Time for Truth Ch. 09


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"Well, as you can see, I am fine. Thanks for stopping by. If you don't mind, I need rest and you two need to go." She added moving to escort them out.

"Diane, you are welcomed to come to the compound. If you need anything, we are there." Blaine offered. She paused, and he waited a moment.

Then she replied, "Thank you, both of you, but I'm fine. Now gentleman, if you don't mind, I need you to go." She added. Both men complied and left. On the drive home, Vince sat smiling, and Blaine had to tease him.

Diane had to move and she had to do so quickly So as soon as Vince and his uncle cleared her parking lot, she grabbed her duffel bag.

Tomorrow night, at this time, Diane Black would be history. Throwing her few clothes into the bag, she headed for the road. Hitchhiking was dangerous, but she was sure she could take care of herself. Leaving a note for her landlord which held one month's rent, Amari once again chose to vanish.


"So, Diane, I like her. She needs to meet the family." Blaine stated. Something was bothering him, and he wanted to get her to the compound.

Vince huffed, "Unless I bring the pack to her, that won't happen. I wish I could get her to trust me."

Blaine sighed, "She already does. She opened the door for you. She doesn't seem like the type of girl who would let just anyone in her home." Vince nodded, Blaine was right. Most days she never talked to anyone, but she would allow him to hang around her.

Soon the two returned to the compound. Blaine dropped Vince off at his apartment, and he then drove home. Celia was waiting for him, and hugged him when he entered.

"Um, baby, the girls are asleep, Benny is over BJ's and we have a few minutes alone. She whispered. Blaine held her close and laughed. "I met Vince's mate tonight."

"What? Who is she? He hasn't said anything. What is she like? Wait, is she human or Were?" Celia asked looking so serious.

"Were, and she is extremely shy. She's been hurt, so she doesn't trust easily." He exhaled. "Vince is patient and he will win her over."

Celia hugged her mate. "Our kids have grown up so fast Benny has a girlfriend. I think it's serious. Ares, Aria, even Marisol have met someone special. Soon, we'll be grandparents." She teased.

"Oh no, not too soon, we still have a few years." Blaine declared.

"In a few years, our little girl will be eighteen, then soon after her the twins." Blaine stiffened. He needed to make plans. His daughter looked like her mother. She was absolutely gorgeous. No male was good enough for his little girl.

"Oh hell no!" Celia interjected laughing. "You and my brother need to quit."

Blaine laughed and held his mate close. She kissed him and all was right in his world for now.

Vince returned to his apartment and found Ares pondering. The two talked and Ares disclosed the information about Clarence. Vince decided that as Aria's brother. He had to kick the other guy's ass. He took a moment and explained his stance to Ares. Ares agreed. They had to make it clear to Clarence that he would not get away with breaking their sister's heart. The only problem was the timing of this ass kicking. Since Clarence was in California and they were here it would not take place anytime soon.


In California, the plane landed and Phillip's parents had arrived. Michael allowed Phillip to accompany them and the young man could not contain his excitement. Michael and Clarence laughed and told him to calm down. Miriam and Hannah told the males to leave the boy alone. Soon the flight to Texas was ready to board. Michael, Phillip, and Clarence helped Jebediah carry their bags. As soon as the bags were tagged, they would walk across and meet Phillips family. Hannah, Jebediah, and Miriam were loading their plane. All of a sudden, Hannah became frightened. She didn't want to board the plane. Jebediah tried to reassure her, but she still panicked.

"Hannah, please calm down. Your family is waiting. Listen to me. There is nothing to be afraid of." Clarence reassured the frightened woman.

"Clarence, can we drive? We can still get there, but..." Hannah started to say.

"Hannah, Clarence will be on the flight with you. You don't have to be afraid." Michael interjected. Clarence's eyes flew to his alpha who pulled out an extra round trip ticket to Houston, Texas.

"Mike, um, Alpha, I can't go..." Clarence tried to protest as Hannah gripped his arm.

"You can and you must. I'll let Javon that an extra guest is coming. You decide how to handle the rest." Michael explained. At that moment the announcement to board was called out, as Phillips parent's and his siblings came into view inside the terminal. Clarence glared at his alpha. OK, old friend. If this blows up in my face, it's your fault. Clarence declared.

