To Love a Stray Ch. 13


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"Food's ready," Micah says and the strong smell of roast meat washes over me. I wait for the nausea to hit but other than a slightly queasy feeling I feel fine.

"Let's see how much you can manage, hey?" Micah asks quietly as the others head for the kitchen.

"Sure," I agree as I take the plate of food he hands me, "hopefully the morning sickness will end soon anyway."

"That'll be good," Sam says as he carries his food in to sit on the far side of me while Micah sits down beside me as well. "I swear you've put on weight."

"You saying that I'm getting fat?" I ask with a raised eyebrow as I glance at him.

"No! No!" Sam is quick to deny as he looks at his plate hurriedly.

"He means your breasts are getting ... fuller," Jazzy comments as she comes from the kitchen carrying her food closely followed by Mitchell. I glance down at my chest where my breasts are bulging over the top of the cups of my bra. I glance at Sam who is busily inspecting the food on his plate.

"Hey I'm your sister! You're not supposed to perve," I tell him.

Jazzy begins laughing, "Rosy, we're cats! Some of us do a lot more than look at our brothers. Just ask Malcolm and Chris how close they are with Lotty!"

"It is illegal in the human world," I say with a shudder. "You pair seriously didn't sleep with your own sister did you?"

"Yeah they did. Why do you think Jazzy was getting so upset when she thought you were sleeping in Mitchell's bed," Sam says levelly.

"And you're fine with them ..." I break off what I was about to ask and shake my head.

"They don't do it when Sam's around 'cause they know he'd kick their arse for them, but nothing will ever come of it because they're brothers and sister," Steven says quietly.

"Well just so everyone knows, I will not be having sex with either of my brothers! And if either of them were to have tried anything even before I knew they were my brothers or in the future I will rip off their hand, arm or offending member, bash them over the head with it and shove it where the sun doesn't shine," I exclaim tightly.

"Oh you can't go doing that Rosy," Jazzy exclaims horrified, "What if some other she-kitt has a use for some part that might get ripped off! And what are you going to do if Micah is away for any length of time and you want a tom?"

"Do exactly what all decent human women do, wait for him to get back," I tell her.

"Oh come on there must be someone else you like, or maybe a couple of some ones?" Jazzy says in a teasing tone with a glance at the toms that were watching us with interest.

"Maybe I found someone very interesting but they're not here," I tell Jazzy and she immediately narrows her eyes as she regards me.

"Oh that's right! You came back from that meeting smelling like Kell Lancaster and Conner, Timny's brother," Jazzy says wide-eyed.

Beside me Micah growls low in his throat and I am amazed to hear Steven laugh while several others chuckle.

"I guess that means there'll be toms from other clans here when Rosy comes into heat next," Steven says and laughs.

"Over my dead body," Micah growls.

"Hey, if you don't do the job right between now and then and if she wants more kids ... maybe she'll need to bring someone in for the job," Dwayne says and this brings laughter from most of the toms.

"After the hiding she gave him the other day he might be scared to try anything," Steven laughs.

"Hardly," Micah growls again, his mood is getting darker making me more nervous of him.

"Maybe he's getting that old he can't get it up when he wants to anymore," Timny says with a chuckle.

"Shut up the lot of you," Micah growls.

"Now if I had someone who looked as good as the Stray does, my hands would be all over her by now," Malcolm says getting more laughs from the toms.

"Don't worry Rosy, if Micah can't work up the energy to even touch you, you can sleep with me tonight. I know how to keep my hands off my sister," Sam tells me and I realise that the others are teasing Micah over the fact he hasn't touched me yet even though he has had plenty of time and opportunity.

"Maybe it shrivelled up and fell off from lack of use," Malcolm says with a laugh.

"Nothing has shrivelled up and fallen off," Micah growls, only this time it lacks bite. "I'll prove it to Rosy later if necessary."

"Oh wow, I believe I'm on a promise," I say doing my best to sound breathless and excited only it comes out with a nervous giggle.

"Behave," Micah orders and reaches out to grasp my knee before running his hand up the crease of my thighs to the plate that sits on my lap. "All of you."

I grab hold of his hand and lift it from my legs to slip it into the top of my still open cut-offs and he immediately turns his hand to lay it gently against my stomach. He leaves his hand there as we eat and the others fall silent. Obviously all is well in their world including the fact Micah is looking after me.

I eat nearly all of the food on my plate before I feel full and when I stop eating Micah gives me a worried look, "Not feeling sick are you?"

