All Comments on 'The Man Who Talked to Bees'

by rjordan

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story

Great story

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
"The natives ( anon drones ) are restless tonight " - Charles Laughton / 'Island of Lost Souls '

I'm a bit biased and so will waste minimal time advocating this story's merits. But a review of comments from bulk of Ohio / Richard Gerald work is proof positive that from midnight to 4am you can lead nameless cretins to a freshly dropped, quality story, but can't make these woeful habitués think.

This much is true. In the end, quality stories and authors usually find traction and favorable or at least balanced feedback in the daytime irregardless of the reflexively faceless lost souls who scurry about Literotica comment boards with mice and roaches under the cover of night.

They would seem to be doomed till death to reflexively naysay and involuntarily deny the smallest smidgen of credit or encouragement to amateur authors who submit for free, regardless of actual creativity or fledgeling attributes in novice tale.

It's a cruel fate for the poor incognito blighters, with the Torquemedan twist being that this curse is entirely self-imposed. Speaking of the iconic Spanish fiend who distorted innocent human forms beyond recognition. ... gotta go My yoga mat awaits.

One would rather lift weights, but the accursed, dicey back is a tyranny of one in and will spasm sporadically like Trump's twitter account to make its fitness preferences 'painfully' clear. Any second guessing or critiques on my part are immediately blocked. My spine , the president's media chat venue and the anons get to call the shots for the immediate moment. Tomorrow , however, is another day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Wife had been to farm many times but didn't know about the premium avocados it produced.

She made comment they couldn't grow anything on it...must of made it through all those edited drafts unnoticed

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I'm sitting here stunned.

I don't think I can remember what I wanted to say, because the vitriol from the other commenters has left me speechless. Hell, one of the reasons I come here is to escape the same kind of divisiveness I can hear on the TV all day.

I enjoyed your story, sir, and gave it a "5".

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Enjoyed it

Nicely done, interesting plot twist. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
About Burn the Bitch comment

How is this a B.T.B story? This is a simply agreeable divorce between two mismatch people. Hate how clowns think any divorce is B.T.B.

Nice story for a 4 rating.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

I was expecting death by bees, LOL!

killerwhale681killerwhale681over 6 years ago
Sweet talk those bees!

I sweet talk bees and yellow jackets. Worked for years. But you have to be cool. You can't settle them down if you're not settled yourself. City women generally don't do well on a farm. Not enough going on.

CrkcpprCrkcpprover 6 years ago
I liked it !

This author gained my respect a year or so back when he took on those Asswipes in the Boards here , so even if I didn't like this story , I'd still give it top marks ! But fortunately , I don't have to regret it because I really did enjoy it .

Thanks for sharing !

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
great story

wouldn't worry about most of the comments they all come from the same person, enjoyed the work you put into the story.

WyldcardWyldcardover 6 years ago

Good story. I keep bees myself, and people laugh because I go in with minimum gear (veil or work glasses, since no need to risk getting stung in the eye). And I'll talk to the bees. Very zen. They teach you to move at the pace they prefer and if you do, they tolerate a lot of disturbance.

And nice to see a separation where no one is some absolute idiot, or unbearably selfish or venal person. Situations sometimes evolve where a couple and team grows to be less so. Alas it did here.

Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
"I was talking about our condo. We can't sell the farm, Kelly. I grew up on that farm. It's been in our family for over 100 years. How can I sell it?"

Any wonder why this couple ends up divorced? Lack of communication and foresight. Did they think his parents would live forever? It appears they both took the other for granted, despite the bullshit description about them bonding and being so close and the country boy acclimating to the city life. And what the fuck is "privileged" about growing up in suburbia? That was the first hint that the author has a liberal PC bias.

This was one of the better stories that exhibit adultery as the symptom, not the problem. And I thought the divorce was handled honestly and maturely, though the wife was deceived and somewhat abandoned by her husband first. She should have insisted on keeping a 50% stake in the farm, valued at the date of divorce. She was happy with their suburban white collar life, until her husband insisted that she follow him onto a farm life and community and culture that was foreign to her. His bad. She should have kept her stake in the farm as compensation for the husband wasting those years of her life, thinking she had a white collar engineer for a husband and eventual father. Again, failure to communicate, about many issues.

