The Succubus Con


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Niko turns to Jasmine and says, "You're the expert on succubi, what the hell does that mean?"

"I don't know. Everything I read was fiction. Except for the descriptions of what they look like and the part about them feeding on human sexual energy, which is a total misrepresentation of what they actually do, the rest is complete fiction." The mahogany skinned woman explains.

Bill interjects... "I think we'll be okay." After which Sara demands... "What in God's name makes you say that? Didn't you hear her tell us to enjoy our last few hours on this planet. It must mean something, they didn't even switch your living-room back the way it was before they left?"

Bill corrects her. "Actually, what she said was 'Enjoy the next twenty-four hours on this planet as mortals, they shall be your last.' That's not the same thing."

Niko says, with a look of confusion on her face, "I don't get it."

Jasmine realizes what Bill is suggesting and smiles.

"I think I do and if he's right, none of us have anything to worry about."

Sara thinks she understands what Bill was implying and indicates as much by saying... "Oh! Now I get it!"

Chapter Six -- The Transformation

After the ominous announcement from Jezebel about them enjoying their last twenty-four hours on Earth as mortals, Sara, Niko and Bill decide to spend the remaining time they have together and enjoy each other's company just in case they are wrong about how things are going to turn out for them.

When they return to his apartment later after a night of clubbing and find the living-room still as empty as it was when they left, they know something is going to happen... just not what.

Bored and in needing of a little relaxation, everyone follows Bill to his office and flops down on the couch there while Bill himself sits in front of his computer and starts typing.

"Mind if I turn on the Television?" asks Niko, assuming what he is doing is work related.

Bill nods and says, "No, go ahead. I can put on my headset."

Niko picks up the television's remote control and presses the power button and after the picture comes on the screen Jasmine taps him on the shoulder and yells to him. "Hey! What gives? You didn't tell me you recorded us!"

Bill looks at the TV and is just as stunned as the rest of them when he sees what she is talking about. After removing his headset, he replies, "I didn't."

"Well then, how do you explain this, Bill?" Asks Sara. "That's a video of what happened in your living-room last night."

Jasmine insists, "Let me see that remote!"

Niko hands the remote to Jasmine who uses it to switch to the next channel up. The screen displays the events which occurred in her bedroom two weeks prior with the succubi before Sara arrived. Jasmine changes the channel up again. This time the TV displays what the succubi did to Bill in his hotel room during his trip to Atlanta. She changes the channel once more and Jasmine see something she doesn't even remember happening in her dorm room while she was in college twenty years ago and Bill exclaims, "There's no way I could have recorded that!"

"Sorry I accused you of spying on us Bill." Says Jasmine apologetically. "I guess they've been visiting us for a long time."

Bill, seemingly unconcerned, goes back to what he is doing.

Curiosity gets the best of Jasmine and she asks him, "Whatcha doin Honey?" to which he responds, "I'm going to write down everything that occurred the last three weeks so someone will know what happened to us in case we disappear. Then I'm going to set up a scheduled task which will automatically post it all over the Internet in the event we're not here to stop it."

He resumes what he is doing and two hours later, after he is finished, Bill turns around to find all three women staring at the television screen as if in a trance and the last thing he remembers is glancing over at the television to see what they are looking at.

When she awakens, the first thing Sara notices is the feeling of being weightless; the second thing is being in the midst of having the most powerful orgasm of her life. Her torso is wrapped in Jezebel's arms, and the rest of her body is cocooned in the succubus's wings. Jezebels forked tail is split down its center in two pieces. One end of the succubus's tail is sticking far inside Sara's bowels and the other is deep within her pussy.

The piece of the succubus's tail in her ass is moving slowly in and out in a pumping motion and gushing some sort of thick gooey liquid into her bowels while the part of its tail in her pussy is fucking Sara and sucking something out of her body at the same time it fucks her. Jezebel's tongue is in Sara's mouth and Sara is aware that the continuous orgasm she is experiencing is neither diminishing in any way nor seems remotely close to ending.

