To Be The Last Ch. 04


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"No." He whispered as he buried his face in her hair. "Stay with me. Don't go. I don't want to let you go again."

"I'm not going anywhere, Blake." Alex wrapped her arms around Blake's neck. "I'm here with you."

"To think I'd never see you again. I could still be dreaming right now. But I don't care if I don't wake up again. As long as you're here with me."

Alexia noticed that even if he loved her, he still had difficulty saying the words. She put on her best smile. "I'm here, Blake. Now, let me finish so we can dry off and get you back to bed. You need your rest. We can talk later."

Blake released his hold on Alexia slightly and she reached for the scrub. She stayed in the tub and moved over a little. They didn't talk as Alex scrubbed Blake. Her fingers drifted slightly lower and Blake groaned.

"I think maybe you should wash down there. We might get distracted." Alexia said a bit breathlessly.

"I agree. I need all the blood in the head on my shoulders since I have a pounding headache. I'm taking it Matthew is responsible for my headache."

"He said you were being unreasonable."

With a snort, Blake stood and helped Alexia up as well. "I don't think it was unreasonable for me not wanting to follow a man who didn't even speak to me."

He walked over to the sink and brushed his teeth as Alexia got out of her wet clothes and wrapped a towel around herself. Her eyes grew worried as she watched Blake.

"Where are you going?"

"There's some business I need to take care of." He looked in the mirror to see Alexia's sad reflection behind him. "I vaguely recall that Richardson got away. I need to see to that before he comes here and harms you and or our baby."

Alex moved quickly and wrapped her arms around Blake with her head resting on his back, her stomach touching him more than anything.

"Matthew can handle Richardson. Don't go again, Blake. Stay here with me and Gabriel."

"Gabriel?" Blake asked confused as he turned in Alexia's arms.

She looked up at him and smiled softly. "That's our son's name. I didn't think you'd mind that I named him after your mother."

Blake felt his throat constrict as he looked down at her. She was so goddamn beautiful. Unable to speak, Blake fell to his knees and gently tugged on the towel until Alexia released it and let the heap fall to the floor. He kissed Alexia's stomach tenderly. It took him a few moments to find his voice.

"Bienvenue enfant." Blake finally whispered against the bump. He rested his head against her stomach for a moment longer before he got up. "I need to go, Alexia. Please. I need to do this. I wouldn't be able to face myself if Richardson got to you or...Gabriel." Blake said after a slight pause, getting used to his son's name. He had many questions he wanted to ask Alexia about how she found him. But his questions could wait until he was certain she and their baby were safe.

"Look for him tomorrow." Alexia pleaded. "Stay with me tonight. I need you, Blake." Tears began to form and Blake felt his will crumble.

He kissed her eyelids delicately as if afraid he'd break her. Alexia tip-toed until she was able to press her lips against his. Suddenly their kiss became heated as they both made their way to the bed. Blake sat Alexia at the edge gently and went to worshipping her.

Blake kissed every part of her body so tenderly that Alex couldn't help but to cry. He teased her so deliciously that Alex had shivered all over and begged for him to enter her. But he continued to hold back, wanting to give her pleasure before he found his own. It took all of his restraint to stop from burying himself deep inside her and getting lost in her sensuous body. Alexia came in Blake's mouth twice before he finally gave her want he wanted and slid inside of her. Carefully, Blake turned Alexia to her side.

Moving up beside her, Blake lifted Alexia's leg as he pushed into her from behind. They both moaned as his thick cock penetrated her soaking, tight pussy. He resisted spending himself that moment as Alexia squeezed around him in a little orgasm. Remaining still until the contractions stopped, Blake whispered endearments in Alexia's ear. Just jumbled words in French. Sweet nothings about love and pleasure.

"I'll be so gentle. Just let me, Alexia. So soft." He whispered as his hands roamed all over her body. He kneaded her full, heavy breasts and licked the sweat off her temple. "So sweet. And you're all mine."

Alexia shivered as his body and words claimed her. Then he moved in that sinful rhythm that always drove Alexia crazy. She ground back against him and Blake bit her shoulder playfully as one hand went to cradling her stomach gently. Blake could feel his climax building as Alexia tightened around him, about to come a fourth time. They came together as Alexia sobbed his name and Blake buried his face in her dark hair.

She was so exhausted that she was in a drowsy state when Blake pulled out and gathered her close. He kissed the top of her head and rested his hand on her bump.

"I love you, Alexia." She thought she heard him say as she drifted to sleep.


Although every cell in his body rebelled, Blake got out of bed quietly when he was sure Alexia was asleep. He walked over to the mirror again and cringed as he saw the haircut she gave him. Picking up the scissors, Blake made quick work of fixing his hair. There weren't any clothes to be found in the room. Blake left the room in a towel hanging on his waist.