"Full, comfortably full," I say with a grin and he leans in for a quick kiss. My inner cat recoils and I turn my face away with a gasp.

"It's all right Rosy," Micah says soothingly and I realise I have taken a very submissive pose - my head and shoulders turned away from him and my head bowed. "When I held you while you lost control it was very hard on your inner cat. It's a wonder she doesn't hate me for it."

I'm not sure how to take this new development. I want the closeness with Micah that I had come to enjoy but my inner cat has very definite ideas of her own quite clearly.

"Why don't we all sleep out here tonight?" Jazzy asks.

"Have you moved in over here? Where's Donovan?" I ask as I realise he is missing.

"Donovan is staying over at the main house until we're sure you're completely stable after what happened," Micah says gently. "We still don't know why you flipped out like you did."

I glance at Steven but he is chewing the last of the meat off the bone from the roast and he avoids my glance. I realise he hasn't repeated our very heated discussion. And Sam must have kept his knowledge to himself. I am suddenly in no doubt it is as much to protect Micah's feelings as mine.

"Maybe I should talk with Doc some. Maybe that'll help," I offer uncertainly.

"Yeah that would be a good idea," Sam says quietly.

"Rosy what ever it is we can work through it," Micah tells me. I feel my inner cat stir and only I hear the vibrations of her angry snarl as she communicates with me that she feels betrayed and trapped.

"You seriously need to do some clothes shopping soon. I'll go along as well and we can pick out furniture for the baby," Jazzy says excitedly.

"In a couple of weeks, once I'm in my second trimester," I tell her.

"How far along exactly are you?" Jazzy asks with interest.

"Counting the weeks as I came into heat and since ... about eleven weeks, nearly at the end of the first trimester. So I have another ...twenty nine weeks before the baby is due give or take a few days," I tell her knowing the toms are listening intently.

"Are you having the baby here or at the main house where Mum is?" Jazzy asks seriously.

"Here so Edwin and Wade can't get near me," I say uneasily.

"Edwin is not taking my nephew. I'll slap him silly if he tries," Jazzy exclaims and several of the toms growl low in their throats.

I shudder at the aggression and Sam looks at me, "You okay?"

"I want to lie down for a while," I say getting to my feet.

"I'll bring a mattress out here for you," Micah says as he puts his plate aside and gets to his feet.

"No! No! I need to get away from the growling," I protest.

"Okay so we change the subject and no more growling," Sam states.

"Good idea," Mitchell agrees from where he sits beside Jazzy.

"Sit back down and I'll get the extra mattress and you can stretch out and relax," Micah orders and heads for the bedrooms. I hesitate a few moments as I look towards the door but when Sam catches hold of my hand and tugs gently I give in and sit back down.

"We've got the stuff you told us we need for muffins and tomorrow you can sit in the kitchen and order me and Chris around," Malcolm tells me.

"You aren't going to try to get me to make them?" I ask.

Malcolm laughs and shakes his head. "You can help if you want but if you tell us what to do we can make them so we know how to do it ourselves next time," he tells me.

"And after breakfast we can go shopping," Jazzy says firmly.

"Mattress coming through, so clear a space," Micah says as he walks into the room carrying a large queen-sized mattress. Room is made for it in the middle of the room and Jazzy immediately sits on one side of it and pats the other side where Micah has dropped a pillow and a blanket.

"Oi Jazzy! I didn't carry it out here for you. You want a mattress get one of the others to get you one," Micah orders firmly.

"It's okay, we can share," I tell him as I move to sit on the mattress before arranging the pillow and blanket to my satisfaction and lying down. Jazzy turns her attention back to her food and when she finds the crusty nearly burnt end of the roast she breaks the piece in half and offers half to me. I take the piece and nibble on it not really hungry but not about to refuse the choice piece from her. I roll onto my side and Jazzy moves so her shadow falls across my head and shoulders sheltering me from the harsh glare of the overhead light.

I lie there listening to the chatter of the toms all around me and soon find myself nearly falling asleep. I jerk awake several times and am surprised when Jazzy pulls a corner of the blanket up over my head only leaving a small gap for fresh air. I close my eyes and I am nearly asleep when I hear the heavy tread on the gravel outside just before the screen door opens. Several sets of footsteps make their way to the lounge room and I listen warily, recognising Wade's tread.

"What is Jazzy doing near Rosy, even if she is asleep?" Wade demands.

