The Vassal Academy Ch. 12


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"I'm trained in the position sir, but not the best way to serve you." Cathy said. "I'm still scared about it, but if you want it now, I'll comply Master."

David shook his head and drew her to himself as they lay down in the bed. "No. I'm not all that interested in it. I only want to enjoy the charms you have to offer."

"Then I should be trained. David, I'm not a slave Jeannette. I'll never be her. I can't do it for Devon, or Andre, or anyone else. I can do it for you."

David shook his head. "Let's enjoy what we have, and worry about the rest some other time."

Cathy nodded. "I've missed you so much David. I really do love you. I figured that out here."

David nodded. "I love you too." He chuckled. "I guess I'm not supposed to say that, bad dominant and all that sort of thing."

"You could never be a bad dominant to me David." Cathy said as she snuggled down with him.

"Do you still toss and turn in your sleep?"

"No, they cured me of that." Cathy said smiling. "Now I lie quietly and I don't move. I'm trained not to disturb Master. But I might revert if you don't retrain me now and then."

"I doubt it." David said.

They relaxed into each other's arms, and then David felt sufficiently invigorated to order Slave cunt again, after slave mouth. This time with Cathy straddling him, riding his cock, her hands on his chest, her eyes on him. The love reflecting from one to another. Cathy smiled wickedly and began using her cunt control technique, squeezing the three muscles she could control in sequence.

David felt it and blinked in surprise. He wasn't sure he felt it right then he was sure, she was milking his cock with her muscles. He gaped in surprise at her and was rewarded by her knowing smile. "Oh God Cathy, where did you learn that."

"Cunt training. I'm up to the three-sensor probe. Got it down three days ago." Cathy said with a wicked smile.

David smiled back. "I'm impressed."

Cathy leaned back and then shifted slightly. "Oh Master, that feels so good." As her lovers cock now pushed hard against her G spot.

David relaxed and enjoyed the sight of his lover bouncing on his cock. She was the same, and yet different at the same time. She was passionate, obviously in love with him, and if not as blatantly submissive as Jeannette, then deferential. She was also appreciative and attentive to him.

It was, in short, a tremendous improvement. It was an amazing change for only two weeks. She continued to ride him and then begged for permission to come. David gave his permission, and she bucked on his lap and then thanked him.

David decided to change position. He wanted to be on top, and he ordered it. She complied instantly. He mounted her, and soon was driving himself into her cunt, her long legs wrapped around him. Drawing him deeply into her sex.

David grunted and said. "Oh God, I'm going to come."

"Come anywhere you wish Master." Cathy said.

David blinked. One argument they'd had in the past was his desire to come on her face, and she'd always balked. Inviting him to come in her mouth. Was she inviting him to come on her face? "I want to come on your face."

"Yes Master." Cathy said smiling.

David pulled out of her and straddled her chest as she slithered down to get in position. As David pumped his cock in his fist, Cathy looked up at him and smiled lovingly. David couldn't believe the power that this gave him, the sense of power anyway. He began to spurt his thick white semen and she never blinked. She looked at him lovingly and smiling the whole time. David covered her face with several strings of thick white semen.

Cathy saw him finish and she leaned forward and began to lick and clean his cock. Around his beautiful cock she said. "Thank you Master."

David smiled. "David is fine when we're alone Cathy."

"Yes David." Cathy replied.

"You don't mind this?" David asked.

"No David. I love you, and if this is what you want, then I love you and will give it to you."

David leaned down and kissed her gently. Tasting himself on her lips. Tasting her cunt juices on her lips from his own cock. "I love you too Cathy."

As he lay down to rest, Cathy rose and went to the attached restroom and cleaned her own face, making herself presentable and then returning to him. She joined him in bed and said. "David, I hope to make you happy, today, and everyday."

"You have."

"I was told that lunch would be served at noon, in about twenty minutes. We were invited to dine with the Masters, and if you wished to stay for dinner, you were invited of course." Cathy began. "Master Devon said he'd present a Formal Dinner, with the slaves, and that would include me, serving."

"Lunch is fine, then how about we go home."

"Certainly David." Cathy agreed. "I'll just serve you at home." She smiled. "They taught me that too."

David looked at her and saw her eyes sparkling with love. "They seem to have kept you busy."

Cathy nodded. "We are always on a schedule, struggling to keep up, and then we have more to do tomorrow. The people here are astounding at times. It's like they know when you've reached your limit, and back off just enough to give you a chance to make it. Once you've rested a bit, they're back on you swinging the cane and whipping you into shape."

"Where did they learn all this?"

"I have no idea. They only say the society they used to belong to. David, they have techniques to make anal sex pleasurable to both parties. They swear they can teach erection and ejaculation control." Cathy shook her head. "I've been here two weeks, and have learned so much, and know that there is even more to learn."

"I'll ask Devon again, about where they got this knowledge at lunch. Then we'll go home. Do you have any clothes here?"

"My bag, it's still locked up. I can get a Slave Shirt if you so order it Master." Cathy said smiling. "I've been naked for two weeks, I'm kind of used to it now."

David stood and reached for his clothing. "I'm not however. I'll dress."

