All Comments on 'Three Square Meals Ch. 134'

by Tefler

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CreepyDragonCreepyDragonover 3 years ago
So good!

Your stories are well worth the wait, Tefler! Keep up the good work, and I hope your family is doing well!

OmniferisOmniferisover 3 years ago

Loved the chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you, and happy new year to all.

Thank you Tef for another great chapter. I really liked your handling of the dragon grief counseling and the psychological drama of the Brimorian commander. The battle was amazing as usual too. Another 5* installment.

For all readers concerned with going months without another chapter, I highly recommend "The Eighth Warden" by ivy_veritas. It's a high fantasy harem story without almost any sex scenes. Really amazing plot line. Very similar to TSM in grand scope. It's a bit slower to take off, but by book two you will be well hooked and book three is devine. I would say that at the end of book three is when the male protagonist truly gets his high fantasy Invictus equivelant.

Highly recommended.

yuramwagyuramwagover 3 years ago

Thanks really appreciate your work hope this year things will be different meaning best things coming on our way In Shaa Allah.5 ⭐ as always

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Uh... Space is a vacuum. A spaceship rushing past, no matter how fast, has *zero* way of leaving a wave behind, much less one that could shatter a satellite. Even if expelling gas for propulsion for some idiotic reason, it would have to be the most inefficient, stupidly designed machine ever made.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hyper space bow wave

Space is a vacuum...

True. But even in reality force can be exerted through distortion of spacetime. No matter is needed for that. See gravitational waves or the "frame dragging" effect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Thank you Mr T.

Once again a excellent read, I love everything about this series. I humbly request that it gets updated at more regular intervals. Absolutely love this entire saga. Thank you.

BigbottomwatcherBigbottomwatcherover 3 years ago

Not going to lie... I thought he was going the D&D bard rout and going to mount that dragon... Which would and oh the good doctor would.want to.record it....for research.

wolverine006wolverine006over 3 years ago

@ Anon,

Don't confuse a sonic boom wave with a hyper-warp gravity wave. They can behave in a similar manner, as in the example of two black holes merging where the gravity waves behave like a bell ring down.

wolverine006wolverine006over 3 years ago

However, on another technical note, when John activated "external lighting", that shouldn't necessarily give away his position if his "external lighting" was in the IR spectrum. Because regular ACTIVE night vision devices have built-in IR emitters. So, unless the species in question can see in the IR spectrum, he would still be concealed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Efficient writing, excellently designed storytelling Vs. retards

In response to earlier anonymous comment likely left by a retard. Some people leave behind these stupid comments with inefficient reasoning trying to compare present reality with Tefler's artistic masterpiece that is like the work of Jules Verne whose work of art predicted the future submarine design and development. It probably could inspire future space craft designs that is based on forms of energy and matter that could create waves in space. Given that 99% if the Universe remains unknown to scientists at present and they probably will discover unknown elements and particles, this is a plausible theory.



Arc2456Arc2456over 3 years ago

Yes space is a vacuum but there are Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that sometimes coincide with solar flares. They’re huge explosions of matter—gas and magnetized plasma—that rocket away from the sun at millions of miles per hour.

Earth’s atmosphere protects us from the radiation of space weather. (If an astronaut out in space is bombarded with the high-energy particles from a CME, he or she could be seriously injured or killed.

If their spaceship caused plasma waves I'm sure is could cause a lot of problems at the speed it was travelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well worth the wait through a few set up chapters. Sounds like the next few chapters will be very fast paced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Reply Anonymous 01/02/21

What part of HYPERDRIVE WAKE is unclear? How many Hyperdrives have you had experience with? Off the top of my head I can think of 3 physics theories that make sense. Here's the first:

Hyperdrives affect the space time continuum by use of Frame dragging. Hyperdrives prior to the Invictus did not work too close to a gravitational field. The Invictus Hyperdrive can operate close to a gravitational filed with possibly serious side effects.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Gravitational waves travel through space without requiring a gaseous medium. Theoretically, a powerful enough gravitational wave at the correct frequency could tear matter apart. Also, electromagnetic energy travels through space without requiring a gaseous medium. Visible light and lasers are two such forms of electromagnetic energy. I think Tefler does a good job of taking real science and expanding on it in a plausible and entertaining way. Besides, fiction doesn't have to follow physics. I like my space battles with sound :)

Minute_DecisionMinute_Decisionover 3 years ago
Vacuum in Space

'Space is a vacuum' does not necessarily means that it is devoid of any matters (photons, gas, dust, etc, for example (and dark matter?, we do not know)). So, those matters have mass and according to e=mc2, Invictus travelling at the more than the speed of light and colliding with those matters would generate energy. We do not know how that energy was dissipated (and how could Invictus survived the amount of immense energy bombardment). So, the author envisioning the effect is his artistic genius. Invictus travelling at more than the speed of light, the hyper-warp bow wave effect is more realistically plausible than having no effect at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Anon of the "space is a vacuum", are you an expert on what happens to space while traveling at hyperspeeds?