"Is Rosy asleep? I wanted to say hallo," Donovan complains.

"Shhh you pair! Don't you dare wake Rosy up," Jazzy scolds and I feel her adjust the blanket over my face.

"Rosy is really good with Jazzy and lets her boss her around. Jazzy gets away with a lot that none of us toms would dare try, like covering up Rosy's eyes and ears with that blanket," Micah says quietly.

"I still don't want Jazzy too close to Rosy," Wade instructs firmly.

"I know Jazzy is perfectly safe or I would not let them be there alone," Micah says between gritted teeth.

"Wade, Jazzy isn't male. Rosy wouldn't see her as a threat," Doc says quietly. I feel a weight drop onto the mattress behind me and tense.

"Donovan," Wade scolds worriedly.

"Can I touch Rosy's baby belly?" Donovan asks just behind me.

"No," Micah denies tightly.

"Don't you disturb Rosy," Jazzy orders her voice close to a growl.

"But Rosy would let me if she was awake," Donovan complains in a whine.

"What is it with you and waking me up?" I grumble pulling the blanket off my head as I sit up and eye Wade uneasily.

"Rosy!" Donovan shouts happily and before anyone can stop him or I can react he grabs me around the shoulders and rests his chin on my shoulder as he cuddles me then slips both hands down below my navel to rest against my stomach.

"Donovan," Wade snaps.

"Donny! Let Rosy go," Micah roars and I flinch at the angry voices of the two toms.

"It's okay Rosy," Mitchell says as he kneels beside Jazzy earning an annoyed look from her.

"Rosy would you mind if I listened to your stomach with the stethoscope to see if I can hear the baby's heart beat?" Doc asks calmly as Micah gets to his feet and grabs hold of Donovan's upper arms and makes him move away from me.

"Donny you know better than to wake Rosy up so that you can put your hand on her stomach," Micah is scolding Donovan as Doc talks to me.

I watch Wade and Doc warily for a few moments before giving a brief nod. Doc pulls a stethoscope out of his trousers pocket and moves to squat near me. I am torn between keeping a cautious eye on him and making sure Wade doesn't get near me. I see Micah is keeping an eye on Wade and glance between them as I suddenly become aware of the tension between them.

I hear a brisk rubbing sound and glance at Doc to see him rubbing the disc end of the stethoscope. "Just warming it up for you," he tells me.

I pull my top up and open the top of my cut-offs and Doc puts the earpieces in his ears before holding the other end of the stethoscope to my stomach. After a few moments he grins and nods his head slightly. "Everything sounds just as it should at this stage," he says and moves the disc around carefully for a few minutes. "I can only hear the one heart beat," he tells me with a smile.

"Can I listen?" Donovan asks excitedly.

"No I am," Micah tells him then looks at me, "that is if Rosy doesn't mind."

"It's okay," I assure him and watch as he squats beside Doc to put in the ear pieces of the stethoscope while Doc holds the disc to my stomach where he had been listening. Micah's eyes widen and he looks at me as a huge smile slowly spreads across his face.

"I can hear the baby's heart beating," his voice is an awe filled whisper. Doc clears his throat noisily after several minutes and Micah gives a start before handing back the ends of the stethoscope. Micah reaches out and gives my knee a quick squeeze before going back to where he was sitting.

"Doc, Rosy said maybe she could talk to you to see if you can help her with things," Sam says breaking the silence.

"I'm quite happy to talk to Rosy if that's what she wants," Doc says with a glance my way. I give a slight nod and realise I am shrugging my shoulders as well and I look away uncomfortably.

"I'll be by tomorrow afternoon with the portable ultra sound," Doc tells me, "and we can talk about how you want the birth to be."

I give a slight nod but don't say anything as I glance uneasily towards Sam then Micah where they stand. Wade moves slightly and I look towards him uneasily but he is taking hold of Donovan's upper arm.

"Time to go back to the house," Wade says firmly.

"But Dad!" Donovan complains.

"Come on," Wade orders and I watch as Wade, Donovan and Doc leave the room with Micah and Mitchell following them.

* * * * *

I follow Wade from the room; I intend to take the key to the quarters off him so he can't come in without permission when it suits him. I realise I should have done it earlier but it is not too late to remedy that mistake now. Tomorrow I can send someone to town to get new locks for the building; tonight we will take turns standing watch.