"Of course, you're a Master. You deserve modesty. I'm a slave, and to quote Jeannette, we're always on display for Master." Cathy said rising and kneeling on the bed.

"You seem more favorably inclined towards Jeannette than you were before you came here." David said.

"That's another thing I've apologized for. She never did anything to me, or you. She only did what Devon, her Master, told her. She really is beautiful David, and if you asked, I'm sure Devon would allow you to sample her talents." Cathy said.

David stopped buttoning his shirt and looked at Cathy. "You want me to fuck her?"

"No, that's not right." Cathy said sighing. "David, I know my duty as a slave is to accept your wisdom in all things. That means if you want to fuck another I'm supposed to be cool with it, even supportive. Jeannette is and that is something I don't think I can watch. If you want to, I can't, and won't object. I don't think I'll be angry, but please David, don't ask me to watch."

David smiled and nodded. "That's the Cathy I know and love. She's a little on the Jealous side."

Cathy nodded and said. "It's a bad personality trait. Perhaps if you flogged me every day I'd get over it."

David chuckled. "Did you get whipped often?" He finished putting his shirt in place and was putting his shoes on.

"Every day, corrections from Mistress Rebecca. Master Andre whipped me into a state of sexual frenzy that I wouldn't have believed." Cathy shifted slightly. "David, whippings always scared me. Now, I wonder what else I've been missing."

David chuckled. "Devon suggested that I flog you from time to time, to keep you in practice."

Cathy nodded. "Yes Master."

David smiled at her playing the role and said. "Come on, let's get lunch, and we'll find your clothes before we head home."

"Yes David." Cathy said bowing her head.

At lunch David saw Cathy was uncomfortable. "Something wrong Cathy?"

"No Sir. I'm just used to eating in a rush with the Slaves. We don't chat at meals, we barely have time to eat and get to class with a quick stop in the bathroom."

Ann smiled and watched Cathy fidget. "You'll get used to dawdling at the table in no time Cathy."

Cathy nodded. "Yes Mistress, I'm sure you're right."

David turned to Devon. "I'm quite impressed with the improvement, it's one thing to hear you describe it, and another entirely to see and feel it first hand."

Devon shrugged. "Cathy did most of the work, we just directed her efforts."

David smiled. "Where in the name of all that's Holy did you learn these things, much less how to teach them?"

Devon gave a wave as if it didn't really matter. "We were a group of trainers for a society that is to this day, secret. We're out of the society now, and have taken their traditions, and their techniques, and now teach here."

"Where did you learn it? What Country?" David asked next.

"In a number of nations around the world David. We're sworn not to discuss our experiences beyond the most general explanations. No one who was a member would ever disclose those details." Devon explained.

David bowed his head slightly, indicating that he was going to accept Devon's explanation. "Thank you for all you have taught her, you've given me a woman I can truly give my heart to."

Devon winced slightly, almost imperceptibly. "It's important to remember that her training is less than half way done. Her understanding of the duties of a slave are at best general, and not truly tested." Devon shifted slightly. "I'm going to guess that you're going to take her home now."

"Yes, I'm home, and I'd like to enjoy her company." David said.

"Absolutely." Devon waved a hand at the other trainers who all stood and left, including Ann who had understood that this conversation wasn't intended for all the diners. "David, my friend, I encourage you to do just that. I'd also like to suggest that you bring her back sometime, whenever you find you're going to Europe or Asia again, for a week or two, and we'll give her refresher training, and perhaps push her a bit further. A trained slave is only trained so long as they're practiced, she'll do some of that on her own, some needs help."

David looked at Cathy. "I'll consider it. I don't go overseas for business all that often, usually it comes to me."

"Sure David, no problem. I'm certain we'll see each other in town, at the various clubs and such." Devon waved it away. "We'll talk about this when you've gotten settled back in your life here."

"Thank you Devon." David said again.

Devon raised his wrist and spoke into the watch. "Jeannette."

"Yes Master." Came from the tiny speaker.

"Get Cathy's bag, and her belongings, she's leaving us after lunch. Place it in the guest room please."

"Yes Master."

David nodded and said. "Devon, will I see you in town tonight?"

"Not tonight. I have other things to attend to my friend. I am planning on going in a few days, perhaps Thursday or Friday." Devon answered. "I'm going to get the training of my house slaves back up on schedule, and I've got another client arriving in two days for a week." Devon explained.

David nodded and said. "Well, I guess we'll get Cathy dressed and on our way. Should I leave her bindings in the guest room?"

Devon shook his head. "Take them, I'm sure you'll find a use for them."

David stood as Devon did and they shook hands. "See you around my friend."

Devon turned to Cathy. "Good luck Cathy, you've done a great deal of growing, and you've come a long way. You have much to be proud of."

Cathy hung her head as she knelt before him. "Master, I also want to thank you, all of you for helping me." She looked up and smiled. "Now I'm worthy of David's love."

Devon nodded and caressed her cheek. "Go on, you have a Master to attend to."

Cathy rose and turned to follow David.

Devon returned to his work.