It takes all Sara's willpower to do something as simple as glance around and look for the others but she does and locates Jasmine to her right, floating in the air cocooned by Harlot's and Niko suspended above the floor to her left cocooned by Mary.

Between rapturous orgasmic spasms Sara glances over Jezebel's shoulder and finds Bill floating cocooned by Lilith but in a different fashion than herself, Jasmine and Niko.

Lilith's arms and legs are wrapped around Bill and her tail, which is undivided, is between both their legs and pumping ever so slowly into and out of Bill's ass. Her wings are spread wide and the way the succubus's body is moving tells Sara that Lilith is fucking his dick with her pussy. Sara deduces the succubus's pussy is draining his cock of fluids as she fucks him.

Between orgasmic spasms, Sara realizes the humans are each experiencing the particular way that succubi reproduce.

Bodily fluids, Sara determines, are sucked out one hole, altered and pumped back in the other. In Sara, Jasmine's and Niko's case, the succubi are using one-half of their tails to drain the women's orgasmic juices from their pussies, and injecting the modified DNA deep into their bowels with the other half their tails.

Lilith, Sara deduces, is effectively doing the same thing to Bill by using her pussy to fuck semen from his dick and her tail to inject the modified DNA into him through his rectum.

The process of transformation Sara learns takes about two hours two complete and when it is done Sara, Jasmine, Niko and Bill are released and float to the floor of their own acord.

Jezebel says to Bill, "Come with us brother and we will teach you how to feed." after which she, Harlot and Mary and Bill disappear and Sara never sees him again.

Lilith remains and produces a full length mirror in the middle for the remaining former humans to examine themselves so they can see what they have become, which they do.

Each woman has grown leathery wings, horns and a tail the colors of which are slightly darker than their own skin. All have voluptuous, full figured otherworldly bodies and faces so beautiful as to be beyond human compare. The new succubi are unaware at the time, but learn later, that their bodies are each emitting pheromones so powerful they are capable of producing sexual arousal from the most sexually repressed people.

Sara, after seeing her new form in the mirror, is the first to talk... "I like it!" she confesses.

"Me too!" agrees Jasmine.

"I'm horn-gry!" insists Niko.

Sara and Jasmine laugh when they hear this.

"Well how else would you say it? I'm horny and hungry at the same time. Can you think of a better word to describe it?"

Lilith, who has remained silent, replies. "I suppose that's as good a word as any."

"So now what happens?" Asks Jasmine, feeling the horn-gryness sink in for the first time.

Lilith answers, "I will teach you the Rules of The Hunt and how to feed as my sisters did me and yours are doing William. He will Hunt with them until he has learned enough to either go out by himself or chooses a cauldron of his own. The rules of The Hunt are as follows and must never be broken:

First, no matter how great the hunger and temptation to do so, never feed from the unwilling.

Second, never feed from the seriously ill for to do so would endanger their lives.

Third, never feed from someone too young or feeble minded to understand what is happening.

Lastly, never let your names or the names of our kind be stolen or misused; they are our legacy and all we have that remains of our former lives.

Now let us go hunt sisters, we all need to feed and you must learn to survive."

Chapter Seven -- Here We Go Again...

When viewed from space, the transparent Aluminum-Oxynitride canopy covering a 500 meter wide meteor crater located West of Meridiani Planium on the equator of Mars appears to be a giant silver metal disc on the planet's surface. It is in actually the protective covering for Colony City which lies inside a crater.

Colony City, named so because it was the site for the first colony on Mars known then as Colony One, is comprised of nine circular domes. At its center is a large 200 meter diameter dome surrounded by eight smaller 100 meter domes. The smaller domes are all equal distance apart.

The year is 2473 and the original colonies, of which there were four, have evolved into small Martian cities and there are four more under construction.

