To Love a Stray Ch. 13


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"Wade is smart enough to know Edwin would never disobey an order from him. And maybe he knew Edwin wouldn't stay and chance facing you," Dwayne says quietly. "I think Wade only saw it as a way to ensure Rosy ended up staying where she could be protected by toms, just like he believes she needs to be."

"The Stray is tough; she'll make it through this," Malcolm says.

"Rosy is not a stray!" I snarl lividly as I stalk towards him aggressively. Surprisingly Malcolm stands his ground and doesn't flinch when I stand glowering into his face.

"By rights Rosy is clan, I admit that," Malcolm says evenly. "But Rosy is so much more. A clan she-kitt would be a senseless idiot if they lived through what Rosy has. There is something to Rosy that no matter how hard she is knocked down, she survives it and gets back up. To Rosy, staying down is not an option. Just like any stray she comes up fighting, well maybe not fighting. Rosy comes up running."

"She is not a stray! She does not act like one," I growl even though I know what Malcolm is saying makes sense, too much sense.

"What Malcolm is saying makes sense," Sam agrees. "Only this time Rosy understands running is not an option. It would be impossible for her to keep a kitt safe off by herself."

"Rosy wants this kitt," Jazzy says firmly, "and she wants to be safe. Rosy, she wants to be normal. She hasn't said as much but I can tell she wants a family of her own. A husband and children as well as her brothers – a real life filled with real family."

"Rosy equates being normal to being human," I say bitterly.

"Because living as a stray meant the only safety was to be alone, and to a werecat there's little that's worse," Malcolm states firmly. "But being alone is acceptable to a human. Rosy accepted it because it was a way for her to survive, and above all else she is a survivor."

I turn away at a loss for words. What Malcolm just said makes so much sense.

"Pancakes, Rosy wants pancakes," I mutter to myself as I look around the kitchen distractedly.

"We'll make pancakes for her," Mitchell says taking another box of mixture from the pantry.

I am surprised at how everyone seems to find a way to help prepare Rosy's food. Some clean up the mess from my outburst, others gather ingredients together, and Jazzy stands back from it all supervising from a distance. When I have cooked the pancakes I assemble a tray with a plate of pancake, honey and juice.

I frown as I recognise Wade's footsteps as the screen door bangs and he walks down the hallway.

"Good, you're all here. Micah you're in charge for the morning. I'm taking Marissa into town to do some shopping, have lunch and take in a movie. Timny, Chris, Malcolm and ... Kirby, you're our escort today. Be ready to leave in five minutes," Wade orders.

"What about Rosy?" I demand. "You were saying yesterday afternoon that Doc wants to come and check that she is recovering and hasn't lost the kitt."

"That can wait until tomorrow," Wade says tightly as he heads outside.

I gather Rosy's breakfast angrily and head over to where I hope she will be waiting for me to appear. I walk into the building and make my way to the inner room where the containment cage is kept. All anger leaves me as I see her moving around the cage in her feline form.

"Looks like I should have bought over raw meat instead," I say with a wide grin.

Rosy gives a snort, lowers her head and watches me for a few moments. She lifts her nose to sniff the air and I see interest spark in her eyes before she leaps up onto the bed and stretches out comfortably. She rests her chin on her outstretched front legs and closes her eyes.

Her change back to human form is smooth and seemingly effortless. I watch as she reaches for the edge of the blanket and pulls it over her naked body.

"Pancakes are exactly what I want," Rosy says sitting up holding the blanket up to cover her breasts. She glances at where her clothes sit on the floor and grimaces as she swings her legs over the side of the bed.

"You could at least turn around so I could get dressed easily," Rosy scolds softly when I continue to watch her.

Hurt flares briefly but I shrug it off and turn around allowing Rosy to drop the blanket to get dressed in the privacy she seems to prefer.

"All good now?" I ask before turning around.

"Yeah," Rosy says and sits on the edge of the bed. I slip the food and drink through the little door and move to sit against the wall as Rosy walks over to collect her food. I smile when she settles against the wall close to the bars.

"You shifted easily?" I ask not really expecting an answer. She only talks to me when she has to.

"Yeah, it took a few moments and then it hit real fast but it was okay," Rosy says between pancakes laden with honey.

I turn my head to listen as first one car starts, and then another and they drive away.

