The Company Barb-B-Que

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Meredith thought she was doing some job saving.
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Actually, I don't know what pissed me off the most, the fact that my asshole of a boss was fucking my wife, that half my coworkers were fucking my wife, or that my wife was doing all of this fucking without telling me about it. She knows that my favorite fantasy is to watch her with other men and for six months now she has been getting banged right and left and has hidden it from me.

I found out about it quite by accident. My wife Meredith and I were at a bar-b-que at my boss's house. It was just after dark and I had gone outside to take a breather. There was a four foot brick wall around the patio and I had climbed over it, sat down with my back against it and watched the stars come out. I heard footsteps on the other side of the wall and a woman say, "Do you think that Jack (that's me) has any idea that his wife is the company whore?"

Another woman's voice said, "Mercy no! That's why RG (my boss) gave him the regional manager's job - to get him out of town and out of the way. The poor fool doesn't have a clue "(she was right - I didn't).

Then the footsteps moved away and I heard fading voices, "Just last week when the I.B. Raffen execs were in town I heard that Meredith took on all of them at once and then..." and the voices faded away.

My first thought was that it couldn't be my Meredith that they were talking about, but that thought was pushed away by the realization that no one else in the company had a wife named Meredith and the only regional manager named Jack was me.


The weekend went very slow for me. I watched Meredith for any sign that she was being unfaithful to me, but I could not see any outward signs (not that I had a clue as to what to look for anyway). I was dreading Monday's approach because I would be leaving town for three days on a business trip to Denver - three days that I would be 'out of the way' if the women I'd overheard were right. By the time Monday had come I had made up my mind that I was going to play hooky from my job and find out if those women had been speaking the truth. I threw my suitcase in the car, kissed Meredith goodbye, and drove away, but instead of going to the airport I drove to a downtown hotel and checked in. I went to a rental car company and rented a car and then drove back to my neighborhood. I settled down for what I figured could be a long wait. I was wrong - I'd gotten there just in time to see Meredith come out of the house, get in her car and drive off. I followed her as she drove up to my company's offices. She pulled into visitors parking, but did not get out of the car.

For about fifteen minutes Meredith sat there waiting for some one, or some thing, and at eleven-fifteen RG came out of the building and got into the car with her. I followed as they drove across town and eventually pulled into a motel parking lot. RG got out and went into the office. When he came out five minutes later he walked down to a unit and unlocked the door while Meredith pulled into a parking slot just outside. When the door closed behind them there was no longer any doubt in my mind that what I'd heard at the barbecue was true. I gave up my vigil and got on with my business trip.

When I returned on Thursday I got out the yellow pages and found the number of a detective agency and made an appointment to see them. They agreed to take the case and I gave my approval for them to place video cameras and listening devices in the house. For three weeks they followed Meredith on a twenty-four hour basis, keeping a log of all her movements, and quite a log it was:

Monday Jan 15 Met with five individuals at company headquarters and accompanied them to room 235 of the Marriott where she remained for six hours.

Tuesday Jan 16 Went with RG to Motel 6 at 10:30a.m. and remained there with him until 1:30p.m. Met two men at company headquarters at 4p.m. and went to Motel 6 with them. Was in room 116 for five hours with them.

Wednesday Jan 17 At home when at 7:15p.m. Sam Jake's (company VP) drove up. Stayed the remainder of the night leaving at 6:15 the next morning.

There was not one day while I was gone that Meredith didn't fuck someone or a lot of someone's. I leaned back in my office chair and contemplated the report and what I should do about it. On the one hand I could watch the tapes produced by the hidden cameras and realize my long held fantasy, but on the other hand I wanted to stick it to my boss for turning my wife into the company slut. The first decision I had to make was whether or not to confront Meredith. She was, as far as I knew, a loving wife and I had to believe that she had a good reason for doing what she was doing - I just could not believe that my wife of sixteen years could overnight become a cock hungry slut. My boss, on the other hand, was a sneaky, backstabbing, treacherous bastard. The conclusion I reached was that he had somehow coerced Meredith into what she was doing. I made the decision to confront her.


It went easier than I expected. I told Meredith that I needed to talk to her and when we sat down I handed her the detective's report. She read it without comment and handed it back to me.

"What made you hire detectives?" she asked.

I told her about what I'd heard at the barbecue.

"All sorts of things happen at company barbecues" she said.

"Are you interested in what happened, or is this" and she pointed at the report, "the first step in the divorce proceedings?"

"Sweetheart, if there is going to be a divorce it is going to be because you want it, not me. What this report tells me is that you are doing half of what I've always wanted you to do."