When, during the last great global depression on Earth, which was one-hundred and fifty years after colonization began, the governments of Earth decided supporting the colonies to be too great a cost to bare, the colonist were given the choice to return home or gain their independence and remain on Mars. Most people living there chose to stay and today Mars is ruled by their descendants.

The rulers of Earth expected the colonists to fail and all die off when the resources from Earth stopped arriving.

History tells us the Earth men underestimated the ingenuity of Mars inhabitants and their ability to adapt to the planet's environment. As a result, the exact opposite occurred and the colonist not only survived but thrived.

Planing and forethought were the key to survival on Mars and its cities quickly evolved into a collection of well organized, self-contained structures called Domes.

Each Dome, be it large or small, is completely self sufficient and triple reduncy is everywhere and in everything on Mars.

The Domes in Colony City are divided into three above ground levels and nine subterranean levels. Each level is further divided into four quadrants which surround a central bank of four elevators running from the upper most level above ground to the bottom most subterranean level.

Located in the middle the elevators is an emergency ladder also running from the highest most level to the lowest level.

The Tech Worker's co-op apartment structure is located in Dome Four on level ten.

Because space inside the Domes is premium, the apartments are shared by four people.

The inhabitants of apartment 10-4; 10 being the level and 4 being the quadrant are Nina Jackson, Gabriela 'Gabby' Lopez, Bi Mi and Porter Burns.

Nina, Gabriela and Bi are women. Porter is a man. Nina is ebony of mixed African-Caucasian ancestry; Gabriela is light brown skinned and of Hispanic ancestory; Bi is Chinese and Porter is Caucasian of Northern European ancestory.

Nina works for the System Archive Services and is one of several million people employed on both Earth and Mars currently responsible for converting data from the old Earth's Internet migrating onto the new inter-planetary network nicknamed Internet 5.0.

Gabriela is employed by Mar's BioTech, a division of the Martian Science Administration responsible for research and development of new technologies for both domestic (Martian) use and foreign (Earth-side) export.

Bi Mi, (pronounced Bi Me), works for Health Services in the Social Services Center.

Porter is employed as a construction engineer by the Agriculture Administration which is responsible for food production and environmental reclamation. He assembles and tests the machines used to grow the food which feeds Mar's inhabitants and grows the plants which produces their air.

Nina, Gabriela and Bi are sitting at the dining nook, which consists of a folding table and two benches mounted on one wall of their apartment, eating their evening rations when Bi says to the others excitedly, "I just heard from Porter he said he'll be back Monday." Monday is a week from the day this conversation takes place.

"How long's he been gone?" Inquires Gabby.

Bi replies, "Six months, two weeks and three days... exactly and he wants to go to the Social Center as soon as he gets back and has had a chance to rest."

The Social Center which is basically a swinger's bar, is located in Dome One, the central and largest dome in the city. The Martian government both operates and encourages its use because studies have shown it to be the most effective method of population control, something critical to survival on Mars.

"Didn't he get enough while he was away?" Wonders Gabby aloud.

Bi responds, "Nope. Porter told me the ratio of men to women on the construction crews were ten to one and half the women were lesbians so a lot of guys have to go without. He was one of them and before you ask, I checked his most recent medical exam. The F.C.P. (Fertility Control Program) in his nanites haven't been activated since he left."

Nina suggests, "Poor guy. He must be horny as hell."

Bi adds, "You don't know the half of it. Porter told me he's been having erotic dreams every night since leaving in which four aliens come to him while he's asleep and 'edge' him all night long."

Nina asks, "Did he tell you what they look like?

Bi tells her, "He did better than that; Porter sent me a copy of an illustration he made of them." and shows them it on her personal communicator.

"That's some strange imagination he has." Says Gabby after looking at the image.

The aliens are all full-figured naked females with large leathery wings. Each have horns protruding from their temples and long pointy tails. The tallest has dark red skin and hair, the second is ebony and has a black afro, the third is Caucasian and has light-brown hair and the forth is Asian and has straight black hair.

