All Comments on 'The Cure For Gwn's Sex Problem'

by eymach

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fakers51fakers51over 19 years ago
She was in heat

Gwn was in heat and Jeni, her neighbor next door introduced her to the doctor who brought her out of her shell. It is amazing how husbands wait so late before they get that itch for some young pussy. But should only fuck it for variety not to run away with it and leave your wife. If it fine pussy, just sip it. :)

Bridget69Bridget69over 19 years ago
Just one question...

where do I sign up for these sessions? LOL!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Phantastic Storie !

Dear MR.Eymach,I've read many Sexstories but this is the bestone.I like real copulationstories ending in Pregnancy.

A littlebit coursion is my fetish but not with pain or terror.Thank You very match

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