The Red Bracelet


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Some instinct took over me when she started running again, and I followed as fast as could. At the end of the corridor she had a choice to make: the laundry room or her own room. Both were dead-ends. I grinned when I saw her disappearing into her room. I followed her and stopped running once inside: I had her cornered. She was standing on her bed, gloriously topless, leaning against the wall. Without taking my eyes away from her, I moved my right arm back over my head and pointed.

She was still panting, but she laughed when she saw what I was pointing to: another twig of mistletoe. Without moving I brought my arm back and asked her to come to me by curling my finger. In silence she began walking towards me on the bed; switching from fearful prey to confident lover. I was, at that moment, so sure of that fact that it didn't even surprise me: Bianca was coming to kiss me, to give me our first real kiss as lovers.

I took her hands as she walked down from her bed and took her into my arms. With her entire upper body cradled against me, we paused for a time, silently realizing that this kiss was going to change things. We didn't pause for too long. Sliding her cheek against my neck she slowly turned upwards towards me and met my lips for a third time. In a matter of seconds the soft, sweet kiss rekindled into the blazing fire that the teasing, water and mistletoes had created.

My arms squeezed her against me as moans started to leak out from our kiss. Sliding one of my hands down I felt her ass before grabbing it vigorously, pulling her thighs and abdomen against mine. Already obvious, my hard cock was now nestled in her flesh, from her mound to her belly. I moaned when Bianca pushed herself closer to me, rubbing her skin against my boxers.

Unable to conceive of any reason not to remove her panties, I slipped both my hands inside and tasted the smooth curves that flow from the small of her back all the way down to her thighs' starting lines. Breaking the kiss, or at least making a long trail of kisses down her neck and dangerously close to her breasts, I pushed her panties down until they broke free and fell to the ground. When I straightened I felt my cock grazing her bush, before settling once again on her soft belly.

But as soon as I straightened, Bianca in turn grabbed my boxers and began pushing them down. She was expecting it, but when my cock slapped my belly after being freed fro the boxers, her eyes widened a bit and she smiled. I'm not huge, nor even all that big, but I've been told by most of my girlfriends that I have a very beautiful cock. I was *really* glad to see that Bianca thought so too. Instead of simply pushing them down until they fell, Bianca got on her knees sand stayed there as I threw the boxers away with my right foot.

At first she had both her hands on my thighs, staring at my cock just as blatantly as I had stared at her breasts a few minutes earlier. Then she grabbed the base of my cock with one hand and leaned in. I was sure I was going to get a hell of a blowjob, but I was wrong. She began licking the underside of my cock slowly, before moving on to the sides. She was looking at me from time to time, a naughty grin on her face as she licked. She then took me into her mouth and sucked me for a few seconds, but it was obvious that this was not a regular blowjob.

When she pulled away and straightened up I understood: she was just preparing me for an easier entry. Surprising me, she locked her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear: grab my ass. As soon as I did she jumped in my arms and wrapped her legs around my ribs and waist. My cock, all wet with her saliva, was now pressing against her opened pussy. For a short time we simply hugged each other very tightly, my cock on her splayed pussy, her breasts mashed on my chest. Then, at the same time, she pulled herself a bit higher and I pulled my cock backwards. When we both felt it's head slip right between her lips, we took a sharp breath and paused.

"Oh I'm sooo glad you came and helped me with that batch of pumpkin soup..."

I laughed, caught completely by surprise. "What?"

She was laughing with me now, but our bodies were still, how can I say, dancing with each other. "You remember that day?"

"Of course Bianca, but why are we talking about..."

"Shhh... Before we go any further, I want to tell you that it was a set-up."

She paused, then pulled her head back from my neck to look at me with a shy smile. It was obvious that I didn't understand.

"I dressed extra sexy that day, just for you... I wanted you to notice me. And I guess you did. Can you forgive me for that... er, ambush?"

I laughed out loud, looking straight into her eyes, and relaxed my arms. We both felt my glans parting her lips, starting to sheath itself inside Bianca's pussy. She closed her eyes and her hesitant smile grew like a spring sunrise. As she slipped lower and lower, slowly inching her way down, she intertwined her fingers around my neck. I could see her grinning as she pulled her head backwards, arching her upper body until her hair hung like a waterfall, her breasts surged upwards and my cock barely grazed the limit of her depths. Her arms reaching to my neck, my own holding her as and her legs wrapped around my waist: we were in perfect equilibrium.

Then Bianca pulled back up slowly, and I felt a thrill go down my spine when I saw her eyes. Gone was the shyness from her confession: the growing sunrise had now turned into a full-fledged summer blaze. It was clear, even in her precarious position, that she was taking control. Her breasts slammed into my chest when she straightened, and her eyes never wavered. A short whisper: "You're gonna get fucked like never before." And despite the surge of desire that flowed in response to her words, for this first time at least, Bianca was clearly the one fucking me.

