Summer Hire Ch. 04


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He raised Melissa's arms above her head, pulling her up to tiptoe, and wrapped the end of the belt around her wrists. He tied a firm knot, holding her in place. Looking up, she inspected her binding. He bent to kiss her upturned lips, then he gently traced his fingertips down her side. She shuddered again, her nipples taut and her sex vibrating in a quiver of aching anticipation.

Stepping back, he said softly, "Repercussions indeed. Perhaps I should simply leave you like this for awhile. Your pose is... quite fetching."

He reached down to tuck himself back into his jeans and zip up. "Best put that away before looking at you all tied up makes me hard again."

He stepped past her and walked away, calling out, "Stay exactly like that, no twisting or fidgeting."

She obediently turned back to face the trunk of the tree and let herself hang there, watching the stream flow past. She wondered if he really would leave her like this for awhile. She tested her bonds. They were tight. While comfortable enough for the moment, she was worried that the leather might cut off her circulation. Her shoulders also felt strained, pulled tight above her.

She tried to relax, shifting to support as much of her weight as she could on tip toe. Listening for him, all she heard was the creek burbling past and the birds occasionally calling out to each other. A light midday breeze flitted across her bare skin.

Vaguely at first, then more definitely, she heard his returning footsteps. Fear battled with arousal as she wondered at what she had gotten herself into this time. He stepped in front of her. Somehow seeing his face was a relief. He reached up to check her binding, asking. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, unsure of what to say.

He continued gently, "If you really are okay, we can step it up. We can take it slowly and see what your reaction is. I think... I'm pretty sure that you're going to enjoy this, at least in a deeper way than might be immediately obvious. In any case, if you're willing to trust me. I want you to remember two things. Saying 'yellow' means, 'I'm not sure I like this -- slow down.' Saying 'red' means 'stop right this instant!' Have you got that?"

She nodded, still a little scared and unsure.

He reassured her, "Remember, this is a game, a dance. Ultimately though, you are in complete charge of you. My job is to do the best I can to make sure that nothing happens that you can't handle or don't want. But you always have the final say. Okay?"

She nodded again, a little more sure this time.

He smiled reassuringly one last time, then drew himself up to his full height, somehow more imposing and in character. He gave her a quick wink to let her know that it was still indeed a game. "So we spoke of repercussions, little one. Promises, even." He drew his left hand from behind his back, revealing a thin straight sapling, cut about three feet long. It had been stripped of its leaves. He took it in his right hand and swung it several times experimentally through the air. It made a buzzing sound as it cut through the air.

Next, he softly traced the outline of her torso with the sapling, letting the springy wood drift slowly along her bare skin.

Fear fought with arousal, as she looked down at the sapling sliding across her. She wasn't at all that certain this was a good idea, even though the intensity of her sexual ache was reaching new heights. Her whole body clenched in throbbing anticipation. Faced with such desperate need, she didn't know how she could say no. She reassured herself that if it really was terrible, she could say 'red' at any point.

Erik stepped around behind her and she arched her back, clenching even tighter. Waiting for the first stroke seemed interminable. Then suddenly she felt the "thwack" of the sapling against her buttocks. A fiery red impulse ran up her spine, exploding in a rush of sexual intensity across her brain. She gasped. The line where the sapling had contacted her buttock burned, seeming to radiate through to the other side of her body where her clitoris now begged for relief.

A second stroke joined the first, and she jerked. Lost in the rush of feeling swirling within her., she slumped down, hanging on her bindings, unable to maintain enough focus to balance on the balls of her feet.

At the third stroke, she felt her sex coiling around the beginnings of an orgasm. Another and another fell upon her as her onrushing orgasm screamed up from the depths. All she could think was, "please don't stop now!" Then she crested over, thrashing back and forth, held suspended by the woven leather belt.