Ever heard of gravitational waves?

Imagine what happens in the region of space near to a pair of colliding black holes or neutron stars.

If you are looking for flaws in the structure of Tefler's universe - in this case the disrupting waves - think to the nonsense of the slingshots in hyperwarp.

You cannot have that and at the same time be able to shatter satellites, because you would disrupt the stars themselves and their planets by slingshooting.

AZslyderAZslyderover 3 years ago

You're going to nitpick the bow wave as unrealistic...when it comes from a Naval space-faring warship (which hadn't been made) by a group of genetically modified, hyper-sexual, monumentally intelligent super models (sure, lemme dial 976-BABE) who are in league with half a dozen other intelligent, space-faring species (we have no proof of even one...they probably look at us like savages if they even notice us) while fighting battles using psychic/magical powers. Man, enjoy science FICTION for what it is....and this is better than most - depth of character development, rich multiple story lines, plot twists to keep things interesting, and an epic length continuing saga that you're enjoying here free (I'm a patreon supporter and enjoy re-reading here occasionally). Rate as you will, but picking at minor details of such a wonderfully lengthy and well-developed story is petty and disrespectful. Enjoy your reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Bow Wave

Excellent work,

in response to someone talking about "Bow Waves through a vacuum",

Well it would not be air/water presure, but gravity and Electro magnetic waves...

They don't have as much problem with vacuum..Maybe that is how Hyper drive works.

wolverine006wolverine006over 3 years ago


Do not despair at the tone of some comments. You had a question about the plausibility of something in the story and most responses are even handed and respectful. However, there were a couple that are not and IMO they need to apologize.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
“Chasing” the Dragon...


First off, great story! Found it a while ago looking for good cumflation stories and I’ve been silently going through it BUT with your bringing Tamolith into the harem (which I really like, I love Dragon stories as well) I have some questions...

1- Feeding issues. If John fills Jade in her “Thrall form” then she fills Tamolith in her “Dragon form” where did the extra cum come from? It is like filling a small glass of water then pouring it into a big glass - same volume of water/ cum, larger glass/ belly thus “less” water to fill the glass/ cum to inflate her belly YET “She continued to swallow by reflex now, scaly throat flexing repeatedly as Jade filled her up. It went on for sufficiently long that John glanced at Tamolith's stomach and was astonished to see a noticeable swell with all the cum she had swallowed” now a belly full of cum in a humanoid is a lot, how much cum is that in a Dragon? I suppose it depends on the size/ style of the Dragon, is she 10 foot tall or 20? AND are they typical Dragons or are they humanoid Dragons? (Is she a big ass lizards or lizards with a big ass?) Can we get some clarification? In my mind she is humanoid - - but as written they can walk/ run on all fours... Why? Because it allows her to use her hands for technology, weapons and so on, it makes her similar in “shape” to her lesser Kintark subjects thus easier on the mutations “just make us bigger and give us wings” and the humanoid style allows for the hopeful, now confirmed (yay!) mating between her and John!

2- Why use Jade at all? When John first changed his size the first thing I thought of was bringing the Kintark into the fold via Tamolith - just as the Trankaran follow John via Niskera - which came to pass in this chapter, you even had John console the grieving mother in his Giant form “John put his arm around the dragon's shoulders and gave her a supportive hug.” but you fill her via Jade (which is not a problem in itself bar the already stated - see above) why not fill her directly, it would (should, if Jade doesn’t make more cum etc.) speed things up in terms of limited cum/ time for obvious reasons - bigger body, bigger load thus less time for the same outcome. I assume you will do this in the future, once the ice is broken and she is “officially” part of the team they will have their fun OR it could be a time factor, they need to speed things up to save yet another world and Dana points out the obvious - which plays into “my” interpretation of the Kintark Dragons as it makes it easier/ better for Giant John to have sex with her, a big ass lizard girl with wings which is what she will presumably become after the Change. (Which brings us too)