"Wade," I say layering my tone with power as I step out the door. Ten feet away he turns to face me and I extend one hand palm upwards towards him.

"I will take the key to the quarters plus any copies you may have of it," I say firmly.

"Do not go thinking you can give orders around here," Wade growls as he rolls his shoulders. "I am the Alpha, you're merely the chief warrior. Or should I say you were merely the chief warrior? You no longer have a place in my clan."

"That's where you and I disagree," I say calmly, refusing to let him goad me into a temper. "You are the one who has lost his place. You no longer act with the good of the clan in mind. You are willing to blindly punish a she-kitt, a pregnant she-kitt at that, because she does not fit your idea of how a she-kitt should behave."

"I would rather Mitchell and I take control of this clan with your backing as an advisor; your experience and knowledge gained as an Alpha is valuable to this clan. But I will not stand by and watch you destroy this clan, because that is exactly what you will do with the way you are running things." I tell him firmly.

"Pack your belongings and get off of my property within the hour!" Wade snarls. "I will call Edwin home and he will command the warriors from here on out! Mitchell, you are to go on probation for your part in this. I don't believe you came up with the idea of trying to take over the clan in this hostile manner but you have taken no steps to insure it did not happen."

"I believe there will be several warriors looking for places to live in no-man's land come tomorrow morning. I will go through the ranks of those in the quarters and weed out any I believe might have contributed to this attempted coupe." Wade says with a glance past me towards the quarters.

"Nothing of the sort will happen as Mitchell and I will be in charge," I say firmly.

"You won't be in charge unless you're planning on murdering me, bedding your sister, or killing her," Wade spits angrily.

"Jasmine is my girlfriend," Mitchell says coldly off to my left.

"I am not going to dignify that remark with a reply," I tell Wade as I curl my top lip at him in disgust. "It is beneath the Alpha you once were."

I see the way Wade jerks involuntarily and know that my words have pricked his pride.

"Get in your car and get the hell off my property before I get back up in to deal with you," Wade threatens angrily.

"Kurt Black is in his helicopter on his way here even while we argue," I tell Wade evenly.

"Kurt..." Wade begins and swallows before giving an angry snort. "That kitt Rosy carries has Williamson blood as well! She stays here!" His tone changes as his mind begins to grasp facts.

"Only an hour ago you were all for locking Rosy in a cage, the first time you let her out because of concerns for her health. And locking Rosy up for even a short amount of time would expose Jazzy to a lot of stress and trauma that will not aide in her recovery from her illness. Or do you intend on sending her away from her home again so she doesn't witness your intended punishment of Rosy? You have shown a blatant disregard for the health and well being of both she-kitts belonging to this clan." I state with a calm I am far from feeling. Every instinct screams at me to eliminate the threat of danger to Rosy and Jazzy, but I refuse to give in to the urge to rip Wade limb from limb.

"Step aside from your position as Alpha and let Mitchell, as Jazzy's fiancé and myself as chief warrior and Rosy's boyfriend, lead the clan. We are happy for you to stay on as an adviser, and to teach us the intricacies of clan business dealings." I say with a glance towards Mitchell wondering how he will take his sudden elevation from boyfriend to fiancé.

The sound of a powerful motorbike turning into the driveway and speeding along the road catches my attention. I don't take my eyes off Wade but I do turn my head slightly, listening to the bike draw closer. I listen as it parks at the far end of the gravel parking spaces in front of the quarters and the motor stops.

"Baxter," Mitchell says in a low breath.

I glance towards Baxter; none of us had been able to contact him. First his phone was busy and then all calls went straight to message bank. He is striding towards us as he takes off heavy leather gloves, the helmet he'd worn is on the seat of the bike.

"Looks like everything will be over before Kurt gets here," Wade says smugly.

"I've already heard your side of the story Wade, now I would like to hear their side," Baxter says firmly as he stops beside Doc. "I rushed to get here as quickly as I could, if the police were able to catch the old bike I'd have half a dozen speeding tickets. Just under an hour instead of closer to two on narrow winding roads."

"I appreciate your speed in responding to my call, as I explained Micah is..." Wade begins.

"No," Baxter cuts him off sharply. "I will hear both sides,"

"Wade is making unsound decisions. Decisions I believe will endanger the well being of both Jasmine and Rosy. I have the choice to stand back and keep silent, or step up and take control of the clan." I state firmly. "I believe Mitchell and I will make better leaders than Wade has the last five or six years since Jazzy's future came under doubt."