"You're leaving?" A deep voice asked behind Blake.

He turned quickly to see a slightly familiar man. Though they had never been formally introduced, Blake remembered the man as one of the two guys who burst into the room earlier that night. One man he knew as Matthew...but this other guy was new.

"No. I promised Alexia I would stay tonight. I'm looking for clothes and a phone."

"And after tonight?" Kaleb asked.

Blake frowned. "I don't see why you should concern yourself with what I do."

"Neither do I. But if you plan on breaking Alexia's heart even more than you already have..."

"You'll what?" Blake cut in. "What is your relationship with Alexia?"

"She hired me to find you." With a strained exhale, Kaleb ran his hand through his hair. "My name is Kaleb Jensen, private investigator. Matthew has some clothes for you in the other room. There's a phone in there too. Follow me." Kaleb started walking down the hall. "I don't know where Matthew is right now. He left about an hour ago."

Blake followed Kaleb to the room down the hall. Neither men said anything as Blake entered the room and shut the door behind him firmly. He got dressed in the collared shirt, black slacks, and boxers he found in a package on the bed. Then Blake picked up the phone and made a very important call.


Alexia woke up suddenly, afraid to find herself alone. The curtains were drawn and the room was very dark. She felt around her, but found the bed empty.

"Blake?" Alex called out into the dark room.

A shadow moved across the room quickly. "I'm here. I just got up to use the toilet."

Blake settled back into bed beside Alexia and held her near. Alexia snuggled as close as she could and buried her face by his neck. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes.

"I was so scared you left. I had a nightmare that someone took you away again."

Blake felt Alex tense and he rubbed a hand over her back soothingly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You're dressed." Alexia realized, her eyes opening. "Where did you go?"

"I haven't gone after Richardson if that's what you're wondering. I got up to make a phone call some time ago, then I had my package delivered nearby that I picked up a little while ago."

"What kind of package?" Alex looked up at Blake and he kissed the tip of her nose.

"Why don't you look on your left hand?" Blake suggested, flicking on the lamp beside the bed.

Alexia sat up and looked down at the simple diamond solitaire on her ring finger. Tears filled her eyes and Blake frowned.

"You don't like it?" He asked, cradling her beautiful face in his hands.

Alex shook her head. "I love it. It's lovely."

"Then why are you crying?" Blake asked worriedly.

"Because I'm so happy. But I'm scared too. What if you're marrying me only because I'm pregnant with your baby?"

Understanding dawned on him. Blake gathered Alexia to him and kissed her forehead. "No, no, no. Don't cry, Alexia. I want you to marry me because I love you. When Richardson kept me in that place for so long all I thought about was you. I wondered what you were doing and if you ever thought of me. I used to fantasize about us. Thinking of you was what kept me strong. I love you, Alexia. And if you will have me, I want you to be my wife. That ring belonged to my mother's mother. She gave it to her son, my uncle, Philippe. But he never married and gave the ring to me. It was in the safe keeping of a friend and I called him to send me the ring." Blake's voice trailed off and Alexia looked at him uncertainly.

"I have enough money so we'll be comfortable for the rest of our lives and we'll be able to support a dozen more children. Of course I still need to figure out how to quit my job, but we'll deal with that when it comes. I'm really bad at expressing my feelings and even then I give mix messages. But what I'm telling you, I've never told another woman, save my mother, and this is an entirely different kind of love. I love you, Alexia. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! I love you." Alex cried, throwing herself on him. "And don't worry about your job. I'm sure my grandfather will let you quit without problem."

"What?" Blake asked. "What about your grandfather?"

There was a knock on the door. Before Alexia could answer, the door opened and there stood Matthew.

"Your grandfather is going to be here in an hour or so. I thought you'd like to know."

"You." Blake said, suddenly recognizing the voice. "Matt?"

"Well now, glad to see you remember me."

"That's why you didn't say anything at Alexia's apartment and why you didn't say anything last night. What is going on?"

"Now, Alexia. I would have thought you told him already." Matthew chided.

"I was just getting to that before you barged in." Alex narrowed her eyes at Matthew as she got up in bed. Wrapping the sheet around her, Alex reached for Blake who stepped out of her reach. "Blake, I didn't know the right time to tell you."

"Are you an agent too? When we first met, did you know who I was?" Blake felt sick. He hated secrets. Which was a bunch of bullshit. He was the embodiment of secrets, yet he couldn't stand knowing Alexia had kept things from him.

"No!" Alexia cried instantly, making Blake feel a little better. "I didn't know that you worked for my grandfather until the day you were kidnapped. My grandfather is Dane."

