The Stable Ch. 05


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James took her to the buffet of canapés. He carefully made her a plate and passed it to her. "So I take it you and the Senatorknoweach other?"

"Yes, the same way Iknowyou." Lissette tried to read his face.

"Are you uncomfortable? Do you want to leave?"

"No, if I am going to be on your arm. It just might happen again I need to accept that. Are you reconsidering your offer?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Good." She fed him one of her cheese puffs.

They made their way to the patio to enjoy the autumn air and view of Manhattan. James' hand encircled her waist, and she leaned against him.

This feels too nice. Too real. Too...

"What are you thinking?" James asked feeling her body stiffen.

"That this feels nice and too real."

"Too real?" James tightened his arm around her.

"You feel like how a real boyfriend should feel. And I feel at ease in your arms like you are really my man." Lissette spoke softly. She did not want to upset James, but she did not want to lie to him either.

"Why does that bother you?"

"You are not bothered?"

"How could I be bothered? I have a gorgeous woman in my arms. I am standing under a magnificent sky. Don't borrow troubles, Lissette. Let us just enjoy the night and deal with the rest tomorrow, alright."

"Alright, Mr. Easy-Breezy."

James smiled over her head. If only Lissette knew that playing the boyfriend tonight was doing his head in too. He really liked holding her in his arms. They swayed in silence as the band's music flowed out. Lissette excused herself to go to the ladies room before dinner was served. As she walked through the ballroom the hairs on the back of her neck rose. She turned around in a panic. Her eyes connected immediately with the blue ones pitching daggers at her.Oh fuck!She looked around for James but could not find him. She decided not to alarm him, but go about her business and ignore Brent.

In the bathroom, she retouched her lipstick and readjusted her hair.Lissette what is wrong with you. You have a handsome man hanging on your every word. You're in good company. Ignore Brent and enjoy your night. Alright? Alright.As she made her way back to James a hand came out of nowhere covered her mouth and dragged her into a small office. Brent wrapped his hand around her throat, and this time he just kept squeezing. Lissette hands flailed around trying to escape from him.

"You bitch. You are here withhim? What are you playing at, trying to move up in the world. You dirty, stinking whore. You think you're too good for me. We will see who played who. I will ruin him. I will ruin your father. I will ruin you." With that he cast her to the floor.

Lissette tried to steady her nerves, and figure a way out of this predicament. Brent towered over her. He wanted to rip that dress off of her. He wanted to hurt her. When she had controlled her sobs she tried to get up. Brent watched her struggle trying not to tear her dress. Lissette was having flashbacks of what happened in his office. She would not let him take her against her will again.

"You should stay on the ground. You wanted to be a whore well that is where whores belong." Each time she tried to get up he would push her down again. When he had had enough toying with her he stooped down, grabbed her by face and continued to assault her with a barrage of cusses and threats. She tugged her face away and he snatched it again, leaving a long red welt along her jaw line.

"Stop you psycho!" Lissette pushed at him. "Get off of me."

Brent barely moved. "Where's all that mouth Lissette? Nothing to say now? Good because I have a better use for that mouth."

"The hell you do." She clawed at him, and got him good across the cheeks.

"Whose going to stop me, sweet lips? That pansy you're here with?"

"Pansy? He's not the one beating up a woman...

"Whore not a woman, a whore!" Brent blared.

"Call me whatever you like, but the fact still remains he is more man... a better man than you will ever be." Lissette spat out at him.

At that last statement Brent backhanded her, bruising her cheek and cutting her lip. When he saw the blood begin to drip his loins became aroused. He pushed her onto her back and tried to rip the bodice of the dress. He underestimated the integrity of the dress. Brent became more enraged at being denied access to what he wanted. It gave Lissette enough space to kick him in the groin. She shimmied away as he twisted and cussed in pain. She got on to her feet, but still could not get passed him. She took her shoes off to steady her stance. Brent's breath came back him and he pursued Lissette with homicidal intent. She dodged him as best she could in the small space, but he got his hands on her again. This time he threw her up against the wall. Her head connected with such force Lissette saw stars. She tried the shake the daze off, as his hand held her neck in a vise grip.

James glanced at the door and looked at his watch. Lissette had been gone for too long. He excused himself and went to find her. He knocked on the ladies room door. When no-one answered he entered. He started to feel something was terribly wrong. He did not want to call her name to create a scene, so he started trying every door in the hall.

The door opened and Brent glanced back, before he could even utter a word James lunged at him punching him squarely in the jaw. Brent staggered back and James kept pounding at his face. Lissette covered her mouth to stifle her scream. Brent caught his balance and swung at James, connecting with his ribs. The men traded blows, and Lissette pressed herself against the wall, trying to stay out of the way.

