The Journey Home Ch. 02


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"Excuse me sir, but can you tell me where I need to go to identify a possible missing person?" Ben asked the guard as he felt his stomach churn and his face flush.

"Follow me sir." Was the man's reply as they headed to the elevators and the guard pushed the down button.

The elevator was very old and creaky as it descended to the lowest floor of the building. The guard escorted Ben to the dingy office at the end of the hall. "Someone will be right with you," he said then tapped the bell on the counter.

As Ben stood waiting for assistance a chill surrounded him and he began to feel sick to his stomach. The chill dissipated as quickly as it arrived when a man in a white doctor's coat tapped him on the shoulder. "I am the coroner on duty today how can I help you sir?" he asked.

Ben turned around to look at the man as he spoke, "Yes, I'm here to verify the identification of a woman from the plane crash last week."

"Ah yes, I remember speaking to you on the phone. Do you have the necessary documents with you today?" the man asked as Ben handed him the envelope that contained everything that was requested.

The coroner glanced over the documents then led Ben into a very cold room with metal doors all along the walls and some metal tables in the center. The coroner walked over to the wall on the right and opened one of the doors. A body covered in plastic was then pulled out just far enough so that the face could be uncovered.

Ben took one glance and then looked away quickly letting out a sigh of relief. "No, that's not my Laura," he sighed.

"Wait sir, we have three more that haven't been identified yet. Do you want to view those as well?" the coroner asked.

The joy in Ben's heart deflated as soon as it arose, "Yes," he replied as he followed the coroner to the other doors.

As each door opened with Ben not seeing Laura his heart pounded faster. "The last door sir. Are you ready?" The coroner asked as he looked at Ben standing there with clenched fists and fear in his eyes.

Ben didn't answer, but he didn't walk away either so the door was opened, the body pulled out slightly, the face uncovered. Ben was hesitant to look, but when he did a smile covered his face and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Ben was led back to the main floor and to the lobby. As he walked he was overpowered with mixed emotions. He was thrilled to death that none of the victims he viewed were Laura; yet again he felt a deep sadness for the women on the slabs and their families.

On the way back to the airport Ben thought about what Max said regarding the airlines not having information on Laura or her friends. Right then, in the middle of the freeway, his heart sank. "Those were probably her friends lying there in that cold room." He said to himself as his stomach knotted and he began to feel sick.

Ben pulled to the side of the road and began to cry. He cried for himself, for Laura too, but mostly for her friends. After composing himself, he immediately phoned Sara with the news and told her to call Laura's office and let the manager inform the family of the women that worked with Laura. He then added that she might want to talk with some of Laura's other friends to see if they would possibly know who took that trip with her.

"We need to give those women some peace. Here's Max's number. Call him and tell him what I just told you and I bet my life he would be willing to help you as well." Ben paused briefly then continued, "listen Sara, traffic is heavy and I shouldn't drive and talk at the same time. I will call you after I check into a hotel." Ben ended the call when he closed his cell phone.


Laura was doing quite well living in Miami, however she just couldn't help but sense something wasn't right; feeling as though she didn't belong there. She often thought to herself, "this is a nice place to visit, but what am I doing living here? I hate bugs, I don't swim or at least I'm not drawn to the water and I don't recall ever being a 'party girl'; so why the hell am I here?" Laura paused for a few minutes. As she placed her hands over her face and screamed into the palms of her hands.

Laura had begun to recognize things from her past. Not actually seeing these things, but having visions pop up in her mind; like the autumn trees. She remembered the sound they made as she walked through piles of fallen leaves. She remembered the fragrance they emitted as the days turned cooler. She remembered playing in the snow with her sister, although she still couldn't recall her name.

Laura returned to the hospital for a check up today, just like she has for the last four months. This time though, she was wondering if she was going crazy. Shortly after she arrived for her appointment, signed in and took a seat in the waiting room, she was called into one of the exam rooms. Laura sat on the examination table and began to tell the doctor what she has been experiencing.

The doctor listened carefully to her and when she finished he told her that might happen and to write down all these visions. After the doctor completed the exam and Laura accepted her visions as something she will have to deal with for some time to come she thanked the doctor and told him she'd be back in a month.

Laura stood and walked out of the small room, back through the waiting room and out to her car. Settling in the driver's seat, she unconsciously flicked the back of her ring finger. "Why do I keep feeling for a ring?" she thought to herself as she put the key in the ignition and turned it.

