The Ladies' Man


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At fifteen minutes until the end of class, Amanda came back in. Randy's dick had mostly gone down by then, but when he saw her it came back just a tiny bit. As she entered, she glanced at the front of the class to see that Ms. Brookland was facing the room. Amanda didn't slow down as she passed Randy this time; instead, she just turned her head to face him, smiled, and licked her lips. Randy's heart skipped a beat as he saw her perky, pink little tongue run across her glossy mouth, leaving her smile wet and glistening. Amanda had the roundest, fullest, pinkest, most swollen lips that had ever graced the face of an eighteen year old schoolgirl. Cock-sucking lips if Randy had ever seen a pair. He saw them wet and hungry for only a second before she looked back in front of her and walked on past to her seat.

Randy felt the butterflies in his stomach come back in force. As he watched her go, his eyes were drawn to the back of her plaid school uniform skirt. Amanda was a slim young woman, but she had a big, chubby ass that pushed the seat of her skirt out behind her. With the skirt hugging it so tightly, Randy could clearly see each fat, juicy sphere bounce and wobble off of its twin as she stepped down the aisle and sat back at her desk. Round, taut, and just enough droop to make a nice jiggle under the cloth. He felt his palms itch to squeeze those cheeks, to knead them and grab them and slap them. Did she always sway her hips that much as she walked? At the moment, Randy could hardly be analytical about that. He began to salivate. Standing here, in pain, not knowing what Amanda was really thinking or being able to ask her, it was torture! Randy felt his cock rising again, and this time he couldn't get it to stop. He looked over his shoulder at Amanda's desk. She was sitting with her back to him, dutifully listening to more Punic Wars boredom and taking notes. Somehow, seeing her looking so innocent when he had just learned the truth stoked his erection. He readjusted himself in the corner and kept his legs clamped shut, praying it would be over soon. He looked up at the clock. Ten minutes, just ten more minutes.

"Ms. Brookland, I need to sharpen my pencil."

For the millionth time since being sent to the corner, Randy looked over his shoulder, taking care to keep his crotch facing the wall. As the pencil sharpener was mounted on the wall across the door from Randy, Amanda was coming back toward him. As she approached, her eyes met his, and she brought her pencil eraser up to her lips and chewed demurely at the tip, all while making something like puppy eyes. Randy got even harder, his cock now straining to its full length. He felt himself tremble as she came up to him.

"Stop," he mouthed at her, taking a hand off his head and holding his palm up, "after class."

Amanda looked over her shoulder. Ms. Brookland was facing the blackboard, beginning to write out a long, complicated homework assignment, and all the other girls were paying attention. She looked back at Randy, and raised her finger in front of her grinning mouth in a mischievous "hush" gesture. Still smiling and maintaining eye contact with Randy, she slowly inserted the pencil into the sharpener and ran her petite fingers down its shaft before starting to turn the crank. As she sharpened it, she danced in place a little and wiggled her hips, making her plump bottom cheeks bounce and jiggle against the back of her skirt. Randy desperately shook his head and mouthed "no," but she just demurely shook her head again and used her free hand to touch her left breast, rubbing the little round thing under her saucily tied blouse. Did she have no sense of where they were? Did she not realize what she was doing to his body?

She pulled the pencil back out of the sharpener and, with another furtive look to make sure Ms. Brookland was still busy writing out the homework, crossed the aisle over to Randy. He tried to turn further into the corner, but she put a hand on his shoulder and gently turned him to face more toward her. Her eyes fell from his face to his erect penis, and she broke into a wide, hungry grin. She looked back up at him and mouthed "big," holding her hand and her pencil about as far apart as Randy's manhood was long. Randy felt lightheaded. He slowly lowered a hand toward her, and in so doing turned himself away from the corner so that he was no longer completely facing the wall.

Then, suddenly, she jumped back and dropped her pencil to the floor. "MISS BROOKLAND!!"

Randy had just been hit with a hammer. His heartbeat and breathing froze. He tried to turn back into the corner, but of course it was too late. Incomprehension seized him, as he gaped in shock at Amanda. Amanda, for her part, looked shocked as well, holding one hand up to her gaping mouth as the other pointed at Randy's cock.

