The Morrisons Ch. 14


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There was a break in naming the constellations so Mary looked at me and said, "Dan, I went to my friend's house tonight to visit them. Both of them were glad to see me and asked me why I'd been a stranger lately. I didn't tell them I was on a police detail, but I did tell them I was staying at a friend's house which is outside the city. I hope you don't mind."

I smiled said, "Mary, however you want to explain this situation to your friends is ok by me. I understand completely why you wouldn't want to tell your friends the real reason you are here and I thank you for being considerate. After all, I don't want the word to get around that Terri and Hanna are here."

Mary continued to say, "Well my friends, Sue and Jack, couldn't believe I am living here naked and everyone can see my body. I took some time to explain that I was very happy with the way I was living and if they wanted to come and visit with me, they could come out to the party tomorrow. I warned them that they would have to be nude for the party. They started asking another round of questions. To make a long story shorter, we ended up naked at their house and they loved my tan. Jack got a hardon seeing me naked and said he'd be embarrassed to be here naked tomorrow at the party with a hardon. I told him he could get laid or jerk off a couple of times in the morning and then he wouldn't have to worry, at least for a little while. Sue and I laughed but Jack didn't find my statement funny at all. I told him there would be other males at the party so he might not be the only one with his cock standing out in front of him. Before I left, I wrote down the directions to your house told them they were officially invited and all they had to bring was themselves. As I was leaving, they said they'd come, but not sure how long they would stay. I think once they get here and find out how friendly everyone is they will stay."

Shelly said, "I went to see my brother Ken and sister-in-law Amy tonight. When I got there unannounced, we decided to go out to dinner instead of eating at their house. During dinner, we had a great time talking and catching up on everything. Ken got around to asking me if I was living in the same place and I told him, I'd moved to a different apartment since the last time he'd seen me. Then I told him I was currently staying with some nudist friends. I didn't want to tell them I was on the job, while staying here."

Shelly continued by saying, "When the nudist part of my statement sunk into Amy's head she was ecstatic. She started asking me all kinds of questions of what it was like, who I was living with, were all my apartment mates females and the list goes on. I sat with them and told them basic information about how we live here. Of course I left out the most wonderful parts about sharing each other's bodies. Amy told me she had read quite a bit about nudism and said it interested her, but with the teenaged kids around she didn't dare act on her interest, for fear they would say something to their friends."

Shelly continued by saying, "My brother sat silently and listened to me and Amy talk before he finally asked if living as a nudist would interfere with my being a cop. I told him that I didn't run down the street naked and where I was living on an estate with a gate at the end of the driveway. I told him that anyone who comes to the house has to sign a confidentiality statement and finished up telling him people don't talk about what they see when they leave."

Amy said, "Oh I wish I could go there with you and find out what it's like to be free and not have to wear clothes in or outside the house."

Shelly continued to say, "I smiled at both Amy and Ken then said, I haven't seen either of you in a while and I came here tonight to invite you and your family to come to a party tomorrow at the estate where I live. The party will be a nudist party and like I told you, everyone will be asked to sign a confidentiality statement when you get there. I want to add that being nude does not mean we have wild sex, but we do have sex just like other people do."

Shelly giggled a little then said, "Amy bounced in her seat asking me, are you serious? You're inviting all of us to a nudist party? What about the kids?"

Shelly continued saying, "That started a very long conversation about Ken seeing me naked and Ken seeing his daughter naked and Amy seeing her sons naked. It took me forever to tell them being naked or nude was nothing to be ashamed of no matter who was in the room. My brother seemed to be hung up on seeing me naked more than anything. We drove back to their house and we were still talking about the party when we arrived. Finally I excused myself and went to the bathroom. While I was in there, I took off my clothes and walked back into the living room nude. When Amy saw me she squealed with delight, but Ken wouldn't look at me because he said it wasn't right for a brother to see his sister naked. Amy took off her clothes and both of us were talking to Ken trying to convince him to take off his clothes. I assured him we weren't going to have sex or anything if he took off his clothes. Amy helped him take off his shirt, pants and sneakers but that's all he would take off."

Shelly stopped talking and asked, "Do all of you want to hear about this?"

Kim spoke up saying, "Your doing a fine job, keep going."

