The Stand-In Girlfriend Ch. 14-15


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"Excuse me a moment Spencer," Evelyn said. "I need to speak with Martin.

"Alright," Spencer said, "I'll watching and waiting for you."

"What does he mean, he'll be watching and waiting for you?" Martin asked as he and Evelyn moved away from Spencer. "I know you told him I'm your man."

"Why would I tell him a lie like that Martin?" Evelyn replied. "You haven't been my man since the first day we started seeing each other."

"Don't take that attitude with me, Evelyn," Martin said. "You knew that I wasn't looking for a serious commitment when we started dating. I told you that."

"Yes, you did," Evelyn said, "and like many women before me thought I could change your mind and get you to fall in love with me. For some stupid reason I thought I found a man that was worth the effort."

"What do you mean "was" worth the effort?" Martin asked. "You know that you and I have a unique relationship and I'm just sowing my oats and the moment I'm ready to settle down you're my girl."

"And you expect me to be faithful to you while you "sow your oats?" Evelyn asked.

"I'm a man baby," Martin said. "That's the way it works. We men get our wildness out and the women we love waits patiently for our return knowing that we're ready to settle down because we've done it all and we'll be faithful to our wives."

Evelyn started laughing. "I know your father didn't teach you no shit like that," she said. "because your mother wouldn't have put up with that."

"No, my father didn't teach me that," Martin said, "but the person who did teach it to me told me it was the reason why his marriage lasted so long and was going so strong."

"Who fed you that load of bull?" Evelyn asked.

"Your Uncle Walter," Martin said.

"You listened to my Uncle Walter?" Evelyn said.

"Yes," Martin said. "He and your Aunt have been together for over thirty years. So I know he knows what he's talking about."

"My Uncle Walter is gay, Martin," Evelyn said as she tried to keep herself from laughing out loud. "and he's never been married. The woman you've seen him with is a friend of his that he brings over whenever he visit's the family trying to keep the fact that he's gay a secret. But everyone knows that he has no interest in women. The family has known for almost twenty years that he's gay. We haven't told him because we want him to tell us when he's ready to let us know."

"You're lying," Martin said shocked by what he was hearing.

"Why would I lie to you about something like that?" Evelyn asked. "How long have you been taking advice from my Uncle Walter?"

"Come on lets go somewhere and talk," Martin said ignoring her question.

"No," Evelyn said. "We're no longer a couple. I'm tired of you and your trifling ways and I refuse to deal with them any longer. You go sow your wild oats and continue taking dating tips from gay a man. I'll be looking for me a man that wants the same thing I want, a real relationship."

"And you think you're going to find it with Ashton's brother?" Martin asked.

"I don't know what I'm going to find with Spencer," Evelyn said, "but I'm going to have a hell of a time finding out. Just like you did with Katrina."

Martin had been busted. "How did you know about her?" he asked.

"I went to the mall to do some shopping," Evelyn said, "and I saw a skank and a louse together. I got the message then and I decided I deserved better and I'm going to look for it. Later Martin. Hm, hm, hm taking dating advice about how to treat a woman from a gay man."

Evelyn chuckled as she left Martin standing in the garden and went back inside where Spencer appeared by her side the moment she walked into the into the garden.


"Where're we going?" Chevonne asked Ashton as he pulled her down onto his lap after they boarded a private plane and the pilot said it was safe for them to unbuckle their seatbelts.

"Ireland," Ashton said kissing her on her neck.

"Ireland," Chevonne said getting excited. "I've never been to Ireland before.

"You're going to love it," Ashton said getting up and taking her by the hand and leading her to the back of the plane. "I reserved a private castle for us."

"A castle," Chevonne said not believing him. "You're kidding."

"Nope," Ashton said, "we'll have it all to ourselves. it's my wedding present to you. My way of making up for the way I brought you to London."

"Where are you taking me?" Chevonne asked when they stopped at a door.

"I have another present I want to give you," Ashton said opening the door.

Chevonne was surprised to see that it was a bedroom.

"We can't do that here," Chevonne said her voice just above a whisper. "Someone might come back here."

"This is a private plane, Chevonne," Ashton said, "no one is on this plane but you, me, a flight attendant, the pilot and the co-pilot and they've been instructed that they're not to come back here unless they're called for. I assure you the crew is very good at following instructions."

Ashton picked Chevonne up and carried her over the threshold, over to the bed and gently laid her down onto the bed.

He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Do you know what my present to you is going to be?" he asked slowly untying his tie.

"What?" Chevonne asked her body beginning to warm as she watched her husband slowly remove his tie.

