The Return of Carolyn Lord Ch. 02


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"Oh, my!" Carolyn gasped in surprise, now completely bottomless in front of her employer. "Is this really necessary?" she blurted as she tried to cover herself. I mean, I do know my own sizes."

"You might, but I don't. Besides, I like to get things exact. Look, you've had enough fun for one day, okay? Time to let someone else take charge of things. Now stop fidgeting, keep your hands at your sides, and stand perfectly still, damn it!"

"Yes, ma'am." Carolyn reluctantly did as she was told, and did not move while Mrs. Stevens plied her with a tape measure. After doing her waist and hips a few times, Carolyn jumped when Mrs. Stevens started to open the safety pins holding her blouse closed.

"But, ah..." Carolyn began, only to be cut off by her boss.

"Now, now. It's getting in the way of the measurements."


Soon her blouse had joined her skirt. When the measurements of her bust began, Carolyn was dismayed to learn that her bra had to come off as well. So there she stood, in the office of her new employer, completely nude, while Mrs. Stevens plied her with the measuring tape.

Carolyn had never realized that taking a person's measurements could be so difficult. Mrs. Stevens spent a great deal of time working on her bust, draping the tape over her pert breasts again and again, dragging to tape from left to right and back again. The constant unintentional friction of the tape moving over her sensitive nipples caused them to leap to attention, making the exasperated Mrs. Stevens exclaim to Carolyn's chagrin that now the bust measurements needed to be done all over again. Coolly the woman worked up and down the length and breath of Carolyn Lord's trembling, vulnerable naked body. She used every excuse to secretly yet skillfully touch, caress, fondle, and stroke the beautiful, unsuspecting woman standing before her, from head to toe.

By the time a more than satisfied Mrs. Stevens had finished and left the room to make the necessary arrangements for her secretary's new underwear, Carolyn was panting. Her nipples were very erect, and her heaving breasts felt swollen. Sweat had broken out along her hairline and was running down the center of her back. She could even feel a trickle of vaginal secretions running between her thighs.

She had never felt so ashamed! She had just recovered from her last loss of control, and here she was getting ready to do it again! Even worse, she had gotten this way just from someone taking her measurements! Her measurements!

"Oh, Dear God! Will I never be free of these bizarre sensations I get anytime someone touches me?" she wailed to the empty room. The room did not answer.

Carolyn used some tissues to carefully dry herself off. She then thankfully put on her bra, blouse, and skirt once again. When her clothes arrived, Mrs. Stevens remained with her, to make sure everything fitted properly. She even helped her with her clothes, first to take off her skirt, then pulling on the new panties, and then finally the new pantyhose. Carolyn knew she couldn't hope for a better, more caring friend and employer than that!

As the day drew to a close, Carolyn was convinced that Abigail Stevens was one of that few people she could absolutely trust. She was always helping her around the office, had freed her from her terrible predicament, had insisted on doing such mundane things as measuring her herself, and even had new underwear purchased for her and brought to the office. She knew very well that friends like these you are fortunate enough to find only once or twice in an entire lifetime.

It looked like she had now found her two, Tamiko and Mrs. Abigail Stevens, and the thought made her feel very safe.


That evening a very exhausted but strangely content Carolyn Lord parked her car in front of her apartment building. As she walked from the parking lot to her second-floor apartment, Carolyn thought about her day. In spite of the strange things that had happened to her afternoon, she felt her new job was just perfect. Even better for her, she knew that her boss was indeed a true friend. Life was beautiful once again.

The only dark spot was the knowledge that she had once more reacted sexually while in a perfectly innocent situation with someone (with a woman who was her employer no less!) who had just been trying to help her. Well! She refused to let it get her down, not anymore. So there, God!

She had just spent the worst two weeks of her life soul searching and guilt ridden, and for what? What did it get her? What good did it do? During the last day at her old firm, she had been deliberately betrayed by the individuals who worked there. She had been naive then and had trusted people, but not anymore. Those days were done. She was on her guard now, no question. That sort of thing would never happen again! Besides, the chances of her falling in with another such herd of sick cows like that were almost nonexistent. How many odd if not out-and-out deranged people like that could there be in the world? Exactly. Now she wouldn't feel compelled to shut herself away in her apartment for the rest of her life.

