Three Square Meals Ch. 125


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Alyssa gave him an affectionate squeeze. "She'd really like that."

John ran his hand down Calara's flank to rest on the alluring curve of her hip. "I haven't forgotten how urgent it is that we capture Larn'kelnar's fleets, but we're going to have to take a detour to the Core Worlds. We can't just leave Abigail in cryo for a month."

"You don't have to justify the decision with me," the Latina said, snuggling closer to him. "They're our friends and family. Besides, I've never wanted a hug from my mom so badly."

He looked down at her with sympathy. "I'm so sorry Maria got caught up in all this. I would've done anything to prevent that from happening."

Calara smiled, her brown eyes twinkling. "I know... you have quite the soft spot for my mom."

Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Soft? I think Maria has the opposite effect on him... Isn't that right, John?"

"You're so naughty!" Calara chided her girlfriend, breaking into a grin when she saw John flush with embarrassment. "You don't have a crush on my mom, do you John?"

He shook his head and laughed. "You're both incorrigible."

Alyssa winked at him, then rested her head on his shoulder. As she lay draped over John, a bright smile suddenly lit up her beautiful face.

Calara saw the sudden shift in the blonde's expression and felt a warm sense of satisfaction over their bond. "You look particularly happy about something," she noted, watching her lover across John's chest. "What just happened?"

Stretching like a cat, Alyssa let out a contented sigh. "Lina discovered the truth about our lovely Fleet Admiral during the attack on Olympus. Lynette just had a chat with her and asked if she'd like to become a Lioness."

"What?!" John blurted out, lifting his head to look at the blonde in surprise.

"You must remember Admiral Van Den Bloek?" she replied, sitting up and giving him a mischievous smile. "She's that sexy redhead; nice rack, very attractive, quite the flirt..."

"I know who she is, but what possessed Lynette to tell her she could be a Lioness?!"

"Because Lynette asked me about recruiting her and I thought Lina was hot," Alyssa replied with a shrug, as if it was self-explanatory.

John let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't you think it would've been a good idea to discuss it with me first?"

Alyssa leaned down to give him a playful kiss. "XO in charge of recruitment!"

He gave her a stern look. "Alyssa..."

She pouted and rolled her eyes. "I thought we'd already been over this..."

John shook his head. "This is different. I thought Charles liked Lina?"

"He does," Alyssa replied, coiling a golden lock of hair around her finger. "That's why Lynette wants your help to turn Lina into a Lioness. She wants another girl to keep them company... permanently."

Looking shocked, John sat upright. "I can't do that! Not if Lina's already involved with Charles!"

"She isn't yet," Alyssa replied, her tone soothing. "Lina's been flirting with Charles and teasing him mercilessly, but they haven't even kissed."

"But you know what the Change involves!" John protested indignantly. "I'd have to keep Lina loaded up with cum for days... I can't do that to a woman he's interested in!"

Alyssa clasped his hand in both of hers. "Lina is 45... and fast approaching the age where she can't have children any more. She's just like Lynette; another admiral that sacrificed her personal life for her career... but with your help, you can give her another chance to have a family."

"No," he said stubbornly. "It would be like cheating with Charles' girlfriend."

"We can do the same thing for Lina that we did for Lynette; you wouldn't even have to touch her and Jade can keep her topped up until the Change is complete. We don't need to go into any of the specifics with Charles... he won't even know what happened."

John shook his head. "He's my best friend, I'm not going to do that to him."

"The attack on Olympus showed how vulnerable Charles and Lynette are when we're not around," Alyssa said, trying a different tack. "Lina is perfectly placed to be another ally in High Command and she'd also be constantly nearby to help protect the two of them in the future."

"Jehanna's already there," he said with a frown. "From your description of the battle, it sounds like she kicked ass."

Alyssa let out a weary sigh of resignation. "That's true, but I don't think she'll be there for much longer. I haven't mentioned anything about this yet because I didn't want you to worry... but I think we might have a problem with our secret Lionesses."

"Alright, now you really have got me worried," John said with concern. "What's going on?"

She didn't flinch from his anxious gaze. "Jehanna's really struggling with being apart from you. She was distraught when she found out that we'd be away from Terra for over a month."

"Are you sure this isn't just down to her being separated from her boyfriend? I've been really missing her too."