3- How much will she change? The rules of the Change are set - unless I have misunderstood them, which is entirely possible - Thrall races all share the same physical template Sexy Space Amazon then they are different colours, possibly due to their “original” forms? (The X where blue cat people, the Y where green lizard people, the Z where red bird people and after “generations” of Change via their Progenitor master they become the Sexy Space Amazons we know? Again might have that wrong.) Then the races made by Mael'nerak are similar but are exactly Thralls (monkey folk, cat folk, rock folk, big head folk etc.) NOW you have said - but not confirmed! - that if Niskera continues to Change she will become a Thrall, she might get smaller, her stone flesh might change etc. and again in this chapter suggesting that Tamolith will change into Thrall “"But she's a dragon!" John protested aloud. "How do we know the Change wouldn't just kill her?" Rachel shook her head, the eager gleam back in her eyes. "I believe she will be quite safe... although Tamolith would likely undergo the most dramatic transformation yet."” BUT I think it would be better if you don’t change them too much! Variety is the spice of life after all and while the Nymph are that phrase made flesh I think keeping Tamolith, Niskera and any other really alien women similar to their original forms with “extra bits” (Niskera’s glowing tattoos) is best, more so if Tamolith is going to rule as Emperess obviously if she is a part of the crew she’d need to be smaller - or they need a bigger bed! It can be justified by saying they are different in some way to the Humans and Malari etc. so they react differently to the Change OR Tamolith is a typical Dragon - big ass lizard - and the Change makes her a humanoid Dragon - big ass lizard girl - OR OR the Change has multiple results warriors and vassals? Niskera got glowing tattoos to lead her people in Johns name, when fellow Trankaran see her they treat her as a prophet or queen, so Tamolith could get a similar deal (glowing scales?) so she can lead the Kintark in the name of her new master!

In short, feeding Tamolith via Jade has issues, John should fuck her as a Dragon and don’t maker her a thrall, make her a super Dragon! Thanks for the good story, look forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

anonymous (5 hours ago) --- about the discrepancy in amount of cum filling Tamolith's belly: Jade has wondrous powers, and something akin to polymerase chain reaction (PCR, as we all know from COVID testing) DNA amplification should not be such a stretch for her.

I just discovered this incredible monolith of writing this fall and read straight through for a couple of weeks. Incredibly good (despite frequent violations of even newtonian mechanics --- let alone the relativistic and quantum stuff --- but I willingly suspended disbelief in the face of a ripping good yarn. BTW, I started out long ago in astrophysics, and for my dissertation measured the temperature of the universe, FWIW, so I do know a thing or two. Love the story and am enchanted by the fantasy.) If only I could time travel to a future era when this saga is complete so I can binge read all the rest, then start over. Many thanks, Tefler.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Awesome update

Thank you Tefler. Dawn : )

justified15justified15over 3 years ago
Kudos for another fine chapter

I have to say I messed up reading this story to begin with. I loath reading a series only to discover it hasn't been finished. I usually skip them until they're done. Nothing worse than getting invested in a great story that's been abandoned, unfinished forever.

When I came upon this one there were so many chapters I assumed it must be finished and then I was well hooked before I learned how wrong I was. I find myself eagerly awaiting each new chapter to get my fix for this story. Now I'm torn between hoping I get to read the conclusion and wishing it would simply go on forever, for reading this story allows me to visit this strange world you've masterfully created.

You're a truly talented and organized writer, Tefler. For what it's worth, you've earned my respect and gratitude.

Hardrider56Hardrider56over 3 years ago
Great story

I enjoy reading this story for what it is Sci-Fi with a healthily dose of porn thrown in. So people have to nit pick every little detail as if they are world case writers but when you get out their profile....nothing. All you karens out there please give it a rest and just enjoy the story.

Death_samuraiDeath_samuraiover 3 years ago

Thanks tefler, awesome chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Potentially destructive waves in spacetime ...

"Warp Droves" are science *fiction* rather than science of course, so "suspension of disbelief" is in order.

On the other hand there's a reason they turn up in SciFi: gravity definitely changes/warps spacetime, which is a good start for extrapolation.