"You're related to that man? He'd never consent to our marriage!" There was no fucking way Dane would let his precious granddaughter marry Blake. "I need to go out. I need some time to think."

Alex shot out of bed and reached for Blake. She grabbed the end of his jacket and tugged. "You'll come back right?"

Blake nodded absent-mindedly and kissed Alexia quickly. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Alex smiled softly.

Then he left without another word, his expression troubled.

"That went rather well." Matthew said.

"Shut up." Alexia mumbled as she stomped to the bathroom to get dressed.


"I have to go pick up your grandfather. Get in the car." Matthew said forty-five minutes later. Blake still hadn't returned.

"No." Alexia said stubbornly. "I'm waiting for Blake. Go pick up my grandfather and come back."

"Damnit, Alexia. This isn't up for debate. Get in the car."

"Why? So you can throw me onto grandpa's plane and take me back to England? If I wasn't pregnant, you'd knock me out with some drug or a swift karate chop to the head."

Matthew rolled his eyes. "Where do you come up with these insane notions? Fine. Stay here and we'll just see how happy your grandfather will be about that. I'm not going to fight to put you in a car you'd sooner jump out of than sit nicely in. Mr. Jensen should be back in a couple minutes. He ran to the convenience store up the road for some coffee."

"Whatever." Alexia said, much to Matthew's irritation. He said a few more things that she also ignored.

Matthew finally left. Alexia sat at the kitchen table when she heard the front door open. She quickly jumped to her feet and rushed to the foyer.

"Blake is that you? Blake? Kaleb?" Alexia quickly stopped when she realized it wasn't Blake and it wasn't Kaleb.

It was Richardson and one of his men.

"What do you want?" Alexia asked Richardson, backing up.

Half of his face looked as though it had been burned. He held a gun pointed at her with a sick smile on his thin lips. Richardson seemed surprised to see Alexia.

"I wondered what happened to you, Alexia Whitt. Shacking up with Blake Xander it seems. Where is he?"

"I don't know." She answered truthfully. "He already left."

"Don't lie to me you little bitch. Stay where you are or I'll fucking shoot his bastard you're carrying."

Alexia's hands instantly went to cradling her stomach protectively. She stood on shaking knees as Richardson got closer. Ordering his man to search the place, Alex and Richardson were left alone. Richardson grabbed her by her hair and dragged her along.

"Blake! Come out right now or I kill this whore of yours."

If Alexia wasn't afraid for the life of her child, she would have tried to escape. Richardson dragged her along as he went from room to room with the gun pointed at her back. He pushed her into the kitchen and Alex stumbled to the counter. She quickly grabbed the small butter knife and hid it in the folds of her skirt. She turned to Richardson with narrowed, hate-filled eyes.

"Maybe Blake needs some incentive." Richardson grinned, pulling a knife from a drawer and approaching Alexia.

"What are you planning on doing?" Alexia couldn't back up anymore, she was against the counter.

"I'm sure if Blake hears you screaming, he'll come out of hiding."

"I already told you! He's not here!" Alexia shouted. "Please! Please don't hurt my baby." Alexia begged.

"Blake should have thought about that before he fucked with me. Look at this face!" Richardson roared.

"The place is empty." His worker reported, coming up behind Richardson.

"I have money! I can give you money. My grandfather is very rich. We can pay you. If you hurt me, my grandfather will have you killed."

"Smart girl. But I'm not making any deals unless Blake Xander is a part of it. I want him dead. Hold her." Richardson ordered as he handed the guy the knife. He tossed Alexia to the beefy man.

"Alexia?" A voice called out and footsteps got near.

"Don't say a damn thing." Richardson hissed low.

Kaleb slowly came into view and Alexia shouted. "No! Run, Kaleb!"

Everything happened so fast. Richardson shot at Kaleb just as Kaleb jumped back behind the wall. Alex stabbed the butter knife into her captor's neck as hard as she possibly could, causing the man to drop the knife and gun. The man shoved Alexia away with a roar and Richardson made a run for it. Alexia and the man tumbled to the ground. Kaleb jumped into the fray and grabbed the gun. The man raised his bloody knife to impale Alexia. A loud popping sound drowned out the commotion and Richardson's man fell dead.

Kaleb looked behind him to see Matthew holding a smoking gun. Beside Matthew were an immaculately dressed older man and two men in black suits. The older man barked orders in what Kaleb assumed was either German or Russian and the two men in suits left quickly to search the house.

Falling down beside Alexia, Kaleb turned her over and gasped. Matthew rushed over and pushed Kaleb out of the way. He quickly tore off his jacket and held it over the gushing wound in Alexia's stomach.

"Call the ambulance!" Matthew ordered Kaleb.

