The Twins, Revisited Ch. 22


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"I'll take it in trade, if you're short on cash."

"Hey now, I'd like to trade a little something too! You two aren't leaving without me." Arlene added, jumping into the conversation.

Ipanema Beach wasn't the same after we departed. Bartenders dropped cocktail shakers; grown men, young and old, had sudden problems with hiding erect cocks; and several women seemed preoccupied with assessing their bodies while sighing heavily, when the twins rose to exit the pool. All of which was unavoidable.

Sexually charged water droplets fell from the twins, as I slowly wrapped them both in their hotel robes. It had to be excruciating for the on-lookers. Grinning, mostly for my own amusement, I felt my own penis thicken as I finished the robbing. I patted dry while the girls wrapped their wet heads and after two small butt pats we walked off. Well, I walked -- the girls wiggled and jiggled.

As we approached the elevator my phone went off. The ID told me it was a Rio call and I knew instantly the room it was coming from.

"Hello -- Mom, hey how are you?"

"Wow, I can only imagine! You did huh? Well...I lied actually, we are here, yes."

The twins stood at my side, straining to hear the conversation, jumping up and down excitedly. They begged, in whispers, for me to drop the phone some so they could hear. The elevator door opened and we stepped in. I put the phone on speaker, after the door closed.

"...Your father and Roy haven't said a word since they saw it. I -- I'm not sure what to say either. Barry? Are you there?" My mother was commenting when the phone went to speaker.

"Hi mom!" The twins blurted out, giggling.

"Mandy? Arelene? Oh God Barry, are they listening too?"

"Yeah, we don't have too many secrets any more." I stated and listened to the drawn out silence.

"Jesus, we are so sorry. We went too far but, you know that. We never intended to hurt any of you. We, we were just..." My mother began babbling.

"Yeah we know. We wanted you all to know that we know. You guys are really into sex, my God! Oh, and thank you. I mean if it wasn't for you four we wouldn't have known how fun it is!" I broke in cutting her off.

"Yeah mom, Barry is the best! Too bad you'll never find out how good he really is. Hey, how's Megan, bet she about shit watching him put the wood to Glory's ass!" Mandy added after I finished talking.

"Oh God -- Jesus, what is it that you want? Money? What Barry, tell me what you want." Mom mumbled into the phone.

"Nah, we got that. You guys are paying for our little Vegas trip and that's enough. We won't be coming back home, so no need for you guys to get all excited or anything. Hey, how about we all have dinner together, you know -- one last time?" I answered.

"Dinner?" She questioned, sounding stupefied.

"Yeah, the eight of us. Something nice, fancy -- say Antonio's around eight? Make the reservations okay, we'll see you then." I stated calmly and then added, "Hey don't worry. None of us will make this public, you're safe. Oh, and one last thing, where'd you guys get that sex saddle thing? Gloria just loved it."

Following a long silence the phone went dead. Mandy, Arlene and I exchanged glances, as wide grins formed on our faces. The game was nearly complete and in a few hours we would be setting down with our incestuous parents. It felt good. It felt right. Control was a powerful thing. The elevator door slid open and we walked to our room, excitement building.

The three of us burst into the room, talking loudly about the phone conversation, catching Juan once again. It wasn't enticement this time, it was appreciation. We all stopped talking at once seeing Gloria's position and Juan's fevered humping. I had to admit the little Mexican didn't have a shy bone in his body.

Apparently surprised at our sudden entrance, he turned his head giving the three of us only a quirky little grin without skipping a beat with his labor of lust. Gloria too turned her head and winked at us, as she gripped the bar stool even tighter. Juan's thrusting and pounding kept Gloria's tits in high motion, swinging wildly with every slam of his hips into her butt.

Silence on our end was punctuated by the twins stripping down. Small pieces of wet suit hit the floor, shortly after their robes and they turned to relieve me of my robe and suit. In seconds, we stood naked, watching Juan and Gloria. I moved first, walking to the bar with a fully erect penis, keeping my eyes on the action. Mandy and Arlene went immediately to Juan's side.

Glory had offered her rectum to Juan, a fact that became obvious when I entered the bar getting a different perspective. To her credit, Juan wore a rubber and I felt some relief. She was taking a prolonged fucking because of it; and she grew close to climax, with Juan giving no indication of being ready, from what I could see. The twins decided to help dear Juan and Gloria in the process.

Sweating profusely, Gloria dropped her head and screamed out as she came hard. Mandy and Arlene grabbed Juan's buttocks and massaged him to climax. Wildly swinging his head side to side, Juan, wide eyed, rapidly came to climax knowing he was the meat in a human sandwich with youthful naked glory.

Screaming and moaning, Gloria couldn't take any more. When Juan cried out his own climax, Mandy and Arlene jerked him back, removing his throbbing cock from Glory's ass and jerked the rubber from his dick. His throbbing member shot cum up Gloria's back in large globs, as Mandy and Arlene took turns kissing him. Gloria collapsed on top of the bar stool, moaning even louder.