She tried so hard to recall what had happened before the plane crashed. Even then she couldn't remember that. The only thing she can truly recall is waking up in the hospital with a splitting headache. Visions of certain places as well as things kept flashing before her. She envisioned a huge house on a paved street; trees everywhere. She envisioned herself driving a car as well as being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a man, but she couldn't see the man's face clearly yet.

These things were making her crazy. "Why can't I remember anything?" she questioned herself as she drove to work. While driving she would see palm trees line the road, but when she looked back at the street with an occasional glance at the trees as she passed she didn't see palms, she saw huge trees full of leaves with thick trunks. When she walked around during her lunch break she would hear voices of passersby and swore she had recognized the voice tone, always turning to take a look. She began a journal of all her visions as the doctor suggested. Several pages were filled within the first week since her last appointment.


Once Ben found a hotel with a vacancy he reserved a room, telling the desk clerk he didn't know how long he would be there. "Okay sir, we'll mark you down as indefinite, however as soon as you can give us a definite date we'll prorate your charges then." The clerk advised as he handed Ben the key card for his room as well as directions.

Ben picked up his small suitcase and headed toward the open elevator door. The elevator shook and rattled as it ascended the top floor. Ben tried to relax; leaning against the wall he closed his eyes. Ben was obviously shaken when the doors opened. He visualized Laura in the plane that crashed into the ocean, making him sick to his stomach. After exiting the elevator he turned and walked down the long narrow hall to his room. All he could think about now was a nice long hot shower to possibly relieve some of his stress.

After his shower, Ben dried himself and walked across the room to the desk, picked up his cell phone and dialed Max's number. The phone stopped ringing and Ben heard the prerecorded message, "Hello, if you want someone found then I'm your man." After the message played Max answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Max, this is Ben." Ben paused briefly then continued. "Has Sara contacted you yet about Laura?" Pausing briefly to hear Max say "no" Ben continued again. "Well I just returned from the medical examiner's office and none of the bodies I viewed were Laura. I am concerned though; because there were four women there who still hadn't been identified other than they were on the same flight as her. I'm thinking they could possibly be her friends. I need you to help Sara locate their families. Can you do that for me Max?" Ben asked pausing again to wait for an answer.

Max stated that he would get right on it and asked Ben if he needed any other assistance down there in Florida. Ben told him he was doing okay and that he was going to check out the local hospitals and then the police station in Dade County.

Before Ben hung up the phone he asked Max, "When you get any information at all let me know, okay? I'm going to stay down here for a while longer, but right now I have to let you go so I can phone my office," then Ben closed his phone ending the call to Max.

Before he called his office Ben removed the damp towel from his waist, opened his suitcase and pulled out the shorts and a shirt he packed for lounging in and put them on. He then called for room service so he could finish his phone calls and still get a bite to eat before continuing his search for Laura.

Shortly after Ben hung up the phone for room service he heard a knock on his door. He peered out the peephole then opened the door quickly. A frail older woman stood behind a metal cart covered in a white linen and said, "Your meal sir," as she pushed the cart into Ben's room then turned to walk away.

"Hold on a minute miss" Ben said in a rushed voice, "Here, take this and thank you for the prompt service," he added as he handed the women a generous tip.

She walked out of the room closing the door behind her and Ben pulled the cart to the desk where he took a seat and tried to eat the sandwich he ordered. He took a couple bites, chewed then swallowed as he thought about Laura again. Unable to eat anymore he pushed the cart away from the desk, picked up his cell phone and dialed his office.

"Hello Mrs. Barnes, this is Ben. Have any new clients called for services since I've been away?" he asked his secretary.

"No sir, you just have that case with Mr. King regarding the law suit against his boss, but Jerry is handling that one I guess." She added before asking Ben how he was doing.

"Thanks for the concern Mrs. Barnes, I'm doing about as good as I can I suppose." He answered her then emitted a deep sigh. "I shouldn't burden you with this Mrs. Barnes. Just tell Jerry that I will be out of the office indefinitely. He has full control until I return. If anyone needs me they can call my cell, okay?"

"Okay I will inform Jerry about your decision sir," Ben's secretary confirmed the instructions with Ben and before she hung up she said as she began to sniffle, "if you need anything, don't hesitate to call. Remember, you and Laura are always in our prayers Ben."