Of course the wife should have discussed her deep disappointment before fucking around. Guess that kind of became self evident. Her walking out without even discussing their future indicated she already decided that the marriage was over. Very forth rightful and honest, although a bit late. She will live with the shame and loss of self respect the rest of her life, but hopefully use that energy to better vet her future partner.

The predator professor got off way too easy. Husband should have sued the university for allowing this asshole to take advantage of his position to oppress students and other wives he seduced. The guy needs his balls handed to him. I suspect he's spouting about saving the baby seals the whole time he's ass fucking his current grad students, and the wives of his fellow professors.

So this was a decent story. Yeah, the second wife to be was a bit of a moon flake: "I've been working for an animal rescue non-profit for a couple years. We travel around the state organizing locals to rescue birds after things like chemical spills. Mostly oil spills." Talk about privilege? Just too contrived to sound like Earth Mother working to save the planet, from bad ol' humans. Drives a red Miata? Does she live off some kind of trust fund or something. Sounds like she has all the practical skills and common sense your typical farm wife to-be should have. Right.

So, lame social/political posturing aside, this was a decent portrayal of a marriage that had poor prospects from the beginning, if the partners had just been more foresighted and communicated better. I feel more sympathy for the wife, since the husband was apparently content with their future but paid too little attention to his wife's distress. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20.

Thanks for your time and effort writing this story. And thank you for allowing anonymous comments. Keep writing, and keep voting for liberals if that is your bent. Just don't make it so smarmy in future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not bad.

Enjoyed the tale. Im a beekeeper so I was happy to see them get the bad guy, even if it was unrealistic. Totally disagree with those who say this is equally on him. Sure it's obvious they should have communicated better, and he should have shot the crow for her. The cheating was 100% on her. It's somehow his fault that she swoons over a hot Prof just because her husband is working hard on the farm? That's absurd.

nreh21nreh21over 6 years ago

I enjoyed this story

Thanks for sharing

kimi1990kimi1990over 6 years ago
Okay, then

Somewhat like continuing to read the paper after being thoroughly disgusted by seeing Armond White polluting the pages. Gives the whole enterprise a certain... odor. Nothing good can come of associating with a faux-intelligista twit. Believe me, he'd be laughed out of the building at any serious literary gathering.

Still, you did, as Crkcppr said, take on the vultures row over at the AH. Props for that. I read the story and gave you a four. It was generous, but I considered your prior credibility.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 6 years ago
I Liked It

A fun read that has a somewhat obvious storyline but so what? It's a good story and the characters are relatable, at least to some extent.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
I liked the story

An interesting combination of ideas.

I agree Dr Douche got off too easy, I hate predators.

The bees and the crow were unusual and added some humour.

The most entertaining element was the comment section. They were as stirred up as we're the bees.

gordo12gordo12over 6 years ago
Gave it a 5*

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well, I've heard of animals & insects doing strange things before

As a child in an apple orchard; had a swarm of bees go right past me but, stung the small group of bullies that were chasing me.

Who knows, as far as this story goes; maybe the "good" professor was emmiting pheromones that the bees really didn't like? Arrogance and swatting at them probably didn't help either...

Liked the story; mother nature can be a real mo-fo sometimes.

justbobkcjustbobkcover 6 years ago
5 stars as always

For any story that makes me want to comment.

As you've written the characters I can't really say I blame Kelly for her fall from grace.

Ryan just wasn't a very good farmer-husband. Too tired every night?

Love her in the morning - or at lunch!

But this life just wasn't for Kelly - as you stated at the end a farmer needs a wife at least somewhat interested in the farm life and outdoors work and fun.

