Tales From Subspace


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Adam could feel her pain/pleasure. She threw back her head with a soft cry and sagged into her bonds. Paul and Eric quickly released her, so she would not injure her shoulders as she hung from the chains. The crowd cheered. Trying to recapture the energy she had taken from them. She sank to the floor weakly. Head hanging between the shafts of her arms. She crawled, without shame, to Adam's feet, laying her face against his boots. Using his legs to pull herself up his thigh in total and complete, submission. Heat and heat, from her. The welts visible against her soft flesh.

Adam reached down for her and she smiled up at him. The lights went dark. When they came back up the stage was empty. The crowd went wild. Cheering and stomping their feet. Nothing they could do tonight would top that display. <<<<<>>>>>

I had finished the tale when Adam knocked on my door. I took a deep breath and answered it. I was not looking forward to this, but at least he was going with me. I suddenly couldn’t stand the thought of going through this alone.

“Are you ready?” He asked, when I came out.

“I guess.” He took my hand, and led me to his car. I wondered if he could feel my fear through the digits.

The drive didn’t take anywhere near long enough, and I was suddenly glad that I had taken tomorrow off.


She handed me the clipboard and sat down behind the counter. I looked over my form and started to fill it out. It was mostly regular medical stuff with some sexual questions like. " Have you ever had anal stimulation, Have you ever had urethra dilation," Stuff like that. I hesitated at some of the questions then wondered if Jon had asked for these questions to be asked.

Adam waited patiently as I did this and when I was done he took the clipboard back to the receptionist.

We waited for some time and after twenty minutes or so we were called back. A large handsome male took us back down a hall.

"Adam, if you will step in here please." Adam stepped into a room off to the right. I tried to look in but it seemed dark and I couldn't make out what was inside.

"What he's not?" I didn’t really want him to watch, but I didn’t want to be alone with a strange man either, no matter how ‘Medical’ he was.

"Don't worry, Anne, he will be able to observe." He started to walk down the hall and I looked at the closed door. The man stopped and looked back at me. I gritted my teeth and followed him. He opened another door and led me into a small exam room. It was the normal stuff nothing new or exciting. The table was padded with the small foot stirrups and there was a screen to undress behind.

"Anne, this will be a preliminary exam to make sure that you are healthy enough to meet the physical needs of your master. Now please, go behind the screen, disrobe, and place on a gown." I did as the nurse said and soon the regular stuff was taking place. Height, weight, B/P Things that any normal physical would cover. Nothing was different until the man wanted to take my temp. "Now, Anne, if you would please mount the table and lay on your belly I will get your temperature.” I sighed as I got on the table and I was hoping that I wouldn’t die of humiliation that I was about to get my temp taken in my bottom, like a two year old.

The man snapped on some latex gloves and came up beside me. I watched as I laid there with my hands gripping the top edge of the table as he uncovered my bottom and brought his gloved hands to my cheeks.

"Just relax, I can't separate you when you’re all clenched up." I forced my cheek muscles to relax and he separated them exposing my anus. I felt his gloved finger touch me and with a little pressure go in quickly, twist, and then pull out.

I felt the thermometer being pushed in and I bit back a little sound. The man held my cheeks apart as the glass rod stuck out of me. It must of taken five minutes before he pulled it out and I let out my breath.

"Ok Anne, the doctor will be in shortly. You can sit up now." He started to set up covered trays, and I made every effort to not watch, at all.

When he came in, I saw that the doctor was a younger man with pale hair and a very well built body. He was polite as he explained that he was one of three doctors in the clinic, but he was the only one who took patients after hours like this. He said that he wasn’t really going to require me to speak, after his initial history, and if I liked I could be gagged. My eyes about came out of my head.

“Thank you, Sir.” I managed to squeak out. He then did the same stuff as any doctor would do, including checking my glands, and I started to relax.

The doctor felt my abdomen and then lowered my gown to do a breast exam. He asked me if I had any pain anywhere, any internal female problems- regular periods etc. When he finished his history, and the prelims. He asked the nurse to place my feet in the stirrups.

The nurse pulled the stirrups from the end of the table, pushing me flat to the exam table. I started to feel nervous as the male nurse helped me into the stirrups, putting socks on my feet. He made sure my bottom was at the edge.