"You're going to become a member of the Mile High Club your first time out," Ashton said tossing his tie aside, leaning over to place a kiss on Chevonne's lips.

"You are so crazy," Chevonne said leaning up to anxiously accept Ashton's kiss. "But I don't think you're going to be able to do what you want to do.

"Why not?" Ashton asked. "Please don't tell me you've started your cycle."

"No," Chevonne said hitting him lightly on his chest, "but we did forget something."

"What?" Ashton asked a worried look on his face.

"We forgot to stop by Fort Knox to pick up my coochie," Chevonne said.

Ashton fell onto the bed covered his mouth and started laughing.

"You're going to pay for that," he said to

Chevonne rolling over on top of her.

"You've got to be gentle with me," Chevonne cooed. "Don't forget I'm a newbie."

"I'm going to be very gentle with you," Ashton said as he kissed her gently on the lips. "I don't want your first time to be something you regret. I want it to be something we'll both talk about for years to come.'

"Oh, really now," Chevonne said arching her neck giving Ashton better access as he placed butterfly kisses everywhere his lips touched.

"Yes, really," Ashton replied kissing her lips as he unbutton her blouse. "You know undressing you is like unwrapping a present."

"You are getting something that's never been used," Chevonne remarked.

"And you're getting something that has been trained to please you in every way," Ashton said.

"I thought he was only as good as the man guiding him," Chevonne said.

"Oh, is that what you heard?" Ashton said liking his wife's playful banter.

"Yes, that is what I've heard," Chevonne said.

"Are you going to tell me it isn't true."

"I'm not going to tell you that," Ashton said amazed at how Chevonne's playfulness was turning him on. "I know that he's only as good as his handler."

"And are you a good handler Ashton?" Chevonne teased slipping her blouse off and easing her bra straps off her shoulder.

"Oh, yes," Ashton said leaning over and giving Chevonne a passionate kiss, "I'm a very good handler."

"Well, I'm ready to be handled," Chevonne said reaching down and running her hand over the front of his pants.

"Are you sure you're a virgin?" Ashton asked arching and eyebrow.

"Yes," Chevonne said unbuttoning his pants and slowly lowering the zipper. "I've been waiting for years to find out what it's going to feel like to have a man that loves me make love to me. So forgive me if I'm a little anxious."

"I like you being anxious," Ashton said feeling his body heat up as Chevonne slowly lowered his pants down his hips. "Your being anxious for me makes me anxious for you. Very, very anxious for you," he said as he eased her bra down revealing her breasts to him.

"Are you going to kiss them or take a picture," Chevonne teased rubbing her breasts, then pushing them together and up towards Ashton, enjoying the passion that appeared in his eyes as he looked at her.

"I love a bossy woman," Ashton said leaning over and kissing her nipples enjoying the way they seemed to perk up as he did so.

"Oh, baby," Chevonne moaned taking in a breath, "You're only kissing my nipples and you're making me tingle all over."

"How does this make you feel?" Ashton asked taking one of her nipples into his mouth and grazing it with his teeth.

"Oh, my goodness," Chevonne hissed almost jumping off the bed reacting to what Ashton had done. "I didn't know you were into torture."

"I wouldn't torture you baby," Ashton said his hand slipping under her skirt, into her panties into her womanhood smiling at the wetness that soaked his fingers. "You're wet."

"It's your fault," Chevonne said.

"I know," Ashton said slipping her panties down her legs, over her shoes tossing them aside to join his tie down on the floor. "I want to completely unwrap my gift," Ashton said as he took off all of Chevonne's clothes leaving her totally nude before him.

All the air seemed to leave Ashton's body as he looked down at the chocolate goddess that laid before him. She was perfect. Her skin was smooth and soft, her firm breast seemed to call out for his touch. Her small waist and beautiful hips made the gift even more tempting.

"Like what you see?" Chevonne asked as his eyes roamed up and down her body.

"What does this tell you?" Ashton asked tearing off all of his clothes throwing them down on the floor with Chevonne's, standing before his wife in all of his naked glory letting her get her fill."

"Like what you see?" he asked running his hand down his tight abs bringing Chevonne's attention to his erection gripping it tightly, then stroking it.

Chevonne couldn't take her eyes off her husband. The man was built like a Greek god. His chest was wide and rippled and her fingers itched to touch him and run her fingers over his body to see if it was has hard as it looked.

She took in every inch of him and the only thing she could think was he's all mine. Her eyes continue down until they came to rest on his erect, hard, eight and half inch penis. She swallowed loud and hard.

"You're not afraid are you?" Ashton asked slowly approaching her still stroking himself. "My little wild, cocky woman isn't going to disappear on me now is she?"

