There Goes The Neighborhood


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Heather was taking my cock all the way down her throat until her nose hit my groin. It was seriously the best blow job I'd ever had. Electricity was shooting through my cock to every part of my body.

My wife came up, gasping for air, and Tony lifted her up, his hands around her waist, until her head was above his. She wrapped her arms around his neck before he lowered her slowly. Her body slid down his until she moaned, "Oh God," and her head tilted back, her eyes closed. The water splashed around them as she went up and down on his rod.

I felt myself nearing climax and I reflexedly lifted my hips. However Heather needed no encouragement; she took my entire cock down her throat and kept it there until I came. She kept my cock down her throat until I was about to scream, the sensations were almost painful. She lifted her head and cum poured onto my groin. It didn't bother Heather. She got up and laid down on the lounger with her back to me and grasped my hip, indicating that I was to spoon her. I turned on my side toward her and she directed my cock into her pussy with her hand.

I pushed my groin up against her ass and felt my wetness transfer to her buttocks as I drove my cock deep inside her. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tony carrying Marissa out of the pool. She looked tiny, cradled in his arms with her arms around his neck. His big pole stuck up at an angle and I felt another moment of male inadequacy.

While I poked Heather, I watched Tony put Marissa down on the lounger only a couple of feet from us. He climbed on top of her and lay between her legs; carefully inserting his cock as he did. The gold chain around his neck was hitting her in the face and she laughed. Then he held himself up while she worked to unhook it and I could see his hard pole, halfway buried inside of her. She finally got it unhooked and laid it aside. He lowered his hips and his cock disappeared from view. Then he began to raise and lower his hips rhythmically.

I slid my hand around Heather and held a breast while I pumped my cock into her. "Oh Brad," she moaned.

I think that my wife felt the need to remind me of my earlier pledge to not fuck Tony's date because she called out, "Oh Tony your cock feels sooo big inside me. Ohhh yes, oooooh!" I looked over Heather's shoulder and my wife was looking at me with a smug look on her face. Tony picked up his pace. "OH GOD YES TONY, OH FUCK ME WITH THAT BIG COCK! OH GOD IT FILLS ME UP!" If she was trying to make me jealous she was hugely successful. Oh man, a poor choice of words on my part; Tony was hugely successful in making me jealous.

I picked up my pace and was rewarded with an "Ah Brad, OH OOOOOHHH YESSS!"

The two of us guys seemed to be in some competition to see who could fuck the fastest and the two women to see who could moan the loudest. Marissa raised her legs in the air and her bare feet bounced up and down each time Tony plowed his cock into her. This went on for five or ten minutes and I won when Tony cried out as he came in my wife's pussy, pushing her over the edge as well.

"Oh fuck," he moaned in pleasure.

"Oh God Tony," my wife chimed in. "Fill me up you Italian stud. Fill my pussy with your cum."

Ok, this was going too far I thought. I tried to ignore them as he proceeded to do as she'd asked while she squealed in delight. Since Heather had just given me a blow job, I was able to continue on, although at a slower pace since I was getting exhausted.

"Oh FUCK YES!" screamed Heather, restoring some more of my manliness. She pressed her buttocks against my groin each time I pushed into her. "OH FUCK, OH FUCK!" she screamed and I found myself getting off a second time.

Heather and I cuddled there, exhausted for several minutes. Tony climbed up off of my wife and walked over to retrieve his swim trunks; his cock carving an arc in the air.

Marissa stood up and smiled at me sweetly then went over and took Tony's arm. "How do you like your steaks?" he said. Without waiting for a reply he answered for us. "Medium ok?" He lead Marissa over to the barbeque and lit the burners.

My cock was still hard and I was in no hurry to pull it out of Heather, but she rolled over and kissed me. "Now it's your turn," she said.

"My turn?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"I sucked you off. Now I want you to eat me out." Her big brown eyes smiled at me.

I looked over at Tony and Marissa. He was pulling steaks out of the little refrigerator and she hung on his arm.

Heather lay back on the lounger and spread her legs. I didn't feel like I had a choice so I moved between her legs and buried my face in her wet crotch. I lifted my head and spread her pussy lips apart, just as my cum began emerging from her vagina. I lowered my face between her pussy lips and began licking.