Alexia reached for someone's hand and tears filled her eyes. Her grandfather was suddenly there, staring down at his granddaughter. He held onto her bloodied hand as her eyes strained to say open. "My baby. Save my baby." Alexia cried.

Matthew lifted the makeshift bandage and blanched. She was losing too much blood much too quickly. It would be impossible to save her baby and if help didn't arrive soon, Alexia wouldn't make it as well.


Blake arrived back at the unusually dark building. He entered the house, finding it odd that the front door was unlocked. A sliver of fear ran down Blake's back. He snuck through the house carefully, planning on going to where he last left Alexia.

The light went on in the room he was passing and Blake stopped suddenly. He looked to see Matthew sitting on a chair facing the door. Entering the room, Blake looked around for Alexia.

"You make a habit of scaring people like that?" Blake asked.

"No." Matthew waited until Blake sat down before he spoke again. "Get out of here, Blake. Go somewhere no one knows you. I'm giving you a more than fair warning. If Dane finds you, what Richardson did is going to seem like child's play."

Blake tensed. "Where's Alexia?"

A deafening silent minute passed. "I'm doing this for Alexia. She'd have wanted me to see you safe."

"Where is Alexia?" Blake repeated.

"Where do you think she is Blake?" Matthew demanded. "While we were all out, Richardson found his way in. The baby is dead, Blake. Alexia is dead as well. Richardson got away. Dane blames you for both deaths. That is why you need to leave now. Get out of the country. Change your name, change your looks."

"Stop fucking around. If Dane took her away, then fucking tell me so! Don't tell me that she and our baby are dead!" Blake shouted.

"I am not fucking around with you." Matthew growled. "Alexia and the baby are gone. You need to get your ass out New Orleans, out of America."

"No." Blake said as reality began to sink in. "She's not dead. She's not fucking dead. You're lying to me. Alexia! Alexia!" Blake hollered.

Matthew crossed the room and grabbed Blake by the collar of his shirt. "Alexia stayed back here to wait for you. I'd kill you myself if I didn't respect Alexia as much as I do. So get your fucking ass out of here before I change my mind."

Numbly, Blake left. He took a cab as far away as he could get from New Orleans and paid the driver with the money Blake had pulled out his account. He looked down at the briefcase of money he had withdrawn and frowned. Dane's money. When Blake left, he had gone to the bank and withdrew as much money as he could. He wanted to elope with Alexia, damn her grandfather's approval. But that wasn't possible anymore.

As Blake walked, he realized he was crying. He hadn't cried since he was five. But with each step Blake took, he felt his heart harden. He would find out what happened to Alexia and avenge both her death and the death of their baby. Blake wouldn't rest until Richardson was dead by his hands. Unlatching the locks on the briefcase, Blake opened it and began to dump the money over the side of the bridge. And he would do it without Dane's help.

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Mel_the_redheadMel_the_redheadover 13 years ago

Lots of surprises in this chapter. If I didn't know the story kept going, I'd be really mad at you!

kittiekimmeekittiekimmeealmost 14 years ago

You have to finish this! I can't wait to see how it ends!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

beautiful story, does Alexia really die? loved it, can't wait for the next chapters!

Wolf_girl13Wolf_girl13about 14 years ago
oh no...

i really love this story.. it's great, but i'm hoping matthew was just lying to blake to get him to leave :( the end of this chapter was definitely a tear-jerker.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I'm begging you now! Please update!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Oh man...

That chapter completely broke my heart. I'm just hoping it's all a really well-written lie, and Alexia and baby are both alive and well. I look forward to reading the next chapter.

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 16 years ago

Just read the update on your bio. You've got more important things to deal with and I can definitely understand that. Take your time and I'll be waiting patiently (I hope!) for the next chapter!

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 16 years ago
Where the heck is the next chapter??

The suspense is killing me!!!!! Please tell me you haven't abandoned the story!

aaddictedaaddictedalmost 16 years agoAuthor
To Anonymous from London

hehe, sorry, I don't know how to contact you to clarify. Alexia always knew Clara worked for her grandfather. She also knows about her grandfather's agency and what he does. I'll clarify more in the next chapter as to why Alex didn't make a big deal about Blake being an agent through the recollections of conversation with Alexia from the other characters. I hope to wrap this story up in a couple more chapters. Thank you everyone for your patience and I apologize for taking so long. Family issues came up and I've been busy with that. Hope everyone has a great day.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Oh me, oh my what's going to happen next??

I really liked this chapter, however I got confused by/was disappointed with Alex's easy acceptance that Blake is a agent for Dane all along and that Cara is her bodyguard...maybe I missed something.Will re-read 1-4 again, to see.

Regardsless of that, I'm on the edge of my seat with this one....pls update soon!

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