My own first wife and I lived on a farm for a couple of years - just renting the farm house while I still worked in an office in the city. Even with our two small kids, two cats and two dogs, she basically almost had a nervous breakdown just from the daily boredom/loneliness at the end. She didn't like the outdoors all that much so was stuck inside. And I DID love her every night. It wasn't that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good Story

Enjoyable read although predictable that bees would attack the professor. Too much paranoia in comments about politics. Just enjoy the reading, this isn't the place for deep thought.


Impo_64Impo_64over 6 years ago
I liked it even hating bees...

I liked it even hating bees...It's a good story, well written, with some issues, but on the whole a good one...3*

gmann57gmann57over 6 years ago

2 stings on the dick, good touch

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 6 years ago

This was certainly inventive and had a believable outcome but you're not very comfortable with emotions, are you? it might have been better if Kelly had been tempted but stayed faithful. That way you would have avoided the need to deal with the fraught emotions of a marriage breakup.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good story.

You are one of the better writers submitting stories these days. Good writing.

Some of your stories are intensely emotional. Odd that other comments said you're unemotional.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
fate of nature

This was a decent story if it wasn't for the cheating. Personally I think he should have let the fucker die. One less scab on the face of humanity would be a blessing. Saving the douche was the crime.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
don't know

bitch should have divorced the asshole instead of cheating on him. the fuckhead prof was better off dead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
While the unhappy wife/professor axis was obvious, this has to be among the... stories in recent history here.

It’s not that there aren’t other great stories, it’s just that this, and several others of yours stand out as rich, realistic stories with enjoyable characters.

I’d like more adventures in this particular world.

Maybe ex-wifey comes back to make claims against the farm, risking everything, perhaps doctor creepy comes around to see the results of his research and gets a final comeuppance from new wifey. Perhaps big sister decides she needs grounding and a refuge from the craziness of academia and shares our hero with her sister. Perhaps there are babies from both unions, All raised on the farm with Olivia the less present, but intensely loyal and loving mom....perhaps her continuing research bears results that they apply to the farm, with stormy (at first) results, later proving to be a game-changer in the business and their markets.

In all cases, please carry on. Your contributions are singular and worthwhile.

rjordanrjordanover 6 years agoAuthor
"I’d like more adventures in this particular world"

Thanks for a very useful comment. I didn't really set the story up with a sequel in mind, but I knew it would be possible.

I like Ryan and Sofie, but they're maybe a little too nice. Yesterday, I set up a mindmap to collect ways to mess with their happy farm life a year or so down their road. I'm going to add your thoughts on that to the mindmap.

Dr. Douche slunk away rather easily. Kelly may not be as enlightened as she seemed. And bee colonies sometimes get africanized ("killer bees"). Anything could go wrong there. I believe this was the first story at Lit to warrant an apiculture tag. It would be a shame not to do more with it. :)

Feel free to PM me or contact me through the feedback system here if you want to discuss it more.


FD45FD45over 6 years ago
Dry story, dry eyes

She put her love of lifestyle and validation first. He put his love of farm first. She read as so emotionally disconnected that meeting a guy for a third time was enough to drop her panties. She is not a prize.

He came in, said nothing of note and was making jokes about her fucking around. All the emotional impact of an OSHA form in his demeanor.

So this left the reader unengaged. It was written nicely. There was a lot of nice supporting details. There was plot furtherance. I liked the bits about bees, Avocados and crows. Good stuff there. But she didn't care and he didn't care so why should I. The lack was of emotional tension.

maninconnmaninconnover 6 years ago
I agree

There could be many stories with these characters and this idyllic setting. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
It was pretty good

Except my wife left me for her fucking professor. He was 'worldly,' something I wasn't on our old homestead. He fucked her after classes (she admitted) and on the weekends when I was gone on an outside job. Although I loved her terribly, I looked at it as he did me a favor. Never wanted to be married to a woman I couldn't trust.

Best thing was, he didn't want her to move in with him after we separated, but she had no where to go. About the time our divorce was final, they couldn't stand each other and my almost ex-wife came to me to see if we could patch it up. First time I ever slammed a door in someone's face.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I agree

with FD45. This story was all hat and no cattle. The details were great but the heart of the story had no heart. It was 'My wife is cheating (yawn). Hey! Was that a BEE?' I couldn't care about them either.