Chevonne didn't speak her eyes still trained on the pole coming out of his center wondering what was she going to do with it.

"Touch me," Ashton ordered stopping in front of her.

"What!" Chevonne almost screamed.

"Touch me."

"I don't know," Chevonne said looking at his cock as if it was a wild animal ready to attack her.


Touch me," Ashton said his voice more insistent this time.

Chevonne raised her hand up and slowly wrapped it around Ashton's penis. When he moaned at her touch she pulled her hand away thinking she had hurt him.

"I'm alright," Ashton assured her. "I moaned because the way your body jumped when I gave you a little nip on your breast, your hand did the same thing to my body when you touched me."

"I have that much power?" Chevonne asked her voice filled with awe.

"Yes," Ashton replied. "Because I have that much love and need for you. Touch me again."

Chevonne wrapped her hand around him again and again Ashton moaned.

"That feels so good Chevonne. I love your hands on my body. Now without removing your hand come up here and kiss me.

Chevonne came up on her knees leaned over and kissed Ashton. As she did Ashton's hands went around her waist, slid down to her bottom and he held a cheek in each hand making Chevonne moan.

"I love when you touch me," she said.

"What about when I do this?" he asked as he lowered his lips down to her ribs, kissing them moving slowly down to her stomach, as his hands moved down and covered her core.

His touch sent a tremble through Chevonne's body causing her to tighten her hold on him and a hiss to escape her lips.

"You're dripping," Ashton said. "That means you're ready for me."

Chevonne froze.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Ashton said assuring her. "I'm going to take good care of you, Chevonne," he said moving back up her body, kissing her neck as his hands continued roaming all over her body. "Trust me."

"I do trust you," Chevonne said. "I'm just nervous."

"Trust me to make our first time together good for both of us," Ashton said slipping a finger into her channel causing her to tighten around his finger, throw her head back, arching her breast pushing them towards him.

"Ah, baby you're so tight," Ashton said leaning over to kiss her breasts. "I can't wait until I'm buried deep inside of you so you can hug my cock like that."

Ashton slipped another finger into her. Chevonne's moan grew louder.

"Relax baby," Ashton said as he began to slide his fingers in and out of her core. "You'll enjoy our love making much more if you don't tense up, just enjoy what I'm doing to you. Just relax and let the waves of passion you feel care you wherever they want to take you."

Chevonne did as her, husband instructed and let the waves of passion take her wherever they wanted to. Ashton slipped in another finger and sped up the movement of his fingers.

Chevonne felt the waves began to grow bigger and suddenly his fingers weren't enough to fill her.

She wanted them to go deeper into her, so she could ride them and they could put out the fire building inside her.

"I need something more Ashton," she said her voice almost pleading. "I need something more."

"I've got what you need," Ashton said removing his fingers and laying Chevonne down on the bed and positioning himself between her legs. "Open your eyes Chevonne," he demanded.

Chevonne opened her eyes.

Ashton leaned over and kissed her. "I can't do anything about the pain you're going to feel," he said, "if I could I would take it for you."

"I know," Chevonne said. "Just don't go slow."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, she hissed."

Ashton leaned over and brought his lips down upon Chevonne's. He kissed her hoping she felt all the love and passion he felt for her and she kissed him returning all the love and passion she felt for him.

As he kissed her Ashton eased his penis into her core. She was wet, tight and warm making him want to dive into her but he didn't want to hurt her.

So he eased himself into her as far as he could until he came to her hymen, then he wrapped his arms around her and thrust forward filling her completely.

Chevonne gasped and a tear formed in the corner of her eye, she closed her eyes and the tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry," Ashton said kissing the tear away.

"I'm fine," Chevonne bringing her hand up to stroke his cheek assuring him.

They laid on the bed staring at each other taking in the contours and uniqueness of the other's face as if they were seeing each other for the first time.

"You're so beautiful," they said in unison.

"You feel sooooo good," Chevonne said tightening herself around him.

"You keep that up you're going to end this before we get started," Ashton said.

"You better get a move on then," Chevonne said.

Ashton smile cocky woman was back.

"You think you're ready to handle this?"

"I'm more than ready," Chevonne said giving him another squeeze as she rotated her hips against him.

Ashton put a hump in his back and pushed forward,

"You still think you're more than ready," he asked

after hearing her gasp.

"Do that again," Chevonne said.

Ashton did it again.

Chevonne tightened herself around him making him moan. "Chevonne you're cheating."

"No, I'm not," Chevonne said. "I'm going for my first orgasm."

"I'm not ready," Ashton said.

"Your body says you're lying," Chevonne said squeezing him again.