"Wade is taking Marissa to lunch at a fancy restaurant then to see a movie that's just come out," I tell her. I want to keep talking to her, have her talk to me but decide not to push it.

I sit and watch her as she eats her food. A flock of cockatoos fly overhead as they give their noisy calls making a wealth of noise in the cool of the morning. I see the way Rosy stops eating as she lifts her head to look out the skylight overhead. Unhappiness shadows her face when she resumes eating and I recognise it is time for her to leave this cage.

As Malcolm said, when Rosy is knocked down she comes up running not fighting. I know it is time for her to be able to run so she can reach that place inside herself where she can deal with what has happened to her.

I watch as Rosy pushes her tray close to the door and retreats to the bed. I see the way she draws her knees up against her chest and hugs them to her while turning her face away and resting her cheek on top of her knees.

* * * * *

When I am finished eating, I retreat to the bed. It's a routine Micah has insisted on for the passing of food and drink through the small door. I stare out the window as I listen to him remove the empty plate and near empty honey jug. I hear the click of the door being relocked and after a few moments a second slightly different click. I turn my head to watch Micah walk out and I listen carefully to him leave the shed before I get to my feet and move over to check the barred door. It swings open at my touch and I step back uneasily.

My heart starts pounding as I begin to fear a trap but I can't help myself as I slip out of the cell and move towards the door on silent feet. I stand well back from the outer door as I look outside. I see Micah just about to enter the quarters but no sign of anyone else.

I strip off my clothes, roll them into a tight little bundle that I secure by using the sleeves of the shirt as ties, then drop to my hands and knees to shape-shift. I control my shape-shift smoothly and I take the time to stretch before slinking closer to the open doorway to lift my head and sniff at the slight breeze to see what it tells me. Finding nothing I decide to chance it and snatch up my clothes before sneaking out of the shed keeping to the shadows and trotting swiftly towards the closest tree line.

When I come to open space I dash forward at full speed with my ears laid back against my skull. When I reach the tree line I stop and turn to check for signs of pursuit. Seeing none I turn and head towards the swimming hole at a leisurely pace. I climb a tree not far from the waterhole to leave my clothes in a fork of the tree before getting down and moving upstream to pause and lap fresh water thirstily. I rotate my ears at the sounds of rustling near by and ease closer in a slow stalk and I am rewarded with a large rabbit and lie down to eat it slowly.

I spend the day playing in the trees and undergrowth, hunting when I am hungry and seeking out streams when I am thirsty. It is not until sunset paints the sky in beautiful colours that I stop playing and head back to the swimming hole where I go for a swim before retrieving my clothes and heading back towards the compound. I trot boldly across the open ground around the buildings and wait until I reach the shadows under the tree not far from the quarters where I stop and shape-shift back to human form and pull on my clothes hurriedly.

I can hear Wade in the quarters, the tone of his voice angry and I brace myself to face his displeasure as I walk towards the door on silent feet. I open the screen door and step inside letting it slam behind me to alert those inside of my presence. I by pass the lounge room door as I head for the bathroom planning on having a shower immediately.

"Rosy! You came back," Mitchell calls sounding very surprised.

"Just leave her be. If she wanted to see any of us she'd have come in here," Micah orders. I spin around on my toes and stalk back towards the lounge room angrily. As I reach the door I see Jazzy, Donovan and Marissa being pushed back behind all of the toms as Wade, Micah, Steven, and Sam and Mitchell step to the front.

"You do not speak for me," I say angrily as I point at Micah. "Only when I can't speak or when I am not here do I need anyone to speak for me," I declare before turning and heading to the bathroom. My temper cools quickly beneath the warm relaxing spray of water and I am in a good mood when I wrap myself in a towel and head to Micah and Steven's room to find something to wear.

* * * * * Out in the lounge room

I stand silent, stunned by the beauty and fire of Rosy when her temper is roused. I glance around and find everyone else stunned as well. Slowly the warriors begin to stir. Sam closes his eyes and shakes his head with a disapproving frown while both Mitchell and Steven raise an eyebrow at me. Malcolm grins widely with admiration shinning in his eyes and I glance towards Wade to find him watching me coldly.

"She is going back into that cage immediately," Wade snaps in fury.

Images flash through my mind - Rosy stumbling into this very room behind Edwin, on a leash, almost broken by her stay in the cage in the main house. And this morning the longing I saw on her face as she watched the cockatoos, I had almost felt the pain of those bars holding her captive.