Grinning, I made four drinks, as the twins made sure Juan ejected every drop of cum. I felt a little sorry for poor old Juan. The twins were on a mission and paramount to it was getting rid of him.

Weak in the knees, Juan was whisked away from the bar by the twins, barely finished with his climax. His protesting did little good and before he realized what was happening the twins ejected him into the hall, naked as the day he was born, to a loud protest by Gloria. As an after thought, the door opened only once more allowing Mandy to toss out his clothes.

I helped Gloria to the couch and eased her down. She complained a little but, from the look on her face, she'd enjoyed the ass fucking -- perhaps a little too much. "Wow, I couldn't take too much more. That Juan is one energetic little Mexican!" She said, trying to come down, and added as I sat down next to her, "Why did you toss him out? I'd love to take him home."

Mandy and Arlene giggled when I told Gloria she was going to walk bow legged to dinner. "Yeah and happy about it too!" She quipped back, taking a drink from the hi-ball. With no small amount of excitement, Mandy and Arlene tried out doing one another recounting the elevator phone conversation to Gloria.

Gloria slumped against the couch, drinking her hi-ball with closed eyes and smeared Juan's cum everywhere, listening to the twins. I couldn't get a word in edge wise, as they say, and sat contentedly listening. Gloria's response surprised all of us. "Wow that was trippy -- I'm thinking of staying here."

Did I say surprised? It shocked all three of us. My trade barter with the twins disappeared somehow and the twins eased down on the couch, staring at Gloria. What could we really say? Juan had struck a chord inside Gloria and apparently our protesting would do no good. We talked quietly for the next two hours, letting Gloria explain. Dinner hour was approaching rapidly.

"Guess that's it then. We have dinner to attend you guys, time to get ready." I commented, not bothering to stop Gloria as she went for the house phone.


The four of us walked into Antonio's, the twins at my side and Gloria leading the way. I explained we were looking for the Hoffsteadt party, to the materde' who smiled and beckoned us to follow.

We found four very humble, shall I say, adults waiting nervously at a large table. Their smiles were aptly pathetic, from my view point, and even their greetings seemed subdued. We sat, facing one another, like participants in an armistices meeting. I'm sure my self serving smile did little to bolster their confidence, as I noted how they had chosen their seat selection.

"So, Mona -- mom, why the pretense?" I asked, before the waiter arrived.

"Pretense?" mom asked, playing nervously with the collar of her dress.

"Like yeah, why aren't you setting next to your brother? Ashamed?" Arlene replied, amazing me that she understood the word.

"No, nothing like that. We just thought it would be..." Megan began and Gloria stopped her cold.

"Oh please mother, don't be trite. After what you four have been doing at least you could show a little conviction! I mean really, mother!" Gloria snapped out and laughed wickedly.

"Gloria -- honey, we never meant to hurt any of you." Megan mumbled and dropped her head. At that point, Pete jumped in, trying a new tactic. "Now look Gloria, you have no right..."

"Right? No rights Pete? Maybe you should have thought about that when you bought into dad's idea to put spy cams in every GOD DAMN room! How many times did you get off watching?" Gloria said in a terse whisper, her anger growing with every word.

"Like yeah, what she said, dad!" Mandy offered up, sounding very valley girl like and feeling like she needed to say more, added, "Bet you thought our video was pretty good, huh?"

I shot Mandy a look, not believing what had come out of her mouth and then turned to see Roy growing exasperated with how the conversation was going, or wanting to get things over. He spoke his mind. "Alright, alright you're all angry. We can't blame you. So, what is it that you want. Obviously our apologies won't do any good, so what?"

"Nothing really, I've already said that. We just want you four to look at us and know that we are happy - happy loving one another and having outrageous sex because of it. Take a long look, all of you. The business with us -- the twins and I -- started with a prank, that's it. That is until we found the videos and Gloria showed up nearly out of her mind!" I replied with unbelievable control and conviction.

The waiter showed up, breaking the intensity forming and I saw some relief in Mona and Megan's eyes. Drinks were ordered all a round and surprisingly not a word was said, nor question asked about age. Megan was about to comment but, held her tongue and grabbed for Mona's arm.

"So that's it? You don't want the videos or have them destroyed? You want nothing?" Pete asked, after the waiter left. We saw four sets of eyes searching ours for answers, words not yet spoken.

"Nope. You guys keep them and enjoy." Arlene replied, looking at Mandy expecting her to continue.

"Yeah, enjoy them because they'll be your last. You got a nice dick Roy but, if you had thoughts about using it on me or Arlene or..." Mandy commented in an even tone, pausing slightly before going on, "Or was it Gloria Roy? Did you think you could talk your daughter into it? Well, too bad -- so sad!"