"It could be, but her feelings are pretty intense," Alyssa replied, mulling over everything she'd observed about the secret Lionesses since they parted company. "Lynette hasn't been affected in quite the same way, but I'm pretty sure this is an unintended side-effect of the Change."

"So what's the matter with Lynette then?" he asked, his expression still pensive. "You said there was a problem with the Lionesses... plural."

"Lynette appears to be trying to recreate what we have here, but focused on Charles instead. She's blowing him every chance she gets and now she's looking for more girls to join them. She loves Charles so much and can't wait for him to have his own harem..."

John raised an eyebrow. "That sounds familiar..."

"I know, I'm really proud of her!" Alyssa gushed, before flashing him a playful grin.

"God... what a mess," John said, rubbing a hand across his face. "Making secret Lionesses was a serious mistake. I never meant to mess up their lives like this."

Alyssa's bright smile rapidly shifted into a frown. "Don't be silly, you didn't mess up anyone's life."

"But Jehanna's unhappy and Lynette is acting completely out of character!" he protested.

"We'll get back to Olympus in about ten days, so we can perk Jehanna up then," the blonde said confidently. "As for Lynette, she's incredibly happy with the way her life is now. Before she joined us, she'd sacrificed everything for her career and was terribly lonely. Now she's engaged to a man she adores and is eagerly looking forward to starting a family."

John looked dubious. "But what about Charles? He's been dragged into all this mess."

Alyssa giggled, her cerulean eyes sparkling with amusement. "Any complaints Charles might have, disappear down Lynette's throat every morning, noon, and night. He's getting as much sex as he can handle from a stunningly beautiful girl, who he's also head-over-heels in love with. Trust me... Charles can't believe his luck that he's engaged to Lynette."

"Alright... well as long as they're happy, I guess that's the main thing," John said, still not looking entirely convinced. "But I'm not comfortable about this Lina situation. I think we should discuss this with the three of them when we return to Olympus... and I don't want to do anything behind Charles' back."

"Thank you for considering it at least," Alyssa said gratefully. She slowly approached him, an enigmatic smile on her beautiful face. "I'll just say one more thing, then we can drop the subject for now. Do you remember what it was like, when it was just you and me on the Fool's Gold?"

John placed his hands on her hips and nodded as he pulled her closer. "Of course. How could I forget?"

Alyssa moulded her body against his and whispered, "Now... do you remember how fucking hot it was when we invited Calara to join us?"

He glanced at the Latina, who gave him a smouldering look in return. John beckoned her over, then pulled her into their embrace, both girls pressing their luscious breasts against his chest. "I do... That was the best decision we ever made."

"I love you so much," Calara murmured, before kissing him passionately.

Alyssa's pupils flared with lust as she watched her lovers lose themselves in each other. "She's perfect, John," she breathed, moving behind Calara and placing fluttering kisses on her neck. "Absolutely gorgeous... but such a big heart too."

John pulled the Latina across his lap so that she was straddling him, her tight-fitting pants forming a camel-toe, which she pressed against the prominent bulge in his trousers. Calara panted with desire as she savoured their kisses, her full lips soft and welcoming as she moaned into his mouth.

Pulling away, Calara looked at John with a primal intensity in her dark-brown eyes. "Now kiss her..."

Alyssa leaned over her girlfriend's shoulder to continue the kisses, her lips just as soft and sensuous.

Calara watched them in fascination from only inches away. "I love seeing you two together... you're both so sexy."

"I know something even sexier," Alyssa purred, breaking the kiss to gaze into John's eyes. "Our tummies full up with your cum..."

He groaned at the thought, then gathered the girls in his arms and pushed them backwards onto the bed. "Your turn..."

They giggled as they stripped off their clothes, then turned to gently wrap their arms around each other. Wasting no time, they brought their lips together, their quiet gasps and moans muffled by their kisses. John lay on the bed behind Calara and watched them in fascination, his hand slipping around her waist to stroke her slim stomach. Her body was so toned and firm, but still retained a feminine softness that made his cock ache to be inside her. Alyssa arched her back, making her slim belly brush against the back of his fingers. It wouldn't be long before the pair of them were rounded with his cum, trim stomachs swollen to carry his impressive load.

