but a good start. You aren't known for easy to read stories, but I'll stay with this one.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago
First page

Coming home from her job having quit: no man is that dumb.

And I don’t accept the premise. Get a mower and weed eater and start doing yards. Get a pickup truck and start driving hot shot. Start delivering pizza. Learn to be a bartender and do a sales job during the day. Get a job selling new cars. That’s six figures if you put in the hours and focus. Get an agent’s license and bust your ass selling houses. Volunteer to work overseas. There are MANY ways to make a living. Whole set up is BS. I’ll skip to the comments on the last story and check but so far it’s too much bs to finish

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago
Well fuck

People liked it. I’ll read it one of these days but not right now

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago

I tried. First, he said winners fuck the homecoming queen. Second I just can’t suspend disbelief this far. Just no

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
First one....

First story by this author that I hate the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sorry, just couldn't continue reading this. Tom was a complete asshole and didn't deserve Kara. I'm pretty sure the story must get better but can't bring myself to continue with it.

The author is a good writer and other stories have been good but just don't like this storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yes, I'm not able to read more of this story. In a way, it's a complement to the author as there are other stories with similar themes, but I was seriously pissed off at the stupidity of Kara. Haven't you learned anything? You expect this to go well after such a decision? So congrats to the author, you did your job and made me care, but I can't handle the heartbreak I see coming

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wow... at 62 yrs old I've been considering going to a strip club. I've now had a rethink on that idea. Not enjoying this story I can see the pain and suffering coming.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

1*, this shit sucks.

HighBrowHighBrow4 days ago

I love stories like this… Working Wives.

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...