"You are fighting me over that dirty cunt?" Brent spat at James.

"I am fighting you because you are a dick."

"Well you know how much she likes dick."

James picked Brent up and smashed him on the table. It broke and the two went down with a crash. Lissette was sure people heard the noise. She was relieved when no one came. It would have been hard to explain why they were fighting. When Lissette had had enough she braved it and stepped in-between them begging them to stop.

"Enough! Enough!"

"Why? You hate seeing your boyfriend get his ass whipped?" Brent antagonized.

James was having a hard time controlling his rage. He could see the mascara smudges on her cheeks and her bloody lip.Is that a handprint around her neck?James pushed her out of the way and bitch slapped Brent.

"Don't you ever come near her again you sick prick." James pulled Lissette out of the room, but he wanted to stay there and kick the shit out of Brent. When he had her securely in the corridor he tipped her chin up to see her neck in better light. "Shit Lissette I am so sorry. I had no idea he would come after you like that. I did not even know he was here."

Behind them came a voice that they both recognized. "What the fuck happened, Sette?"

From the way James was taking care of her he knew he was not the perpetrator. When neither responded Fleet asked again, "Wexler what is going on?"

"Nothing." They both replied.

"Bullshit. Speak now or I'll call your father."

"You wouldn't dare." Lissette leveled her eyes at Fleet.

"You know me Sette. So spill."

While James and Lissette looked at each other trying to decide how much to tell him, Brent stumbled out of the room.

"Aye it's Fletcher. Another one of your playmates, eh Lissette, here to defend thy honour?" Brent laughed cynically.

"Watch your mouth." Fleet warned him.

"Damn bitch, that pussy..."

Brent never completed his statement. Fleet decked him and threw him back into the room.

"Lissette you told me he would not come after you?"

"How was I supposed to know he would? I thought I shut it down. Why are you here anyway?"

"Look at your neck. Look at your face. You know you can't go home tonight right?" Fleet reached out and touched her bruises.

"I wasn't planning to." Lissette squeezed James' hand.

He wanted to smile, but this was not the time, especially with Fletcher looking murderously at them.Perhaps there is some truth to what Brent said.

"James could you give us a sec?" Fleet looked at Lissette's face. If he wasn't on a job he would have thrown Brent in the trunk of his car, and dealt with him somewhere more private.I'll get to that fucker.

"Sure." He left and went to call for their limo.


"Don't start. I'll be fine. Brent saw you leave the house, so he concluded that we were fucking. I denied it, but he's insistent. He's determined, but I want you to go back to your post. If he comes out screaming allegations everyone would just smell the alcohol on his breath. We'll talk tomorrow when all our heads are clearer."

"Okay, Sette. But please take care. Any hint of trouble call me."

"I promise."

Fletcher escorted her to James. The men nodded at each other in a silent agreement of protection. James wondered what their little tête-à-tête was about. Although they sat hand in hand, the limousine ride was back to Jersey was very quiet. Buzzing in their heads were questions that they were hesitant to ask. When the quiet became unbearable Lissette cracked it with a sigh.

"Let me see your face."

James turned to her. The bruising was clearly visible now. His left eye was puffy. Lissette reached into the bucket and made them ice-pack. She carefully iced their wounds. Lissette thought he looked sexy and told him so. James winced trying to laugh. His battered ribs were smarting with every breath. Despite the pain he leaned over and kissed her.

"What was that for?"

"For taking care of me."

"I feel responsible."

"Don't. This is not the first time Brent and I have scrapped."

"Why? And don't tell me it is complicated."

"Well, when we were children our families were close. Our fathers golfed together and our mother sat on the same charities. We went to the same private school. Both our fathers were in finance, but one day when we were twelve the feds raided his father's offices and he gets arrested. Needless to say, it was embarrassing for the entire family. Almost everyone they knew ostracized them. Mr. Stuggard was given a five year sentence in Club Fed for embezzlement. He only served three, but those were difficult years for them."

"So, he's pissed off because when you were children your family abandoned his in their time of trouble?"

"No, in fact it happened to the contrary. My family stood by them. Providing financial help and emotional support. One day I asked my father about it, and he said that in their business everyone's hand is dirty in someway. The only difference between himself and Mr. Stuggard is that one got caught. Somehow Brent seemed to resent me more for staying his friend. We fought in high school a few times, a few times after that. The last one was right before he opened the Vin. I offered to give him some of the seed money, and come in as an investor. Let's just say he strongly refused."