After several minutes I lifted my head and tried to discreetly look over at my wife. She was watching us out of the corner of her eye and didn't look happy with me. She realized I was looking so she slid her hand under Tony's suit and stroked him. He turned his head to look at her. She lifted her chin and kissed him.

Heather put her hand on the back of my head and pulled my face back down to her pussy. I diligently licked her to an orgasm. I lifted my wet face and found my wife standing over us with two beers. My head was level with her knees and as I looked up her leg I saw the inside of her thighs were wet with Tony's cum. I think that she purposely hadn't cleaned up. But then my face was wet from mine.

"Beer?" she asked.

I felt embarrassed. I'm not sure why. I knew that what I'd just done was called eating a cream pie and there were whole Web sites devoted to it. I hadn't minded doing it, but for some reason I felt demeaned knowing that Marissa had watched me do it with a look of disapproval.

"Yes, thank you," said Heather, reaching for a bottle. "Your Brad has a very good tongue. Thank you for loaning him to me." She smiled sweetly.

"Oh think nothing of it," my wife answered. "You brought out a side to him that I've never seen before." Her voice dripped with disdain. "If I'd known that he enjoyed eating cum so much I would have had him eat me out the last time Tony fucked me."

"Well," said Heather, "he did seem to enjoy it." She smiled at me. "Would you like to eat your wife's creamy pussy Brad?"

I couldn't help but look at her wet pubic hair. I looked up. "I wonder if the food's ready yet?" They acted like I hadn't said anything.

Marissa looked at Heather. "I'm not surprised that you had him eat you out; you probably weren't able to feel his little dick."

"Marissa! Jesus, why are you..." I started to say, truly hurt.

Heather didn't let me finish. "I couldn't help but notice Tony's package." Marissa just giggled and both girls glanced over at him. He seemed not to be paying attention to this conversation and stood over by the barbeque tending to the steaks.

"Last time we were over he fucked both me and another girl while Bradley slept," said my wife.

"Uh I'll take that beer," I interjected.

My wife handed me the beer like I wasn't there and continued, "It was the best sex I've ever had."

I was getting humiliated. "Well ladies, let's go see how Tony's doing."

Heather got a longing look on her face. "Oh Marissa, I'd love to find out how it feels to have that big dick in me."

"I have to tell you," she giggled, "it feels great. I'll send Bradley home and then you, Tony and I can have some fun."

My face was red. I got up and took my wife's arm. "Enough kidding around. Let's go see how Tony's doing." Marissa winked at Heather and let me lead her over to the barbeque.

"How's everyone doing?" he asked. "The steaks are almost ready."

My wife disengaged herself from me and snuggled up to Tony's back and kissed his ear. "I'm doing great." Her hand snaked around his waist, went under his suit and grabbed his cock. "How about you?"

Tony looked at me, acting a little embarrassed and answered, "Great beautiful... Just fuckin great."

She nibbled his ear and stroked his cock through his suit. Maybe I should go home.

Tony looked at me and grinned. "Hey Brad, I know what you need." He took my arm and led me back to the lounge chairs. "Hey doll," he said to Heather, "why don't you help Brad's wife set the table over there."

"Sure Tony. Anything you say," she replied.

"You're taking good care of my boy here aren't you? I don't want him going home unsatisfied." She grinned and touched his arm as she walked away. "Boy that Heather sure gives good head don't you think, Brad?"

"Gee, I kind of had the impression that you'd never fucked her."

"Oh she was just messing with you. She and I have had some good times. She's not as good a fuck as your wife, but she gives great head." He picked up his leather case and drew four more lines. He offered me the straw.

"So this is coke?"

"Yep. Great aphrodisiac isn't it?" I sniffed a line and he followed suit. "Say, I could have Heather meet you downtown sometime. You and she could have a little nooner. What do you say to that?"

"Well thanks Tony, but I don't think that that is a good idea."

"Don't you like her? I've got other girls. I've got one who can make you cum without you even having to move. Her pussy's amazing."

"No thanks Tony. I'm pretty happy with my wife. That would be too much like cheating on her; you know doing it behind her back," I said lamely.

"Suite yourself." He looked at my wife. "You do have a treasure there. She's got a great pussy. I'm lucky to have neighbors like you two."

"Well she thinks highly of you Tony."

"Hey, what can I say? I just have a way with women," he said proudly. I was surprised that he didn't grab his crotch.

