Three Square Meals Ch. 134


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She looked at John over a shoulder through her voluminous blonde mane. The hooded gaze was filled with promise... and a willingness to do anything he desired. That single glance had him as hard as steel and he shared a smile with the Nymph as he covered her spectacular prone form.

"You're really turning me on," he murmured as he pushed his way into her slick depths. Her ass was tight and hot, gripping him as he penetrated deeper. "Looks like you're as smart as Neysa."

"Nah, I'm not clever like her," she replied, closing her eyes in bliss as he settled his weight down on her. "But I am an expert on all kinds of kinky shit..."

John reached out to clasp her hands, then intertwined his fingers with the Nymph's as she stretched out on the bed. "Yeah? Like what?" he whispered in her ear.

Betrixa undulated underneath him, the smooth rocking motion feeling incredible. "You'll have to wait and see... Master."

He kissed her cheek, then settled down to get more comfortable, thrusting forward against the yielding flesh of her rump. Betrixa matched his rhythm and they were soon pistoning away in perfect synchronisation, wet smacking sounds echoing around the bedroom as his full quad slapped against her sopping pussy. The blonde catgirl had a playful naughtiness to her that made bedding Betrixa a real thrill... a wonderful distraction that he needed that evening more than ever.

"Have you decided what you want to do in the future?" he murmured, before kissing the tip of her ear.

"Uh huh..." she moaned, her eyelashes fluttering as she bucked against him. "Gonna pledge the rest of my life... to your cock."

He looked at her in surprise, then burst into laughter at her flippant reply.

"What? I'm totally serious," she said, tossing her hair back and grinning. She lovingly squeezed his shaft with her internal muscles. "Who else is going to have me cumming my brains out?"

"Good point," John agreed, pumping into her with more force.

Betrixa's pupils flared and she let out a low cry as she climaxed, bucking wildly underneath him. John was merciless, pushing the Nymph through several more back-to-back orgasms without any time to recover. Her gorgeous blonde mane was wild and dishevelled as she humped back at him, her breath coming out in uneven pants.

"I'm not going to last much longer..." he grunted. "Feels too good..."

The Nymph immediately slowed her pace, but added a corkscrewing twist. "But we haven't even got to the good part," she moaned, her thighs quivering as she rode the crest of another big climax.

John rolled over onto his back, hugging the horny Nymph so she stayed with him. Now Betrixa was lying back against his chest, her thighs splayed wide as he stroked into her from below.

He glanced at the third person on the bed, who was watching them through heavily-lidded eyes. "Jade... want to give me a hand?"

His Nymph matriarch growled with lust as she crawled across the bed to join them. Jade lay down on top of Betrixa, between her parted thighs, then leaned down for a loving kiss. Dark-green lips met rosy red, the alien temptresses sighing as they pressed themselves together in a sensual embrace.

"That's it... good girls," John murmured, cupping and squeezing their squashed breasts.

Betrixa suddenly arched her back and cried out in ecstasy as Jade eased a tentacock into her wet sheath. The throbbing shaft matched the tempo of John's thrusts as it pushed deeper into the Nymph's belly.

John shared a smile with Jade, then whispered in Betrixa's ear, "So what was the good part, my sexy little Nymph?"

She mewled and writhed between them, eagerly thrusting back against both girthy cocks that were stretching her wide.

"Talking about you making me as powerful as Jade," the catgirl panted, turning to give him desperate kisses. "Then turning me all... doe-eyed and broody... just like Marika."

Now it was John's turn to groan and he placed a possessive hand on Betrixa's stuffed tummy. "Would you like that, honey?"

"Are you gonna keep me knocked up forever?" Betrixa panted, her whole body shaking now, she was that turned on.

"Yeah... you and all your sisters," John agreed, squeezing Jade's taut asscheek with his other hand.

Both Nymphs came together, feeding off his arousal and revelling in the thought of carrying his babies. Hearing their ecstatic cries pushed John over the edge and he held onto Betrixa's hips as he pumped long spurts of cum into her body. She groaned, trembling with her release as her abdomen swelled to take his load, her internal muscles massaging his pulsing shaft. Jade cooed over Betrixa's growing belly, stroking the curved dome as her sister milked John's quad of every drop of spunk.