"Oh my god, his...his...his THING!" She looked at Ms. Brookland in horror as she kept her hand leveled at the offending body part. "Its...oh god, its just like they showed us in health class!"

Randy couldn't move. He didn't even know what to think. Every face in the classroom had turned toward him. Some girls were shocked. Some were bemused. Many were whispering, and he heard a small chorus of giggles. Randy felt like dying. Miss Brookland was marching down the aisle, and she didn't look understanding. The teacher's hard, blue eyes went wide when she saw where Amanda was pointing. She looked up from Randy's hard cock to his face. For a moment, she just looked stunned, perhaps even flustered. Then her eyes narrowed.

"Well, Mr. Klein, I see you're not taking your punishment all that seriously!"

"Um..." Randy stammered, recoiling a little in the Valkyrian blonde's shadow, " wasn't because of that, really!" he helplessly gestured at Amanda. Amanda put her hand back to her mouth and looked up at Ms. Brookland, apparently outraged.

"Mr. Randal Klein, you are not going to blame my students for your inappropriate..." even through her anger, Randy could see a slight blush well up in her cheeks as her eyes went back to his penis. She gulped a little before finding the words "...for THAT!"

Randy's heart was racing. He tried to think of something to say, but there was nothing. His eyes fell from Ms. Brookland's face to Amanda's, and his face darkened. That bitch. That absolute fucking CUNT!

"I guess I didn't paddle you hard enough last time! Come with me!"

Before Randy could react, Ms. Brookland had reached out and grabbed the back of his neck, pressing her fingers under his collarbone in a classic commando-hold. Randy gasped in pain as she pushed his head downward and started dragging him behind her up the aisle, making him struggle to keep up with her. Every girl he passed stared and whispered. His face burned almost as hot as his still-hurting bottom. He tried to glare back at Amanda, but with Ms. Brookland squeezing his neck he didn't have enough range of motion. With his head held downward at the teacher's side, he had a perfect view of her shapely bottom weaving up and down on each side as she marched him briskly to his doom; that didn't help with his erection.

When they reached the desk, Randy thought Miss Brookland was going to put him back across it, and for a moment she started to guide him in that direction. But then, she seemed to change her mind. With a moment's hesitation and a quick glance down at his crotch, she pulled her cushioned armless chair out from behind her desk and sat heavily on it, pulling Randy across her lap. He could have resisted, but he knew that would get him nowhere. If he got in any more trouble at this point, he'd be sent to the headmistress, and he couldn't afford another expulsion. He gasped as his iron-hard penis lay against the soft material of Ms. Brookland's skirt and was soon pressed by his own weight against her lap. He could feel the warmth and firmness of her thighs underneath, and his erection was only encouraged. He knew that she could feel it. His face was burning, he could feel it even through the rush of blood his head was recieving as it hung near the floor.

Ms. Brookland adjusted herself in the chair so that Randy's wide, pancakey, bright red bottom cheeks were held high over the teacher's lap. At this angle they were pointed most invitingly out into the room, like a class exhibit. He felt cool air running through his crack, and he realized that with his bottom raised over her thighs like this the girls could even see between his cheeks. His humiliation had hit rock bottom. There was no such thing as being more demeaned than this. Ms. Brookland pressed one muscular arm against Randy's back to hold him down as the other produced the paddle from her desk drawer. His stomach was trying to squirm out of his gut. He felt her above him and below him, and sensed her eyes boring into his still burning rump. And he knew it was about to get so much worse.

"This will teach you to be a disgusting little pervert in my class!"


Randy's head shot up. His arms and legs twitched. He howled. The first paddling was nothing compared to being struck on an already bruised and damaged butt. There were simply no words for the pain. He shrieked. She kept paddling.


Randy couldn't think. The only thing that existed in the entire world was his bottom, and it was being pressed against a bed of red hot coals. He struggled mindlessly against her lap, babbling and blubbering to get away as the paddle kept coming down again and again and again, each stroke landing across both cheeks. She smacked the top of his bottom, the lower part, the tops of his thighs, the lower part again, up, down, middle, all blended together, and yet he felt each smack like it was the worst of the lot. The tears started, and Randy could barely think coherently enough to try to stop them.