Nina surmises, "If I didn't know better, I'd swear he's gotten access to the stories on Literotica2100. Since I know that's impossible, the only logical explanation is that he's fantasizing about us."

"Literotica2100, what's that?" Asks Gabby.

Nina explains, "Remember my telling you the project I'm currently working on involves converting old Earth Internet Archives to the new Internet 5.0 format?"

Gabby nods affirmatively and Nina continues... "The data is currently offline and won't be made public until conversion is complete. I'm converting a site that went by the name Literotica 2100. It was what they called back then an adult story site. People used to post erotic fiction of all kinds for others to read. One of the stories I came across was about this group of humans, a man and his three female friends, that have an encounter with four female aliens creatures referred to in the story as succubi and Porter's illustration matches up exactly with the way they were described in the story."

"Okay, admittedly that some coincidence. Now explain why you think he's fantasizing about us. He didn't illustrate their faces." Inquires Gabby.

Nina explains, "He didn't have to. The Asian alien is obviously Bi; the Caucasian alien is you and I'm the brown skinned one with black hair."

Bi wonders aloud, "What about the one with the red skin? Who is she supposed to be?"

Nina replies, "I don't know. If I had to guess, I'd say that tall redhead in Health Care Services."

Bi asks, "Okay, suppose for the sake of argument he is fantasizing about us, what do you think we should do about it?"

Nina says excitedly, "Make his dream come true and give him what he's been fantasizing about."

Bi smiles and asks, "Are you suggesting we dress up like those succubi alien creatures he illustrated and fuck him?"

Nina answers enthusiastically, "Yup, and don't ask me how we're going to do it. That's Gabby's area of expertise; she's the one with connections in the Science Administration. I'm not even sure if it can be done."

"It can alright. I've got a friend downstairs in Nano-Research who owes me a favor. She can grow the wings, tails and horns out of nanobots for us and program them so all we'll have to do is stick them on. She can even provide us with nanobots to make our breasts larger, widen our hips, change the pigment of our skin, modify our hair to any length and style we like and produce sex pheromones on demand. I can get her to program the tail and wings so that they will be able to move at our command if we want."

Nina inquires, "What do we do with the nanobots afterwards?"

"That's the best part. All we have to do is give them a purge command instructing them to vacate our bodies and return to the containers they came in. Once there, they'll remain dormant until the next time. Just send me a copy of his illustration and I'll do the rest." Replies Gabby.

Bi looks at her. "What do you mean next time? Are you planning to use them more than once?"

"Maybe?" Answers Gabby mysteriously.

Two days later three large metal cylindrical containers containing nanobots are delivered to the lady's apartment and tested.

Porter arrives home on schedule and indenting to rest up before going to the Social Center later that night, immediately goes to his bedroom where he collapses and falls asleep.

He is awakened three hours later by multiple thunder claps. The room is dark and fog filled. As the lights come one, the rooms air recycling system immediately begins sucking the excess moisture from the air revealing the three women standing around him. At the foot of his bed is Gabby, to his left Bi and his right Nina, each disguised as succubi. The costumes are so convincing he doesn't even recognize the women for who they are.

Gabby is the first to speak...

"My name is Isabella Sara Garcia. These are my sisters Jasmine Naomi Wylde and Niko Tanaka. We are here to feed upon your sexual energy human. Prepare to be lustified and..." At that point she is interrupted by a voice saying... "Here we go again sisters." After which the real Isabella Sara Garcia, Jasmine Naomi Wylde and Niko Tanaka appear along with their mentor Lilith Seductor Daemonium and another story begins...

The End?

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Blank97Blank97about 1 year ago

A really great ending to a really great story. I wouldn't mind a sequel but it feels complete even without one.

Side note: During the circle of Sara Jasmine Niko you wrote first that Jasmine's head was under Sara's legs but it should be Niko's legs as you wrote later that Jasmine started eating out Niko.

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