One difficulty now remained. She knew it to be her real problem, and its unplanned and decidedly unexpected occurrence bothered her greatly. It was her recent habit of becoming sexually stimulated at inappropriate times and with the wrong people. Not just stimulated, but...peaking, and in the oddest situations, too. It was terribly embarrassing and she didn't know what in Hell to do about it.

Well, if she had a problem, then it was up to her to solve it, plain and simple. She had always found a direct approached worked best for most things. Okay, then. She would be direct. She would just resolve to ignore any such feelings in the future, that's all.

Carolyn had overcome many difficulties in her 30 years, and she was still confident (in spite of all the recent evidence to the contrary) that she could overcome this one as well.

She reasoned that it was simply a question of will, and she, Miss Carolyn Lord, possessed will and then some. She would not run away screaming like a frightened schoolgirl every time someone innocently touched her. It wasn't their problem, it was hers. She knew she could beat the fire which was now always smoldering within her, just below the surface. She knew she could beat it. Strangely, she only hoped that in beating the fire, she didn't put it out completely.

Her life before the fire could be labeled as being complete, yet in truth it was sadly lacking something. Her life, since the fire had been lighted that one Friday evening, hadn't been lacking anything, except control, something which she once had in abundance. Secretly, she had to admit the fire did produce something quiet unexpected: fascinating and highly pleasing sensations. Oh, Yes! Even now, just thinking about it caused major tingles to radiate throughout her body from between her legs. She found the whole situation very weird, yet secretly exciting as well. She would talk all of this out later tonight with Tamiko, of course, after dinner.

"Thank God for Tamiko," Carolyn said, as she always did when she approached her door. "Thank God for Tamiko."

Upon entering the apartment, she found everything had been set up for a special occasion. The table was fully set with her best silver and china and wonderful aromas were coming from the kitchen.

"Tamiko!" she called gaily. "I'm home!"

Her friend glided out of the kitchen wearing a very short, white silk robe and carrying a large frosted glass containing a red liquid. Seeing her friend, Carolyn thought, "It must be a special occasion tonight, she's dressed!"

"It went well?" Tamiko asked politely.

"Girl, it went very well. So, what's all this?"

"In celebration over your new job, of course," Tamiko said. Holding the glass up with both hands, Tamiko bowed deeply and said, "For you, my precious."

"MMmmm, Mai Tai," Carolyn murmured. "My favorite." She took the offered glass and drank deeply. "Thank you. You know how much I just love an ice-cold glass of fruit juice."

"Yes, I know," Tamiko said dryly. "Now, go take your shower and I'll lay out your clothes for you."

Carolyn sighed. "Here we go, again," she thought. "Tamiko, you know how much I appreciate your help, but you really don't need to pick out my clothes for me all the time. I'm quite capable of doing it myself, really. Besides, I think you like things a little tighter that what I'm used to wearing."

"Of course. On your own, you dress like an unmade bed. With me, you are always elegant. Now go and do as you are told. Then we can enjoy a true Japanese meal I've made with my own hands, to celebrate your successful new position."

"Okay, okay," said Carolyn, laughing. There was something about a Japanese insult that was very Greek, she thought. "I'll go," she said, still smiling. "But Japanese food? Great! I was wondering when we were going to do this. What are we having?"

"Only the finest in Oriental cuisine, that's all. Now, get going, or do I have to undress you again?"

"Oh no!" exclaimed a suddenly alarmed Carolyn. "That's all right. I'm really too tired to play tonight, anyway. I'll go peacefully." Once, when Carolyn felt too depressed even to bother with a shower, Tamiko had proceeded to strip her naked right there on the living room couch. Protest as she might, Carolyn couldn't prevent loosing item after item, garment after garment. When she had been made completely naked, and was cringing on the couch trying to cover herself, a laughing Tamiko dragged her nude to the shower and, after turning on the water, had thrust her inside.

"Need any help with your back?"

"No, that's okay," Carolyn said ruefully, water pouring over her head. "You've done more that enough already, thank you. Now shut the damn door before we flood the place and go away!" In the shower Carolyn realized at the time that, as usual with the frequently outrageous Tamiko, her black mood had completely disappeared, and as some sort of weird side effect, she felt oddly alive all over. "She's a true treasure, that one," Carolyn thought. "Really must find a cousin for her. Maybe it would help her burn off some of that excess energy she has so much of."

