The Power of The Wind


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When she drew back, we were both breathing heavily. She must have seen the growing affection in my eyes. "You feel it too?" she said quietly.

"I do now," I told her. "I'll have to find another nickname for you, though, since you seem to have a strange reaction to 'Legs.'"

She stuck out her tongue at me. "You're going to be trouble, I can tell." She returned to her bench and leaned back. "We're supposed to be relaxing: letting go of tension. Remember?"

"Sure, let's do that," I said, also sitting back. "Once we're done here, let's go up to your room and split that huge piece of birthday cake."

"That sounds good," said Gwen.


We chatted quietly for the next 45 minutes or so. Finally, I told her I was getting cooked. Gwen yawned and stretched and turned the temperature dial lower. She gave me a helping hand and we left the sauna. I did feel different--a bit more relaxed, but also cleaner somehow.

We went back to Gwen's room and had the cake. Then I said, "You've got some frosting on your upper lip, Legs." I leaned over to her and kissed her and she kissed back gently.

Then she pulled away from me. "We'd better get some sleep, okay?" she said.

I was surprised, and the tiniest bit hurt. "You're right. We've got another long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"It's Friday tomorrow," she said. "We don't normally have meetings on Saturdays or Sundays, do we?"

"Not normally," I answered.

"Good!" Gwen darted forward and gave me a squeeze and a peck on the lips. "Good night, Chris."

Already, I was trying to figure out why she was dismissing me. Not one to overstay my welcome, I rose to my feet. "Good night, Legs," I said to her.

She smiled and kissed me once more. Then I left her room, closing the door behind me.


The meeting with the Butler county council had gone well. After that, we'd packed up, driven a few miles, and kept our appointment with the Marion county zoning board. They were pretty skeptical of us, but thanks to my slides illustrating the proposed locations of the generators, they agreed to let us show our plan to the supervisor and the county clerk via internet meeting.

When we packed up again, Gwen volunteered to drive to Dodge City. I took her up on her offer.

Once we got on the road, she asked about the next stop on our route. "How long do you think we'll be discussing our wind farms there?"

"Not long at all. We've already gotten permission to build in the county. All we're doing there is talking to a couple of contractors and a transportation manager who's going to okay the convoys for the largest parts of our machines."

"Maybe only an hour?" she asked.

"Well, probably a little longer than that. 90 minutes to two hours, I think," I said. "Good job explaining our environmental precautions to the Marion board, by the way. If you hadn't told them how we were going to protect their local streams from construction contamination, they probably would have turned us down flat."

"I just built on the proposal you'd already shown them," said my blonde companion. "But I'm glad to be the Harley to your Ivy."

"The who to my who?"

She glanced at me, looking a little disappointed. "The Harley Quinn to your Poison Ivy. No? about...the Gabrielle to your Xena?"

"Oh. Nice!" I patted her knee. "I'm the warrior princess--I like it."

She blushed, but she grinned at me. "You and me protecting our beloved land from all foes, and having a good time doing it."

There was the ring of truth in what she'd said. A couple of days ago, I'd been doing this job by myself. I had been doing well, but it had been a daily grind. There were very few happy moments. "You're right. We are having a good time. I'm glad you're here, Legs."

She pouted at me. "No fair saying that while I can't do anything about it. I owe you one."


After we conducted our official business in Dodge City, we found a hotel on the northern edge of town. Our rooms were next to each other this time. We stowed our belongings and found a small Italian restaurant. They had good pasta and seafood. We discussed the next part of our journey.

"That's right; we have tomorrow and Sunday off," I said. "We don't always get both days of the weekend free, sad to say. But we can take our time going through Kansas; our next meeting is in Kearney, Nebraska, at 6:30 Monday morning."

"Good, that's about what I expected," said Gwen. "What do you say we leave at 9:30 tomorrow and go North? I'll drive for the first half of the trip."

"Sure," I said. "You sound as though you've got something planned."

"Kind of--there's something I'd like you to experience," she told me.


When we got back to the hotel, I invited her to my room. For a couple of hours, we talked and watched a little tv and flirted and we shared several nice kisses. But when I told her I was going to get ready for bed, she got up and headed for the door.

"Mix signals much?" I said, trying to make it sound like I was joking.

To my surprise, she looked a little ashamed. "I'm not trying to frustrate you," she said. "I just--I don't know you very well yet. You don't know me very well. I don't think we should sleep together so soon."

"I get it," I said. "Can I have a goodnight hug, then?"