The line went silent as Ben starred at his phone. Shaking his head he told himself, "Don't get all emotional again, just get your ass in gear and get moving." Ben stood from the desk, changed from his shorts into something more presentable and headed out of his hotel room. Deciding it was best for him to take the stairs this time he passed the elevator door and walked the long hallway to the exit sign above the stairwell door. He opened the heavy door and with a spring in his step he descended the six floors quickly, opened the door on the first floor and exited the building.

As he neared his car he heard his cell phone ringing again. "Who could this be?" he wondered not bothering to look at the number as he answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi Ben, It's Max. Stay right where you're at, don't go anywhere. I'm on my way." Max said and then paused to catch his breath. "I'm landing in Cincinnati as we speak and boarding a plane to Miami. I will be there in four hours. Pick me up at the airport." Max added then took another deep breath.

"Whoa! Wait a minute Max, who's taking care of the business I told you to do?" Ben asked as he stood confused in the parking lot of the hotel.

"Don't worry Ben! I put Sam, my best detective, on that so I can help you. Sara is working with Sam as well as the manager from the bank to locate the families of Laura's friends." Max said as he let out a cough to clear his throat and then continued. "I took a helicopter to Ohio and I'm on the plane right now heading to Miami. So pick me up at the Miami airport in four hours. I'll be waiting at the outside the Northwest terminal. You'll spot me; I'm the guy with the army duffel bag and jeans. Give me your email address so I can have my secretary send you a photo."

Ben gave Max his address and began to speak again but was interrupted as Max began to speak once more, "Hey gotta let you go now. I should hit the john before we take off. I will see you in four hours Ben." The line went silent as Ben, more confused than ever, walked back into the hotel.

Ben returned to his car and drove to the nearest library, hoping they had computers for patrons. He was able to check his email and watched the screen as Max's photo uploaded and then clicked the print button. Ben thought to himself as the picture cleared, "Wow, he's a mean looking fellow now isn't he? I don't think I will have any trouble at all finding this guy," he said as he closed his email and headed back to the hotel after the photo printed. "Thank you very much ma'am. You are a life saver!" Ben said to the librarian as a smile crept across his face for the first time since Laura left for her mini vacation with her friends.

Ben couldn't help but feel anger toward Laura at times. He was certain she was still alive, but then wondered why she hadn't attempted to call him. "Even if she just called and left a message stating she had changed her mind. Something, anything is better than this," he said as he felt his blood pressure rise.

The hours seemed to drag on and on as Ben waited for the hands on the clock to reach the designated time for him to leave the hotel to pick up Max at the airport. Ben flipped through the channels on the television. Not finding anything interesting enough to keep his attention he decided to take a quick nap before Max's arrival. Ben phoned the front desk to request a wake up call in three hours then lay down on the brown comforter that covered the mattress. He fell asleep quickly, but tossed and turned the whole time.

Ben jumped at the sound of the hotel phone buzzer. He picked up the receiver and in a sleepy voice answered, "Hhhellloo," then yawned as he stretched.

"This is your wake up call Mr. Whitfield, will there be anything else we can help you with at the moment sir?" the man asked.

"No, that will be all for now, thanks for the call." Ben said as he hung up the phone and sat up on the edge of the bed trying to focus his eyes.

Ben stood up and walked across the room to the desk, picked up his keys and the map then drove to the airport. When he arrived at the Northwest airlines gate he opened his wallet and pulled out Max's photo. Glancing at the photo then into the crowd of people shuffling out the door he searched for Max.

Just about everyone had exited the doors and Ben was getting worried. "Perhaps I missed him," Ben thought to himself as he looked at the flight information one more time then looked back up at the signs hanging above his car. "Well I have the right place. I guess I'll wait a little longer, he's bound to show up sometime." Ben said to himself as he panned the entrance.

Max exited the building and walked to the edge of the sidewalk behind an elderly couple. "I could just kick myself for not getting a description of Ben's car at least, so I'd know what to look for," he said to himself and then began to pace.

Ben had been looking out his rearview mirror when Max walked outside, but when he turned his glance back toward the doors he immediately saw Max. He sounded his horn and waved out the window toward Max. "I was getting worried I'd missed you or something," Ben said as he leaned over to open the passenger door.

Max tossed his duffel bag over the seat and into the back then sat down.

Ben introduced himself as Max shook Ben's hand and starred at him. "You look like shit man," Max said then continued, "When's the last time you slept?"