Looking forward to her first Japanese meal, Carolyn showered with a passion, scrubbing away the grime (and some sticky vaginal fluid) from her first day on the job. She was feeling mellow, just like she always did after having her favorite fruit drink. Who would have thought that a combination of standard tropical fruit juices could produce such a pleasing effect, and all without the use of alcohol?

Hearing a noise, she turned and, through the misted glass, saw Tamiko picking up all the clothes she had left in her haste on the floor of the bathroom. Carolyn wanted to tell her to be sure and leave her underwear, but the waving Tamiko had quickly left the room before she had a chance.

After her shower, a much refreshed Carolyn exited the bathroom in her usual towel to find a long emerald-green silk dressing gown with half-sleeves and a black set of tabi socks laid out on the bed. "Beautiful," she said. "But first things first."

She went to her dresser's underwear drawer and found it completely empty. "I don't believe this," she muttered. She stuck her out into the hallway. "Tamiko! Where is everything?"

"Where is what, my precious?"

"You know what. My underwear. All of my underwear is missing."

"They aren't missing, my precious. They are being washed, that is all."

"All of them? At the same time? What am I supposed to wear this evening, until they're done?"

"Everything you need is on the bed. Now, don't bother me about trivialities, I am cooking!"

"Trivialities?! All right, have it your way," she yelled down the hall. "See if I care." To herself she added, "But if there's a fire, life could get very interesting around here."

Carolyn went back into the bedroom, removed her towel and left it folded neatly on a chair. Sighing, she put on the robe and tied the slick silk sash. She slipped her feet into the tabi socks and fastened them. Finally, she looked at her full-length mirror. "Wow," she breathed. "Tamiko, you shouldn't have."

Along the length of the shiny green material were shimmering dragons made of black and gold. "It is truly beautiful," she thought. Naturally, since it came from Tamiko, it followed faithfully her every curve and bulge. Sighing again over her lack of underwear, she left the bedroom and headed for the kitchen. Well, how could spending one evening without bra and panties matter? She certainly wasn't planning on going anywhere. No company was expected this evening. Besides, Tamiko had spent the last two weeks running around the apartment looking a whole lot worse without any problems at all.

"Might as well give her a hand," Carolyn thought. She caught another whiff of those delicious aromas. Odd, but there was something vaguely familiar about them. The closer she got to the kitchen, the more familiar they became. "What kind of Japanese cooking is this, anyway?" she asked as she entered the kitchen.

"If you really must know, we are having: dolmathes, keftethies, souvlakia, pastitsio, and a little number called 5-Star Metaxa to wash it all down."

"Why you little faker!" A smiling Carolyn put her arms around Tamiko's waist. "That food is about as Japanese as I am."

"Well, this is your celebration after all," said Tamiko as she placed her arms around Carolyn's waist and drew her close.

"Where did you get all the recipes?"

"From that Greek cookbook you've put together on your computer. I've been studying it for a week now."

"Metaxa! That's very good stuff, but, also very strong. You know I don't drink, Tamiko."

"I know it very well," Tamiko said, sighing. "However, I think, my precious, that tonight you can make a small exception." Tamiko leaned up and kissed Carolyn very gently on the mouth.

"Please, don't do that," Carolyn breathed. "You know what that does to me."

"No, I don't. Tell me!" Tamiko said as she kissed the blushing Carolyn again. Carolyn felt everything spinning out of control as the Japanese teenager pressed her lips tightly against Carolyn's. Nothing mattered for the moment, not even when she felt her sash being opened and her beautiful robe being pulled off of her shoulders.

"I'll fix everything in a second," she thought. "Just as soon as Tamiko is finished."

Tamiko reluctantly broke the kiss, leaving a dizzy Carolyn holding onto the back of a chair for support. "I want you like this tonight," Tamiko said as she folded the robe over her arm.

"Like what?" asked a perplexed Carolyn.

"Just as you are, naked!"

"Tamiko, please be serious," a shocked Carolyn pleaded when she realized that her friend was serious. Suddenly feeling very vulnerable, she placed her left arm over her breasts and her right hand over her sex. "I can't go around like this. Someone might see!"

