To Tame a Slave Ch. 09


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"Don't hide from me," he snapped. "Don't ever hide from me. Understand?" I nodded mutely, my eyes wide. His hand released my chin then, stroking gently down my throat and across my shoulder, lingering on the spot where he'd marked me. It was no longer sore, but as he touched it, it was almost as if I could feel it again.

He didn't stay there however. His hand slid down farther, thumb brushing my collarbone, the back of his hand sliding across the top of my breast. I arched up into his touch as best I could, begging with my body for him to give me more. He answered my plea, finally grasping my breast in his hand and squeezing it gently before tweaking my nipple, drawing a gasp from me.

His touch was painfully gentle, teasing me until I whimpered and struggled against his hold. Finally he growled again, fingers pinching my nipple just hard enough to make it ache pleasurably as his lips slammed down against mine with the violence I'd come to expect from his kisses.

The hand on my breast strayed back up, curling around the base of my throat as we battled for control of that kiss. As soon as it tightened, it was as if a spell over me had been broke. I tore my mouth from his while yanking hard on my arms. It startled him enough that I managed to break free. My hands slammed against his chest, trying to shove him off of me.

"No! Drell, fucking stop! I can't do this again!" I yelled, struggling beneath him, even as his hand tightened around my throat, not hard enough to restrict my breathing, but hard enough to assert his dominance. I almost gave in again before shaking myself out of it and socking him in the jaw. He sat straight up, shock on his face as he put his hand to his jaw.

"You hit me," he said incredulously.

"I needed to get you off me, damn it," I snapped at him, struggling to keep tears from my eyes.

"Why the fuck would you want that?" His face grew tense again, and I could see him start to reach for me.

I knocked his hands away and tried to sit up, shoving at his stomach. "Because I can't do this anymore! I can't deal with your fucking hot and cold shit!" Before I could stop him his hand was curled back around my throat, a dangerous look in his eyes. "No!" I yelled, curling my hands around his wrist and sinking my nails in. This was the final straw apparently, as he finally released me and rolled off the bed.

"What the fuck are you going on about Alanna?" He snapped.

"You!" I sat up, drawing a blanket up with me to cover my chest, trying to feel less vulnerable. "If we keep going like this, you're eventually going to cross whatever fucking line you've made up in your fucking head and then storm out of here, just like you have every other time!" My eyes were burning, and I knew I needed to get him out of here before the tears began to fall. "And I can't do it tonight! So go back to your own fucking room and deal with your fucking issues there."

He stared at me, hands clenched by his sides. I thought for a moment that he was going to attack me again anyways, but finally he turned and stormed out, slamming the door shut behind him. Groaning, I flopped back onto the bed, rolling onto my stomach and screaming into my pillow. It did little for my mood for once, and it was a long while before I managed to drift off into a restless sleep.


The sky was almost the same shade as his eyes today, bright and clear without a single cloud to mar the view. I stretched slightly, my eyes closing as I enjoyed the feel of the warm sun caressing my body. With a soft sigh my eyes blinked back open, head turning slightly to see him watching me. A flush spread across my cheeks at the intense look on his face. That flush deepened as one of his hands came up, long fingers brushing across my heated cheeks.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I grouched, fidgeting with the blanket lying below us.

"Because you're worth staring at," he said, laughing softly. "Even when you do get grouchy about it." I frowned at him. Well I tried to. The feel of his fingers still stroking across my face was setting butterflies fluttering about in my stomach. "It has been interesting to learn that you're not quite the delicate flower I first thought you were."

I bit the corner of my lip, suddenly nervous. "Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from trembling. His opinion meant more to me than most people's, which was odd considering how short of a time we'd known each other.

"Most definitely a good thing," he assured me, fingers leaving my face to toy with one of my long curls. "Flowers are lovely, and it's a joy to admire them. But that is about all you can do with one. They are too delicate for my taste." He tugged on the curl playfully, grinning."You look so small and delicate and innocent yourself, until you open your mouth."

That blush came back as I glared up at him. "Are you saying that I-" The rest of my question was lost as he leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. I sighed softly, returning his kiss, one of my hands coming up hesitantly to brush against his hair. He tensed at my touch and for a moment I worried I'd done something wrong. But then his hand curled around the back of my head, tilting it so that he could deepen the kiss.