“Okay, let them fall open for me. “ He made me separate my legs out wide. I watched as he reached up and grabbed the metal bar, fixing it into position. He then directed the light so that it shone down onto my open private parts. The other arm was pulled down at the same angle. I flushed with embarrassment, as I knew that my privates were now going to be observed by a stranger.

“Anne, you need to be very still for us now." The nurse said, as he made sure the arm was right were he wanted it. The doctor then rolled between my legs.

"I'm just going to examine your external organs." I felt his gloved hand as he separated the top of my vaginal lips to reveal my clitoris. He parted me and then took a finger and touched my small nub. I closed my eyes at this, and then felt more pressure as he slipped his fingers down; opening the slippery folds and air hit my pee hole. He separated me more, and then worked down farther to open my vagina. I stared at the ceiling, as I knew that he was showing the nurse my most intimate parts. My face filled with red-hot blood.

He took his time running his fingers up and down my exterior lips, then he felt the interior ones. I knew that he was making sure that he got a glimpse of every piece of my sex.

My knees wanted to close so bad to cover what was left of my modesty. Modesty that was out in the open for anyone to see. I gripped the edge of the table so hard, my knuckles turned white.

"Ok. The internal exam now." Is all the doctor said as he slid two rubber-covered fingers into me. He then pushed them in and out a few times and twisted them. I moaned as my sex was being palpated, opened. His other hand came up and started to press my abdomen. His fingers felt to this side and that, then back again, insistently.

He took his hand away from my abdomen and pushed his fingers in and out of me a few more times stretching my vagina down as he did. My face flushed with even more humiliation and I thought I was going to scream out to stop, just as his fingers were removed. I could feel how wet I was and just when I thought I couldn't blush anymore I did. My heart pounded and raced as I felt my juices drip from my wide opening.

"The speculum now…" I felt the thongs slowly move up into me and then loud clicks separated me to show my insides to the men between my legs. I was breathing with little gasps as the doctor moved the speculum into me smoothly. I then heard metal against metal, as the regular scrapings were taken from my cervix, rougher than I was used too, cramping me. “Easy, just the Pap...” The speculum was then left for a minute, and I heard some instruments clinking. I felt cold liquid inside my vagina. When I looked down between my legs, I saw the doctor holding a kidney shaped bowl and several sets of forceps holding wettened pads of gauze bandage. The nurse moved to my side, and pushed my head back, stroking my cheek.

“Just cleaning you out a little.” The gauze was rough, and the liquid was cold. The sound was the worst, metallic clanking. The feel of him prodding the tissues inside me deeply, was disturbing. I made a little moan and the doctor stopped. He closed the thongs and slowly pulled the speculum from me.

"Now the rectal exam…" I felt his finger at my well-exposed anus. I felt him twist his finger at my opening and then very slowly press inward to enter me. I moaned again as the doctor had just the tip of his finger in me and he felt the muscle that surrounded my opening. He then inserted more of his finger. I tightened my muscles on his finger and he told me to relax. His finger then made it's way so deeply into me that I felt his hand at my bottom. He searched deep inside me and I made as little noise as possible. My knuckles now white from my hold on the table. "Bear down for me please…" I grunted and his finger went deeper. He then withdrew it and pushed it back in a few times and I could hear clicks of the lube on me. I made a little sound as a second finger was introduced into me and searched inside. He then pulled his fingers out and walked a few steps away to the counter. I let out a long held breath.

I looked between my legs to see him writing in a file. As the doctor and nurse talked I laid there spread open with the stirrups still in place. The nurse nodded then slipped on some gloves and came up between my legs.

"Just a minute and I'll clean you up." He said. The doctor told him a few more things and then left the room. The male nurse stepped between my legs again and placed a box on my belly. He took a cloth from the box and brought it down to me. I felt his fingers part my lips and he wiped from the top slowly down to my anus. He did this three times getting a new wet cloth each time. He then told me I could sit up for a few minutes. He released my legs, and straightened them out. He stopped for a moment, giving me a glass of water, then the nurse walked out the side door. I started to get a little scared as I sat there alone in this sterile little room. Still nothing bad had happened, just the usual, just slower than I was used too. I tried to take some deep breaths.