OnethirdOnethirdover 6 years ago

An interesting story, but the affair seemed perfunctory. I liked the bees and the crow a lot- the story was very nicely fleshed out. People moving to a new place then splitting up happens all too often. You'd think intelligent people could figure it out, but they rarely do.

EzrollinEzrollinover 6 years ago

In Florida, an inheritance is considered separate property unless it has been commingled with the farm would have been his...don't know about other states. Kelly seems to be a "pushover"... sucking her tits after a second meeting...though it has happened I'm sure. Could have used a little more spice but an interesting and enjoyable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Seems like a take about some dudes ability with bees and an affair thrown in as an after thought.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Intetesting, if different LW story. All bees, not so many birds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I Gave Up

A page and a half in and I was bored. I’m one of those people who need to have their attention grabbed early in a story or I lose interest. The author doesn’t have to give the whole plot away, but he’s got to give me something to chew on or I will just put it down and walk away. I think there’s a lot of people like me. Something for all you writers out there to think about.

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveover 5 years ago
Former Beekeeper

They rarely sting if you wear white or blue and don't swat them. They do seem to get use to certain people. Good one.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Saw it coming city girl Vs country boy

Even if parents are not killed when they get older he is going to want to take over farm should have discussed with her before marriage

Hold him more accountable

Country small town life lot different than big city done both can survive either but prefer small town

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

This is my favorite of all the author's many stories. Happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Couldn't you let the bastard die? It was a waste of bees as we are fans of Apis, but the only weighted justice would have been for their offering to not go to waste. As it stands, you allow the goodness of the little ladies to be pissed away by some human loving cuckold Californian who can't keep his trees healthy.

Sorry but dead bees pisses me off more than dead academia assholes


OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 2 years ago

Very interesting story' it brought back many memories to me. I was raised on a small farm and I also raised a crow that had fallen out of a nest. That crow lived with us for 19 years. We never kept it in a cage or aviary, he was free to go wherever. I saved it and raised it but the crow was very attached to my youngest sister and stuck around her like they were best buddies. She would go for a bike ride and the crow followed her.

I was also one of the areas bee keepers. I only had 23 hives in my younger years. At 74yrs now I still keep 2 hives where I live. In all the years with bees I only got stung 6 times. All bee keepers know when to work with the bees and when to avoid them. I usually only wear the hat with bee veil, no gloves or protective outerwear. Bees recognize people who are around all the time and are relaxed as they go about their business. Thanks for the fine story and the wonderful memories.

OldmaninthewoodsOldmaninthewoodsalmost 2 years ago

Liked this a lot, ending could maybe have been stronger but overall well written.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 1 year ago

Ok, this story had faults.

Some good comments pointed out some.

I could add to that, but see no reason.

One thing pointed out lack of emotions, as a fault.

I don't agree with that.

Not all marriages, that end, end in a bang.

Some fade out like this one.

Cheating or not, this marriage started dying when our guy got the farm.

That could easily explain the lack of emotions at the end.

I know drama is more fun, but this end is just as realistic.

Sad but true.

Faults aside, this story had an original and interesting plot.

Some things unusual in LW stories here.

And I welcome them.

Variety as the spice of life and all that.

My thanks to the writer for his spice.

Top ratings from me.

nixroxnixrox12 months ago

5 stars - I liked this story for one reason - the BEES - I have been obsessed by honey and bees for 3/4 of a century. Yes, I liked the idea that bees could be influenced by the calming voices of humans who needed to work with them. It is better than using smoke to cloud their senses. I have never been stung by a honey bee.

However, I've been stung by hornets many times - I have wiped out many nests of them.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story...on the Stephen King front for a while I thought the aggressive action by the bees against the professor was going to be because they were agitated by some chemical trace on him that would be in the spray he was developing and the bees recognised it would kill them.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I liked the story. I used to read electric meters 50 years ago. A lot of meters would be in a Walker can. Sometimes there would be wild honey bees in the Walker can. I could walk right up to them to read the meter and never get stung.

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