With a final groan, John sagged back on the bed, too exhausted to even speak as Jade helped move Betrixa onto the covers beside him. He managed to roll over to spoon her from behind, cuddling the comatose catgirl who lay insensate with a blissful smile on her lovely face.

"Thanks for talking me into that," John said, reaching over Betrixa to caress Jade's verdant body. "The two of you were incredible."

"You needed the distraction, Master," the Nymph murmured, a glazed look in her emerald eyes. "And Betrixa loved it."

"Did you enjoy yourself too?" he asked, watching her in fascination.

"It was wonderful," she agreed, letting out a breathy sigh.

His softening cock was nestled between Betrixa's trembling buttocks, the head still slick with cum. Jade carefully slipped two fingers behind his glistening shaft and pushed them into the unconscious catgirl, ready to siphon out his precious load. John cradled Betrixa's stomach and felt the taut dome begin to shrink, while Jade's tummy expanded to carry all his cum, trapping his hand between them. For a moment half-way through, he imagined that this would be what it'd be like when both Nymphs were several months pregnant. It was a very pleasant image.

When Jade was done, John reluctantly climbed out of bed. "We better head back to Tamolith... assuming Rachel and Alyssa managed to convince her to go ahead with the Change."

*As if there was ever any doubt,* the blonde protested, with a mock pout. *We're back in the palace now; I'll give you directions to Tamolith's quarters.*

*We'll grab a quick shower first,* John replied, offering Jade his hand. *See you in a few minutes.*


Walking from the landing pad into the Imperial palace was a sobering experience. John and Jade descended from the rooftop to the deserted lower corridors, where the floor was carpeted in hundreds of butchered corpses. The Brimorian marines had received the same mercy they'd shown the Kintark, brutally hacked to pieces as they fled in terror from Alyssa's legion of telekinetic blades.

Upon reaching the lower levels, they ran into the first Kintark survivors, the dazed courtiers staring in horror at the carnage that surrounded them. John's sudden arrival was met with startled surprise, but none of the lizardmen raised any objections about his presence in the palace. Picking his way through the bloodstained hallways, he followed Alyssa's directions to the Imperial throne room.

John pushed at the massive portal, then strode inside, to find the Kintark Empress reclining on the dais at the far side of the vast chamber. Accompanying Tamolith were all the girls from the ground mission, standing in quiet discussion with the massive crimson dragon. Helene sat to one side, the blazing teal light from her eyes giving John an idea of the Empress' emotional state.

"Hello again, Tamolith," John said as he approached the leader of the Kintark Empire. "Alyssa tells me that she explained the details of what the Change involves. Have you made a final decision?"

The dragon turned to face him. "Your consorts have been most enlightening," she replied, her brow quirking as she studied him. "It appears that to have all my desires fulfilled, you must become my mate."

"Eventually... yes," John agreed, coming to a halt before her.

"I must admit that the logistics of such a union are... highly implausible," Tamolith said, her long serpentine neck causing her to tower over him.

"We'll use Jade as a proxy at first," he said, eyeing her huge fangs. "You've been trustworthy with your dealings with me in the past, Tamolith... but I must admit that there are limits to my bravery."

Rumbling laughter reverberated deep in her chest. "I can understand your caution, tiny Progenitor," Tamolith said, before hesitating and looking at him curiously. "I suppose I shall have to stop calling you that now, after your impressive demonstration earlier."

He nodded, then walked closer and beckoned her down. Tamolith lowered her huge head to the same level as his, gazing at him with curiosity in her big amber eyes.

"This is a one-way process, Tamolith," he said quietly. "I don't expect any dramatic changes after the first time, but if I keep feeding you for a couple of months, you're going to look and behave very differently. Do you truly understand what you're signing up for here? If Rachel is correct, you'll eventually end up taking on the proportions of a Thrall, and look just like the rest of the girls."

"I would have dismissed the idea as preposterous only yesterday... but I've seen too much today that I cannot explain." There was a flicker of apprehension on her draconic features. "In truth I have no desire to lose my stature and majestic appearance. However, if that is the sacrifice I am forced to make in exchange for everything promised in return... so be it."

"I have no control over the side-effects, I'm afraid. You can't have one without the other," John said with regret.

"Then I choose to accept your offer, John Blake. I have no future like this... none worth living for at least," the dragon rumbled. Tamolith had a disquieted look in her eyes as she continued, "It strikes me as a peculiar twist of fate that it was I who convinced you to slay Kindralax... and now that the dragon that sired my children is dead, my only chance of another family rests with you."