The nurse came back some time later and gently led me through the side door, to another room. My clothes had been taken in before me and I was told to get dressed.

Adam came in just as I was fully clothed, and we walked back out to the reception area. I followed slightly behind him, signing the release forms so Jon could get the report. Doc shook Adam’s hand, and gave me the quick once over. He smiled, and I was very careful not to catch his eyes. They talked about the trade. His services for my use at some future date. I was intrigued.

It hadn’t been too bad, but I wondered the entire time we were driving back to my place, just what was Doc’s personal perversion? Part of me really wanted to know, and part of me just didn’t. Someone that knew as much about the human body as a doctor, probably knew every painful nook and cranny. I didn’t even ask Adam about it as he took me home. I bit my tongue the whole way back.


I found myself at Jon's fifteen minutes early and waited on the doorstep for a few minutes. Finally knocking about five minutes early. I felt like the cherry on top of a sundae standing out there. Adam answered the door and I fell to my knees once he closed it behind him.

"Hello, Anne."

"Good evening, Adam." I said, simply because I had been addressed. He led me back towards the study where Jon and Traci were waiting. Curled up on the couch. I handed Jon my journal as I went to kneel before him.

"Did you write in it everyday?" I said I had. "Were you good this week?" “I did as you asked of me, Master." He smiled. Holding the volume in his hands. "Terry has asked for your company tonight. Adam will prepare you. Do you agree?"

"Yes, Master." Jon waved us out of the room and we went down to the bath chamber to prepare me for Terry.

I followed him into the bath chamber. Standing before the marble pedestal again.

"Clothes off, Anne." He ordered and I immediately complied with him. Laying them in the basket that he had placed for that purpose. Adam came up behind me, and I shivered, expecting him to lean me over and fuck me like he did the last time. His fingers touched my back. His voice a mere caress on my frame. "I'm not allowed to touch you now." That almost made his touch better, forbidden fruit. "I'll get you tonight after you've been fucked so sore that the thought of another cock in your pussy makes your bones ache. A torture all it's own." He moved back abruptly. I rocked on my legs, grabbing the pillar before me for support. Panting. "I will give you a piece of free advice, Anne. Don't orgasm, until they tell you too. Jon was not happy with your performance on Sunday. No self-control." Shudders shook me as tears welled in my eyes. His words sinking into me harshly. Jon would be working on that. Reality check. No matter how much I fantasized about love in chains, or how close I felt to Jon. This was a business for them and I was a specifically trained commodity. I thought about it until Adam came over to me with a basket of supplies. "Up on the block, Anne. You're about to become bare-shaven." I did as he asked, but I was surprised. "Don't even protest." He hissed. "Do what they want of you, when they want it of you, this weekend." I nodded. "Terry wants a virgin and it's up too me to prepare you for him. Your list says- fur. Jon says- none. No age-play, so you’re going to do it."

"Role-playing?" I whispered, Adam laughed. Stirring cold wax with a little paddle in a jar. He spread it in a line over the top of my sex. Letting it harden before he ripped it off with a quick pull. I yelped at the sudden unexpected pain.

"You'll love this, make you wetter than hell, Annie. Just let me work." He was right. It was a masochistic trip of enormous proportions. The smear of cold wax, then the quick pull. Sharp, delicious affliction and I knew that I had to remain still. It was over much too quickly. Adam patting my leg as he put the supplies away. He led me to the bath.

"What do they really want?" I asked quickly, before my courage faded completely.

"They want everything on your list to be a `yes.'" I was puzzled. "You can no longer have preferences. You must do what you are told, when you are told to do it. How you are told. That's what they want." He washed my hair and brushed conditioner through it gently. "There's a leather-dyke that comes here every once in awhile. Mean as a snake. She'll let you cum after she's made you ache in places that you didn't even know you had. One hint of protest with her and she'll make you wish that you liked vanilla sex." He braided my hair into two fat braids on my head. "Best orgasm that I ever had in my life. Hope I never have another." My mind whirled into over-drive. Setting itself into a loop. It hit me suddenly. I either needed to get serious, or get out of it. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Sudden pain in my jaw as my teeth ground together. "Anne?" Adam asked gently.