David arrived in the guest room and saw Cathy getting dressed. The bed was made, and he glanced and noticed that the sheets were fresh, someone had stripped and remade the bed, in fact, cleaned the room while they were eating. David commented on that.

"Of course Master, slaves always work to make things right for the Master. Jeannette wouldn't allow anything less from the others." Cathy said as she put her shoes on.

"Amazing, they attend to the smallest detail in everything don't they?" David said as he looked around, not even a fingerprint was visible. In the bathroom, it was obvious that it had been cleaned and provided with fresh towels while they were at lunch.

"Master Devon wouldn't allow the slaves to relax while there was to be done, and even if he missed something, I don't think Jeannette would." Cathy said standing. "Ready when you are Master."

David turned and looked at her and they walked out together.

They made love twice more that afternoon and in the evening Cathy was kneeling on David's right hand side in the VIP of the Club de Sade.

"So she's been trained now?" Luke asked looking at Cathy.

"Yes, she's learned many new tricks, and she's just more." David struggled to find the right word. "Submissive I guess."

Marie tried to draw Cathy away from David so they could talk. Cathy ignored the request. She wouldn't leave until David said it was OK. Finally she asked to use the bathroom, and David approved.

"Cathy, what was it like?" Marie asked as a half dozen slaves gathered around her in the bathroom.

"It was hard. God it was hard." Cathy said. Then she outlined what she'd learned, and the way the school was run.

"Wow." Marie said in awe. "I told Luke no way, perhaps I should tell him otherwise."

Cathy looked at her. "If you think it's a spa. Don't go. If you think it's a holiday playing slave, don't go. This is their life, and they won't accept anything less from a student, any student."

"Well, I'm sure you can work with them about that." Marie said. "Everything's negotiable."

"No it's not. Not there. Marie, please believe me. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. If I never go back, I think I'll be happy, and sad. There's more for me to learn, but the cost is awful high. You wake up running, and run all day long, and then you are put to bed. Sleep training hurts, it's awful. I almost quit before I learned how to sleep without moving." Cathy shuddered remembering the hated cage. "I was whipped every day, punished every day, and pushed farther than I thought anyone could be, right to the breaking point, literally the breaking point, every single day."

Marie noticed the enthusiasm had increased in some, and cooled in others, like herself, who mostly played.

"Well can't you just tell them you've had enough for today?"

Cathy laughed. "I did that, and they hung me from a rack, and whipped me for nearly an hour, and locked me in a small cage for the night." Shaking her head. "I spent a lot of time crying there from pain, humiliation, and just flat out exhaustion. Don't go Marie, you and I play at this, and there's only one thing that got me through the school."

"What's that?" Marie asked.

"I love David, I didn't know I did, but with their help, I figured it out there." Cathy said. "For him, I'll do it. Not for any other soul on earth."

Marie swallowed hard. She didn't love Luke, and somehow she knew it wouldn't to be worth it to her.

Two others resolved to speak to their Master's; they wanted to learn those tricks.

One other thing happened after Cathy returned to the City. Cathy had an account on a Bondage website, and had posted from time to time about things on the message board. The day after she returned home, while David was at the office getting some paperwork caught up from his absence, Cathy started to post information about the Academy.

Not quite sure why she was doing it, she told herself she was helping Devon find more clients, but she also realized she was bragging. She was the first client to go there and return. Cathy told the story of Master's Devon, Andre, and Thomas. She told the community about Mistress Rebecca, Ballet, and Mistress Ann. She told about the beautiful Jeannette, the perfect slave. Some of the others had already posted about Diane, the bet with David, and Luke's reaction to Jeannette.

The legend of the Academy was really born this day. This was the first report from inside The Vassal Academy. These stories were told first hand, and described the people, and the skills being taught, and how they were taught. Cathy typed for two hours, describing her experience, and her progress at the hands of these amazing trainers. This was the first description of the training aides online. There were some in the community that embraced this as long overdue; there were others who said it was impossible.

Devon took on a legendary status almost overnight. Cathy described him as Jeannette had. Master Devon was the Master's Master.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
David is a sub

When does cathy make david her sub and give all his money to the academy?

Rad'lRad'lover 13 years ago
A well presented

tale. Good plot, good characters, and a cliff hanger at the end of each chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Minor character and tense mixups, otherwise, awesome plot and characters. Wonderfully written. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I've gotten so attached to your characters!

Please tell me there's more stories coming. There's so much left to tell! Does Ann complete her apprenticeship? What about the next student? Did they hire another house slave? Chef certainly needs some help in the kitchen.

I've really enjoyed this series. Though I'm not a participant in the lifestyle, I do connect with the concept of graceful service and striving for excellence. thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The end?

Noo! I enjoyed these so much I wish it wasnt ending so soon. I hope to see more of the work like this and if you ever found an academy like this let me know my girl could you some work as well!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The Academy Triumphs!

The series concludes with the legend 'born'. I would hope

that SavannahMann will choose to continue the thread with

other stories with these very interesting characters. Surely

the Master's Master deserves more tales and triumphs?

Thank you for a well-done story series; I could only wish it was a reality instead of just a fantasy.

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