She smiled sheepishly. "You definitely can!" She put her arms around me. I couldn't resist; I lifted her off her feet for just a second. She was short and thin, so it was easy to pick her up. She gave me a sweet kiss and wished me a good night.


In the late morning, we drove along Highway 283. We had more than 200 miles to drive, but there was no hurry at all. As the miles passed, I learned more and more about my new partner, and she learned more about me.

She took an unexpected right turn just before noon. "I found a fun-looking destination when I searched the net last night. We're going to Cedar Bluff Reservoir," she said. "There's a spot where we can rent a canoe, if that's okay with you."

"I'll give it an even chance," I told her.

We changed into shorts and t-shirts (a tank top in Gwen's case) in the beach house. We got back in the car and drove a little farther to the rental building.

"I'd probably better sit in the back, so I can keep an eye on how you're doing," my petite companion said. We slid our canoe into the water and she towed it behind us to the end of the pier. She held the canoe steady and told me how to climb into it. Then she asked me to do my best to hold it steady and she hopped in behind me. She shoved us away from the edge of the wooden pier and we were gliding on the somewhat wavy surface of the lake.

With Gwen's direction, I got the hang of how to grip my paddle, how to use it so I wouldn't tire myself too much, and when to switch to the other side to keep the canoe straight. I'd been worried that my life preserver would make it tough to row, but it wasn't an issue; the reflective yellow vest left my arms free. Gwen and I paddled, enjoying the strong southwesterly breeze, leaving the landing area and the beach behind us.

Gwen found a little cove where the cattails grew high around us. She turned our canoe and we saw most of the reservoir lying beyond us. On either side, rolling prairies stretched away to the horizons. An endless procession of cottonball clouds swept across the blue sky above our heads.

The canoe swayed just a little. Then I felt Gwen's chin resting on my shoulder. She really was experienced in a boat; I hadn't noticed her moving and now she was kneeling behind me! "It's a good spot for a bird watcher," she whispered. She pointed to the clumps of marsh grass and reeds to our left. As we observed, we saw a couple of coots fly from the concealment of the plants. Only a few seconds later, a mallard descended toward the same area. Wood ducks wheeled low in the sky, not far past the reedy spot.

"Kind of a beautiful scene, isn't it?" I murmured.

"Yes, it is," said the young blonde. "I love wooded mountains; I love jungles; I love the desert highlands of New Mexico and Arizona, the rocky coastline of Lake Superior, the many falls and rapids of the Columbia and the Mississippi....This is why I do what I do, Chris. Nature is so lovely in all its forms. It's so delicate. I want to lower the chances of another BP Gulf spill."

"I can see what you mean," I said.

With her arms around my ribs, I sat and contentedly watched the Kansas wildlife.

Finally, I spoke again. "Thanks for showing me this, Legs," I said quietly.

"That's not all; let me show you a trick, too," she said. I turned and watched her. She picked up her paddle and smoothly pushed it straight down into the water of the little cove. "There's the bottom; I can feel it. Now, I slide my hand down, keep it there, and retrieve the paddle." She pulled it back into the canoe and held it between us. "What do you think, about four feet deep?"

"Or a little l--ah!"

I was going to say "less," but as soon as I opened my mouth to answer, she grabbed both sides of the canoe and rocked violently. She capsized us in the blink of an eye.

Sputtering, I surfaced next to the canoe. Gwen was right there, standing solidly behind me, her wet body pressed into mine. She put her hands around my torso.

"This is a good position," she purred.

The note in her voice was so suggestive that I was rooted to the mucky lake bed. She unzipped my vest and tossed it aside. She wrapped her arms around my waist and began kissing my neck. Her left hand wandered upward and started playing with my grapefruit-sized breasts, squeezing and fondling the jiggly flesh through the thin cotton of my soaked shirt and bra. Her right hand slipped along my belly, burrowed under my shorts and panties, and began to pet the sensitive skin of my labia.

Armpit-deep in cool, clear lake water, I put my hand on the hull of our canoe to keep from losing my balance. I tried to turn to kiss Gwen, but she shifted to stay behind me. A stab of fiery ecstasy rushed through my loins and I decided to let her do what she wanted to do. For now, at least....

"Nothing can be more right than this," said Gwen. "A natural act in a natural setting--a beautiful woman in a beautiful place."

I'm certainly not model-material. I didn't think of myself as pretty, let alone beautiful. But I felt beautiful when she spoke the words; I felt beautiful and desirable and womanly while she made love to me under the endless blue sky. She giggled into my ear and I shivered from head to foot. She kissed my neck and shoulders. Her talented fingers stroked my needy vaginal lips and my stiffening nipples.