Meredith raised an eyebrow at me. "Having sex with other men" I said. "The other half is that I'm supposed to be able to watch and I'm pissed that I haven't been able to. But back to your question, yes! I want to know what happened.

At a company barbecue held at the beginning of the summer RG had approached her and asked her if she was interested in helping me keep my job. She asked him what he meant and he told her the company was going to downsize and that quite a few people were going to be let go. He told her that based on my performance for the last twelve months that I was going to be one of them, unless, of course, she could see her way clear to help me out. Meredith knew how much I loved my job so she asked RG what he had in mind. He told her that he had always fancied her and in exchange for her having sex with him while I was on my trip he would see to it that my 'negative evaluation' would disappear and a rather more flattering one would take it's place. Meredith had agreed. On my next trip he arrived at my front door at 6p.m. on the day I left and he had kept Meredith on her back or hands and knees for the next six hours. When he left he told Meredith he would call her in the morning and tell her where to meet him the next day. Meredith protested that she had fulfilled her part of the bargain, but RG had laughed at her.

"I said during his next trip and that trip is going to be four days long. That means you still have to take care of me tomorrow and the next day."

The next day Meredith had met him at the Holiday Inn and RG had spent the entire afternoon fucking her. On the third day he had shown her the video that had been secretly shot of the previous days session. He told her that from then on she would fuck him and whomever he chose or the video would go public. This put Meredith between a rock and a hard place. She knew she could tell me and that I would probably be enthusiastic about the situation, especially if I could find some way to watch, but her father was a Baptist preacher, both her brother's were ministers, and her grandfather was a deacon of the church. She did not dare let them find out what she had done so she gave in to RG's demands.

After the first couple of 'dates' she found that she was beginning to like the sex - the quality, and some times the quantity varied, but that just made it more interesting. She had gotten to the point of anxiously awaiting my trips so she could have another sexual experience.

"I've found out that I like getting all the sex I can handle" she said, "and if I'd known then what I know now you would have had your fantasy a long time ago. But once RG got me started I couldn't tell you because of the affect it would have had on your job."

I laughed when she said that, "I've never been in danger of losing my job. I'm the best producer they have and my regional manager's job wasn't to get me out of town, I got the promotion because I earned it. In fact, the company has been walking on eggshells around me because they know I've had offers to go into business for myself. Going into business for myself means that I'll take most of my accounts with me and the company knows it. What I can't figure out is why RG is taking such a chance at antagonizing me. What do you talk about when you are together?"

"Not much" Meredith said, "He mostly brags about how I'm making him the top grossing sale rep in the company. From the way he talks I think it is important to him to show Rita that he is capable of doing more than just sitting in the bosses chair and following her orders."

Suddenly, like a bolt out of the blue I knew how to stick it to RG for what he had done to Meredith.

John Q. Marsden was the founder of the company I worked for. His only child, Rita, was the apple of his eye and when he died he left the company to her. Rita ran the company herself until she married RG. She put RG in charge of the company and she dedicated herself to doing what most rich socialites seem to gravitate to - doing good deeds. She was on every Save The (fill in the blank) committee in town, but she kept a very close eye on the company and several times she had stepped in and pulled RG up short just as he was about to do something bone headed. I asked Meredith, "Are you willing to help me shaft RG?"

"Of course" she replied.

"Okay" I said, "here is what we are going to do."


I rang the doorbell of Rita's town home at precisely 1p.m. When I'd called to make the appointment I'd told her that I needed to speak with her about something that was going to have a great impact on the company and that since she was the owner I felt I owed it to her to give her the news in person. The butler let me in and showed me to the library and told me that Rita would be with me shortly. I was glad to see that the library had a TV and a VCR - it would make things easier for me. Rita entered the room and smiling warmly she approached me with her hand offered.

"Dave. How nice to see you"

I took her hand and said, "Nice to see you too Boss Lady, it's been a long time."

She offered me a seat and got right to the point. "I am intrigued at what company business you have to bring here rather that take it to RG?"

I frowned, "Actually, it is about RG that I'm here." Rita raised a questioning eyebrow. "RG, for some reason known only to himself, decided to blackmail my wife into helping him increase his sales. I found out about it and as a result I have decided to leave the company and go into business for myself. Since I will be taking most of my accounts with me I thought it only fair to let you know why."

Rita's reaction was predictable, "Dave, you can't be serious! RG would never do anything like that. There must be some mistake here."