"Hmmm, I find it interesting that you wanted to own a brothel."

"That is your take away from the story." James laughed painfully. "Now you have to tell me what you did to him. One minute he is head over feet in love with you next he wants to kill you."

"In love is strong. Let's go with infatuated. He came by my house a few weeks ago and starts mouthing off about how he will do anything to have me, blah, blah, blah. So I told him he was nothing but a John, that he played himself thinking he was anything more."

"You called him a John? Woman that's like taking a stick to a hornets nest. Is that how you see me?"

"No, I never saw any of my clients as Johns. But I thought it would drive him out of my life. Instead, I guess it infuriated him beyond reason."

"Let me protect you."

"You've done so much tonight already, except the one thing you were supposed to do, feed me." Lissette needed to diffuse the tension in the car.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Something fast and delicious. Wendy's."

"Wendy's it is." James called to the driver to find the nearest Wendy's.

Lissette wolfed down her meal. One would think that after such a traumatic episode she had with Brent she would have lost her appetite. Instead she felt more ravenous. Maybe it was the adrenaline coupled with true hunger. James was not a big fast food guy, but this night deserved a bit of indulgence. Neither spoke through the mobile meal. It gave them each an opportunity to process what happened. There were still lingering questions and problems to solve. Lissette needed to stop Brent from doing whatever he had planned, because she knew he was not bluffing. James was curious about Lissette's relationship with Fletcher.

The car came to a stop outside a nondescript brick building in Jersey City. James announced that they were at his home. Lissette looked at him as if he was crazy. He laughed and told her to wait until she saw the inside. The driver opened the door and took Lissette's hand. He was shocked to see how badly bruised they both were, but made no comment. James tipped him and thanked him for his service. He let them in with his coded keypad.

Lissette walked into the renovated factory and was bowled over. Whoever the architect and interior designer were sure earned their money. The space was stunning. James offered and tour and Lissette was eager. The five storey home was warm and inviting. They did not scrimp on the marble or incredible tile work. Lissette loved the fireplaces in each room. The main hall was fitted with one so large that you could sit in it. James informed her that he had it imported from England from a castled slated for demolition. The made they way up a spiral copper staircase which led to a roof top deck. It had daybeds, a hot tub and an outdoor kitchen. A true party space. The last stop on the tour was the master bedroom. It was decorated in a southwestern theme with it's brown leather, suede, and Native American prints.

James watched as Lissette touched all the elements of the room. She moved so sensually, the gown flowing effortlessly behind her. James went to the bathroom, and put the tub to fill. When came back he found Lissette at the window looking at the Manhattan skyline. He stood behind her.

"I'm sorry the evening did not turn out as planned."

"So am I, but that is okay. A little worse for wear, but we're here together. Let's make the most of tonight."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Help me out of this dress and let's find out."

James took his time unzipping the gown. It dropped into a pool of red at her feet. His eyes travelled from the black satin strapless bra to the layer of black lycra covering the rest of her body. He burst out laughing. The pain from his ribs had subsided since he popped Vidacine when he got home.

"That looks uncomfortable."

Lissette swatted him on the shoulder. "You are laughing at the pains we women go through to make ourselves beautiful."

"Yes. You don't need that crap."

"Oh yes I do. It is added insurance that nothing jiggles around to much. Spanx saves lives."

"Do I need to cut you out of it?" James was still laughing.

"Oh forget that, I'm keeping it on. I'm keeping it all on." She gestured at her whole ensemble.

"Well you'll be uncomfortable in the bath I've drawn."

"Stop trying to get me naked."

"Woman I've wanted you naked since came down your stairs."

"Hmm. Flattery." Lissette peeled off the undergarments and followed him to the candlelit bathroom.

"Much better," James remarked seeing Lissette's naked reflection in the mirror. "Climb in."

Lissette braided and tucked her hair away and got into the hot water. She had refused the painkiller offered to her, but the scorching liquid was a balm to her sore body. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to drift somewhere serene. James watched Lissette's still expression wondering if he should abandon his plan to join her.

"Are you getting in?" she asked.

That was all the invitation he needed. James climbed in behind her and drew her back to his chest. The contact between them was intimate. Lissette could feel the rhythm on his heart, the steadiness comforted her. The dimness of the room and exhaustion in her body had Lissette drifting off against James. She was too tired to even begin examine the slippery slope she was on with James.