Even standing up and holding her, I realized when she started moving that she was the one in control. Never before in my life had I felt something like this: it felt like her entire body was fucking me. From her calves to her thighs and hips; her pussy, mound and belly; her breasts; her arms and hands; and of course her head with its tongue, lips and hair... I was being overloaded with sensations. When a normal girl would have been submissive in this position, dependant on my arms and my thrusts, Bianca exploded all around me. I was being enveloped in a storm of pleasure.

Hooking her left knee as high as her thigh could stretch, she let her right leg slide down. She was caressing my lower back, then ass, then thigh with her own: silky smoothness flowing over me as sweat was already starting to appear. While she was getting back up she broke the kiss and once again I saw the fire in her eyes. "Walk to the doorway." She asked. When I looked at her, hesitant, she squeezed both her legs around me: "Walk to the door of the room, you won't regret it."

So I did, the overwhelming sensations of Bianca's passion fighting my sense of balance. As soon as we got close to the door, she reached back and took hold of her chin-up bar with her right hand. Grinning, she let go of my neck and reached for the bar with her other hand. Spreading my legs to keep my balance again, I was amazed by the sight of her body, from her legs to her belly and her wonderful breasts. Never in my life had I fucked, or rather been fucked, like that. "Let go of my ass Matt... and hang on." As soon as I did she began flexing her entire body away from me and back, her arms and legs pushing and pulling. I was being fucked by a girl who was not even touching the ground! She was a vision of pure lust: writhing against me, her breasts still firm while being thrown left and right, her long hair whipping below her. I couldn't quite believe what was happening.

I felt my balls starting to boil, and I guess the only thing that preventing me from exploding right there was that Bianca kept surprising me, kept me poised between astonishment and too much pleasure. Seeing her breasts dance like dervishes, I grabbed them both for the first time. Seconds later I felt my pleasure cresting over the usual plateau and I knew I was going to cum soon.

When I told Bianca she laughed and told me to grab her ass again. I did, expecting her to slow down and get down. But once more to my astonishment she raised her legs, one after the other, until her calves were on my shoulders. At once the angle of penetration changed and became just insanely smooth and deep.

"Cum inside me Matt.. Let yourself go as hard as you want."

"But I don't want this to end so fast..."

"Who said anything about stopping? I'm gonna get you hard again, don't even doubt it!"

Unable to think or care about anything else I shifted my hands from her ass to her waist and began fucking her as hard as she had asked for, pulling her against me with each thrust. I could feel my entire length sliding inside her, could clearly feel Bianca clenching her pussy, could feel her smooth ass and thighs slapping against my belly... I came like a madman, shouting out as I felt my sperm flow out and overfill her tightly filled pussy. My entire body contracted and spasmed from the pleasure, fast and intense.

When I managed to open my eyes, I saw that Bianca was on the verge of a climax of her own, but that our position prevented from getting it. I moved forward, allowing her to slip her legs back down around my waist, and her arms back to my neck. For the next few minutes I simply held her close, keeping my balance and arching my hips forward so that she could grind her clit on my mound. Jennifer had once let slip that Bianca found nearly all of her orgasms through her clit. The least I could do, while trying to catch my breath, was to give her time to reach it.

Watching and feeling her get ravaged by her orgasm was something I'll never forget. I could feel it rippling all over her as she hung on to me as if for dear life! Her body, which was already quite hot and sweaty, became noticeably hotter until her climax pushed a deep groan out through her lips. I held her this way for a couple more minutes, when she started laughing gently. While kissing my ear, she whispered a thank you in my ear. I replied in kind, tickling her lobe until she pulled away, giggling like a schoolgirl.

But a schoolgirl she wasn't. Pulling her head back to look at me, she grinned naughtily again: "It's not over yet, mister." I looked at her, baffled. But she simply replied again: "There's no way I'm gonna let this stop here... And don't worry, I'm gonna get you hard again!" My cock twitched inside her when she said that, always a good sign. As I was about to let her down on the floor, she stopped me. "Bring me to the bathroom, I don't want to get down yet."

And so we went to the bathroom and I held her a couple more minutes. She then ordered me back to her room holding a very hot, wet cloth in her hand. By then my cock had shriveled quite a bit and I had to hold her very steady as my sweaty palms on her sweaty ass were beginning to slip. But we made it to the bed and she slowly pulled her pussy away from my cock. While I was pushing the pillows on the floor, making room for whatever magic she had in mind, she startled me by wrapping the hot cloth around my balls and cock.

She grinned but didn't say a word: she just took her sweet time washing me. By the time she stopped, the cloth now definitely cooler, I was already feeling a new wave of desire pulsing inside me. When Bianca bent over my cock and took it in her mouth, a spasm told me that those waves were quickly becoming stronger.

Alas, I am "not" a teenager anymore, and despite her best efforts, I knew that her mouth would not be enough to bring me back to full hardness so quickly. Then again, Bianca had something else in mind. It became quite clear that she was not planning on simply sucking my cock: rather she was lubricating it, although I must say her enthusiasm fooled me. When I felt her breasts sliding upwards on my thighs, her lips making a popping sound as they left my cock, I barely had time to react.