"Oh fuck. Yes! Fuck, Legs, you're so--fuck! Legs, baby--yes," I groaned. If we'd been on dry land, my panties would have been just as wet as they were now. She skillfully manipulated my pleasure spots. My eyes rolled and my knees buckled. My vulvae twitched happily. Gwen kept my head above water while I climaxed. Her wonderful fingertips kept toying with my sensitive button until the orgasm subsided a little.

"Never--" I said. "--Never felt so good. Legs, you're incredible."

She finally swam around to face me. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. I rallied my strength and kissed her in return.

And then my motions ground to a halt.

"What's the matter, Chris?" The concern in Gwen's high voice was genuine.

"It wasn't fair to let you do that," I confessed. "I haven't had sex...since senior year of high school."

She didn't laugh at me. I'll be eternally grateful to her for that. Instead, she shifted her position; she kept her arms around my neck, but only loosely, making a few more centimeters of space between us. "There are so many things I want to tell you and ask you all at once," she told me. "So let me tell you the most important thing: I wasn't giving to get. You don't owe me anything. Okay?"

I nodded. She leaned forward and kissed me, then drew back immediately.

"I really like you, Chris. Do you like me?"

"I really, really, really like you, Legs," I said. She gave me another very quick kiss. I leaned in and stole one quickly from her.

She said, "You can be a little prickly and mean, but you're a sweetie under it all. Help me tip the canoe right-side up and drain most of the water from it, okay?"

"No problem, just tell me what to do."

In a minute, we had the canoe floating correctly. Gwen flopped my life vest over the edge of the hull, near my seat. Then she took off her vest and put it near her seat.

"What's it take for sex to be good, as far as you're concerned?" the little blonde woman asked. She pulled off her shirt.

"That's hard to define," I told her. She kept undressing while we talked. I was impressed with how gracefully she stripped out of her sporty running shorts. "I liked it when I made my girlfriend cum, and when she made me cum, of course."

Gwen's motions told me she was taking off her panties. Sure enough, a tiny tangle of sopping wet black cloth appeared in her hand after a moment. She tossed that in the canoe too. "Have you ever felt really good, even if you didn't cum?"

"Oh, yeah," I answered. Gwen put her hands behind her back and fiddled with her bra clasp.

"So have I." Gwen dropped her bra into the canoe. The water was clear enough that I could see her small, pale, pretty breasts bobbing a few centimeters below the waterline. "No pressure--are you up for trying to make me feel really good?"

My response was the most passionate kiss I'd ever given anyone.

Her slim, powerful legs clamped around my torso, just above my hips. She took her mouth from mine. "Let's see if you can make me feel good, sweetie. Put your hands on my butt. Yeah, squeeze me a little, but not to hard. Oh, that's good. Kiss my neck now. Yeah. That's nice. Can you get one of your hands farther under me? Can you reach all the way to my pussy? Ooh! You can! Stroke me a little with that hand. You can get rougher with my butt now.

"Yes. That's good. Oh, that feels nice." While Gwen directed my hands, I kissed and nibbled up and down her neck, going as high as her jaw, going as low as her collarbone. Her legs gripped me a bit harder. My pulse quickened. I could do this; I could give this little blonde firecracker plenty of pleasure. She seemed to really like how I was touching her. If I was lucky, I might even get her off.

"...Let's see if you can get your middle finger inside me. Slide it a little lower--yeah, there. Okay, now you don't need to push that hard; just wiggle it side-to-side. Yeah, now push a little while you're doing that. Oh! Feel that? You're getting it! That's great, sweetie. Good, if you can swirl that finger around now--yes! That's great! Can you slide anoth--yeah--oh!"

Gwen's hips had started to rock with tiny motions when I'd started teasing her labia. She was getting more and more active. Her hips were jerking rapidly now. I had two fingers inside her snatch, wriggling and thrusting. My knuckles kept smacking against her outer lips: probably right under her clitoris, I hoped.

"Keep going. Keep doing that. Feels so good! Keep going. Yes, yes, like that. Just like that! Yes, do it. Do it! Yes, like that! Like that! So good--like that!"

My hand was cramping a little. My wrist was aching. That didn't matter at all; my new lover had to be getting close to orgasm.

Her arms and legs squeezed me fiercely. "Like that, like that, like that like that like that, yes...." she whimpered.