I could feel the second line starting to kick in as we walked over to where the women were setting up the patio table for dinner. Tony offered them their share of coke and each of them snorted a line.

We sat down and ate. Marissa pretty much ignored me. Once I dropped my napkin and saw that she was playing footsy with Tony while she ate. You know I couldn't think what I'd done to piss her off but she was really pissing me off.

After we'd finished eating Tony said, "Well let's clear off the dishes. Anyone want another beer?"

"Why don't you and Marissa go relax?" offered Heather. "Brad and I can clean up."

"Ok," he said and got up and pulled out my wife's chair for her. They walked back over to the loungers. Tony laid down on his stomach and my wife picked up the suntan lotion and began rubbing it into his back.

"Come on lazy," said Heather. She started handing me dirty plates.

I was feeling miserable. I took a load of plates into the kitchen and when I returned I saw that Tony had turned over and Marissa had pulled down his trunks and was applying lotion to his groin, carefully avoiding his growing penis. "Oh, look what I'm missing," she giggled loudly. Squirting lotion on her hand she began massaging his cock.

I fumed. Why was I putting up with this? I walked over and picked up my shorts and sandals by the lounger. My wife ignored me as she stroked Tony' cock. I walked back into the house and kept going right out the front door. Let her walk home, I fumed as I got in the car.

Chapter 8 -- What Party?

Marissa didn't come home that night. I was still high and couldn't get to sleep. It was lucky that I hadn't had to drive home very far. I didn't even remember doing so. When I finally went to sleep I slept like hell and remember having weird sexually laced dreams.

Sunday morning arrived with no Marissa. Noon came and no Marissa. I should have been pissed, but instead I was starting to get worried. Finally, at two in the afternoon I swallowed my pride and drove back over to Tony's.

He answered the door wearing a black terrycloth robe. "Hey neighbor how's it going?" Just like nothing was wrong.

"Is my wife here?" I said a little testily.

"Of course she is. Come on in. We've been kicking around decorating ideas all morning. Come on in." He stepped aside. I walked in and there was my wife, wearing her wrap around. I couldn't tell if she had on her swim suit underneath or not.

"Hi honey." She came up and put her arm around me. Her eyes were pinpoints and I think that she was high. "Tony and I have been looking up furnishings online. We were wondering when you'd come over. Do you want to see some of the things we found?"

"Your wife's amazing Brad. You should see some of the ideas that she has," said Tony.

I couldn't believe my ears. It was like yesterday didn't even happen. "I was hoping that you would come home soon," I said, hoping that I didn't sound like a beaten puppy.

"Sure, we're pretty much done here anyway," she said cheerily.

On the short drive back to our hose I asked, "Why didn't you come home last night?"

"How could I? You had the car?"

I thought about that for a moment. She had a good point, but that didn't make me feel any better. "You could have called me or something. I would have come back for you," I said lamely.

"Why did you go off and leave me like that anyway?"

"Because you seemed to make it clear that you didn't want me there."

"What makes you say that?"

"Don't you remember what you said to Heather?"

"No, what did I say?"

"You don't remember saying how great his cock felt and that I should leave so that you and she could fuck Tony?"

"Did I say that? I'm sure I was just kidding."

"Well it sure didn't sound like you were kidding," I pouted.

"If you're going to act pissy; maybe I should just go back to his place." She said huffily. Then, like a faucet, she started crying.

I took her in my arms. "Honey, please don't cry. I love you so much. I just don't want Tony to come between us."

"He can't come between us if we don't let him." She looked up at my face. I leaned down and kissed a salty tear streaming down her cheek. She took my face in her hands and kissed me. I pulled her bathing suit cover up off of her shoulders and she dropped her arms so that it slid to the floor. She was still wearing that skimpy little bikini.

My hands were all over her. "That bathing suit is so hot," I exclaimed. I kissed her neck and she let her head fall back while lifting her bare leg against my outer thigh.

Chapter 9 -- My Little Decorator

Monday night I got home and found that dinner wasn't ready. Marissa was in the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a tank top, happily singing while she cooked. "Hello dear."

I walked up behind her, put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She wasn't wearing a bra and I was tempted to slide my hand under her top. "You seem happy."

"I got to go shopping all day." She turned around in my arms, facing me, and put her arms around my neck.

"Uh oh," I said looking around for shopping bags. All I saw was Ginger at our feet, looking up at us expectantly.