As her orgasm receded, he stopped. She swung gently back and forth on her bindings, feeling as though she was drifting in the air. Small aftershocks reverberated through her body with little jerks and tics. Slowly, she reconnected with the world, feeling the soreness of her buttocks and the strain of being suspended in her shoulders. She could even feel the texture of dirt underneath her toes.

Erik stepped close to her. Wrapping an arm around her, he lifted her a little into the air. With his other hand, he reached up and undid the leather belt holding her suspended. Her arms fell down around him in a hug. She quietly said, "Wow."

He nodded agreement. "Indeed. That seemed quite... powerful."

"Yeah, that's for sure."

"Now be careful. Remember your reaction before. At some point, all that Catholic shame stuff may come knocking on your door. You don't have to let it in. It's not yours. That shame nonsense... it belongs to somebody else, not you."

He continued, "You, Melissa Conlin, are a beautiful woman, with every right to take her pleasure anyway she wants."

"Damn straight," she murmured into his shoulder.

They stayed in a warm embrace for several minutes, until Melissa arched her back into him, trying to relieve the stiffness in her muscles from being suspended. He pulled his hands firmly up her back, along either side of her spine, and she felt at least two pops as the tension relaxed out of her muscles.

He asked, "That better?"

"Yeah, but what about my butt? If I can't wear a bathing suit at the pool, I'm going to be pissed. I don't want people thinking... well, you know."

"Don't worry. You've got the cutest little red stripes across that delicious ass, but they'll be gone in a couple of hours. There shouldn't be any bruises. I was careful."

She reached down to feel her bottom, surprised it didn't hurt more as she ran her hand across where the sapling had struck her. "Wow, that was just plain weird. Who'd have figured?"

He nodded in agreement, "It's continues to amaze to me as well. What arouses one person can be a complete turn-off for somebody else. We are very complicated creatures, in amazingly unique ways. The trick is finding someone else who fits."

He paused, then said quietly, "I am very glad I found you."

She suddenly felt breathless and overwhelmed, "Uh, yeah..."

He laughed, breaking the tension. "Come on, let's get you dressed; then head back for lunch." He reached up to undo his belt from the branch, while she stepped back, still a little unsure.

He reached out to take her hand. "The intensity takes a little while to unwind. Don't worry about anything too much right now. Things will feel a bit more solid in a few minutes." They walked together back to where her clothes were.

She said, "I'm okay. You're right though, kind of intense. And uh, yeah, I'm glad we found each other too." He took her into his arms, and they kissed.

"Yeah," he whispered, "but you've still got to get dressed. Lunch is calling."

"Okay, okay. Wow, you get cranky when you're hungry." She looked around. "Now where is my bathing suit?"

"In my day pack. It's wet; you don't want to put it back on."

"That's what you say."

"I'll show you. Put on your shirt."

She looked at him puzzled for a moment, then picked up her shirt and slipped it on. She reached to button up the front, but stopped when he wagged his finger at her.

He reached around either side of her, gathered up the hem of her shirt, and started rolling it upwards. When he reached just below her breasts, he brought the two ends together and tied them across her front. "See, just enough support."

She bounced on the balls of her feet to jiggle her breasts and found that the way he had tied her shirt did indeed provide some support. She quirked a smile at him, "Okay, that works, I guess. What are you now, my fashion consultant?"

"Something like that. If I'm not going to allow you to wear underwear, I've got to do something to help out."

"No underwear, huh?"

"That's right. Strictly forbidden. And Melissa, I mean 'strictly.'"

She said, "Yes Master" and ducked her head in jest.

"So she is capable of learning. Go on, get on your pants and shoes."

"Oh, oh, I'm allowed to wear pants? However shall I show my gratitude to my Master?"

"You best hurry and get them on before I reconsider. It'd be fun to make you walk in front of me naked, so I could admire those beautiful stripes I put across your ass."

She turned away from him, deliberately bending over at the waist to pick up her pants, so she prominently displayed her rear. While still bent over, she looked back up at him and asked, "You mean those stripes?"