Here are a couple of links (just read the intro paragraphs unless you *really* want some details :)

(The first two are different parts of the same wikipedia page)

Note that there's a similar reason that we see "Tachyon" turn up in SciFi. Naturally there's no experimental science for these, but the idea has been around for a while.

SorchakSorchakover 3 years ago
Anonymous “Chasing” the Dragon...

Why did John use Jade, when he could make himself bigger? Well, for one, try to picture something like a Tyrannosaur giving you a blowjob. Would you REALLY want those teeth anywhere near your junk? Also consider that the ruling Kintark probably have no idea what oral sex even is, much less any idea on how to give it. While these are just my thoughts on why John didn't get a blowjob from Tamolith, I'm willing to bet they're pretty accurate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love it

Love it as always Tefler, Keep 'em coming.

I am so buying this once it's a complete work (hate it when the covers don't have the same/similar style)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Tech Question about Invictus

Just dawned on me that the Invictus does not ever seem to need fueling for sub warp engines. If they run entirely off of power cores, what is the operating principle and why do the other vessels need helium based fuels instead of using the power cores for engine power?

Love this story. Tefler is a brilliant writer.

CignalCignalover 3 years ago

In his e-books Tefler has a fueling scene. They are on Amazon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Back to eagerly waiting for more . Thankyou

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So now he's decided to hump Godzilla? Uh, okay. Maybe we could get back to finding the thrall fleet, kicking progenitor butt, stuff like that? One of these days, maybe?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A full psychic belly (by Professor Anon)

Hi and happy new year everyone !

As always, Tefler delivered us a piece of his masterpiece, and at a steady pace at that ! All the best for him and his family, may they take care of each other for long !

I'm returning to comments (I used to speculate a lot a while ago) as I have a specific bone to pick. Regarding Tamolith's belly, the explanation that I find most satisfying is a version of "a wizard did it". John's cum is known to be (space)magic, so the effect it has on the recipients, including inflation, might well be (space)magic as well.

And that brings us to an interesting point: what if the mandatory three feedings and two weeks of cum feeding be akin to Alyssa's initial range limitations in her psychic connection to John ? What if it were just a clutch to ease John in the process of transforming the girls ? That would mean John could, if he so wished, speedrun the addition of a girl to the team now that he's that much more powerful than before.

I think it may well be the case, as John's reluctance to recruit girls and initial disbelief of (space)magic may have pushed his subconscious to lengthen the process, or, more accurately, to keep it as slow as the two/three first girls, when he was just discovering his powers. To support my opinion, I summon Lynnette quasi instant makeover as proof. If he was able to alter Lynette in a couple of days then, he could quite probably shrink and reshape Tamolith now.

Regarding Anon of the dragon, I have always seen the Kintarks as "true" dragons. But the idea of changing Tamolith's shape and not her scale (pun intended) is quite intriguing... It could be nice to have John and the Nymphs frolick in giant form with her ! And it opens lots of possibilities for smaller girls too !

I'll let Tefler decide wether Giant antics are on the menu, and wish you all an happy new year again, thanks for reading me !

Professor Anon

alxyalxyover 3 years ago
Dear Rachel

I'm sure you must be aware of what a momentous event has just occurred. Actually, two things have just happened.

Firstly, John has enthralled Tamolith, an alien dragon. By alien, I mean not a thrall species, or one of Mael'nerak's creations based on a thrall or progenitor template, but a completely separately-evolved species. This is MEGA. It means that progenitors could potentially enthral ANY life-form in the universe, either to dominate or to enhance (actually, only John, as I don't suppose any other progenitor would even consider it). Think how much power might be available from other psychically active species - the Bolons, and, yes, the Kirrix - if they were 'benignly' brought into the fold. It also might be a solution to Nkkrrit's loneliness/despair/duty dilemma. I hope you've got samples of Tamolith's before and after DNA, so you can start to work out what has actually happened there - this will be crucial to the future of all life in the galaxy.

Secondly, when Jade grew to dragon-size, she managed somehow to equally grow the amount of John's spunk. I was expecting John to have to do that himself, by growing into giant-John first, and then either doing the transfer directly (heh!) or via an equally giant Jade. While I appreciate at last reading about the green-on-red draconic action that I've been anticipating for many chapters now (although in the end it was somewhat muted), the more significant thing is to think about the number of tentacles that Jade - or the other catgirls - could produce when in giant form, and how many eager Maliri (or any other race) could be quickly and efficiently enthralled. We're looking at significant planetary populations in one go (or cum)! Maybe this is what Larn'kelnar meant when he described the Nymphs as an "ingenious solution" - undoubtedly more enjoyable than his "vats"! Again, Rachel, you need to carefully analyse what has happened here so that John (assuming he can ultimately assimilate his PG) has a clearer understanding of what can be done - I doubt if that sort of info would have been encoded in the "standard" PG toolkit, or even in the Kyth'faren knowledge base, so it will be up to you to work it out for him.