My hands became braver, one tangling in his soft hair as the other slid gently up his chest, part of me wishing I was tracing my fingers across his skin rather than his shirt. That sudden desire made me start, pulling back with a gasp.

Anthony stared down at me, worried. "Are you okay?" He asked, releasing my head to stroke his thumb across my hot cheeks.

"I-I- yes, I-I'm fine," I stuttered out, hands fluttering awkwardly. He caught them, pressing them gently to my chest. "I-I'm just not used to- I don't know how to- I-I've never-" I couldn't get the words out, but he seemed to understand the meaning behind them anyways.

His whole body grew still, those beautiful eyes wide. "My lady," he started slowly, "when did you have your first kiss?"

I couldn't help but to chew nervously on my lip again. "That-that day when we met in the library." He let out a slow breath before releasing me and sitting back up. I missed the warmth of his body instantly.

A humorless laugh escaped him. "You really are as innocent as you appear. So you've really never-" I shook my head. "Nothing? With anyone?" I shook my head again, sitting up beside him, drawing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. He laughed again, running a hand through his hair. "I knew you weren't exactly experienced, but I thought you were mostly just shy. Is there any particular reason why?" I could feel his eyes falling on me again, but I couldn't bring myself to meet them.

"I-I've never actually been attracted to anyone before," I admitted. And not simply in this life, but in the many lives I'd lived before this. Not that I was going to reveal that information to him.

He let out a deep breath and as I finally glanced up I could see that he'd made a decision. "I'm sorry my lady, but I don't believe I can continue this." My spine stiffened, stomach twisting into knots. Was I not experienced enough for him? Did he prefer less 'innocent' women?

"And why not?" I demanded to know. He gave me a firm look.

"Because your first introduction into such things should be sweet and gentle, preferably with someone your own age. I am none of those things," he informed me. My temper riled, I leapt to my feet so that I could glare down at him.

"Don't I get a say in this?" I snapped. "Who says I want things sweet and gentle? I thought you had already decided I wasn't innocent, so why would my inexperience change this?"

His eyes were hooded as he stared up at me. "Careful my lady, you're straying into dangerous waters."

I narrowed my eyes at him, hands curling into fists. Of all the patronizing, arrogant- I lost my temper and kicked his leg. Before I could react, before I could even breathe, he spun up on his knees, wrapping his arms around my waist and yanking me back down onto the blanket, a dark look on his face as he leaned over me.

It took a moment for me to catch my breath, to slow my racing heart enough that I could think again. When I was calm enough that I thought I could speak without stuttering, I glared up at him and demanded, "Kiss me."

The dark look dissipated, replaced by startled laughter. "Anything you wish," he murmured as his lips descended on mine again.

I woke slowly, fingers pressed to my lips. Who was she? And how the hell were memories like this going to help me answer that question? I groaned, rubbing my eyes. I couldn't care about that question. Wouldn't care about it. It didn't matter. None of this would matter if I could figure out how to get home. And with finally meeting other changelings, maybe I'd finally get some idea of how to do that.

Anthony seemed so similar and so different in those memories. He seemed more... human.

I shook myself, groaning again. That was an even worse train of thought.

With a sigh I forced myself to roll out of bed. My eyes caught on Drell's shirt, left forgotten on my floor when he stormed out last night. Those butterflies returned. If it wasn't one man it was the other. Drell haunting my days while Anthony haunted my dreams.

Frustrated, I kicked the shirt before yanking my own back over my head. I needed a bath and a fresh change of clothes. Maybe then I'd feel better and could think clearly.

I swung open the door and nearly collided with a startled maid. Her hand was up as if she were preparing to knock.

I smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry for that." She nodded mutely, and looked as if she were trying to actively calm herself down. Catching sight of the wings that fluttered anxiously behind her, I had to smother a grin. There was a chance I was wrong, but I was pretty certain I'd encountered another Veraldi.

"Madam Alcina sent me to come check on you," she said, almost shyly. "She thought you might like a bath and some clean clothing, and then perhaps breakfast."