James' mind swirled with images of his smiling Lissette before the intrusion of Brent into their date. He did not want to make any assumptions about the potential depth of their relationship, but there was something there. Something that made his stomach tighten at the thought of losing her. He would not be satisfied having her just for the fleeting moments their lives allowed. He wanted her in his life permanently. Her gentle snore roused him from his deep thoughts. He kissed her on her neck. Lissette responded with a moan, but did not move. He kissed her again this time sucking tenderly. Her eyes fluttered open and looked up at his relaxed face.

"Time for bed, Sugar." He eased her off of him, got out and offered her his hand. She took it and stepped out dripping. James dried her in fluffy towel. She allowed him having no energy to do it herself. He patted and wiped, getting aroused with each touch. He knew she was in no position to relieve him, but his dick did not care. When he was done he led her to the bed and tucked her in under the comforter. He slipped in behind her and brought their bodies together. James erection snuggled up comfortably in the crack of Lissette's backside. Lissette sighed as she felt him.Damn this shit is too perfect.They both drifted off, slightly dreading the sunrise.

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chocolatesistachocolatesistaabout 7 years ago

Please this is damn good I've read it multiple times

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Still wondering and waiting.

I really liked this story. Please continue. I'm wondering and waiting.

bigsweets25bigsweets25over 8 years ago
the end is neede

please finish the suspense is killing me, some how i like james for lissette please dnt make me wait in vain..................Patiently waiting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Please finish Please!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
People Acting Like Brent Was a Good Person to Begin With

Honestly. Since the very beginning Brent was a massive fucking creeper. He harassed her on the street in his car, followed her into the library bathroom and fucked her like a cheap whore, was aggressive - hell, fucking borderline abusive then - and was an indecisive, emotionally unstable dickwad! How the fuck did it seem like a good idea for Lissette to end up with him? For fuck's sake, he stalked and raped her before even officially hit her, and there was supposed to be a relationship between the two? A non-abusive one that was endgame? Fuck all that.

James's character was desperately needed to add some kind of real affection in her life. Fleet's plotline with her seems kind of unnecessary, but we have yet to see how that plays out.

And honestly, people are getting so angry at the fact she had a lot of sex for no reason. Like, why? Having lots of sex doesn't make a girl unworthy of love and a decent fucking relationship.

Anyways, I'm done. It's been years since you updated, but I'm waiting on it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Oh come on, please finish it....

MadameblaqueMadameblaqueover 9 years ago

Please finish this story. It is so good!! Does Lissette end up with james or crazy Brent?

chocolatesistachocolatesistaabout 10 years ago
this shit is too perfect

Please continue I love this story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I was watching NCIS;LA in the background while reading this and you described James and I looked up and Agent Callan was being all hot.......nice coincidence. Yeah, he could grow taller.... Love the story. Please keep writing, I am really enjoying this. I like Lissette, I am tired of apologetic women. She isn't one and I like her for that. Well done......I am enjoying this.......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You got me!

To be honest, I didn't think I would like this series. But in 90 minutes I became hooked. I'm kinda in love with James, iffy about Fleet ( but kinda like him) and seriously disappointed in Brent... He was hot and cute but now he is an abusive psycho.

As for Sette.... I'm so mixed on her. I like her, but then she has all these men.... IDK. YOU ARE OUTDOING YOURSELF! Looking forward to the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I'm loving all the twist and turns of this story.... But I would love to know how sette and fleet hooked up that could be and awesome story


mimi186mimi186almost 11 years ago
I'm undecided

I liked Lissette and Brent, but when he became really violent that obviously made me want her to not be with Brent. But I'm not convinced with Lissette and James, I'm just not seeing it. I'll read more when it's posted but I'm really not sure if I'm liking this story now. I'm sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You are talented

You can really write! I love this story. People always want the girl to be with the bad guy, the character you created with Brent was all wrong for the Character of Lissette. James is perfect because he is what her bruised psyche needs. Tender love and care.

TooMuchEnnuiTooMuchEnnuialmost 11 years ago

This confuses me. I really want to like Lisette, I'm trying to find redeeming qualities in her character, but I can't!!! Not one! Smh, and don't get me started on the men in this story, they're honestly depicted as pigs and I also cannot find anything redeemable about them. While it's discouraging, I'm gonna stick it out and try and see where this may lead because I really liked the start!! I just don't see where you're going with this..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

You lost me as a reader when you turned Lissette into a victim! why??? Her and Brent would have been a great albeit unconventional story but now he`s an abuser so thats pretty much shot. Lissette the nympho prostitute and James the gross rich guy who she leases her pussy in exchange for taking care of her. oh and dont forget he heroically saves her from getting beat up by her ex-pimp Brent.... smhhh and to think I was excited for this update, I`m done with this story.

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