"Just as you are, I said. With nothing more, and nothing less, will you spend the rest of the evening."

"No, I will not. It's a silly and childish thing to do."

"You refuse?" Tamiko asked coldly, walking towards her.

"Tamiko, please, please don't make me do this. It's not right." The small teenager stood directly in front of Carolyn, and looked deeply into her confused eyes. "I'll decide what's right for you, my precious. Don't you worry about that."

During the meal, a nude but strangely animated Carolyn talked of her experiences at work while Tamiko related tales from her day of classes at the university. She found herself feeling more and more excited, yet nothing really had happened to justify it. The simple act of sitting at the dinner table nude was turning her on to an incredible degree. Carolyn realized that she had been spending a lot of time in various states of undress lately, for one stupid reason or another, but this was the first time she had actually enjoyed doing so. There was no fear in this room. There was no one here to see her, or to take advantage of her vulnerability. It was just Tamiko wearing the strangest look of contentment and her, in their own private paradise.

Once she had gotten over her initial embarrassment, there was only her own simmering sexuality to contend with, and nothing else. To her surprise, the very fact that Tamiko had remained fully dressed for a change had only served to heighten Carolyn's feelings of excitement. Also, Tamiko's insistence that Carolyn do all of the serving tonight was something else which added to her secret sensations of sexual excitement.

Carolyn hoped to keep her runaway emotions hidden from her friend, in case she would think less of her for feeling this way, but there were certain signs she found it impossible to conceal in her nude state. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds, pointing out from her proud swollen breasts like long pink soldiers standing at attention. She had become so wet down below that she had to discreetly cover her seat with a few cloth napkins, otherwise she was afraid the seat pad would become hopelessly stained with her freely flowing vaginal secretions.

Carolyn kept her legs tightly crossed to try and control the fires growing within her. She kept drinking the Metaxa, hoping it would help quell the flames, but it was only making her giggle and sing Greek songs she had learned as a child. Carolyn had never known that eating could be so much fun!

Finally the delightful meal was over and Carolyn was a little disappointed. She was feeling so good right now, she had hoped this meal could go on forever. "All right, my precious," said Tamiko. "You can clear the table now."

Carolyn pouted a moment, then said playfully, "But I don't want to! Why don't you do it?"

"Because I cooked it, that's why. Now clear it."

"Jeeze, what a slave driver!" Carolyn said as she staggered to her feet.

"Whoa!" she muttered as her apartment did some interesting dips and turns. Odd, she never remembered it doing such things before. She waited until the room settled down a bit, then collected her dirty plates.

Carefully walking over to where Tamiko was still sitting, she leaned over the teenager to get her dishes. After watching vaginal fluids run down between the woman's inner thighs, the Japanese girl reached out and pulled gently on Carolyn's erect nipples.

"Oh, my!" Carolyn breathed as she closed her eyes. She almost dropped the dishes in shock over the highly erotic sensations now radiating from her breasts as Tamiko continued to rhythmically pull and twist on the pink tissue.

"Oh, my!" she breathed again. With her hands full of dishes, she could only stand there, wearing only her Japanese house slippers, bent over the table, her breath coming in gasps as Tamiko continued to manipulate the sensitive pink buds on her hanging breasts.

Suddenly feeling dizzy, Carolyn leaned further over and placed all of the dishes she was carrying back on the table. She planted both her hands firmly on the table and used her arms for support as she through her head back, trying to clear it. Tamiko continued her expert loving manipulation of Carolyn's nipples, until with a low groan Carolyn collapsed insensible over the dirty dishes on the table.

In the throes of a mighty orgasm, Carolyn did not notice Tamiko get up from the table and strip. Nor did she notice that Tamiko was wearing a rather lethal looking dildo with various small knobs and bumps on its surface under her clothes, strapped around her hips. Tamiko got behind the still woman and, kneeling on a chair, began to work the tip of the dildo into Carolyn's thoroughly lubricated vulva.

"Uuhhh," Carolyn groaned as she felt herself penetrated from behind. She wasn't really sure if it was real or just another of her realistic dreams, but for once she simply didn't care. It felt too good to care! She spread her legs and raised her hips as much as she could as the dildo continued its smooth, slow passage into her hot, steaming vagina.