Shelly continued, "Ok then, well, Amy and I stayed nude and Ken listened to the two of us talk and then suddenly the front door opened and their son Brian and their daughter Angela came home. Ken started to jump up but Amy told him to stay seated. Brian looked at his mother and then looked at me and in an excited voice he asked his mother why both of us were naked and she started to explain, but stopped and let me explain. I tried to give both of them the short version, but with enough details before I told them they were invited to a nudist party tomorrow along with their parents. The conversation was interesting with both of them asking a lot of questions. The shorter version is, their other son Andy came in about a half hour later and the questions started all over again. Amy told me she would let the kids read the information on the American Association of Nude Recreation (AANR) website and they could make up their own minds if they wanted to come to the party. I told Angela a couple of girls around her age were going to be at the party and babysitting. She smiled at me and said she would read the information then make up her mind. When I left their house, Amy and Ken were going to come out here tomorrow and possibly Angela. It was hard to read what the boys were thinking because both of them seemed to be more interested in looking at me and their mother. Whewwwwwww...... that's about all on that subject."

Jenna giggled and said, "You should have told her that Becky, Lisa, and Kevin would be here."

After listening to the end of Shelly's story I said, "We are all going to look like prunes if we don't get out of here soon. Its one o'clock in the morning and it's so warm and comfortable out here. Tomorrow is going to be a long day if we don't go in and get to sleep soon. Beth and I have to get going in the morning to go out to the airport and pick up her parents along with her brother and his girlfriend."

As we were getting out of the pool Terri and Hanna were holding hands and we heard Terri ask Hanna, "Are you going to sleep in my bed tonight? We can keep each other company."

Hanna said, "Oh thank you Terri, I would love to cuddle up to you tonight. But like dad says, we need to get some sleep; it's already early in the morning."

Mary and Shelly reached out and hooked arms with Beth and Mary said, "We'd like the pleasure of having your hot body next to ours again tonight."

Beth smiled and said, "Ok, I surrender..... don't shoot..... I know you cops like to shoot first and ask questions later."

Ted laughed and said, "We only shoot ugly looking guys, the girls we take them aside and give them a good licking."

Mary smiled and said, "I can live with that. Thanks, boss!"

All of us laughed and as we walked across the deck towards the house. Jenna caught up with Kim and me and got in the middle of us and hooked her arms with us and said, "You guys are mine tonight."

Marion said, "Ted honey, I have an itch that I want you to take care of for me. I don't care what time it is."

Ted held Marion close to him and said, "Yes, dear."

I looked over my shoulder and snickered repeating his words, "Yes, dear."

Then I asked Ted, "Can you lock up and turn the lights off?"

Ted said, "Yes, I can take care of that for you. Have a good night and we'll see you in the morning."

I looked at Beth and said, "I'll come and wake you in the morning so we can go out and pick up your family. It will be wonderful to meet them and see where you got your good nature from."

Beth smiled and said, "I'm not sure where it comes from because both of my parents are wonderful, but hard working farmers. They assigned chores for us kids and if we didn't get them done we saw the other side of them."

All of us walked inside I looked back as we rounded the corner headed for the stairs and saw Mary and Shelly had stayed behind with Ted and Marion while he locked up. I allowed Kim and Jenna to walk up the stairs ahead of me and Jenna looked at her mother and said, "Daddy's comparing our pussies. I bet he's thinking back to grandpa's old saying. Remember when grandpa said, if you want to see what your wife is going to look like later in years, look at her mother. Mom, you are a hot woman, so I guess my husband will be very happy. First I have to find a man who will allow me to live the lifestyle I grew up with."

I stepped between Kim and Jenna and we walked down the hall and I looked to my left then my right and said, "I am the luckiest guy on the planet to have a family like I have. I love both of you so much."

We went straight to the bathroom and each of us took turns peeing and I got the pleasure of looking at two pussies and drying them when they were done peeing. Then I had a hand from each side hold my cock and aim it at the bowl while I peed. The only disagreement came at the end when I finished peeing. Jenna wanted to keep shaking it for me while Kim said we should get to bed.

Kim won and the three of us crawled up on our bed with me in the middle. I reached up and turned off the lights leaving us laying on our backs in the dark. Jenna was the first to break the silence when she said, "Mom, dad, is there something going on with Beth that I should know about?"

My eyes snapped open, but no one could see me in the dark. I asked, "What do you mean Jenna?"

Jenna said, "I've watched mom and Beth over the last couple of days and I noticed a change in actions and attitude. I don't care if there is, but I want to know in advance and don't want to be blindsided."

I reached up and turned on the light and looked at Jenna. She was laying on her back staring straight up at the ceiling before she turned her head and looked directly at me and asked, "Well is there?"

