All Comments on 'Tam's First Time with Another Man'

by tamisnudeagain

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Love It

Well done. I love reading these type of stories from the woman's perspective. Not trying to think too much could it be written by a male. Love the shame and guilt aspect and description of feelings and the force of lust taking over. Excuse my formulation, I'm not native English speaker but Dutch, living in Holland.

swingerjoeswingerjoealmost 10 years ago
Well written

I enjoyed this story. You did a good job of letting us know the inner thoughts of the main character from beginning to end. I found it implausible in certain spots, but enjoyable nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
"Oh...did I mention that I REALLY love my husband?"


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
chuck tale

he is a chuck all he needs now is to lick her clean to seal the deal

seekerazseekerazalmost 10 years ago
Sad but who are we to judge

That said, I can't see how either husband or wife love each other. They've discarded relationship for prurient interest. The husband has objectified his wife to another piece of meat and the wife gave up on him and the relationship.

I do hope that there will be a rejoining of husband and wife (I really like Tami) but there can never be restoration.

Forgive me for my emotional reaction. I've been in this place (kinda) and it hurts like hell and all the rationalization in the world can't put the genie back in the bottle.

seekerazseekerazalmost 10 years ago
And I forgot to say....

The husband is a turd. If their world falls apart, it's on him.

Of course I have a blind spot on this issue. I know that there are males who like to be cuckolded and even like to see their wives with others but in my mind they are not men at all.

Whether or not it's fiction or non-fiction, it has made me sad and I suspect that this is the end of my reading of this ongoing story. The writing is good, the plot pretty much predictable and the story is well told but I like Tami and don't want to see the dissolution and disintegration.

Now I have to figure out why I subject myself to this. It's still too raw for me (I was not a willing cuckold) and the pain too intense. But, that's why I have a therapist and it's gonna be a long long road.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
Nothing hidden, nothing without respect...

Nothing hidden, nothing without respect...The husband agrees, the wife too. If they are good with it, for me nothing is wrong...

robertlrobertlalmost 10 years ago
Enjoyed the story!

Thank you for writing this. Enjoyed it very much. This is the kind of story that belongs in this category, husband and wife both enjoying her having sex with another guy. Very hot story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good writing

This story has veracity and authenticity. I expect the author is just who she says she is. The writing is quite competent overall, but there are instances of clunky sentence structure. As an example, paragraph two: "...I tried to make him happy and comply with his wishes." Tried is a past tense verb paired with comply, a present tense verb. Better to use complied with tried, or try with comply. How about this, instead? "I wanted to be a good wife, however, and tried to comply with his wishes to make him happy." Enjoyed the story, keep writing!

CharlieB4CharlieB4almost 10 years ago

I haven't read any of your stories before, this one had me intrigued. Is it real? Or is this a forty year old frustrated cuckold writing his fantasy? Either way it was well written and sexy study of the first time with another man. 4*

dirtyomandirtyomanalmost 10 years ago
Judging Who???

All the comments that are judgmental against these peoples actions, are judging the people by different standards than those involved have. The charactors in this situation, have standards that allow them to do as they please. The rest of you are judging the by your standards. Now thats really too bad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
You both, spouses did what made you hot !

More folks should do this as the husband said,,,it is only sex !

CanadianMCanadianMalmost 10 years ago

Enjoyed this story. Good build up and descriptions of the sex and the emotions. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

And yes, I do judge a story by my standards, that's the only one that counts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great story of a real woman and her understanding man

Really enjoyed your story whether it is true or fiction. More couples as well as single women should feel the freedom to really enjoy the pleasure that God has given us.


erotikoserotikosalmost 10 years ago
Very well done!

What a well-written, stimulating and erotic tale! Your grammar, syntax and spelling all bespeak of good editing, which is a rare commodity these days. I particularly liked your character development and the interesting plot twist. You are to be commended, and encouraged to continue writing. Please ignore these idiots who love to torture their damaged little psyches by reading material they neither understand nor appreciate, then try to belittle the author for their own shortcomings. I have the story a solid "5" and an enthusiastic "thumbs up" to the author.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I'm of a mind with my fellow anonymous do-gooders and manly vigilantes. I didn't read this story, neither, but I'm-a-gonna give 'er the ol' ONE STAR, just 'cuz I don't agree with the so-called morality of the characters in this here fictional story.

I can't do much no more 'cept sit in this here chair and read my stories. My no-good daughter took my car keys away. I'd have given her a good beatin' fer it if I could get outta my chair quick enough. So I sit in my chair and read my stories, and it's my job -- and my fellow anonymous brothers - to make sure that the characters in these here stories on this here pornographic story site are acting proper.

Any story with one of them chuckholders automatically gets ONE STAR! Any story with a cheatin' wife that don't end up divorced or burned at the stake gets ONE STAR! I just can't figger why this section of this here site is filled with so many stories 'bout folks having fun outside the marriage, swingin', and sharin'. Don't make no sense to me.