Yet another reason to get back to Maliri space ASAP - John really needs to cement his claim there, before things go totally t**s up!

All the best, and happy new year, from way back in the 2021 pestilence-era (we need you here now - any chance of some time travel??).


mharrisonmharrisonover 3 years ago

I've just finished reading this whole series to this point (ch134) and have never read another story on this site (or any other for that matter) that has kept me so thoroughly enthralled (and yes its a very apt term for this story :) )

Every chapter has been 5* but easily deserved more!!!

The quality of the writing is amazing and virtually no mistakes seen throughout, which is also amazing considering the volume written so far.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter,

If it wasn't for the way the "change" is dealt with then I could easily see this making a great TV series/film....

Many thanks for sharing this with us all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Jehanna is a military brat. Wow.

She could just be a dark horse in facing the next progenitor .... and underrated based on the performance of the established crew.

Intriguing ....

A five-star episode. *tips hat to author*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

any news about Faye´s fate?

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 3 years ago

If Sarinia wasn't on a fast track to a death sentence, her fucking with John's matriarchs is going to make her wish she *had* just been killed...

It'll be interesting to see how draconian Tamolith looks when she's changed as well as what abilities she maintains once she has changed...

Also, it'll be fun to see if John and company manage to kill any Progenitors *without* having to result in the deaths of all of their thralls in the process - ie, a quick beheading strike...

ArcTalyxArcTalyxover 3 years ago
The excitement of battle and the pain of the aftermath captured fantastically

This chapter rivals chapter 100 as one of my all time favorite chapters to date. From the thrill of battle to the emotional hit of the aftermath, my heart goes out to the crew and to Tamolith and the Kintark race who have suffered such crippling losses in such a short time. I look forward to seeing Tamolith’s changed state and seeing her lead her people wisely back from the brink of extinction. Great things to come are expected and I look forward to the next chapter yet again.

I really appreciate Tefler’s dedication to his word to keep posting his chapters here. While I am unable to contribute financially to Tefler directly, I was amused to find that my local library district had purchased digital licenses for his published works after putting in requests for them several times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Hold fuck a charter! Now we just need Feye back. Deffinetly the best chapter in a while. I never liked Tammy much but this chapter was just torture for her. Holy banjo batman!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Another great chapter

Another great chapter please keep them coming for those other readers that pick apart the science of the story just remember it is a story just an escape does it really matter just enjoy

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nymphs as sperm banks

Why not use the nymphs as sperm banks? Load them all up and when you need to transform a new thrall the resources are available to get at least three quick treatments. Boom insta thrall

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Using Nymphs as spermbanks

While that may be a practical use of the Nymphs, John wouldn't do it as he would see it as treating them as a tool not as an equal and he has been trying for over a hundred chapters to help Nymphs become more than they were made for.

On a more practical side John's loving treatment of all his girls, nymphs included has given him levels of psychic power beyond anything a Progenitor has ever seen. Even his guide recognised how John could get "impossible" amounts of power from the girls.

While this wasn't the reasonn John did this it is better than having a few loads ready to enthrall a new girl. Also John is much more reluctant to enthrall women without at least sometime to discuss the physical and mental changes to ensure as much consent as possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Another excellent chapter.

I do hope that this will be published in a serilazied book.

I would love to buy a hard copy to be able to read with out electronics.

NotlokNotlokover 3 years ago

Holy fuck that last bit I really really pray that sarinia isnt stupid enough to hurt kali. John going blame himself and gunna kill so many people over her

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Unpopular Opinion

But Faye needs to stay dead. It’s a good character moment for the story. Also, from a philosophical point, even if they do recreate her, it’s just Faye the Second, and would just be to make them feel better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love that in a fictional world where a man with four testicles and through the power of them makes superheros, people are questioning if a spacecraft can make waves in space, as if that is the difficult part to believe.

