Surviving in the Old West Ch. 05


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The contrast between her dark lips and her pink insides became more and more obvious as her labia spread of its own accord. Those lips contrasting with the lighter skin of her vulva and the vivid pink of her inner pussy, made an erotic sight to her abusers.

Clara was riddled with confusion and a lack of understanding. What was happening, who, what, how, etc. was shamefully arousing her.

"This can't be happening," she thought.

Her pussy responded to the shame, the mental thoughts manifesting themselves in a physical way, which felt like a little electric shocks between her legs.

Clara was wet.

She was wet because she had been made to watch. Both she and Ethan had made an adventure out of watching couples in bed together. They had enjoyed observing men rutting and humping their women and had taken pleasure and enjoyment from it.

This was totally different.

Clara had been witness to these men taking Martha against her will. She had watched Martha and had been aroused by her 'in action'. However the real turn-on wasn't just the non-consensual rape but the pure animalistic spectacle that accompanied the violation. The sheer bestiality had made her wet, the contrast between the innocent beauty of Martha, against the base, feral, ugly men and the primitive and barbaric nature of what Clara witnessed, created such a confused arousal in her.

She saw the amazing difference between old, dirty, wizened cocks as they queued for Martha and the pretty, tiny pale lips they polluted. She witnessed Martha's labia gripping each man's cock and reluctantly devouring them, which aroused Clara beyond what she could ever believe possible.

Her shame was compounded with the first man who took her. Clara gasped and hitched her body, as she felt the big cock of the gang leader touch her sopping labia. There was no room for subtlety, he pushed into her hot, wet pussy and groaned as he felt the scorching soft tissue, envelop him and caress him.

Archer was not stupid in the ways of the world. As he began to ease his fat, long cock in and out of Clara, he sensed something quite shocking. She had been wet and ready for him like a slut but that wasn't all, he could feel her gripping his cock with her inner muscles. He could sense Clara's wild arousal and he could see through the pretence, as she acted the unwilling rape victim. Frank sensed Clara's desperation for him to use her, her hands gripped his arms and her body yielded to him and her hips rose almost imperceptibly to meet him, a response which belied her outward gestures, words and actions.

Archer leant down as though to kiss Clara, which would have been just too terrible, however he put his mouth to her ear and whispered,

"Don't worry, I wont tell anyone, you dirty little whore." then grinned a foul, broken toothed, vulgar grin at her.

Clara was stunned and humiliated, she thought,

"This man knows, he KNOWS how I feel."

Once aware of Clara's condition and desperation, the old outlaw deliberately played with her. Keeping a slow rhythm and concentrating on Clara's reactions, Frank teased, cajoled and enticed Clara's gripping pink flesh towards orgasm.

While Archer fucked Clara he decided to test her. As Clara was so obviously close to a climax, he wanted to check he was right about her. He had never seen a woman so desperate, so he feigned a few grunts as though ejaculating and began to pull out of her.

He was right.

When Clara thought he had finished and she would be denied an orgasm, her eyes shot open in alarm, the look on her face one of panic. Clara looked into Frank Archer's eyes with a pleading look, which was met by a smirk and a little laugh. Leaning down towards her again Frank whispered,

"Don't worry little lady, you are going to get yours."

Clara felt the shame and humiliation of her actions and her desperation. She knew, that Frank knew, her dirty shameful secret. However, these feelings of embarrassment, were in total contrast to the intense relief she felt, when she realised that this rape was mercifully, NOT over yet.

As the other outlaws urged him to hurry up, so that they could all 'fuck the bitch' Frank picked up the pace. He began to fuck Clara like a whore and as the cock spread her insides and gave her a wonderful stretched and full feeling, the first tingling of the oncoming orgasm hit Clara. Nearly pulling completely from her, only push back in to the hilt, bottoming out almost against her cervix, the experienced whoremonger Archer, brought Clara to an earth shattering climax.

Clara felt the whole of her vagina, deep inside her, her soft walls and her clitoris, all joining together into an explosion between her legs. Her sex was on fire, pulsating and spasming around her rapist's big, gnarled old cock. Clara's orgasm intensified by the unwanted intimate secret they shared, as their eyes met in ecstasy.