Michael laughed and replied, Hey, remember what Brandy said, MJ needs cousins. Clarence walked on to the tarmac with Hannah and Phillip rushed across the airport to greet his family. Michael donned his stern demeanor once again and followed the young man. He was honored to have his family visit them.

On the plane, Clarence noticed that Hannah calmed down quickly. He began to wonder was she really upset in the first place. She was seated with Miriam and he watched as they chatted; Jebediah chose to lay back and rest. Sitting in his seat next to a young woman that was reading, Clarence closed his eyes. He had a plethora of emotions. He wondered what Aria's reaction would be when he showed up at her home. Clarence smiled, so happy that he'd see her again. This time he'd talk and make sure she understood that he never meant to hurt her. Then he'd let her go, and enjoy his visit. Keep lying to yourself. Aria Loess is ours. You can sit here and play gentle old man all you want. Once I get to her, I'm grabbing her and making sure she knows how I feel. No one will have any doubts when I'm done. His wolf sent.

Look, she is too young. Her father... Clarence tried to reason with his beast. It was pointless, his animal had been restless for the past two weeks, every since Aria walked out of his home that faithful night.

His wolf spoke once more. Her father has his mate. Aria is ours. He can beat our ass if he needs to but I am not leaving until she knows she's mine, his beast declared once more.

Clarence opened his eyes and found the young woman staring at him, wide eyed. "Sir, are you OK?" She asked, "You sounded like you were, um, growling."

"I'm sorry miss. I have a sleeping disorder that causes me to snore. I won't disturb you again." He apologized. The young woman looked unconvinced, but she returned to her magazine. Clarence stayed alert for the rest of the trip. Soon the pilot announced their arrival, and his heart began to race.Soon, Aria, soon he thought.


Zeke and her family from Louisiana arrived the night before, Zeke walked over and visited and the two went for a stroll where she finally had a moment alone with her mate. Marisol's heart pounded. In a few weeks she'd be moving to Louisiana, and she could see her mate as much as she wanted. She needed to be alone with him so bad; it was all she could think about. Tonight he was here, and they had a few moments together, before someone came to her rescue. Usually, Uncle Blaine, Poppa, Vince, or Daddy would show up. But Vince and Uncle Blaine were in the city. Momma had Poppa helping her, and Daddy was visiting with Aloha Javon and Grandpa Lakota, so for a few minutes she was alone with her man.

Every time she saw him she was wet. Last night in her dream, he touched her and she knew she had to be with him soon. She loved the feel of him: kissing him, holding him, touching him. They never really had a chance to be completely alone, so their intimate moments were often stifled.

They walked around for a while, but what they really wanted was a chance to be someplace private. Realizing that no one was around to interrupt, Marisol asked Zeke to go to his apartment. He complied needing to be someplace where he could finally touch her the way he longed to. As they walked to his door, Geraldo met them, and offered to walk Marisol home. He insisted, "Zeke you just drove here from Louisiana. I know you are exhausted. Please, I will escort Marisol home, while you rest."

Plans thwarted once again, Zeke smiled and knew Geraldo was full of bluster. Not wanting to offend her father, Zeke thanked him and kissed his mate good night. Marisol then joined her father for her walk home. Inside, Geraldo giggled, he knew his daughter was frustrated, but like BJ he could not stand the thought of any man touching his little girl. If the two of them could not agree on anything else, they could agree on that. "Marisol, are you excited about graduating. I remember when I graduated years ago. It was a special occasion." Geraldo went on and on, but Marisol wasn't listening. He is as bad as Poppa, worse even. She fumed as she pretended to listen to Geraldo share his tale. Zeke was her mate. Why did her fathers have a hard time leaving them alone? She pondered as they walked.

She and Geraldo had spent time together and she was slowly coming to accept him. He meant well and she could respect that. There was one question she needed to ask him. She was afraid, but for some reason it bothered her. They had reached her home and she saw Poppa standing out cleaning his car. She would ask him at another time.

Over the weeks the two men a formed a close friendship, one born out of love for their children. BJ knew that Geraldo probably interrupted her and Zeke and he was glad. Yes, Zeke was her mate, but still she was his little girl.

Marisol hugged Geraldo and then hugged BJ and wished both men a good night as she went inside frustrated and horny. Rosita asked if she was alright and she said she was fine. Climbing into bed, she fell asleep thinking about Zeke.