CignalCignalover 3 years ago

For those of you that asked, Tefler has posted 4 e-books so far, and has stated that he wants to work on 5 at the end of this month after he publishes chapter 139 on Patreon. Search for Tefler on Amazon and you will find "The John Blake Chronicles" by M. Tefler. The 4 e-books covers chapters 1 through 38. Things may change as to e-book 5 but that is the latest info.

ir8papair8papaover 3 years ago
Chapter 135

It appears that chapter 135 is awaiting moderator approval. If that is the case, it should be available for perusal in the next day or two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
5 Years Ago

Mentioning the "Fool's Gold" reminded me about this time 5 years ago:

You posted a nice little story that evolved quickly into a fantastic adventure of galactical dimensions.

You captivated me (and legions of other readers) by an amazing amount of imagination and your extraordinary skill for storytelling as well as your mastery of language.

Thank you, and looking forward to the next 5 years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Unpopular opinion...

I don't believe it would a be a Faye the second, because we have to remember that Faye is a computer... An extremely Intelligent and emotionally complex computer, but still a computer... The concept of a blank the first and a blank the second comes from the rooted concept of those two being entirely different entities with the same name, typically having to do with the concept of a soul... That being said... Faye wasn't 'born' in a normal fashion and the normal concepts of souls and body can't effectively be applied. So under those parameters the essential heart of Faye would be her memories, like programs on a hard drive, you can essentially plug that hard drive into any computer and for all intents and purposes it is the same computer just a different shell... That being said they have the base files and memories they are just missing the parts that run the programs... But once that is rebuilt, for all intents and purposes, it should the same fate, she may even remember her own death... As terrifying as that thought is... I mean in terms of a computer, it becomes 1 or 2 or 2.3 by the modifications it recieves. So in computer terms every time Faye was modified by herself or others she was by definition a further progressed version of herself...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great googly moogly tefler, ten pages of awesomeness!

Battle scene was very intense. Not sure about bringing a dragon into the fold, but I'm sure you will make it work

Now on to the next chapter, no, it's not you, it's me. I'm a slacker

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Interesting turn. Did not see that coming. Thanks for being so authentic!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithalmost 3 years ago

Unintended negative influences from 21st century UK on Tef's 28th century Erotic Sci Fi Adventure story,.. I speak not of full English breakfasts, nor of all that sashaying,.. no my nit to pick is equating a nuclear core meltdown with a core explosion,.. they are, or even in a sci fi story they still should be, to separate things,.. I strongly suspect that a little too much far left propaganda got stuck in young Tefler's mind when he was much too innocent to protect himself from emotional rhetoric masquerading as honest facts,.. but the dumbing down of the free world seems to be one of the Far Lefts goals,.. but yeah, a meltdown will not give you an explosion! :-l TTFN

RFxorcistRFxorcistover 2 years ago

Michael56Smith Only a delusional fool could bring politics into a sci-fi story filled with cum bellies. Climb off the high horse and save your speeches for the mirror.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

Okay, the subject is Making John's psychic cum go a lot further, so he can have millions of Maliri thralls as soon as possible,.. 1) Giant John's 'load' no matter how many gallons it may be is still only at the psychic potency of his regular 4 pint ejaculation,.. 2) in this last chapter (#134) we saw Jade grow to her dragon size and transfer a dragon sized belly full of psychic spooge to Tamolith. So, how about John loads a load into Jade, she increases her size and voila, we have many gallons instead of a few pints. And Dana and Rachel create mega vats for the stuff, and it is shipped off the various Fleets, and planets in the Maliri Protectorate,.. sure it doesn't have the John 'getting to know you' touch, but maybe they could play the girls a video while hundreds or thousands at a time are recruited under John's Matriarchs,... ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The Brimorian fleets should have had significantly superior shields to the Kirrix, but it seems it was much easier to take them out compared to the last battle with the Kirrix. Both battles were fought with the same configuration for the Invictus. It just seems inconsistent that about triple the number of stronger enemies are defeated with noticeable less effort. The whole traps in space thing makes no sense either, but it is consistent with the rest of the story and made for a good plot line.