He sighed. "You are incorrigible." Then he bent down on one knee and ran his tongue between her exposed labia, licking upwards until his tongue was probing her tight anus. He slid a forefinger in between her drenched labia and bore down, trapping her G-spot and clitoris between his finger and thumb.

She gasped as her need blasted through her. He slowly massaged her G-spot as the tight ring of muscle surrounding her anus relaxed enough that his tongue was able to penetrate. Her head was swimming. The beginnings of yet another orgasm gripped her.

Then suddenly, he stood up and said in a bored-sounding voice, "Well, are you going to put those pants on or what?"

"But... ," she said slowly straightening up.

"That's right. You get to walk back frustrated and horny as hell. That'll learn you."

"You sir, you are a cruel and heartless man."

He snorted, "Glad you finally noticed."

"Okay, I give. I'll get dressed. Man you really get nasty when you're hungry. I mean, what does a girl have to do to cum around here?"

"God you're a greedy little vixen."

She smiled in agreement as she slipped on her jeans. Erik reached down to gather up her socks and sneakers. He handed the socks to her as she sat down to put them on. She saw him looking carefully at her sneakers and gave him a questioning glance. He shrugged and banged them out against his hand. "Got to make sure no bugs crawled up inside."

He handed her the sneakers. Once she got them on and grabbed her purse/mini-backpack, they set off together. Before slinging her mini-backpack across her shoulder, she dug out her phone to check messages. Seeing an e-mail from Professor Gavin, she stopped for a moment. Erik waited for her.

As Melissa scanned the e-mail, her face dropped. "Oh shit, oh shit! I can't believe it!"

"Is something wrong?"

"Goddamn it! What the fuck am I supposed to do for the summer now?"

Erik stood quietly, watching her sudden anger and despair, waiting to see if there would be a further explanation, which she soon supplied, "Gavin says the university cut their summer budget. She doesn't have enough money to send first-year grad students out on a dig. I mean, we had plane tickets and everything. It's not like they were paying us much anyway. Oh crap. Like I'm going to find any kind of decent summer job at this point."

Erik stayed quiet and thoughtful, while she read through the e-mail again. When she finished, tears had started down her cheeks. He reached out and gently put his hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry." He nodded down the trail, "Come on. Let's get back. We can walk and talk. I suspect there's some options."

She nodded and started walking alongside him. "It was just Arizona. A Native American site. Not really my area of interest at all. I mean, it's not like I was going to the Middle East or Greece or something. But it was a real dig. And some money. My fellowship isn't enough to cover everything... stupid goddamned crap."

"Is that what you're interested in, Greece, Middle East, Classical Archeology?"

"Yeah, Raiders of the Lost Ark stuff, silly I know, but it's really cool. So much of who we are, our culture, was shaped in that place and time. I mean, I like all of Archeology. That's one of the reasons I wound up here, because the department isn't divided up between Classical and Non-Classical Archeology, like it is at most universities. But goddamn it! How could Gavin screw us like this?"

"How much money was it supposed to be?"

"Only about three thousand, but they were going to cover housing, food, transport, all that stuff."

They walked on in silence for awhile. Erik cleared his throat. Melissa looked up at him, realizing that he probably wanted to say something and was waiting for her to stop being completely absorbed in the disaster that had befallen her. She asked, "Yeah?"

"I have an idea. It's a summer job you might be interested in. The sign-on bonus is three thousand. No strings. You can walk at any point and still keep the money. The pay is fifteen hundred a week. Housing, food, and transport comes with it as well. It's pretty full-time. In fact, you'd only have off one full day a week and every other weekend."

"Okay... what is it? I mean, do I have to kill somebody or something?"

"The job is simple. It's being my sex slave."

She stopped and stared at him. "You're not joking, are you?"

"Nope. I'm serious."

Her face got red, and she sputtered, "I don't know whether to hit you, or walk away, or what... that's really fucked up!"