"It wasn't for us; it was for Tony's house." She lifted her chin up and I kissed her.

"Whew, thank heavens," I joked. Her eyes sparkled and we kissed again. "I got all of his accounting stuff; it looks like his companies are doing very well."

"Well, he sure wasn't worried about how much we spent today."

"Oh he went with you?" I asked feeling a little jealous.

"Of course. I couldn't pick out things without his approval."

"So did you get finished?" I asked, trying to sound unconcerned.

"Heavens no. Today we just did the bedroom furniture. We've got several rooms to go. The only furniture that he wasn't renting was his, for his entertainment room."

"So, are you going shopping tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure. The new bedroom furniture's arriving between one and three so we thought that we would take apart his old bed and hang the pictures that we bought."

"Can't he do that himself?"

"Well probably, but I already offered to help." She looked up at me. "You're ok with this aren't you?"

"No, I'm not," I thought to myself, but how could I admit that I was jealous, or worse that I didn't trust her because I did. "Of course I am," I lied. If only we hadn't swapped partners the other night. The vision of her naked body leaning over the arm of the couch while Tony plunged his cock into her flashed in my mind.

"Be sure to tell me if you're not because I'm having fun." She lifted her face and kissed me. Oh sure, like I'd be able to say anything now. "Why don't you take Ginger out for a walk and I'll finish getting dinner ready." She smiled.

During dinner, Marissa slid her sandals off and ran her toes up under my pant leg and up my shin. She smiled at me coyly. "I think that I'm going to get lucky tonight," I said.

"If you play your cards right you might," she replied, licking her lips seductively. I could see her nipple bumps under the tank top and her toes slid up my shin. She made my groin tingle.

After dinner, we both cleaned up the dishes and then Marissa said, "Take me to bed sailor or lose me forever." She took my hand and led me up the stairs. Ginger ran by us, ready for bed. Marissa peeled off her tank top just inside of our bedroom door. Her back was to me and I drank in the smooth skin of her shoulders and back. She unzipped her pants and pulled them down while I frantically tried to catch up. She looked over her shoulder and smiled as my eyes moved down to her naked buttocks and legs.

While I struggled to pull off my pants, she walked over to the bed and languorously lay down. "You're sure taking your time," she complained mockingly. She spread her legs and rubbed her furry crotch. "Maybe I'll have to start without you." Sliding two fingers between her pussy lips, she moaned, "Mmmmm," and closed her eyes. Damn she was making me horny.

Finally getting my socks off, I climbed onto the foot of the bed, crawling up between her legs. She pulled her fingers out of her pussy and rubbed them on my lip. I could smell the sweetness of her pussy juice as I buried my face in her crotch. I love the feel of her pubic hair on my face and I eagerly slid my tongue between her pussy lips and licked. I could smell her lavender soap and realized that she'd showered before dinner. The walls of her pussy felt deliciously smooth against my tongue. I found her clitoris and sucked the little knob between my lips. Marissa rewarded me by putting her hands on the back of my head while she lifted her hips against my face and moaned in pleasure.

I licked and sucked until she began bucking her hips and moaning louder. Encouraged, I sucked her clit into my mouth. She pushed my head down while she orgasmed against my face. Satisfied with my efforts so far, I slid my body up hers. I could feel her wetness on my face and when my hard cock came in contact with her pubic hair, I felt her wetness there as well. I easily slid all of the way into her wet, warm tunnel of love.

She gripped my ass cheeks with her hands and dug her nails in as I began moving my hips up and down. "I love you," she said.

I stayed in the missionary position for about ten minutes, then we rolled over while I was still inside of her, and she straddled my hips, sitting up over me. I love this position. I love watching her pert breasts bouncing up and down while she rides my cock. Which by the way, felt fantastic as the friction from her pussy sent electricity through me all the way to my toes. I started groaning and felt the charge in my groin as my sperm began its electrically charged journey from my balls, through my cock until they could flood into her vagina.

Marissa could tell that I was cumming and she let herself go at the same time. Our moans and groans comingled until I felt totally drained and she collapsed onto my chest. Breathing heavily, she said into my ear, "Oh Bradley that was wonderful." I don't think that she had ever called me Bradley during sex before and it made me think of Tony's girlfriend breathing into my ear. I felt Marissa's breasts on my chest and thought about how Toni's big breasts felt in comparison.