"You're going to pay for that," Ashton said as he gave in to the wave of passion washing over him sped up his movements."

"I'll pay as long as you promise not to stop," Chevonne said her teeth clenched toghether, increasing her own movements and gripping Ashton's penis with her vagina each time he thrust forward. "You feel soooooooo good."

"Only because you're driving me crazy," Ashton said pushing his erection into her as far as he could. "Damn woman you're good at this. Keep squeezing me. I love it when you do that."

"You keep filling me like you do and I'll keep squeezing," Chevonne a shiver running through her body as Ashton's manhood rubbed against the walls of her channel.

They both became lost in their love making as they tried to climb to the top of the mountain of passion standing between them and the reward they knew was waiting for them on the other side.

"I want to let go Ashton," Chevonne said her voice coming out in short pants the urge to give in to her orgasm overwhelming her. "I want to let go."

"Let go baby," Ashton told her, "I'm right there with you."

As they both fell over the top of the mountain together Chevonne buried her face in Ashton's neck and screamed her release hoping the flight crew didn't hear her.

Ashton not caring who heard him making love to his wife shouted words of love telling her how good it felt to be inside of her, as his orgasm flowed through his body and filled Chevonne's channel.

"You little minx," Ashton said as he rolled them over so that Chevonne was on top so that he didn't crush her with his weight.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chevonne asked innocently.

"You know you didn't," Ashton said giving her a pat on her bottom. "You made me lose control."

"Was that a bad thing?" Chevonne asked smiling innocently.

"No," Ashton said kissing her. "It wasn't a bad thing at all. I'm going to call the captain and find out how long before we land. We might have time for another go round."

Ashton picked up the phone and called the captain. As he hung it up he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Chevonne asked.

"We've been on the ground for ten minutes," Ashton said.

"You're kidding," Chevonne said. "Why didn't someone tell us?"

"The captain said he didn't want to disturb us in case we were busy," Ashton said.

"I'm never going to live this down," Chevonne said pulling a pillow over her face."

"You have nothing to be ashamed of," Ashton said. "There's nothing wrong with shagging your husband. I'm just sorry I didn't keep my promise about making you a member of the mile high club your first time out."

"You'll just have to make it up to me on the flight home," Chevonne said pulling his face towards her's for a kiss.

"I'll definitely give it my best effort," Ashton said. "I'll give it my best effort."

"I love you, Mr. Bishop," Chevonne said.

"I love you too, Mrs. Bishop," Ashton replied.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Surprised! Loved it

I opened this story hoping for something erotic to read and enjoy ;) but I what I found was a love story that is absolutely amazing! Publish this in an actual book, Iā€™d buy it!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Love it

I love this story! The details was amazing. I felt like I was apart of the story. šŸ˜šŸ˜

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
good read, loved this story.

Your story is truly one of the best that I have ever read on here. I could not stop laughing at the fact , Martin was taking the wrong advice on how to treat women, from a gay man, not that there's anything wrong with it but it's the wrong advice. Shaking my head, sad he lost out on the best thing that ever happened to him. Am happy for Aston&Cheyenne for realize how much they love each other and to Cheyenne for her forgiveness. An that bitch katrina she got exactly what her racist ass deserves.

Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago

Maybe a story with his brother & her friend

Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago
Another good one

This is another good story. Keep writing more I would love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

what happened to martin and evelyn i would love to hear about them.

mrskelleymrskelleyover 10 years ago
Love it!!!!

I love it on sweetest taboo, and I love it here. Will you be writing more stories?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good Fun Read

Awesomely humorous. The parents made this story w/out them it wouldn't work. Not enough happening between Ashton & Chevonne. Their relationship could've been explored more. We didn't really get to experience them falling in love. One minute they hate each other, then we had the guilt & confusion and then all of the sudden they love each other. So ok that part could've used come work. But it was great fun & good chemistry w/all the characters. You could even do a spin off or two if you like because the supporting cast really worked. I too am glad you finished this one. That seems to be the readers only petpeeve w/Mspat. But she sure has fans and can count me as one. Thank you for a fun afternoon.

roseloveroselovealmost 11 years ago

more!! i want more!! lol great ending. are you going to update your other stories also.i hav fell in love with every single one and thats rear for me cuz there just one story thats always like WHAT. keep up the good work

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 11 years ago
Thank you!!

Mspat I loved this story and I wanted to thank you for completing the story. I am so glad that the evil Katrina didn't win and had to go back to States with her tail tucked between her legs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Thankyou so much mspat

For a quick completed story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
good ending

although it should be in the romance category

jazira55jazira55almost 11 years ago

Perfection from beginning to end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Just divine.

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