John could see the grief haunting Tamolith's eyes, only held at bay by Helene's gentle support. He reached up to stroke the dragon's muzzle, feeling a surge of sympathy for Tamolith no matter what she'd done in the past.

"For what it's worth, I'm very sorry for the way events panned out. I would have done anything I could to save your family, Tamolith."

She nodded mournfully, then gently brushed her huge head against him in a simple gesture of gratitude. "I believe you tried your hardest, John... but let us say no more about the matter. I will have sorrow enough to face when I awaken tomorrow."

John glanced at the round stone plinth. "Are you sure you'll be okay sleeping here unguarded?"

"I have spoken to High Prelate Zorlin and he is dispatching a new garrison of troops to secure the palace. He understands that I will be grieving for a period of time and wish to be left alone and undisturbed until then."

"What about the cities the Brimorians bombarded?" he asked, wanting to make sure they were being provided for. "Have you done anything to help them?"

"The High Prelate has his orders," the Empress replied. "He will lead the relief effort until I awaken."

"Thank you," John said, pleased that she had taken steps to aid her people. "There's one last thing we need to discuss, Tamolith. I want you to stop taking out your anger and frustration on your citizens. No more random murders."

The dragon looked somewhat abashed and glanced at Alyssa. "Your consort has already made it quite clear that my undergoing this transformation is contingent on my future conduct."

John nodded in confirmation. "We're allies now and I'll do my best to support you in any way that I can. However, it could be many months until I can return to Kinta and give you the dedicated attention necessary to complete the Change."

"I will await that time with eager anticipation," Tamolith said, nodding her understanding.

"Alright then... are you ready?" he asked, giving her a final chance to back out.

"I am ready to proceed," Tamolith declared, before holding herself up with pride. "Congratulations, tiny Progenitor, you are about to add a dragon to your harem of consorts."

John had a wry smile on his face as he glanced at his Nymph Matriarch. "Go ahead, Jade."

Jade slipped her dress over her cum-packed tummy, then her statuesque form was obscured by a verdant haze. The shimmering grew larger and larger... expanding to immense proportions, until she solidified into a vast green dragon that dwarfed the Kintark Empress. Gasping in shock, Tamolith's claws scrabbled on the stone plinth as she instinctively backed away from the colossal predator.

"I actually have a dragon already," John said, patting Jade's scaly foreclaw.

She dipped her long graceful neck and gently nuzzled him, a rumbling purr sounding deep in her enormous chest.

Tamolith stared at the Nymph in stunned fascination. "How is that possible?!"

"Jade's a very talented and powerful shapeshifter. Don't worry, she won't hurt you," John replied, giving the shocked red dragon an encouraging smile.

"It might be less intimidating if we lie down?" Jade rumbled, following her own suggestion.

After watching the Nymph rest on the flagstones floor, Tamolith copied her, curling up on the stone plinth that overlooked the throne room. Jade dipped her neck so that her head was low to the ground, then gently brushed her muzzle against Tamolith's. The Empress relaxed, sensing that Jade meant her no harm, and returned the friendly gesture. Jade extended her long forked tongue and licked the smaller dragon's maw, encouraging Tamolith to open her fang-filled jaws. When she did so, Jade gave her a draconic kiss, her tongue curling around Tamolith's.

From where he stood, John could hear the sudden gurgle of liquid as Jade fed his load to the huge dragon. Tamolith's pupil dilated in surprise as her tastebuds were bathed in his sweet aftertaste, then those amber orbs glazed over, her mind reeling from the overwhelming contact with his subconscious. She continued to swallow by reflex now, scaly throat flexing repeatedly as Jade filled her up. It went on for sufficiently long that John glanced at Tamolith's stomach and was astonished to see a noticeable swell with all the cum she had swallowed.

Rachel moved to stand beside him, watching the dragon in fascination. "Glazed eyes, the suckling trance... it's identical to the effect you have on any normal woman." She turned to grin at John, her grey eyes sparkling with excitement. "These are all excellent signs, John!"

"I can sense her in my mind, handsome," Alyssa said with satisfaction. She walked up to the dazed dragon and fondly patted her scaly head. "Welcome to the family, Tamolith."