"I'm alright. I just realized that this is not a game, really." Now, I needed to decide whether or not to stay. Adam spoke, his voice was low.

"No, but it's the only way for us to safely play in this arena, Anne. You are not out of your mind and neither am I." He was right. I could let go here because I was supported here in a way that the outside world would never support our kind of outlaw sexual adventurers.

So I let him care for me. Letting his big hands rub an abrasive cream deeply into my dry sex. It didn't moisten it; it felt like it tightened it up. Odd sensation. Very odd. The thing was. I was no longer afraid of myself. I felt lucky to be here. I could be playing this game someplace unsafe. I could become a statistic, but not here. It just seemed bizarre to be in a business setting and not a private relationship somewhere. I started to laugh, startling Adam. It came from deep inside me rolling over me helplessly. I would rather be here than anywhere else. If eventually I did have to pay for it. That would be alright too. At least this way I won't have to sacrifice my daily life. Adam put his finger over my lips to silence me as he dressed me in a schoolgirls uniform. Even if it wasn't a game that didn't mean that I couldn't have fun. I just had to readjust my thinking. Learn the pecking order. I could do that. Pick another focus.

Maybe the orgasm wasn't the big thing. I saw Adam grin at me and realized that I had spoken aloud. I grinned back and whispered.

"I still won't do gerbils." He did crack up then. Handing me a sheaf of papers from the shelf.

"You are very naughty, do you know that?"

"Yes, that's why you like me. I don't care if I can't orgasm all weekend or all month. I deserve it for disobedience. I need to learn everything that I can to get along here." I composed my thoughts. "I will learn whatever skills they set me. I will submit to whomever they put me with. I will allow Doc to do whatever he needs to do to get off on my body under his, even though the very thought scares the be-Jesus out of me. I will obey you. Those are my choices." I stood up straighter before him. "I like it here and I want to stay here with all of you. I can feel here and not have you think of me as some kind of freak." He smiled then, genuine, warm. Kissing me deeply. Hot delicious open- mouthed. My lips captured against his, as a moth against a flame. I didn't want him to stop.

"Come on then. Read the paper and come with me." We started walking. "The place you're going too is Terry's room, although he has access to the others. He rents this one, like I do the loft." I let him talk. Lots of background.

Terry liked women, but preferred virgins. Very hard to find in this day and age. He also had no desire to play with a child, so he dressed up Jon's slaves as young people and played with them. Better than prison time. Adam touched my hair and left me sitting on a bench before a plain door on the third floor. I rested there quietly. Waiting for Terry. Thinking about this whole deal as I read the papers. I could do this. It was going to be fun, too. I slowly let the raw power of the scenario invade my mind. I felt myself becoming the young girl from the pages in my hands. Anticipating Terry's touch on my quivering body. Frisson of delightful fear. I am the Schoolgirl and I am in big trouble.


Well, it was the first `No' on my list. Age play. I was too tall for 12, but maybe 15. I felt tight and terrified. The cream that Adam had rubbed into me felt like it was pulling my sex into a new shape. I'd love to know what it was made with. [Maybe not.] I had schoolbooks in my hand and the basic scenario in my head. Long braids over my shoulders. White cotton everything. Shirt, socks, panties, bra. Skirt of plaid in dark colors and black leather shoes buffed almost patent. I felt young sitting on the bench on the third floor. Before one of the `Specialty' rooms. The Teacher's Study.

Adam told me that this was Terry's personal room. He rented it and he decorated it. He also told me that Terry used the other rooms on occasion. That was part of the deal. I was to call Terry, Mr. Jensen, but I had no idea if that was his real name or not. I had no real idea what he wanted. The door opened.

"Come in, Miss Hawthorne." That was my name in his crisp British accent. I stood quickly.

"Yes, Sir." He closed the door behind me as I went to stand before the desk. I noticed that he was dressed in a dark gray suit with a red tie. The room we were in was like the movie set of a principal’s office in an exclusive boy's school. Huge dark- wood desk, green blotter, pen set and a small lamp. The right edge had some type of smooth wooden sculpture at the back edge. A red leather chair was set before it but I knew better than to sit down. Bookshelves covered an entire wall. I looked down at his desk when he sat down. Noticing that he had a report with a large red `F' on it before him. I hung my head.