"You. Will. Behave!"

The paddling went on. His bottom was gone. She had paddled it away entirely he just knew, there was nothing left but raggedy flesh and bone, he would go to the hospital and need a butt transplant and Ms. Brookland would go to jail and ooooooooooooooow he couldn't think!


When the paddling finally stopped, Randy was howling, his face running with tears, the chestnut bangs that normally looked so roguish and uncaring sticking wetly to his skin. How many had he gotten? Twenty? Thirty? Arms trembling, he reached back and, terrified of what he might find, touched his fingertips gingerly to his bottom. Oh god! The skin was still there, he wasn't actually bleeding, but it felt huge! He couldn't believe the human buttocks could grow so swollen, or so hot! Below him, his erection was completely gone. His tip was wet from the few drops of precum that had been squeezed out against her thighs, but he was no longer hard.

"Stand up."

He struggled to his feet, jumping and trembling and stomping from foot to foot, no longer caring about the laughter. He didn't look at the rest of the room. He didn't want to see the girls' faces. In the seat next to him, Ms. Brookland was watching his tormented dance with an unreadable expression. On her lips, there was just the slightest hint of a smirk.

"Class is dismissed," Ms. Brookland said, "remember to copy down the homework. Mr. Klein, you may retrieve your clothes."


The old locker rooms were almost always abandoned, so that's where Randy went the instant he was out of the classroom. He stood with his back to the mirrors, grimacing and hissing as he splashed cold water on his ruined bottom. In the mirror, his cheeks were swollen to at least half again their normal size, and the exact color of ripe cherries, mottled with rectangular outlines where the edges of the paddle had bitten into his flesh. He didn't know human skin could actually turn that color. The water stung like hornets when he splashed it on, but the burning was so hot without it that he couldn't tell which was worse. He was still bouncing a little from foot to foot to try and diffuse the energy, but it was useless; there was no escaping the fire in his bottom, and there wouldn't be for a long time.

He gave up, stepping away from the mirror and clutching his wet, glistening red buns in both hands. So much for drowning in pussy. He'd be lucky if any of those girls ever took him seriously again. He'd been trying to stay out of trouble this time! Really, for once it honestly wasn't his fault! If it hadn't been for that little...

"Ooooh, its even cuter when its that color."

He wheeled around, not even bothering to cover his crotch. Amanda was standing near the entrance, one foot resting languidly on the changing bench. She was leaning forward a bit, which meant her small, perfectly shaped breasts were visible down her custom-tied blouse. She was toying with a strand of her honey-blonde hair as she gave Randy a cute little smile.

"What the fuck do you want?" Randy growled. His hands balled into fists. It was all he could do not to throw the manipulative little bitch over the bench and give her a taste of her own medicine, expulsion and legal consequences be damned.

"I think the same thing you want, actually," she said peppily, her smile widening. She really did have lovely lips. "I just wanted to set things straight first."

She stood up and walked toward him, her heels clicking against the tile floor. Randy took a step back, but having her nearby made him feel warm and antsy despite himself. He felt just the faintest return of a stirring down below.

"Its totally obvious what you've been thinking," said Amanda as she backed him toward the faucets, "ever since you've got here. You think you're some big stud who's going to 'get' all the girls, don't you!"

Randy shook his head, his head and heart both pounding. "What? No, I-"

She chuckled. It was a musical sound, even if it was mocking. "You're a terrible liar, Randall Klein. I've seen how you look at me, and everyone else."

He backed into the sinks and gasped as his sore bottom pushed into the edge, jumping a bit. Amanda laughed again, putting a hand adorably to her mouth.

"What the...what the hell are you trying to say?" He tried to stand straight to seem more intimidating, but Amanda was unfazed. She came closer until her body was just a foot from his, her thighs nearly touching his naked legs, her breasts only inches from his ribs. He felt her body heat all over him, and he felt his composure starting to fade again.

"You think we're here for your pleasure. Like we belong to you. You've got it backwards."

She reached down and seized his cock in her hand. Randy's mouth hung open. He was frozen, his brain telling him one thing, his body another. She tickled his shaft with her fingers, and it started getting hard again.