*Charles is your best friend, John,* Alyssa murmured, her cerulean eyes sparkling with delight as she kissed Calara. *Don't you want him to know what it's like to be adored by two beautiful women?*

John thought about it... and found it impossible to disagree with her compelling argument.


"This is a fool's errand! There's no one here!"

Valeria kept her face impassive as she watched the man who had controlled every aspect of her existence for hundreds of years. Her sharp amber eyes followed his imposing form as he paced furiously back and forth across the dreadnought's bridge. Her master wore a suit of ornate black power armour, glowing red lines pulsing ominously across his chestplate. One of the attending thralls was paying him particular attention, watching his every move from where she sat behind her Engineering station. The light from his armour illuminated her scarlet-hued features, the rhythmic pulses making it look like fleshworms were crawling under her skin.

"There's no sign of operational enemy vessels, my Lord," the engineering officer informed him obsequiously. "Aside from the ancient derelict on the planet and the primitive wreck in orbit, the system is devoid of any signs of activity."

"What are we even doing in this fetid backwater?!" their master raged, growing increasingly angry. He drew one of the gleaming battle axes from his back, clenching his fist so hard that his gauntlet grated against the hilt. "Do they think I'm just some mindless puppet to be jerked around?!"

The bridge went quiet as the thrall bridge crew watched him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. He strode over to the nearest station with his axe upraised and the thrall seated behind it scrambled backwards, her face a mask of fear. The Progenitor let out a bloodcurdling roar as he slammed his vicious weapon into the console, the glistening blade biting deep. Venting twelve hours of frustration in a random act of violence was an exhilarating release and he closed his eyes to savour the thrilling adrenaline rush.

"The Wormhole Generator has recharged, my Lord," Valeria informed him, quite unperturbed by his furious outburst. "We can leave on your command."

The Progenitor glared out the window at the gleaming planet they were orbiting, and couldn't help feeling that its cheerful greens and blues were mocking him with their vibrant colours. He'd blasted the wreck they'd discovered into a million fiery pieces, but it was obvious that ship had been buried there for millennia... whoever had slain Larn'kelnar was long gone. He eyed Arcadia balefully and not for the first time, he wished he had a World Destroyer with him; unleashing a Quantum Annihilator to obliterate that planet would be glorious. The thought of destroying something beautiful and reducing it to an ugly sprawl of charred asteroids brought a twisted smile to his face.

"Take us out of here," he snarled, stalking towards the reinforced blast doors at the rear of the Bridge. "And prepare the fleets for an assault on Wael'rakash's domain. I want to bathe in the blood of his thralls!"

"As you command, my Lord," Valeria replied, her scarlet features twisting into a feral grin.


John stirred from a lovely restful sleep, a light tapping at the door rousing him from his slumber. Alyssa and Calara were still dozing, the pair lying beside him with a sheen of perspiration covering their nubile bodies. All three had been relaxing in a blissful post-coital nap, collapsing on the bed after the climax of a torrid threesome, which had left them satiated and exhausted in equal measure.

*Sorry to wake you, Master,* Jade said, her gentle voice drifting through his mind. *Marika and Betrixa are joining you for lunch...*

*No problem,* he replied with a smile. *We need to keep your sisters topped up as much as possible.*

Using telekinesis to reposition his sleeping companions, John climbed out of bed, then gently guided Alyssa and Calara back into each other's arms. Rounded cum-filled tummies brushed together and the girls cooed in their sleep, embracing their bedmate instinctively.

John padded over to the door and hit the button to open it, revealing a pair of eager catgirls. "Hey, come on in," he said, greeting the pair with a warm smile.

The blonde Nymph bounded in first, her nostrils flaring as she inhaled deeply. "That must have been an epic fuckfest, Master!" Betrixa exclaimed, looking thrilled. "The room reeks of well-fucked pussy!"

Marika frowned at her exuberant sister, then turned her warm brown-eyed gaze to John. "That's the aroma of love," she breathed, her black fingers caressing his bare chest. "They shared their hearts and souls with you, Master..."

"Actually, it was a fair bit of both," John admitted, pulling them into a hug. He ran his hands over Betrixa's tawny-patterned skin and Marika's silver stripes, then let his hands slide around until he was stroking their toned stomachs. "Be nice and gentle with them when you're filling up your tummies, they're probably a bit tender after so many orgasms."