- Kal'adayn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

The Invictus, while not yet ready to take on a Progenitor Dreadnought is shown here (chap #134) to be one awesomely powerful beast... I want one too, crewed by nubile young women also, of course you must go with a winning formula! Thanks for a wonderful read, I can scarcely wait for John to confront his 'guide' and kick his progenitory ass! ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

* On page 2, John realizes that he is an idiot. They say a bunch of junk, but the truth remains. Some of his mistakes were mentioned. * I really try to take everything with a grain of salt and just enjoy the ride, but really DNA does not supply you with technical schematics! :-) * Not enough information is supplied to know which powers tire you out the least, but I would have said that the Raptor could have killed ground soldiers just as dead as Tashana's firestorm. * I wonder what happened to the other Brimmorian ships that were in Kirrix territory but stopped for repairs? * I don't think that Tefler's combat renditions are necessarily the most consistent and plausible stories that I have read, but I do enjoy them. Thanks Tefler for the entertainment! * I'm really surprised and happy that John has finally decided that sometimes it is best to change a person's personality. Reformatory school and programs are all about that. Teaching children is about that too in a way. If he was unwilling to change Tamolith, then she would have had to die. * Sarinia is a clever drow. She will have to be tamed or killed. * The progression of power advances. John's crew now has a powerful tech edge and have really enhanced their psychic abilities. They have the potential to be superior in both ways to other progenitors. However, right now, my bet would be on the ruthless progenitor with the massive fleets. ...We'll see if the soap opera ends and John finally finds the balls to face his guide. He should be far past his guide by now. After all, Alyssa was, and John seems to be catching up to her now. Even with Superman, protecting the innocent can be difficult and lead to drama. That was some of what this chapter was about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I really think John is becoming my my hated protagonist

SlangTang69SlangTang69almost 2 years ago

Nice nod to Vizzini the Cicillian.

"Is this another bunch of garbage pods like the last? Or was the previous minefield a fake just to make me think this one is too? Have you planned a feint within a feint and this minefield is actually real? In which case I should navigate around it to avoid the trap entirely... but what if you knew I'd be suspicious again and decided to lay cloaked mines on the most obvious path to circumvent the minefield?"

Shoal-Commander Libtegh looked at his leader with alarm, wondering if Kaelotegh was starting to crack under the strain.

The Shoal Master shook his head, a feverish gleam in his eyes. "A lesser tactician would choose a vector at random, assuming that there was no possible way that it could be predicted... but you and I both know there is no such thing as pure chance. I would not choose the fastest diversion around the minefield to avoid befalling the same fate as the nebula, nor would I choose the longest route which someone might pick because it is the least-desirable choice."

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

John in his bigger form would be able to pound the dragon.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Our Tefler lives in the UK, and I assume that he was raised there and was educated there too, .... That would explain his equating a 'Meltdown' with and 'Explosion', the poor guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and was misinformed, for years, .... so, whenever you see the word Meltdown in TSM, just substitute in some form of Atomic 'heat / pressure' Explosion, .... this should be more accurate, .... and the Planet Tasmaris Prime with its Fission Power Plant Exploding, must have had some bomb smuggled / brought in, ... that's the only way a Fission Plant could blow up, ... anyway my nit has been picked, see ya, ... ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Brilliant. Yes, maybe some issues but these are minor given the scale of this story.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Okay, this quote is from mid-chapter: 'Internal detonations wracked the 500m vessel until it exploded outwards, killing the entire crew in a devastating reactor core meltdown.' First, a meltdown is NOT an explosion, they are two different things, ... it is confusing and misleading to put them in the same sentence like that, ... Second, this is not the first time this error has occurred in this series, ... I blame a left leaning education system in the UK, ... so, Tef please educate yourself and avoid this foot in mouth problem in the future, that has creeped into your delightful story. Good Luck, ... ;-) TTFN

ranec1ranec111 months ago
Mean As!


"What in the depths is that?!"

your worst nightmare fishhead!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wondering how many enemy battleships did the Kintark lizards recover intact from this war of survival.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith9 months ago

I love the Space battle sequences, ... and the Invictus is getting quite powerful now, ... too bad about Tamolith's 'whelps', they really were innocents, ...

-- I also think that High Prelate Zorlan, might be willing to join with Queen Neskira in starting a cult to worship John, ... just to be safe, ...

-- and now, back to the Maliri Protectorate, and the confrontation with John's Guide, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith3 months ago

Okay, coming up, John confronts his 'guide' (and of course he has to win), ... then on to fun and games in Maliri space, ... then on to the Mists of Loralar, ... and eventually the requisitioning of many fleets of Thrall warships, .... fun times ahead, plus a bit more sex too, .... I can live with that, ... ;-) ttfn

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