"No she will not!" I say moving to face him squarely. I know this is not how it should be but I am not standing by and watching Wade break Rosy's spirit so she acts how he thinks is proper.

"You had better not be challenging me," Wade snarls.

"On this I am! You will not do another thing to Rosy, ever," I state coldly. "What will you do to me? Throw me out of the clan? Fine, go ahead but I'm taking Rosy with me to protect her..." I state calmly.

"There is no way I will let you take a she-kitt away from the protection of this clan," Wade snarls at me as soon as I say the words.

"Kurt Black would be happy to take his niece in and probably his nephews as well," I say in a hard voice.

"No!" Jazzy screams.

"I'll make sure no other Alpha will give you a place in their clan," Wade snarls aggressively.

"Stop it! Stop it right now! Wade I will not let you tear what is left of this family apart!" Marissa says tightly as she pushes in between us. "I have buried one son who insisted he become a warrior so he could make you proud of him, and I have one son who can no longer come home because I was too weak to stand up for what's right when he tried to win favour in your eyes. I will not lose another son if not my entire family!"

I step back and glance around as what Marissa said sinks in. Sam and Mitchell stand with Steven fully behind me with their support, as does Dwayne. Justin holds Jazzy who is sobbing against his chest while Donny stands stiffly beside them. The rest of the warriors stand back but are watching to see what I do. I realise I have their support as well.

Now is not the time for a revolt. The clan would need one or both of those she-kitts in full health... Baxter's words come back to me.

"I would like you to leave my house," I say to Wade coldly before walking over to Justin and Jazzy. I take her in my arms and watch Wade as I cradle her gently; she is the one who has suffered in this outburst.

"Calm down Jasmine, I will do my best to make everything all right," I say gently. I am defiantly making a claim only an Alpha should make.

I hear Wade hiss angrily and watch him coldly. I have just uttered my first words where I have no Alpha to guide me, to back my authority. I am the one accountable.

"Jazzy is your sister," Wade says tightly. "You owe first allegiance to her."

"I owe my first allegiance to my Mother," I say with a warm glance for Marissa.

"Come on Wade," Marissa says strongly. "We are going back to our house."

I watch as Wade and Marissa leave the room and listen as they leave the quarters.

"What just happened?" Donny asks uneasily.

"Micah just took control of the clan from Wade," Mitchell says cautiously. He eyes me when I turn my head to face him.

"You and I better come to some kind of an understanding between the two of us," I say evenly. "United we can remain in control until the Board is willing to let us lead as a team or separate into two couples."

I see the second Mitchell understands what I mean and then he approaches to take Jazzy who is now silent in my arms.

"I'm going to see how Rosy is getting on," I say and head for the far end of the quarters. I pause in the doorway and look back.

"Donny I know you want to stay here but can you stay at the main house with Marissa and Wade? Just until we are sure Rosy is in full control of herself again. I am not putting that collar back on her and I would feel much better if we only have to watch out for Jazzy at present, not both of you," I say kindly to him knowing how fond he is of Rosy.

Donny frowns then gives a reluctant nod. "Yeah, but I'm coming over every chance I get of a day."

"Make sure we know when you are here and when you leave," I tell him firmly before glancing at Steven.

"Steven, give Baxter a call and let him know what just happened would you?" I say then look at Sam. "Call Doc and see if he can come visit Rosy tonight?"

"Do you want Mal informed of this side of things or leave Wade tell him his version?" Malcolm asks respectfully.

"Timny, you'll talk to Bert? Steven you..." I begin.

"Planned to anyway," Steven admits freely. "If you and Mitchell are to be the real powers of this clan, a certain amount of truth needs to be spread. The question is how much of the truth about Rosy's ending up pregnant should become public knowledge?"

"The truth will get Edwin castrated, if not killed. And Wade? Who knows what the Board would see as fit punishment," Malcolm says soberly. "And how will the Board view Rosy and the kitt?"

"You can't!" Jazzy protests desperately as she turns in Mitchell's arms to face me.

Sam, Mitchell and I had sat down with her and told her the full story behind Rosy's pregnancy not long after she returned from her holiday. Jazzy's reaction was horror and disbelief at first but as the truth sank in without any of us repeating what we told her, Jazzy became indignant and offended on Rosy's behalf.