The next morning, Marisol awoke early and needed to run. She got out of bed, careful not to wake her sister, and snuck outside. BJ woke as did Jules. He moved to join her, but Julianne stopped him. "Let her go. She'll be fine." She climbed onto his chest, "Let me have a treat this morning, Love. It's been a while." She added, stroking his cock which hardened instantly at her touch.

"Ummm Jules, we have two hours before I have to be up right?" BJ asked her as he quickly rolled over, pinning his sexy mate beneath him. He needed no more encouragement and spent the next few hours worshipping her body.


Marisol jogged over to the apartment Zeke stayed in. She hoped Geraldo wasn't awake because he'd interrupt them again. Zeke quickly opened the door smiling. He missed her and could not wait until she came to New Orleans. They would have no interruptions then. Marisol flowed into his arm and he inhaled her scent. She loved his natural smell, morning dew. "Baby, what are you doing up so early?" he asked.

"Come on, she led him to his bedroom, and lay out on his bed. Zeke had waited forever for this it seemed. The sight of his love in his bed made his heart race. "Join me." She whispered.

He hesitated. He knew if he climbed into that bed, he was making love to this girl. She may not be ready for that yet. Marisol wanted him. She was unsure, nervous, but she needed more than a few touches and kisses from him. In a bold move, she sat up and removed her top, exposing her perfect globes to his view. Zeke was mesmerized.

"Come on, Zeke. We don't have a lot of time." She whispered.

She grabbed her waistband of her pants and he could not restrain himself anymore. With the speed of a demon, Zeke joined his mate on his bed.

"Baby, are you sure? I won't be able to stop if we start this." He whispered huskily.

Marisol lay back, "I'm yours, Zeke, only yours." She replied. He had to have her then. Within second the boxers he wore vanished and he lay beside her as hard as steel.

Marisol reached for him and he stopped her. "Baby, if you touch me right now, I'll explode." He whispered. Let me take care of you" he whispered.

He nibbled her neck, licking teasing his way to her breast. Zeke stopped and palmed them they were perfect, and he recalled seeing them for the first time on his last visit. Not that he saw them for long before one f her Dads stopped, by.

"Zeke," she groaned as he loved her nipples with his tongue, sucking the hardened peak, teasing it with tongue and teeth. As he teased her breast, he caressed her stomach, each stroke going lower and lower. He felt her heat through her outerwear and knew she was burning for him.

"Zeke, touch me." Marisol demanded.

"Baby, I thought you were shy. You're so bossy." He teased.

Marisol groaned as his hand found its way into her panties. She was drenched and he felt her heat and wetness.

"Let me take these off," he whispered, Marisol lifted up allowing him to remove what she was wearing. Zeke looked at his woman, Marisol. She was beautiful, her dark hair spread across his pillow, her dark nipples hard and begging for him. Her stomach was so smooth; he leaned forward and kissed her once more. Then he saw the part of her that he wanted to own; to possess. The dark triangle at the apex of her thighs was dripping for him and he scented her arousal. Her thick bush fascinated him and he knew that from this point on, he'd never want anyone else.

"Let me taste you?" he asked.

Marisol froze, because hadn't he tasted her already. She wasn't expecting him to taste her between her thighs. Zeke rose and spread her open. He caressed her pussy and she groaned. If this is sex, I've missed out on a lot, she thought. He licked her and she screamed. Zeke stopped and laughed. "Baby, do you want to wake your dad?" he teased. Marisol shook her head no, and needed him to continue. Zeke inhaled her fragrance. He wasn't a novice at this, but he wanted this to be something she never forgot.

Marisol whimpered as he teased her pussy with his tongue. Within minutes, she felt a pressure in the bottom of her belly. It grew stronger and stronger. She could barely halt her screams as her man loved her with his tongue. Then he flicked her clit once more, she moaned. "Cum for me Mari," Zeke whispered, "Let me taste your sweetness." He sucked her clit and she exploded, bathing him in her juices. He needed to be inside of her. Rising up, Zeke entered her hot throbbing sheath in an instant.

Marisol groaned, as the feeling of man inside of her for the first time overrode her senses. Within seconds, she climaxed once more, her pussy clenching his cock. Unable to hold back, Zeke emptied his seed inside his beautiful Marisol. Both held each other as their bodies quaked and calmed from the magnanimous climax they shared.