Matriarch Sarinia Baelora paced back and forth in her study, her nerves frayed after long days spent in confinement. She'd been expecting Baen'thelas to arrive that evening, but with Edraele announcing his delay, her fate was to be decided another day. Being left in a limbo state, waiting to be judged for her supposed crimes, was like torture for the Maliri noblewoman.

Sliding into her chair, she brought up the comms-interface again and scowled when she saw that her access had been restricted. Being cut off from outside contact made the situation even worse, as Sarinia knew the new matriarchs would be arriving at Genthalas that very evening. This was the perfect time to influence those women, who would all be profoundly grateful to her for enabling their abrupt promotion to leader of their House.

Sarinia froze as she was struck by a sudden moment of inspiration. Logging out of the comms interface, she attempted to access the system using her youngest sister's credentials, which Tehlariene had previously shared with her. As she suspected, the account administrators had not updated their records to reflect the youngest Baeloran noblewoman's unexpected demise.

There were scant few contacts of any use in Tehlariene's account, but Sarinia had already memorised the details of the person she needed to speak to urgently. Updating the information, she held her breath and waited for the comms message to go through. The twin moons icon of House Loraleth appeared, the two spheres waxing and waning as Sarinia waited for an answer.

The House sigil disappeared in a flurry of pixels and a sleepy young woman gazed bleary-eyed at the holo-screen. "Hello? I don't think we've met, Tehlariene..."

"Kali!" Sarinia gushed, feeling a surge of relief. "It's me... Sarinia!"

That woke the House Loraleth Matriarch in a hurry. "Oh, I've been so worried about you! Are you alright?! Did your mother hurt you again?"

"I'm fine, Kali," Sarinia said with a broad smile. "I've really missed you though."

"What happened?" Kali asked in bewilderment. "I went to the arboretum for our meeting and waited for hours!"

"I'm so sorry about that," Sarinia apologised, trying to look as contrite as possible. "Have you really not heard about what's been happening?"

"Only Queen Edraele seems to know... but she won't tell me a thing!" Kali blurted out in exasperation.

Glancing furtively to either side as if to check she wasn't being overheard, the House Baelora Matriarch said, "Can you come to visit me? I'm being held in my mother's quarters. I'd love to tell you everything... but I don't want to discuss this over the comms network."

Kali giggled nervously. "I'm not sure if I should. Edraele asked me not to investigate..."

"But you're not investigating. I contacted you, remember?" Sarinia said with a sly grin. "Please come and visit me, Kali... I haven't had any friendly company in days!"

Nibbling pensively at her lower lip, the young noblewoman made up her mind. "Okay... I'll come."

"You promise?" Sarinia asked, a pleading look in her golden eyes.

Kali broke into a friendly smile and nodded. "I promise."

They ended the call and Sarinia sank back into the comfortable chair, a triumphant smile spreading across her beautiful face. She felt immensely relieved that the naive Loraleth Matriarch could be so easily manipulated.

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith3 months ago

Okay, coming up, John confronts his 'guide' (and of course he has to win), ... then on to fun and games in Maliri space, ... then on to the Mists of Loralar, ... and eventually the requisitioning of many fleets of Thrall warships, .... fun times ahead, plus a bit more sex too, .... I can live with that, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith9 months ago

I love the Space battle sequences, ... and the Invictus is getting quite powerful now, ... too bad about Tamolith's 'whelps', they really were innocents, ...

-- I also think that High Prelate Zorlan, might be willing to join with Queen Neskira in starting a cult to worship John, ... just to be safe, ...

-- and now, back to the Maliri Protectorate, and the confrontation with John's Guide, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wondering how many enemy battleships did the Kintark lizards recover intact from this war of survival.

ranec1ranec111 months ago
Mean As!


"What in the depths is that?!"

your worst nightmare fishhead!!!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Okay, this quote is from mid-chapter: 'Internal detonations wracked the 500m vessel until it exploded outwards, killing the entire crew in a devastating reactor core meltdown.' First, a meltdown is NOT an explosion, they are two different things, ... it is confusing and misleading to put them in the same sentence like that, ... Second, this is not the first time this error has occurred in this series, ... I blame a left leaning education system in the UK, ... so, Tef please educate yourself and avoid this foot in mouth problem in the future, that has creeped into your delightful story. Good Luck, ... ;-) TTFN

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