A grin split my face. "That would be absolutely fantastic. Lead the way."


Having satisfied my need for food and my need to feel clean, even though I had been forced into yet another damn dress, I headed off to explore the one room that held the most interest to me: the library. I stopped for a moment as I entered, a little overwhelmed. There were so many books. Every wall was lined with them, with a small maze of shelves in the center of the room. It was absolutely beautiful.

It was the the shelves in the center that I made my way towards, quickly losing myself in them. My fingers trailed along the books, tracing the spines. There were many in english, but there were just as many in languages I didn't recognize. I wondered at what they contained, at how many languages there were in this world. Everyone I'd met so far had spoke english.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I jumped as a man appeared out of thin air right in front of me.

"Oh, uh, no, not right now. I'm just looking," I told him as I took in his strange appearance. He looked about how one would imagine a librarian should look, between the brown suit and the glasses that perched on his nose. Except that he was, well, see through. It felt like I had encountered that before, but I couldn't remember where or when.

"My name is Aaron," he told me. "Please call for me if you require any assistance."

I nodded slowly, gears turning in my head. What was he? The whole see through thing was fascinating. I opened my mouth to ask, and then quickly slammed it shut. I couldn't just ask him that! Thankfully the man had already disappeared, just as suddenly as he'd appeared in the first place.

"He's a sylph."

I squeaked in surprise, jumping and nearly falling over as I spun to see who had come up behind me. My eyes widened.

Alek stood there, an amused smile on his lips. The same curiosity from last night burned behind his eyes, and the intensity of his stare made me want to hide.

"...what?" I finally asked, my voice trembling. The man, thankfully, didn't laugh.

"A sylph," he repeated. "They're elementals. They occupy a separate plane of existence. Because deities are the only beings able to cross through such things unassisted, sylphs are unable to bring their physical bodies here. They are, however, able to send themselves here mentally. Hence the reason you're unable to touch them."

I stared at him for a long moment before what he said finally clicked in my head. "Oh! That's pretty awesome!" A separate plane of existence? What was it like? And why would they come here if they had their own world? Maybe it wasn't a very interesting one. "What element is Aaron then?" I asked.

He paused, a thoughtful look on his face. "I believe him to be some sort of earth elemental. I've never asked him outright however. It can be a rude question sometimes." His brown eyes sparked with mischief. "I'm sure someone as pretty as you could ask without offending him though."

I glared at him. "You're flirting with me," I accused.

His lips turned up in a grin. "I am. Fun, isn't it?" I didn't really have a response to that, so I merely continued to glare at him. The only response was a chuckle however, and then he stepped forward, hand coming up to catch my chin and tilt my head back. His eyes met mine, and I could see the curiosity hovering behind them. I wondered if my eyes were glowing again. I'm sure that that would be enough to make someone who seemed as intelligent as him curious.

After a moment he dropped his hand and stepped back, allowing me to release the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Never fear that I'll attempt anything further than flirting, however," he finally said, a smile playing around his lips. "Anthony is not a man I would like to cross. And that Drell of yours seems like the jealous type."

A flush crossed my cheeks. "He's not my Drell," I muttered, crossing my arms uncomfortably in front of my chest.

"Of course not," he responded seriously, though there was laughter in his eyes.

I huffed. "Anyways," I said, trying to change the subject, "what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you," he said, and the red in my cheeks grew darker.

"Wh-why me?" My voice trembled as nerves set in. I'd been okay when I was vaguely annoyed by him, but now I began to feel overwhelmed again. Both because of the knowledge that this man was royalty, and because he was so interested in me. I mean, what was I supposed to do with that? I certainly couldn't tell him to go fuck himself, but I didn't really want people to be curious about me. I didn't want anything to get in the way of my quest to get home.

"Because you're a mystery," he was saying, "possibly the most fascinating mystery I've encountered in a long time. And I dislike mysteries. My insatiable desire for knowledge drives me to discover the secrets behind them."

I wasn't really sure how to respond to that either. Finally I said, "There's not anything mysterious about me. I'm pretty straightforward."

He shook his head. "Then perhaps you are a mystery to yourself as well. Tell me, do you know why your eyes glow?"