As she climaxed and the shame over took her, Clara managed to recover some sense of decency. She desperately tried to hide the fact she was climaxing from the gathered outlaws. It was nigh on impossible but Clara managed to only emit small gasps, as the orgasm burst from her with only a pathetic whimpering to be heard.

It was at that moment when Frank totally shocked her. He helped her to hide her orgasm from everyone else, he started to grunt and make deliberate noises with which to cover her own noises.

Her shame was complete, she had cum on this man's cock. She suddenly felt shocked by her own immorality and indecency, yet she felt nothing but pleasure as he started to cum himself. If her own orgasm wasn't powerful and shameful enough, the unexpected and humiliating arousal she experienced, at receiving the foul seed of her rapist deep into her most intimate place, made her feel worthless. Frank ejaculated deep inside her, the pleasure Clara felt at being soiled in this manner, making it the most wretched, deplorable and sordid moment in her life.

Clara was electrified.

As he left his still swollen cock deep inside Clara's clinging vagina, Frank winked at Clara and whispered,

"Don't worry missy, your secret is safe with me."

This left Clara humiliated, unsure as to why he would help her to hide her sordid orgasm. She realised that sharing such an intimate secret with this man, somehow created a terrible bond or connection between them that was too terrible to bear.

As Archer pulled from Clara's clinging and still sensitive pussy, another man pushed himself between her legs. He grabbed Clara's breasts in both his hands and cruelly twisted and kneaded them.

A sudden thought hit Clara,

"How did my breasts get exposed?"

She couldn't remember Archer exposing her, then the unknown, terrible truth dawned on her, she had exposed her breasts to her rapist herself!

The terrible realisation hit her, she had pulled her dress open and exposed herself. She had wanted them all to see her bare breasts, wanted them to see them bounce on her chest as she was fucked. Clara Bartlett had wanted her rapists to not only see her bare breasts but to squeeze and maul them, to pull on her excited, swollen nipples as they used her cunny!

The second rape was done in a blur. As Clara was still in a dreamy, satisfied, and fulfilled daze from the first rape, she almost absently felt her breasts being harshly pinched and a cock sliding smoothly and effortlessly into her pussy.

With her rapist deep inside her, her body jerked repeatedly as he fucked her with individual hard, harsh, stabbing thrusts. Rather than smooth in and out movements, he rammed himself in up to the hilt, waited, slowly pulled out, then forced himself back in to the very top of her pussy as hard as he could. It was as he used her body in this crude manner, that the second load of semen was unceremoniously dumped inside her.

The next couple of men, whose turn it would have been, were not ready to go again. They had sated themselves with Martha.

But not Tobias.

The youngster was already fully hard and erect and more than ready to take his turn inside the mature woman's legs.

Clara's arousal showed no signs of abating. Her mind was racing with the appalling, raw sexuality of her situation. Clara realised that as she lay back, her legs wide open, that she was no longer being held by anyone. Her position and her acceptance (and known only to her and Frank Archer - her desire) to allow this young boy his pleasure between her legs, was not only completely and utterly consensual but even desirable.

To be nothing more than a wanton slut, aroused by being a piece of hot, wet meat, simply for this feral young boy to use and gratify himself inside her vagina was corrupt and exciting.

Tobias Kincade was crude, inexperienced and hurried. He simply fucked Clara quickly and harshly. Looking down at their coupling, he watched his rigid cock glide effortlessly into her, the dark sexy lips gripping him and pulling out along his cock, as he pulled back again. His rampant hardness smeared with copious amounts of the woman's sodden pussy.

In no time at all, he was cumming inside a woman, the second time in mere minutes.

Simultaneously across the room, the last man raping Martha wanted one thing. He reached underneath her and ran his harsh, cracked, calloused finger tips over her exposed clitoris. Teasing her with surprising gentleness, he coaxed Martha along to another orgasm. He got his final wish. As he ejaculated deep inside Martha, she shuddered and cried out in what sounded like anguish, as she climaxed again.

The outlaws were suddenly aware of how much time they had taken up and that the arrival of the posse was rapidly approaching.

The two women heard nothing but the clunking of heels on floorboards, the jangling of spurs and then it was silent. They had gone in a flash.