"What Daddy and Edwin did was terribly wrong but I don't believe it is up to the Board to decide their punishment, or even us," Jazzy says tightly. "It should be Rosy's choice when she can think about it calmly and rationally. Just say she said to let them both be killed, now, while she's so emotional. How will she feel later? Would she feel like she was a murderer? I know I would."

"It was sanctioned rape Jazzy," I snap angrily.

"But they're my father and my brother! I don't like what they've done, or the werecats they have become but I still love my Daddy and my oldest brother!" Jazzy sobs before turning to cry against Mitchell's chest.

Mitchell meets my eyes as he rests his cheek against the side of Jazzy's head and I note in the back of my mind that Jazzy has grown taller. His eyes are dark and angry, the blue ring around his pupils bright and almost glowing.

"We do not indiscriminately punish or torture anyone," he snarls in a low tight voice. * * * * *

Micah is standing in the doorway when I turn away from the bed as I fasten my cut offs, and I eye him a moment or two before tipping my head on the side. "Did I miss out on supper?" I ask as I move towards him.

"Some of the guys are cooking it now. Jazzy will be out there. Do you have a problem with that?" Mica asks quietly.

"I don't have a problem with Jazzy," I say evenly as I stop several steps away from him. Micah gives a slight nod before turning and heading back out towards the lounge room leaving me to bite back an annoyed growl and follow him.

Jazzy is in the kitchen cuddled against Mitchell's side when I walk into the lounge room and Micah points me towards the lounge silently. I sit down in the centre between Steven and Timny while Micah goes into the kitchen.

Some un-defined tension hums thickly in the air making me glance around uneasily. Several of the toms avoid my glance making me feel it was my earlier display of anger that has everyone unsettled. I lean across Steven to pull the throw cushion from between his thigh and the arm of the lounge. He grunts softly as if my action was a major disturbance and I flash him a cheeky grin. I am watching some horror movie the guys have on and don't immediately notice Jazzy walk into the lounge room.

"Get out of my way Steven," Jazzy orders firmly as she dodges nimbly around him where he is now standing. "Come on Rosy, I haven't put my hand on Jelly-bean for days," she exclaims as she kneels between my knees and waits watching me expectantly.

Her eyes are red rimmed and slightly puffy giving me the impression she has been crying. I smile and pull my shirt up before unfastening my cut-offs. Jazzy grins widely and pushes my hands aside as she leans in to drop a soft kiss below my navel and place both hands either side of my lower stomach.

"Hey Jelly-bean, it's your Aunty Jazzy," Jazzy announces as she watches my stomach happily. I lean my head back and close my eyes happy to just relax and enjoy the light touch on my stomach.

"Jazzy," Micah growls warningly.

"Leave Jazzy alone, Micah. I love the attention and Jazzy knows it," I snap at him without opening my eyes. Jazzy's presence seems to soothe all the tension in the room and I take a deep breath, happy to note the smell of stress is lessening.

"I think Micah is jealous because I kissed you and I'm cuddling Jelly-bean," Jazzy says in a teasing tone and I hear Micah growl again.

"Can I put my hand on your baby belly?" Steven asks.

"When I'm finished," Jazzy growls possessively and I open my eyes startled and find her glaring at Steven.

"Hey, no fighting," I chide gently and Jazzy turns her attention back to me to lay her head against my lower stomach, her ear against my skin.

"Jelly-bean says you got to get him a proper name," she tells me seriously as she lifts her head to look at me.

"Him?" I question.

"Yeah," Jazzy says with a vigorous nod. "The boys are always born first."

Steven waits until Jazzy moves away before putting his hand on my stomach and I glance around to notice the other toms drawing closer. I turn my head as I hear Micah come out of the kitchen to stand behind me, and I smile happily up at him before turning my attention back to Jazzy who is still seated at my feet.

"Have you been hunting lately?" I ask.

"Yesterday we went out after deer," she says with a smile before turning around and leaning back on my legs. "You can go finish cooking tea Micah. I'll make sure no-one bugs Rosy," Jazzy announces and the toms in front of her move uneasily, so I guess she must have given them stern looks.

Steven's hand settles gently on my stomach and I relax back against the lounge once again. Jazzy keeps chatting happily and I close my eyes. The hand on my stomach is changed every few minutes and I guess Jazzy must be directing the toms because there is no playful arguing or asking for extra time.