The sudden change of subject startled me, and without thinking I responded, "Knowledge said it's because I'm expelling energy." The moment it was out I slapped a hand over my mouth, eyes wide. Fuck! She'd told me not to tell anyone I'd met her!

His eyes were wide as well. "You've met Knowledge herself?" He asked, a hint of awe in his voice. I nodded, and he whistled. "Curiouser and curiouser. I've met her once as well. I don't remember what it was I was researching, but I'd become frustrated by how little I could find on it. She appeared and brought me to her realm so that I could find the information I needed." His eyes cast about the library, tracing the rows and rows of books. "It was a library like this one, her realm. Except that it seemed endless. Every piece of information from every world that exists is stored in that library."

Those eyes turned finally back to me. "For her to have appeared to you must mean she thinks highly of your intelligence and desire to learn." Having regained control of my own mouth, I kept the circumstances of our meeting to myself. "I look forward to discovering who you are."

"I'm Alanna," I grouched. "Just Alanna."

He smiled. "Of course. I shall leave you to your exploration for now, but I look forward to our next conversation." He winked at me before ambling away, disappearing into one of the rows of books.

Of all the aggravating, infuriating men- I turned and kicked a bookshelf, immediately hissing as pain shot through my foot. It was then that I remembered I was only wearing soft slippers.


"So this is where you are."

I jumped and squeaked, nearly falling flat on my ass as I spun around. What was it with people sneaking up behind me today? Seeing who it was, I glared at him. Drell grinned, leaning his shoulder on a bookshelf, unaffected by my glower.

"This is a library, damn it," I snapped.

He shrugged. "You're the one who squeaked." Seeing that I was about to yell, he held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "Sorry, I didn't come here to fight with you. Prince Alek said you might still be here. You missed lunch."

I started, my eyes wide. Had I really been here that long? He stepped towards me, hand coming up, and I stumbled back. "No, Drell, don't touch me. I can't do this anymore." My words seemed to go in one ear and out the other as he stepped towards me again, curling a hand around the back of my neck before I could escape. Electricity raced along my skin.

"I'm sorry Alanna," he said, his other hand curling around my hip. "I'm an ass, and I haven't been considerate of your feelings."

"I don't have feelings," I lied, crossing my arms over my chest. "It doesn't-" His lips descended on mine, cutting off my words. His kiss was as gentle as his hands, and I melted into it. My arms uncrossed, hands sliding across his chest instead. He sighed into my mouth at the touch and deepened the kiss.

Finally he pulled back, those black eyes of his warm as they traced my flushed face. Regaining my breath, I glared at him. "Can you quit with the damn hot and cold shit? I swear I can't follow your fucking moods. You're giving me-" His lips brushed against mine once more, making the words fly from my head.

He smiled against my mouth. "I finally found the one thing that shuts you up," he murmured. I gasped, smacking his chest and trying to pull away. He slung his arm around my waist, keeping me there. For once, I felt no aggression from him. Just a warmth and tenderness that threw me off balance.

"Drell, I-"

"Shush," he said, touching his finger to my lips. "I really am sorry. I'd like to make it up to you, any way I can." I trembled, and was suddenly fighting back tears.

"You make it really hard to hate you," I whispered.

His hand brushed across my cheek. "Good," he murmured. "I'd be very sad if you did." I made a face, but his hand curled around my jaw, forcing me to look up at him. "I mean it." He looked hesitant for the first time since I'd met him, but he quickly covered it up, leaning forward to kiss my forehead.

My stomach chose that moment to loudly declare it's unhappiness, saving me from having to respond. I blushed as he laughed. "Come, let's find some food before your stomach attempts to eat your other organs."

We ran into Tehna as we entered the dining room, on the arm of a man with dark blue hair. There was enough of a similarity in their coloring, though Tehna's hair and skin were paler, that I wondered if he was some sort of water creature too. Seeing me, the girl's face brightened. She released his arm and launched herself at me, nearly bowling me over in her enthusiasm.

"Alanna!" She squealed, bouncing. "It's so good to see you again! How are you? Are you liking it here? Have you seen-" Her words were cut off as the man came up behind her and pressed his hand over her mouth. He smiled at me, a glint of mischief in his eyes.