It was over.

Taking control, Martha stood up, her back aching and became businesslike. She found two rags and gave Clara her orders.

"Clean the filth from yourself, we have no time to bathe. Then get some water and clean up the two pools of semen." (That lay in disgusting pools between where their legs had been)

Martha glared into Clara's eyes,

"And this never happened, do you understand?" she growled.

Martha refused Mat sex that night, feigning the onset of her period. (Tomorrow when it hadn't happened she would just pass it off as a mistake, Mat ignorant of such matters would easily be fooled.)

However for Clara, the day's incident had had a profound effect on her. Although she obviously hadn't wanted to be raped by outlaws and at first she had hated watching her young love being used, she realised that it was the helplessness and the shame of what had happened, that affected her most. The bestial nature, the sheer raw primitiveness and baseness of what she had both witnessed and endured, was arousing her in ways that she felt was dirty and perverse.

A few nights later, Clara fought with the sexual torment raging inside her. More than at any other time in her whole life, Clara needed more than a session of lovemaking with her husband, she needed to be taken and used.

As Mat and Martha lay in their bed, there was a faint tap on the door and the squeak of the hinges as it opened. Clara walked into the room and stood at the side of the bed. She looked at Martha and somehow they both instinctively knew what the unasked question was.

She held her hand out to Mat, who took it, unsure of both what was happening and how to respond. Martha gave them both an almost imperceptible nod of permission and Clara led Mat from his bed and out of the room.

Martha was happy for Clara to indulge herself. Even despite her tender years, Martha had recognised the torment and need in the older woman.

In the bedroom Mat and Ethan were reluctant to even look at each other, Mat was embarrassed but that was nothing compared with Ethan. The awkward and tense moments between Ethan and Mat threatened to kill the moment. Clara moved quickly to initiate matters before they had chance to spoil.

The fire in Clara's vagina, that had shamefully roared watching her beautiful Martha being gang fucked, was heating up as she sucked the cocks of two men at the same time. She desperately wanted them to fuck her, use her, abuse her, and take her in as violent and a degrading fashion as possible.

She wanted them to rape her.

Clara could not possibly tell Ethan this, let alone Mat, so instead, a disgusting, dirty and obscene tableau simply played out in Clara's head. As she wantonly and sluttily opened her legs for the young Mat to put his cock into her, her mind played games.

Clara had been taken when the outlaws had fled, they had taken her back to their camp to be their sex slave.

In her fantasy, she was face down on the dusty ground, using her arms to try to escape the men that surrounded her. She fought and tried to scramble away on her stomach, only to be pulled back by her ankles. The outlaws fought over her, pulling, tearing and ripping her dress from her. They then ripped her panties from her, as she desperately tried to hang on to them. She was then pulled back by the hips and pulled to her knees, her legs forced and dragged open, exposing her wet glistening cunt to all the men there.

Whilst the first man violently thrust into her, she came on his huge cock.

Clara was naked beside the campfire, riding a huge cock as all the others watched. They waited their turn, they abused her, calling her all the filthy names they knew, and they stuck their cocks in her mouth to get them hard, as she shamelessly fucked herself on the man currently underneath her.

As the gang in her head fucked her senseless, so did the men in her bed. Both men fucked Clara and came inside her. She herself climaxed both times too.

At first light Clara slowly awoke and opened her eyes. Casting a look around the room, she was hit by reality.

Last night had all been a dream.

Clara's disappointment was tangible. Many people dreamed of things they could never do in real life, it was unconscious escapism. For Clara though, the dream had been an exact projection of her desires and fantasies. Everything that the now fading dream had contained, was the very essence of what the mature woman longed for. Now in the cold light of day, realising that she had not enjoyed her husband and Mat, or been taken away and used by outlaws either, Clara Bartlett was left deeply disappointed and dejected, with nothing but an unfulfilled fantasy and an incredibly wet cunny.

A few weeks passed after the fateful day for Martha and Clara. Martha, true to her attitudes and values, had dealt with the accompanying trauma with stoicism. She had not let the event define her, or have any lasting influence over her happiness with Mat. Clara however was experiencing difficulties in dealing mentally, with what had happened to her.