I explained to her about how I'd found out and how I'd hired private detectives and then I took a videocassette out of my briefcase and walked over to the VCR. I turned on the TV, plugged the tape into the VCR and pushed 'play'. The screen lit up and displayed RG in a bedroom with my wife. Both were fully dressed and Meredith was saying, "I am not going to whore for you any longer. I've decided to tell Dave about everything. I hope he will forgive me, but if he doesn't that's a chance I'll have to take."

RG gave a snort, "Honey, nothings changed here. You will fuck me and whomever else I tell you to whenever I want you too. If you don't I'll fire Dave in a heartbeat and I'll see to it that videos of you fucking everything in pants get sent to all of your friends and relatives, your church and any place else I can think of. Better think about how that tape will play for your father, the preacher. Imagine going to church and having all eyes turned toward you. Now get your clothes off and suck my cock."

The tape then showed both disrobing and went on to show both of them engaged in various sexual activities. I glanced at Rita and was surprised to see her staring at the TV with rapt attention. As I watched her, her fingers moved to her breasts and I saw her pinch her nipples. Her legs started moving apart and I half expected that at least one hand was going to leave her breasts and move downward, but she caught herself and quickly glanced at me. Seeing that I was watching her, her legs closed and she sat up straight. She cleared her throat, "There certainly seems to be enough evidence that I am mistaken in the trust I have placed in RG." And then she was all business. "What can I do to salvage this? I don't want you to leave the company and I certainly don't want to lose all the accounts you would take with you. Is it too late, or is there something I can do?"

I shook my head, "Under the circumstances I can not see where I could stay with the company and not do great bodily harm to RG the next time I come in contact with him."

Rita looked me straight in the eye and told me, "Whatever you decide, RG is history, which means I have to come back and run the company or find some one else to do it. The job is yours if you stay."

That surprised me. I expected her to dump RG, but I did not expect to be offered his job. I told Rita that I would have to think about it and asked her if I could give her an answer the next day, but she did not hear me. Her attention was on the TV screen where RG was preparing to push his cock into Meredith's anus. Rita was starting to breathe heavily and her left hand had moved to her breast. In a low husky voice she said, more to herself than me, "She isn't really going to let him do that, is she?" And then in an even lower voice, "Oh god" as RG''s cock slowly disappeared in Meredith's ass. I reached over and turned up the sound so Rita could hear Meredith's groans of pleasure as RG serviced her 'brown eye'. Rita's full attention was on the screen and she did not notice when I got up and moved behind her chair. I reached over her shoulders and placed my hands on her tits and started caressing them. Rita gave a start, but didn't push me away, instead her hands came up and covered mine. On the screen Meredith was moaning, "Oh God, Oh God, that feels so good. Harder! Fuck me harder." Rita said, "She really is quite beautiful, isn't she? She doesn't look like she hates what she's doing."

"She doesn't" I said, "She just hates that she is being blackmailed into doing it."

Rita stopped my hands. "Are you going to fuck me?"

"Do you want me to?" I replied.

She turned to me, "I've never been fucked in my ass."

I smiled at her, "I guess we need to correct that, don't we?"


Meredith is still fucking for the company, only now she is doing it because she wants to, not because she is being made to. I've never asked her to, but when we sit down to dinner and she asks me how my day went and I mention that things are not going well with a particular account, she will always ask, "Would it help if I met with him (or them)?" and I've never said no. Rita kicked RG out of her life. He tried to fight it, but Rita had asked me if she could keep the video in case she needed it for the divorce. When RG's lawyer saw it he advised RG to take whatever Rita offered and get on with his life. I still see Rita several times a month and Meredith has hinted that she would like to try a threesome with Rita and me, but I don't know if I want to go there - yet! Rita has also volunteered to help Meredith take care of 'select customers' and I'm going to take her up on it. In fact, this weekend I am going to have a bar-b-que at our house and as Meredith once said, "All sorts of things happen at company barbecues." It will be interesting to see what happens at this one.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

JPB, does your cheek have a permanent bulge? You certainly write enough stories that way for me to think you have a permanent bulge from your tongue being there. This one, like most of the rest, are well done and bring a smile (or smirk) at the humor and/or irony. Keep them cuming.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, with a gazillion submissions it's quite evident that some will be clinkers. Anyone without a cuck fetish will hate this. I've enjoyed so many of your interesting stories that I truthfully regret that I must score this a zero

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
I like most JPB stories.

Not this. What's the point? She is an idiot? She is a slut? He has no self-respect? He forgets that half the people in the world have the same plumbing as his wife? Sorry. Not for me.