"That really turned me on, you know," she leaned in and whispered huskily in his ear. Her left arm snaked around to caress his hot buttocks, heedless of his gasp of pain, as she gently pumped his shaft, "Heehee, I don't think I've ever seen Ms. Brookland spank so hard! It was hot."

She pressed her torso tightly into his, filling his belly and chest and crotch with the sensations of woman. Almost unwillingly, he lowered his hands to the seat of her skirt and squeezed her juicy ass, pulling her tighter against him. She squealed happily and clutched his dick harder. He was helpless. This was exactly what he had wanted...except that it was also the exact opposite.

"So, after watching that, I need to get laid."

She squeezed his cock even harder as her voice fell to a husky whisper.

"And you're going to get fucked."

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William_WoodWilliam_Woodabout 4 years ago
perfect little spanking story

I didn't agree with most of the old comments, so I thought I'd add my 2c. This was pretty flawless.

-Just the right amount of backstory to sell the 'unlikely, but not impossible' premise of the guy at the all girls school. Or at least, its as plausable as is needed for an erotic short story, and is in-line with the equally unlikely main scene

-just the right amount of detail about the characters

-it's corporal punishment, but you kept it sexy, and you made his embarassment to be of a sexual nature too. All those schoolgirls watching you, it is like a dream.

-his feelings towards the women before and after the spanking are exactly what I wanted to read for a fantasy like this. I can't relate to people who sympahise with your character with anger

-great ending. You kept it as a pure spanking story, and left the sex as an implied act that the reader can always imagine afterwards

-though I would read a sequil, it's definitely not neccessary. 5 star standalone spanking story, I will have to check out some of your longer works.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Sequel please

We need to see that enormous ass get punished some more!

ptebadenptebadenabout 7 years ago
Why so short?

Or do you like leave your stories without ending? In this case, I have to say that I don't like it, it's horrible for the reader. I'm hot, very hot and needing much more.

Nephlim14Nephlim14about 9 years ago
Time for some revenge!!

First, practically ANY guy who was in Randall's situation would be thinking the same things he was, so saying he deseved it for "being a pig" is just sexist, especially since Amanda thought the same things about him. That said I would like to read the sequel and request an ending where he turns the tables.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
set him straight

I totaally and fully support Amanda. Someone had to put the overconfident, overpompous dick straight. This will teach other boys like him what's what. He'll never again think that girls were created just for his pleasure and entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great story. One of best I've read for many years

HellballHellballover 9 years agoAuthor

re: Bullshit

That's probably what I would do in Randy's place. However, as the story established, Randy a) does not know what's in his own best interest, and b) thinks with his dick. Implausible? Probably. But then, this isn't exactly a believable situation to begin with.

re: Unanswered Questions

This story was based on a digital art piece done by a spanking/femdom artist. The story is wildly implausible, as I had to come up with justifications for some pretty inane details of the picture, and in the end I decided to just take refuge in audacity and dial the absurdity up to 11. My recommendation is to not take this story too seriously; I certainly didn't while writing it. If that ruins it for you that's fine, not everyone likes absurdity.

I originally wanted to include a link to the art piece with the story, but that seems to be against literotica's policies.

re: Strapon

Still playing with possible continuation ideas. The artist who inspired this story was very impressed with it, and sent me some additional art of Randy and some other possible classmates in hopes of inspiring me. We'll see how it goes, but if I continue it you can rest assured that a strapon is likely to be employed at some point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
carry on

Can't wait for the second chapter where he gets fucked by a giant strapon

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Your prose is quite good, but you leave too many questions unanswered. Why is a girls' school admitting a male student? Is he the only one? Why would a student with such a habit of defiance submit so quickly to this punishment?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I think he went over and beat the shit out of Amanda. Then told her never to look at him or speak to him again. And that if she turned him in, the next time he got to her and he would get to her, that he'd beat her so badly she'd never walk again. Then I think he got a plan, got a bat and when the opportunity presented itself he beat the teacher so badly she never came back to school. You seem to think that there would be no reprecussions from their actions. Stupid story.

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