Clara could not rid herself of the image of Martha being fucked like a dog and being taken by such ugly and feral outlaws. She could not remove the vision of Frank Archer, Jeremiah Lockert and the boy Tobias Kincade, taking her 'against her will'. She could not forget how she had looked down her own body and seen those men stood menacingly between her splayed legs. Her gaping pussy, split and ready, her vivid pinkness contrasting with her dark, wet and swollen labia, visible to all those strangers. The vision of those big cocks, hard, menacing and only inches from her sex, angry bulbous and swollen ready to defile her, would never leave her. The memory of how incredible it had felt, as copious amounts of her rapists cum had filled her, then flowed from her. Neither could she forget her night of outrageous fantasy with her husband and the young Mat.

And it excited her still.

Clara Bartlett spent almost all her waking hours, wet and hot between her legs. She could not believe that the part of her that had simply been for pissing, bleeding and the occasional hump from her husband, had now become the flesh which both gave and received so much pleasure. It had become the centre of her world.

Working together in the store one day, Clara was distant and detached, she was still daydreaming about events and she wasn't watching what she was doing. She bumped into the bucket Martha was using and spilt dirty water all over the floor, that Martha had spent so much time and effort cleaning.

Martha was obviously furious and Clara quickly moved to soothe her and to apologise.

"Oh Martha I am so sorry, it was an accident and it was all my fault, please forgive me."

She moved to Martha and hugged her, instantly feeling aroused and in need of the young girl. Clara tried to kiss Martha, her lips and her tongue seeking the young girl's.

Martha was in no mood for Clara's embrace and attempts at loving.

"No, get away from me!" shouted Martha and forced Clara away.

Clara was making another clumsy attempt at kissing Martha when things changed.

Martha grabbed Clara by the hair and dragged her over to some boxes (the very boxes that she had leant over to be raped) and forced Clara facedown across them. Clara was still unsure what was happening when she felt her dress being pushed up around her waist and her bloomers being dragged down her thighs.


The sound reverberated around the store and the shock of the pain hit Clara.



By the time Clara felt the fourth crack from Martha's hand, which shook her white quivering cheeks, her life had changed forever.

Martha tanned Clara's ass until it was red raw. Breathless with the exertion, Martha then sat on the boxes and looked down at Clara. Panting and excited, Clara began to crawl towards Martha on her hands and knees. At her feet, she then pushed Martha's legs apart and sank her head into the young girl's lap.

Clara was incredibly aroused.

Martha felt the mature woman push her head into her sex. Clara, smelling Martha's essence through the dress, began scrambling to push her skirt up and pull down her panties.

The two women, when they had had the threesome with Mat, had gently played around with the idea of 'Miss' and 'Girl'. It was only one sexy moment in their lovemaking. Since then both women, unknown to the other, had harboured a little fantasy about that sort of relationship being real. Now Martha brought the game to life, she consigned the innocent game to history and set in motion the actions that would bring the fantasy to life.

"No!" shouted Martha and when Clara lifted her head to plead with the young girl, Martha smacked her face.

"Slut," She snarled.

It was stunning in its effect.

The smack was not particularly hard or vicious but the future of their relationship was defined by that crack across the face, the symbolism incredible. The domination of Martha and the punishment she inflicted on Clara, was simply the expression of and the marker to, what would define their future relationship. It was the standard to which their 'affair' would be governed.

Clara found herself knelt in the dirt and dust, not really sure why she felt like she did, or what it was that she wanted. However, in mere moments and long before the concept would become a commonplace sexual role, she realised that she wanted to be 'Martha's slut'.

Clara's excitement was beginning to overwhelm her. She reached between her own legs and felt for the wet and hot lips and the nub of pleasure that was slowly becoming her whole life. Martha heard the dirty sound of Clara's cunny making a squelching sound.

It was 1875 and just as before when they had experienced this unique and unnatural sexual liaison, the two women had nothing to guide them. They had not the internet to search for ideas, books, and moving pictures which would shape people's sex lives, were a long way from being available. There was no manual to consult, they were acting totally on instinct, again believing themselves to be the first and only people in the whole world, who had had these ideas and acted in this unique and bizarre way.