So many sick people out there, but don't you worry none, 'cuz I'm here to help. Now, I gotta go, 'cuz my stories are comin' on, but I'll be back. Any time you see a story 'bout one of these cluckheads and their cheatin' wives, me and my brothers will be here to set things right.

You're welcome,

Angry Old Man

LW Morality Police

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well, we have the likes....

....and we have the dislikes.

I am one of the latter.

Why? Because unlike erotikos, who fairly glowed over it (sounded like she came from the reading), I found the writing to be full of problems both in grammar and spelling. Less common were problems with sentence structure, but then this is not a class in writing and grammar (although you need to take one!).

Two things became increasingly annoying as the story progressed:

1. You apparently don't know the difference between breath (breth) and breathe (breethe), because you misused it very consistently.

2. And fell vs feel had to be a typing error, but it shows up far too often, adding to the general irritability of the piece.

Finally, I found the idea pretty hot, but a little overworked and repetitive. "This was the man I gave my virginity to, and I was proud of that, but now..." Or words to that effect showed up 5 or 6 times. We got it after two....move on!

Finally, you overdid the attempt at contrast between her former conservative self and her now wide-open whore self...well before she fucked the arrogant guest (and that was somehow OK, because he was such a jerk, or something... I guess....I dunno). The thought processes are all scattered and cyclical, the justifications very shallow.

Next time, please put more effort into editing and try to outline your stories in a more linear fashion. Adding length by restating thoughts already well expressed is a mistake that will get you lower scores, even if no one can tell you what bothered them.

And the basic storyline is really pretty worked over. I suppose mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery, but don't you think a new idea might have some merit? Oh, and she's so reluctant, then she's all excited about fucking her boss, then she's super sad and guilty after, then when hubby says it's fine and he's proud of her, she's all sunshine and happy times a 3 year old that dropped her lolly, then gets a biscuit to replace it and is fully happy again. I get how guilt works....I don't get how your lead character is so...uninvested in her supposedly long held morays. Either she was ready, or she went after it too soon and would need to grieve for awhile. Her emotional transitions were simply too abrupt for a mature adult.

And hubby is a complete moron. Please try to write characters that have more depth than the paperboy.

dej4852dej4852almost 10 years ago
Gave it 5stars.

I thought it was well written and interesting. All you gutless asses that want to stay anonymous and talk trash about it and put it down, stay away and read something else.

Adam RightmannAdam Rightmannalmost 10 years ago
Very hot

I was almost expecting Chad to be the lucky guy, but it was Kevin.

Is there a follow up where her husband reclaims tam the next night?

I guess I have to go back and read the rest of tam's work, she whet my interest by mentioning the earlier escapades.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
so "sex is sex", he he is proud that she went of it

That has to be the stupidest logic in the world, only immature loners would use that kind of logic.

The whole story is so flawed with brain dead thinking that the story truly deserves a zero.

But according to this story hubby is happy that wife will be sleeping no fucking around.

tirreno12tirreno12almost 10 years ago
Very nice

I love it especially the first part with the lady becoming hornier step by step. The pierces nipples show-off description is a little masterpiece

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Your a whore. And u should be ashamed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
an anon comment

Loved it !!!! 5 stars will now read chapter 2 and rest of your stories.

Not all anon comments are bad and I read the whole story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Don't agree withe a happily married couple acting so dumb but it is a hot story

chauncygardnerchauncygardnerabout 9 years ago

great work in the genre! ignore the dumbass comments. this site doesn't separate cuckold from whatever a "loving wife" story is supposed to be. I guess they just don't give a crap here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
lucky hubby. Lucky wife.

How very sexy. It would be nice to be any one of them. Lucky guy getting strange piece. Lucky hubby having her do it for him and lucky wife being able to get fucked by another man with her husbands knowledge and approval. I would love it to happen for me. I am sure it wouldn't be a one time thing.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 7 years ago

I have given my wife this option. For the last 9 years of marriage she and I have had just such an open communication concerning sex with others. All of my relationships prior to her have had the same agreed upon desires. While I myself have had numerous encounters with other women in front of my wife or at minimum very close by, she has yet to want another man. Our love is invincible. Who knows, someday she might change her tune. Until then we remain devoted.

Thanks for a great read, Tami.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Sure, you're a good girl. No, your husband is a sick, grinning cuck and you are a willing whore.

Ijustmight71Ijustmight71about 4 years ago
I know how hubby feels

I once set up my brother to fuck my girlfriend because she admitted if she could she would. Thought I would just leave them alone on the couch, but I couldn't stay in the bedroom for too long. I ventured down the hall a few times...first time her head in his lap...second time his sss going up and down between her spread thighs...third time him standing while she sat sucking his cock again. I had no idea the feelings that would come over me during this. One of the most exciting sexual adventures I've ever had, especially when I fucked her right after he left.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You are an amazing woman!!!!! And, a great story teller

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