Kim popped her head up and looked at Jenna and said, "Yes dear, there is something, but we want to wait and have a family meeting with you, Terri and Beth. Do you trust us enough to let things go until we can get the five of us together so we can talk?"

Jenna smiled at both of us and said, "Absolutely! You two are the best parents a kid can have so I'll just keep my eyes open and watch and see if I can get any more hints before we sit down and have a serious talk. I want both of you to know, I love you!"

Kim said, "I don't know how you got to be so smart but you are and we'll never hold anything back from you. It's just we have had a lot going on and we haven't had a chance to call a meeting yet. I love you too, dear."

I smiled at Jenna and said, "Always remember, I love you."

Jenna smiled at Kim and me then she said, "DAD, will you please turn out the light, some of us want to get some sleep you know."

To Be Continued:

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The Morrison family: Dan, Kim, Jenna and Terri Powell

Security crew: Ted and Marion Johnson

Police Officers: Officer Mary Davis & Officer Shelly White

Terri's Friend: Jeff and Tina Simpson

Jenna's Friends: Lisa Thompson, Becky Harris and Kevin Brown

Additional victim of Harold: Hanna Lindquist

House cleaning crew: Ashley Brennan & Debbie Brown

Store owner: Harold Gordon

Salon owner: Bill Jefferson

Photographer: Pete Jensen

Pool cleaner: Bill Smith

Dan's executive secretary: Beth Thompson

Dan and Beth's secretary: Kelly Jones

Chauffer for Dan and Tom: Joe Bailey

DJ: Holly Smith


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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 2 years ago

Thank yo for your warning at the beginning of this chapter; however, I found nothing excessive. In fact, I found the punishment did not fit the crimes.

Whome1578Whome1578almost 3 years ago

Loved it outstanding job. Maybe you was to easy on the special threesome it was great.

HuskyoneHuskyoneover 3 years ago

I may have to revisit this story as I’m speed reading it to see what happens next. That Harold should have had his cock and balls cut off and let the bastard piss through a tube!

biggeoff35biggeoff35almost 4 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort i love your stories

blackknight314blackknight314over 4 years ago
I loved it...

...but, those guy got off too easy. They needed more than a big dildo up their asses. Oh well, Bubba and his friends should have a great time making them their bitches.

Oh and I'm sure glad they don't have wild sex parties at their house.

Chapter 15 here I come.

playtime999playtime999over 8 years ago

The story reminds of those of Victorian aristocracy, men who dally into naughty ways, as in Story of O, but here in a very moral, upright way, like Hugh Heffner without the sexism. Love the sense of real people and wise actions at times along with the sex. Wish the sex were a little more diverse. Just one m/m so far, but really well done, and nothing very kinky, a little bondage, spanking, turn ons in that direction, but there is much more to cum!

CAWMSJRCAWMSJRover 8 years ago
Great Love Story.

This is a great love story, very sexual, but filled with a lot of fantasy. Mixing this is type of pleasure with work, is very dangerous. Having mixed some of it myself, with fellow employees and home life did create some awkward moments.

GriffyD_BoyGriffyD_Boyover 9 years ago

I enjoyed the sexier scenes, but scanned through most of the punishment scene. I'm not really into torture as entertainment, even if the characters really deserve what they get.

martiliasmartiliasalmost 12 years ago

I like the way you develop an example of a nudist life style where men, with a flaccid penis, and woman interact and then children are added to the scene ... and you also develop an example of a open sexual life style where all are at choice .... and I like that you have woven these two examples into one fabric. I look forward to the further development of your story line. For me this is a story line of adventure which beckons me to come back to follow and enjoy. I appreciate your attention to detail.

Thanks for sharing.

RecHikerRecHikeralmost 12 years agoAuthor

The cooler weather is moving in on us. It has already begun to limit the amount of time we can spend in our very private and large parcel of land.

However, for those who live in sunny Florida, there are plenty of opportunities left to enjoy nude or topless sunbathing. Anyone can google Haulover Beach in Miami and go there to enjoy the warm weather and sunbathe.

Haulover Beach is the only sanctioned and police patroled nude beach in Florida. Some of the police patrol along the top of the beach on horse back. I have been there several times and have always found the people very friendly..... even to the obvious, first time, bashful people. So it's great for first timers.

To make this comment story related, I am very happy to announce chapter 15 of The Morrisons is almost ready to send to Literotica. After I send it - they take up to three days to publish it. So please come back and check soon.

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