Roy looked shocked, beyond words, and, seeing this, Mona jumped in, "Don't Roy, never mind. Okay then, you've proven your point to an extent that defies description, when we get home the cams will be removed. Satisfied?"

"You know what Mona, we don't care. You four can do what you want -- we won't be coming back. Keep the cams, we know how much all of you enjoy watching each other." Gloria replied, showing no emotion at all and then added, I don't know about the others but, I've really lost my appetite."

Bingo! Gloria had slammed home the Coup-de-Gras, putting the adults into a downward spiral. Nothing, and I mean nothing was said for the longest time. Only brief, embarrassed, eye contact was made, as the adults struggled for words. One after the other their mouths opened, then closed, looking like fish out of water, gasping, trying to talk.

I finished my glass of wine, setting the glass down slowly onto the table. "Yeah, dinner is pretty much out for me too -- Gloria, Mandy, Arlene, would you three care to leave, I'm feeling kinda horny? I commented, starting to stand up, unable to resist one more dig.

Mandy was up and out of her chair like a shot, grinning at me. Arlene and Gloria joined her, although a bit more slowly, as they watched the faces across the table. We'd love to Barry, would you like all three of us tonight?" Gloria purred out, sliding in beside me and pulling my arm around her waist.

Mandy took the other side and Arlene led the way out. As we walked off, the girls pulled my hands down to cup their ass cheeks and turned to look back over the their shoulders at the table. At some point during the return to our room, Gloria decided her staying wasn't the right idea. She announced as much after we closed our door and started to shed clothing.

The next morning I woke amid a tangle of limbs, breasts and soft, round, butts, after hearing a knock at our door. Gently, I wiggled and squirmed my way free, listening to the voices of moans and complaints, to see who was knocking. It was no one. I found an envelope had been pushed under the door and that was it. It was from 820.

'Good bye and good luck.' Was all that was written, on hotel stationary, signed by all four parents. The envelope did contain one other thing, however. I eased back down on the master bed and gently roused the girls. "Umm, what? Who was there Barry?" Mandy moaned softly, rubbing her bare butt.

"No one - just a good bye letter." I sighed out and then added, "Oh yeah, that and $50,000"


The incredible summer adventure ended but, not the lust it had generated. I could lie and tell you we all stayed together, living happily ever after, like some sort of fairy tale but I won't. The truth is that Gloria did break away, as difficult as it was for her. Her leaving left a large hole in our lives.

Over the years, we shared a few letters with the parents, the first notable one when we told them Gloria had left to marry. Actually, most of our letters received no response but we felt they should know the news, even though they wouldn't be invited.

Arlene and Mandy finished collage, at my insistence, working their way through. We used the money left to us get a start, up state; and after completing my courses, I took a job as a software engineer. Mandy joked we should move to Utah, so I could marry both of them, and seemed genuinely disappointed when Arlene set her straight about polygamy.

We attended Gloria's wedding in Summersville, deciding before we left it would be a great place to live. The commutes weren't that far and Gloria was overjoyed we'd be close by. Six years later, nearing her 25th birthday, Mandy announced she was "preggers" much to everyone's surprise. I said she was my favorite, didn't I?

Glory was stopping by regularly by that time. I'm guessing she missed us more than she wanted to admit. I'm not sure about the exact sequence of events but, Gloria's marriage went down the tubes quickly. Mandy had pointed out that Arlene and Gloria seemed to be spending a lot of time together and the next thing I knew -- bang she was heading down divorce alley, with Arlene at her side.

By the summer of 2006, Mandy and I lived in Montreal, Canada. Our second child was on the way. Arlene and Gloria moved to New York and started their own production company. As Arlene explained in a letter, "It's completely legit during the day -- it's our night time activities that are the most fun. We have some very "eccentric" clientele", she concluded, leaving Mandy and I to wonder; and, not to mention, plan a trip to visit them!


~Thanks for coming along on my ride! Remember, if you have a sister and you feel inclined to jerk off in the shower, lock the door, unless you like surprises...~ MDF251

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SAV12SAV12over 5 years ago


Robin422Robin422over 7 years ago
Excellent series of very erotic stories.

Excellent story, thoroughly enjoyed all chapters. Thank you very much, looking forward to reading your other stories.

StarBenStarBenabout 11 years ago


really liked it that you did not make it into a family incest, it would really ruin the story.

keep making More!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Fab Fab Fab

wonderful fucking sucking and wanking, My name is Barry and just wish it were me in the story. I am a dedicated cunt lover and licker, just luve it when the girls squirt in my mouth and all over me. keep them cumming

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great Reading. BUT!!

This was one of the best that I have read on this site. But you crossed the line when you got to the last chapter and had Juan do the girls. Especially unprotected sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I like all the story, but I don’t like this Juan with the twins, with Gloria was ok and in the end he would be together with Arlene and Mandy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
About time

Your Virginia critic here.. Looking good... Keep them cuming...

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
i like your stories and keep writing them

your stories are different and tell a meaningful story.

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