Ocker53Ocker53over 3 years ago
I Agree

I agree with the previous comment, too much garbage gets published on this site, but if they had a grading system then 9/10 of Bob stories would end in the garbage where they belong. ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

More garbage.There should be some sort of grading,that would get crap like this from being published.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fulfills My Fantasy

I have fantasized for a long time of being the "Office Wife". We have 6 men that are full-time employees and 4 that are part-time, fill-in, or weekend help. That's not counting our very distinguished boss. I live out my fantasies through stories like this. But in my own case, I would prefer that my husband and family not know. Nancy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Just Plain Bob know hows to write erotica! I LIKE this story, gave it a 4+ (4.4/5 = 88%).

This story is EROTIC.

It also is reasonably REALISTIC. (I know, I am a voyeur husband: been there done it.)

tazz317tazz317almost 8 years ago

of course there are a variety of meats. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
No Way

The first paragraph of this story made me sick at my stomach, so

there was no way I could read the rest of it.

1 star. Wish I could give it less.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Another willing cuckold

And his slut wife. Sooner or later this whole mess will cave in around their heads. Or all of them will gets Aids and die.

FD45FD45almost 11 years ago

I never got that wife watching fetish and for some reason, Bob has a substantial thread of them. Since I've read most of his higher scoring stories, I'm stuck reading some of his stuff which is lower rated.

This earned it's score. Women aren't like that in general

BetterEndingBetterEndingalmost 12 years ago
Even Though

Even though wife sharing is not my cup of tea, I liked this one with the exception of one small part. You would have us believe that Dave and Meredith were destined to live happily ever after.

However, you wrote that she was "anxiously awaiting" Dave's trips so she could have "another sexual experience". Sounds to me like she would have been just as happy if Dave were out of the picture.

This was not a woman who enjoyed her time while her husband was away. This was a woman who wanted her husband to be away so she could enjoy her time. Dave will have to be happy with always being the least important man in her life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
My God Bob

Has your life really been so pathetic that you can't come up with one single, normal story??? Seriously, you can't possible be this much of a loser can you?? I go back and forth between finding you simply disgusting, and just feeling so sorry for you... how is it you haven't just ended your own life by now?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good Start

It was capable of further development from where the boss' wife gets involved

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago

You're really making it hard for me to keep leaving you these entertainingly nasty little comments at the end of these alleged stories. They're all so simmilarly fucked-up. Change your tune a little so that I can pick on something else will ya? Fucking softcock.

batjac69batjac69almost 18 years ago
25 for making me laugh

I burst out laughing when you wrote a woman starts feeling herself up with a stranger in her house as she just got the devastating news her hubby is blackmailing pimp.

Seriously you need to smile Bob and take a break.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
Yep,, I was right!

You had one that was rather different, but this one is SSDD. I agree that for some reason you feel satisfaction at being berated on LE and you know these stories will do it. So I am not going to do it- berate you, I mean. Just get the damn names straight, Bob. My biggest complaint is that I don't know of too many women (or men for that matter) who are so blaise about getting fund out when they are cheating.Hell, when you get caught, you have a shitload to lose, you know. The hardest thing for me to buy is the deadpan "So is this leading to a divorce?" shit. I can buy into the "Baby, I will never do it again!" line a lot easier! :-)

Waitng for the next installement!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
You Are Rite Peggy - bobie Needs the Humiliation

So why should we hold back - he needs male humiliation in a watching self cuckolding himself way and the resulting comments that futher demean him - the wimps in heaven and rolling in self helplessness and male humiliation.

Soon he will write another reason why he has to do all this pathetic self humiliation wimpiness for some other reason but his is dark and known but not admitted to openly - just through the pathetic words of his tails.

Thats why it is so sad and manditory that we need to help him change into someone he can respect as self respect is important - it gives a man the reason to go on - to meet each day with confidence knowing that something good will happen today for himself (boosting his self respect) and others he cares for.

We are here for you bobie - well until you realise change can be good.

louguy35louguy35almost 18 years ago
JPB Is in the House!!!

JPB is in the house...Quick, get the deoderant!!!

Can one say "Cheers!" with a clothspin on their nose?

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 18 years ago
More of the same of JPB with good writing

OK it’s crap to most people of a wimp husband and whore wife and all women in the stories are always whores. So it’s not new and you know it before you read it. Hey, at least the husband got some on the side this time.

JPB really doesn’t care what you or I think. If you keep reading and commenting he wins as he got under your skin.

I won’t and don’t need to defend anyone in Literotica as we all have our own points of view and tastes (if you call some things taste). But JPB is 80% of the time going to do these types of stories so read them if you must, vote and move on or praise the ones you like. But berating him doesn’t accomplish much except raise your blood pressure. Well, maybe some find it liberating to expel anger towards Bob.

Good writing JPB, crappy story to me, I know I normally say that.


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