He nodded, "It's been a kind of interesting day that way, huh? Loads of unexpected things. Look, I'm not making you this job offer to insult you. But I don't want to sugar coat it either. Please, give yourself some time to consider it. A lot has happened here today. It feels like good stuff, at least to me. It feels like the beginnings of a real connection. I hope it could go somewhere, and this job would be a... structure for making that possible. I hadn't realized that you were planning to go off to Arizona for the summer. I'm really sorry the job got taken away, but I'm glad that you'll be around."

He waited, but she didn't say anything, so he added, "Remember, you can quit at any time, even a minute after saying yes. I won't hold it against you. I promise that the sign-on bonus is yours, no matter what."

She said nothing. She stared at him for awhile longer and then turned to look away.

"Come on," he said, "I'll walk you back. You can call or text me later today or over the weekend. Just make up your mind by seven AM Monday morning. That's starting time."

"That sounds romantic as all hell."

"Yeah, I agree; that was pretty awkward, wasn't it?" He gestured down the trail, and they started walking together again.

As they walked, Melissa couldn't figure out why she hadn't already screamed "No!" at him. She was certain that she would never agree to be somebody's sex slave. Even if it was a favorite fantasy of hers, she was sure it would be miserable in real life. She didn't know why she was hesitating to turn him down. She wondered if she wanted the promised bonus money. She thought about it, but couldn't see herself taking the money and then quitting. That seemed too slimy.

While she walked, she absentmindedly rubbed her bottom with one hand. As soon as she realized what she was doing, she stopped. She wondered if the red stripes really would fade away in a few hours. She hoped that the memory of this day would quickly fade as well. Perhaps it was all just a horrible dream.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So...50 shades of grey....

But with characters instead of caricatures. It's still moving extremely quickly, but still an improvement on that other thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

"So even though I'm a dom, I have different priorities from someone who's that hard core. It's not my whole life; it's only part of who I am, mostly just the sexual part."

I can't stop reading! You're very good.

- Th.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great writing!!! Really enjoying the story (as a fellow recovering Catholoc, even.)

ALegressionALegressionover 9 years ago
Absolutely Perfect!

Your writing is very advanced. It is such a breath of fresh air. You did a fantastic job on this series. It would be interesting to see maybe a few weeks into her summer where her thoughts have progressed to and how their relationship was changing.

I really relate to Melissa being very new to the whole idea myself as well. And I must say, you really detail her inner thoughts quite perfectly. I appreciate, also, the way you explain the BDSM side. It actually gave me more clarity for me personally. The explanations helped me to not worry myself just as Melissa did, "why" or "if this is bad".

I wanted to compliment you. This is fantastic writing. Thank you for time and evident effort you put into this series.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 9 years ago
Like it

Nice to see a strong dominant who isn't a jerk. Thoroughly enjoying this.

fyodusfyodusover 9 years ago

Great story! I am really interested to see where you go with this.

Rud1GirlRud1Girlover 9 years ago

The total ridiculousness of the one piece swim suit on retaining any defence against a concerted dominant approach. Thank you for unlocking that particular memory bank.

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
another great chapter

Brent, you have launched Melissa and Erik on the Voyage of Discovery. To figuring out what sort of relationship they are constructing.

Plus a well-written assortment of erotic play and kinky amusements.

The wild differences in sexual stimulation between people is explained by me by that geneticist metaphor of the Asparagus Quandary.

Some people like asparagus. Some people hate asparagus. Some people hate it when they were children forced to eat asparagus. Now as adults some of them relish the veggie.

Myself, I hate asparagus from a can or that has been boiled. I'll only eat baby asparagus that has been sauteed or grilled.

There was research that determined that showed some people can smell asparagus in their own pee. Some of them could smell it in other peoples pee. Some could smell both and some could not detect any smell at all.

That one small thing, with so many different results. Helps you realize how truly complex human beings are.

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