After some very satisfying sex and a refreshing skinny-dip, Gwen and I made out next to the canoe for a long while. Finally, I suggested that we should think about going back to the rental place. While we began to dress, I said, "I won't call you 'Legs' except when we're alone together. Can I call you 'P.R.' instead?"

"Not very creative," she jibed.

"How about the long form then, Pocket Rocket?" I asked.

She slugged my bicep playfully. "You love teasing me, don't you?" she complained. "Here, hold the prow of the canoe like this. I'm going to get into it; watch how I do. You're going to get in after me."

Once we were both in the little craft, life vests properly worn and fastened, we took our paddles and began rowing.

"So..." said Gwen after a minute or two, "...what do you think of canoeing?"

+ The End +

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TheserialwaffleTheserialwaffleover 3 years ago

This is an original story, really cute and proactive. I liked very much. Thank you even if you haven’t wrote a second part

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 7 years ago
Great story

Thanks for sharing this story, it was short, but very good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
nice story

While I prefer to keep politics & erotica entirely separate, I liked this one.

fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
funny comments

p91w, I want to complement you on the quality of your writing. Adult and humorous and erotic. I look forward to reading the rest of your postings and into the future submissions.

RL75, clever commentary, I love smart sarcasm. Environmentalist, as everyone else, live in the real world. They have to use the tools that are available, as efficiently as possible. To accomplish the goal of making this Earth a better home for Humanity and all other lifeforms.

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without"

It is the anti-environmentalists, those who stubbornly deny Global Climate Change, the anti-intellectuals of the reactionary ideologues of the Right and the Left. Who are teetering on the edge of their flat-earth.

Denouncing any and all effort to conserve, to progress, to increase efficiency and reduce waste and wastage. Who resent those who act to be good stewards for this planet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This is a delightful little gem of a story.I particularly liked the way you handled the sex scene---gentle and subtle without going over the top.

DocSavage656DocSavage656about 10 years ago
Wonderful Read

I thought this was a good, romantic little story. Great job! I'd love to read more about these two.

Thank you for your hard work.


gnome_mangnome_manabout 10 years ago

You have an excellently written, sweet little story here. I agree with the others. I also felt that it was good that they didn't just jump in bed with each other. It made it more sweet, and still sexy, because of the anticipation. I do have to admit to some surprise that either of the two ladies were gay. My thought was that it was a new thing for both. It was a pleasant story that just begs for sequels.

CuSmithCuSmithabout 10 years ago
Down to earth

This is one of the best! Written around the Earth Day topic theme with more than a couple of lines mentioning the earth, environment or nature.

Reading the comments forced me to go back and check your reference to your choice of vehicles to drive. Lots of potential for this to be taken farther along with the next stroke.

jsragmanusjsragmanusabout 10 years ago
Liked It

I thought it was great. The two things I would have loved to have seen were a) make it longer because the characters are pretty adorable, and b) at least give us some hint that Chris was gay at the point Legs showed up.

redlion75redlion75about 10 years ago

i love how 2 people that are anti fossil fuel are driving around in a car to sell people on wind power.should they be driving electric cars or wind cars or some other never gonna work in our lifetime type of car? was the canoe plastic or metal? cause plastic is a petroleum based product and metal has to be mined which is bad for the earth about the electronic devices they were using?uh oh metal and platic again.bad pro earthers

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I like your style of writing. However, I really think you need to expand on this story because there is still 2 1/2 weeks left on the "strategic collaboration tour" of getting people to "like" Wind Power. EXPAND IT EXPAND IT EXPAND IT. Oh and don't forget the juicy sex too LOL!

tygztygzabout 10 years ago

I really appreciate how they didn't just jump from first kiss to full-blown hard-core sex, that's much too typical in stories here and while many people do their relationships that way, I always feel like they're missing out on a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I'm glad I read this, plot and interesting characters that I'd enjoy finding more about in a sequel!

mrusamrusaabout 10 years ago
Continuation ?

Nice little story. I enjoyed it. Though it took me a while to understand that Chris is a female... found out when room service knock at her door to deliver the piece of cake. Will you be write another chapter so we can find out other revelations... Such as: Gwen said 'when I made my girlfriend cum' so if she has a full course meal waiting at home then why is eating a snack at The Cedar Bluff Reservoir. Also would be nice to know if Gwen & Chris become an item they still have 2 1/2 weeks of road trip presentation to do.

Overall I hope you keep at it when I'll be waiting...for a next installment.


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