Before I knew it her breasts were sliding over my scarcely hard cock. This time the spasm that shook me was way stronger than it had any right to be, so fast after a climax. Bianca moved her breasts all over my cock and balls, her sweat and saliva making everything gloriously slippery. My breathing quickened; short quick and surprised breaths at first, then deep "I-need-oxygen" ones followed. Bianca knew, how could she not, that her breasts were the most wonderful jewels on her body. And she was giving me the most intimate, most intense massage she possibly could with the.

Looking up at me, Bianca grinned again, a lot more naughtily, and whispered: "Use your hands, you ding-dong!" I laughed quickly, very nervously, trying to breath fast enough and failing. As I squeezed her breasts together, more than enough of a delight on its own, and felt my cock being wrapped in the softness and warmth of her breasts... My body arched upwards and blood was finally allowed to rush to my cock. I felt it growing in throbs the inches that had found Bianca's depth earlier now proudly rising again.

I really don't know how long we stayed that way. My mind felt hazed, lost in a whirlwind of lust and unalloyed pleasure. My consciousness shifted focused from my head to my cock and reveled in the glory of her breasts, then her mouth, then back to her breasts, her mouth, breasts, mouth, breasts... I was, for lack of a better word, in a trance.

When my second climax in less than an hour, something I had only experienced a few precious times in my life, it took me by surprise. Bianca was waiting for it: never taking her eyes away from mine she clamped her mouth around my cock and kept sucking and swallowing until I was completely drained. I had to force her away from my shaft, unable to endure the way too intense sensations. Act of will, that; pulling her away from my cock.

She was laughing gently when she moved up and laid her body over mine. Her pussy over my cock, her legs opened around mine, her breasts on my chest: Bianca never seem to miss an opportunity. She had propped herself up on her elbows and was looking down on me, grinning, satisfied. Or so I thought.

But for now, as I was catching my breath, I couldn't help but see so many of Frank's things in the room. Bianca noticed it: she couldn't help but, being so close.

"Don't worry Matt."

"Well, couldn't he come back any minute?"

"No. We're officially on a break. Not the first time either. Hmmm, it will be the last though."


"I don't really want to talk about it now... " She grinned. "You must know that there's a cock very close to a pussy right between us."

My eyes widened in surprise and I laughed. "What?" I repeated while she pushed her pussy against me, grinding her clit a few times. "What?" I asked for a third time, playing along...

"Matt..." She sighed, and then laughed. "I called him earlier and told him I needed a break. Third time this year. He won't come back. Not yet anyway. And unless I've misread you really badly, there's no way in heaven or hell that I'm gonna let him back into my life."

There was a long silence, as we looked at each other, very nearly "seeing" our lust turning into something else. She leaned down and kissed me very gently. Then again, her lips on mine just as soft. A new kind of kiss.

But then, my cock twitched. Bianca stopped kissing me, grinned, then laughed. "Woohoo! " she cried while rising up and sitting on my cock. Squeezing her breasts between he arms for emphasis, she said: "Listen mister... I don't know what you're used to, but around here, I'm giving the orders." Her grin couldn't have been more mischievous. "I promise you one thing: before the hour is up you're going to make me cum again." She then stood up and seconds later I heard the shower running.

I "knew" that it was impossible for me to get a third erection so fast, but somehow, I didn't have any real doubts... Grinning myself now, I took a deep breath and got up.


Thanks for reading my story: I have a lot more on this site. Oh: feel free to comment; as most other authors, I love to get some feedback!

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BruceS1949BruceS19493 months ago

Wonderful story. I love it.

G5902G5902almost 3 years ago

Again, I have read and thoroughly enjoyed this story!!!! This is a fantastic story — thank you for sharing!

bosombuddiesbosombuddiesover 4 years ago
Really sexy

I’ve read this story a couple times now and keeps getting better. Maybe it’s just my own personal bias but I love stories about friends who become something more — especially when one of those friends is a beautiful, big breasted seductress. Between this and the Midsummer series, I think it’s safe to say I’m a fan!

KelteriserKelteriserabout 6 years ago

I am slowly working my way through your library of work - I haven't read a bad one yet!

You can tell a story very well - keep it up

Loved this story

PrinzmettlePrinzmettleabout 6 years ago
Just beautiful!

Thank you for another beautiful story. The pacing is excellent; it kept leading me along and insisting that I wanted to know more.

You have mentioned that others have issues with your English. My assumption is that your "native" language is French, based on such things as making "hair" plural instead of singular. And there are some idioms that you express differently. But this is part of your charm and my enjoyment.

Great writing. Please keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
no ground inside a house its call a flood

great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Thats all I can really say.

It's different.

I love it!!

It started out as though we were never going to get to the good sexual parts, but that just made it soo much better!

Good Job! :]

Favorite story on this site so far!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
absolutly the best

I've read in a long time. Just continue like that. keep uf those illusions, mr. :-)

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