Ben didn't respond to that question, he had too many of his own to ask.

"Okay, so what's the plan now Max?" Ben questioned as he pulled out of his parking spot and drove toward the expressway and the hotel. "Do you want to get started right away or would you like to freshen up a bit?" Ben continued.

He was very nervous and it was beginning to show as Max interrupted saying, "calm down there, buddy. I thought I would share your room until I got my own." Max tried to stifle a yawn but it got the best of him and then he continued. "I thought if you were up to it we could go back to the hotel and get the addresses of all the hospitals in the area and we could split the list in half, each taking some."

As Ben drove Max to the hotel silence soon filled the vehicle. Max had dozed off and Ben was enjoying the quiet.

Ben exited the expressway at a faster speed than he should have, which caused the car to swerve and jerk. As Ben regained control of the vehicle the commotion startled Max out of his sleep and he asked where they were.

"We're about a mile from the hotel now. It's just after that curve up there. You'll see the building on your left as we get closer." Ben stated as he continued to drive cautiously.

After Ben pulled into the hotel parking lot, parked and grabbed Max's duffel bag, he closed the doors and they headed up to his room.

Ben tossed Max's bag on the bed and retrieved the yellow pages book from the drawer of the desk and then walked back to the bed as he searched the book for the hospital section. Ben read as Max jotted down the addresses.

Ben stopped talking briefly as he glanced up at Max and asked, "Why don't we just call these places?"

"Well, it's like this," he began, but paused to light a cigarette then continued. "If those women at the morgue were part of that same flight and listed as Jane Doe's, the hospital would probably have her listed as that also, seeing as they didn't have any identification." Max paused again to take a drag off his cigarette. Blowing the smoke into the air he continued as he picked up the pen to write again, "Now, where were we?"

Ben continued to name all the hospitals listed for the city of Miami, as well as addresses and a phone number. When he got to the end of the last page he closed the book as he walked back to put it on the desk. He walked back toward Max to get the list of hospitals and glanced through the eight names listed. "Okay, let's say we meet back here at..." but was interrupted.

"I will phone you if I learn something and you do the same. Otherwise, I'll meet you back here when I've exhausted all other options." Max stated as he grabbed his paper and headed across the room and out the door, letting it close behind him.

Ben started at the top of the paper and worked his way through the names. When he got to the fifth one he pulled into the parking lot and took the first space he had seen. He turned off the ignition and just sat there. He was so close to quitting and just going back to the hotel as he thought to himself, "this is ridiculous, she obviously doesn't want to be found, especially by me. I should save myself a whole lot of headaches and just go back home in the morning."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You lost my interest

The premise of the rest of the chapters is based on the fact that the police in Florida are too stupid to realise that this floater they found wearing an _air plane_ life preserver was not at all related to the air plane crash??

Or did Laura decide to bring her own preserver?

That's where I stopped.

Maybe my suspension of disbelief is on vacation, or maybe it just gave up.

PS: If fishermen pull a 'lifeless' body out of the water, she can't be a survivor. Lifeless kinda means otherwise. How about getting an editor?

avid_reader_85avid_reader_85over 16 years ago
Great chapter!

I am looking forward to more of this story. I wonder why it is that those who have nothing nice to say hide behind an anonymous ID. Could it be that they themselves can't form a coherent sentence and want to bring everyone else down with them.

I am enjoying this story very much, sweeteuphoria. I hope you don't keep us waiting too long for the next installment.

sweeteuphoriasweeteuphoriaover 16 years agoAuthor
Thanks to all

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I am aware of the duplicate submission and have sent a note to literotica to have the first post of chapter 2 deleted, they have yet to do this however.

I hope you continue reading my stories and as always, positive criticism is always welcomed, for one can not improve without it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
good story but duplicate

The time line issuse is a problem. (she is 6 months after the incident he is 6 days)

other than that a pretty cool story. I was hoping that ch2 would follow ch 1 but that was not to be.

What about a repost of chap1 with a few changes for her so that the time line works.

would like to see chap2 anyhow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Run... don't walk to find an editor

Contains an interesting story thread buried somewhere in this. Get an editor, quickly! Timelines don’t match, and the story contains numerous annoying details that need to be omitted while at the same time missing critical information.

michchick98michchick98over 16 years ago
Keep 'em coming!

I know it took awhile to get it done, but this is a great story! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You posted two chapters on 09/04/07. They appear to be identical.


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