Zeke lay beside her and held her close. "Baby, are you alright? I wanted our first time to be special, not a quickie." He started to apologize'

"No, Zeke it was beautiful. It didn't hurt. You were perfect." She assured him. He had to kiss her then, his woman, his Marisol.

"Baby, we have a problem." Zeke whispered. "Now that I've been with you; I can't give you up. Your Dads are gonna want to kill me." He teased. "But, what a way to go!"

Marisol laughed, "Zeke, after graduation, can we come back here? I want time alone with you again." She asked shyly.

Zeke laughed, "Baby, if course. Now just for future reference, you never have to ask to be with me. I'm yours to command." They kissed once more.

"What time is it?" Marisol asked. Realizing it was later than usual, Marisol got up and dressed quickly, much to Zeke's dismay. She kissed him and hurried home.


Rosita and Javier awoke and could hear the sounds their parents were making, the kids laughed and went into the dining room. "Rosita, are you OK?" Javier asked, He knew his sister was having a hard time with their birthfather returning.

Rosita smiled, "No, but I will be. I want to talk to him. You know, maybe he can help me understand something."

Javier nodded. "I look like him. I'm going to visit him today. I need to ask him something." Javier explained. This captured Rosita's attention. "I'll go with you. We need to tell Momma and Poppa though."

Javier agreed, "OK, let's wait until later. Where's Mari?" he asked.

"I don't know. She was gone when I got up. Maybe she went for a run." Rosita answered.

Javier nodded, and decided that she was probably safe. He needed to call Theo and Jon Jon to help with his gift. Marisol was graduating at eleven and he built her a special gift. His two friends had to help him get it to the house. First, he wanted to visit Geraldo. He wasn't ready to address him as Daddy, but he would not be disrespectful again. Poppa would not be amused. Besides, he needed help understanding their past. It was key to helping bring an end to Marisol's nightmare.

"OK, Rosita, let's go see Geraldo before breakfast. Then we can get ready for the graduation." Javier concluded.

"Son, what are you planning?" BJ demanded ,walking into the room hearing the end of their conversation. He knew his son and he was always planning something.

"Rosita and I wanted to ask Geraldo to join us for breakfast. We were going to walk over and see him." Javier explained. It wasn't the whole truth, but enough not to make Poppa worry.

"Wait, he's sleeping. It would be rude to wake him. We'll see him at the dining hall. You can invite him then." BJ interjected.

"OK, Poppa," Javier answered. Jules and BJ shared a look. "Come on, let's go see your Dad." He offered, both kids beamed and walked out with their father. Jules laughed and told them she'd see them at breakfast. After they left, Marisol returned, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ah, I see you had a great run," Jules stated.

"Yes, it was nice, invigorating." Mari answered.

"Well, the next time you sneak out to see your mate, make sure you put your clothes back on correctly." Jules joked indicating the tags that clearly were inside out on her shirt.

Mari blushed and Jules laughed. "Baby, he makes you happy. That's all we really want for you. It's fine. Now shower and change. We can walk over to the dining hall together for breakfast."


So ends chapter nine. I certainly hope you enjoyed this chapter. Chapter 10 has not been written yet. I will work on it soon. Until then, share your thoughts with me. What do you think of the story so far? Please comment and vote.

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skippersdadskippersdadover 3 years ago

I am having fun too , it is very nice tale.

thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago

I am still having fun

Adlin1968Adlin1968almost 10 years ago
Great chapter!

As always another great chapter. I cannot wait for the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Jael Pack

I like the story and all the new relationship for the young adults,. It's nice to see the packs bound. Hope Nina and Thad are re-introduced in the story. Nina is very important to the story (regarding Joe) . Diane is the key to address open discussion about Jael Pack and Joe. I would be nice if Geraldo becomes Alpha of Jael.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 10 years ago

Vince is going to be devastated when he finds out Amari ran. Another couple that will not have a simple mating.

I wonder how Clarence will handle himself when he see Aria. Hopefully her family won't do too much and unintentionally hurt Aria trying to protect her from Clarence. If they are mates its not like its Clarence's fault and keeping them apart will only make things worse. I just hope Aria and Clarence are able to talk things out without her family interference.

RheamistressRheamistressalmost 10 years ago

AMARI???? Can't wait for the back story on this one. And how it will weave in with the rest of the "family". :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I want more. Great story. Thanks for gifting us.

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