The Nymphs both promised that they would, then gave him a kiss before prowling towards the bed.

He left them to their feast and stepped into the shower, eager to get fresh and clean after his exertions that afternoon. By the time he'd washed and dried, he could hear alluring moans coming from the bedroom and when he left the en suite, he saw that Alyssa and Calara were very much awake. The blonde and brunette had locked eyes with the Nymphs, stroking the catgirls' pointed ears as they knelt between their splayed thighs.

Approaching the bed, John admired the erotic scene, mesmerised by the hypnotic sway of Betrixa's and Marika's tails as the catgirls sucked his cum from the panting teenagers. As if waiting for his appearance, the Nymphs started to absorb his load, pulses of blue and brown light spreading out across their bodies from their curved stomachs. He could feel them illuminating in his mind, the active connection strong and powerful, with each Nymph opening themselves up for him to enhance in any way he chose.

"Good girls," he said, standing by the bed and slowly stroking their luxurious manes of hair. "We'll have you as strong as Jade in no time..."

The Nymphs paused their feeding and began to purr, their feline eyes shining with delight at his praise.

John turned his attention to Alyssa and Calara, who were gazing up at him with languid smiles. "That was amazing... and just what I needed."

"It gets better every time," Calara murmured, sighing contentedly. "I don't think I've ever felt closer to you."

Alyssa nodded her agreement, then beckoned him down for a kiss. *I really needed that too,* she said softly, as her lips moved against his. *I've been so worried about you... but you stayed so focused on us that you just seemed to forget about everything that's been bothering you.*

He brushed a lock of golden hair away from her face, enjoying the look of wonder in her cerulean eyes. *I'm sorry I had you worried. I'll have to thank Helene for helping me deal with it all.*

*That's just it... she wasn't doing anything!*

John looked at her in surprise, then sat on the bed beside Calara. He brushed his fingers through her lustrous chestnut hair as he considered his feelings. While thinking about his fallen Lioness was still very painful, the sense of self-doubt from the rejection by his parents was gone. As the girls had told him repeatedly: he had a new family now... it was time to stop dwelling in the past and look to the future.

Alyssa looked overjoyed as she listened to his thoughts, her unguarded expression full of hope.

"Get some rest," he said affectionately to the blonde and brunette. "You earned it after that incredible therapy session."

The girls giggled and nodded, their laughter soon turning to moans as the Nymphs resumed their feeding, using their long sinuous tongues to lap up every last drop of cum.

John left Calara's room and turned into his own. Now that both halves of the Invictus had been pushed back together, he could no longer see the jungles of Arcadia through the back wall. A melted rift ran across the width of his quarters where the huge bed used to be, leaving a stark reminder of the colossal damage that had torn the Invictus in half. He avoided looking at the corner of the room where the high-backed leather chair used to stand and walked into the wardrobe to get dressed.

*John!* Alyssa called out to him, her telepathic voice sharp and alert. *There was an energy spike in high-orbit over Arcadia!*

*Another weapon or the Wormhole Generator?* he asked, freezing as he stood before the clothes rails.

*Just give me a moment. Tashana's up on the Bridge, she's checking the data against the readings we took in Regulus...*

The seconds ticked by, with John waiting patiently. He found himself holding his breath, so he exhaled and focused and keeping his breathing normal. *What's the verdict?*

*It's a match for an artificial wormhole!* Alyssa said with relief. *You were right... that Progenitor must have left as soon as the generator had recharged.*

He smiled and relaxed. *That's great news. We'll play it safe for now and keep the stealth field up, just in case another Progenitor jumps in. I think we're out of danger, but it's best not to take any chances. Can you keep someone on watch until we leave?*

*Sure. The twins are up there right now; they'll keep a close eye on the sensors for any uninvited guests.*

*Thanks, beautiful.*

With the excitement over, John picked out an outfit that had practically been his uniform while on the Fool's Gold. Combat trousers, a t-shirt, and his old flight jacket, the fleece-lining perfect for what he had planned for the rest of the afternoon. After dressing, he left his bedroom and strode down the corridor to the Officers' Quarters, where he prepared a picnic that he stowed away in a hamper.

*Rachel is with Dana in Engineering,* Alyssa informed him, pre-empting his next question.