To Tame a Slave Ch. 09


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I loved the 69 position, not just because of the obvious, but because it was almost impossibly easy to get a cock straight down my throat. Which I did immediately, thrilling at the startled moan that escaped him and the way his hands clamped down around my waist, pulling me harder down to his my mouth. We tormented each other with our lips and tongues and occasionally teeth until we became lost in the pleasure.

"Alanna," he said, startling me into jumping and releasing his cock to look back at him. "How do you feel about anal play?"

I swear, my whole body blushed. "I don't have a lot of experience with it," I answered him shyly.

He nodded, squeezing my hips slightly. "I'll go slow." To be honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted him playing with my ass. But my dissent had never stopped him before, so I turned to focus on his cock again to distract myself. I felt one of his fingers swirling around my wetness, dipping deep inside me and making me arch impatiently, before sliding up slowly to rub around my asshole. I froze then, clenching, which I'd been told was bad with anal. Up until, of course, he caught my clit in his mouth, forcing me to moan and relax a moment. Just long enough for him to breach that ring of muscles, fingertip sliding inside of me.

That finger stayed still as his tongue resumed trailing between my lips. He paused and growled, "Keep sucking." With a startled jump, realizing that I'd been so focused on what he was doing that I'd forgotten about his cock, I turned my attention to it, being particularly worshipful of it to make up for stopping. As I focused on his cock, I felt his finger slowly slide into my asshole. It felt strange, a burn that wasn't quite pleasant but didn't quite hurt either. It probably helped that I was distracted by the cock in my mouth and his tongue on my pussy.

A gasp and a low groan escaped once his thick finger finally made it past his second joint and stopped. "You're doing so good kitten," he murmured his praise, making me flush in pleasure. His hand twisted slightly so he could sink another finger deep into my pussy. I moaned and tried to push back against it, wincing when I realized I was forcing the finger in my ass deeper as well. "That's it kitten, fuck yourself on my fingers." When I didn't immediately respond, he smacked my ass hard, spurring me into movement.

I focused on the feel of his cock periodically sliding down my throat, and the finger in my pussy, trying to ignore the burn in my ass. Slowly though, it began to burn less, or maybe I was simply getting used to the burn, but I started to fuck back against his fingers and mouth harder, moaning loud.

An orgasm started to build and my body tensed. It was so close, so close. It broke suddenly as he removed his fingers and flipped me over, dragging me across the bed until my head hung limp off of it. Realizing what it was he wanted, I opened my mouth wide, gladly accepting his cock between my lips again.

"I'm going to fuck your mouth hard," he growled, hand wrapping around my neck and squeezing as his cock slipped down my throat with no resistance. I realized in this position he could do whatever he wanted to me, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. And fuck, that was so hot, even though it shouldn't have been. "I'm going to cum down your throat. And I'm gonna fuck your hot pussy with my fingers until you cum with me."

Without waiting for any response, he did as he had said he would, slamming into my mouth and down my throat like he would my pussy. The latter of which his fingers had found as promised, digging and pressing roughly into my hole. His fingers curled, dragging them across my g-spot with every thrust. His palm ground down against my clit almost painfully, and I could feel my orgasm racing back towards me.

His thrusting became rough, almost erratic, as did his fingers. My body arched and squirmed on the bed, soaring towards that pinnacle. "Cum," he demanded, giving me one last hard thrust down my throat, fingers never stopping their rough fucking. I did as he commanded, my world exploding and lights dancing behind my eyes from the intensity of it. He stroked me through it, drawing out my orgasm before slowly allowing me to settle.

Gently, he drew his softening cock from my mouth, hands moving carefully across my body as he pulled me up into a sitting position. Despite the gentleness of his hands, he growled as he slammed his lips against my now swollen ones.

I was sure he could taste himself on my tongue as he kissed me hard, but he didn't seem to mind. Nor did I mind that I could taste my juices on his lips. It made the kiss more erotic, and more powerful somehow.

Finally he pulled back, breathing hard. "I should go," he murmured regretfully. "Before you tempt me into going any farther."

I frowned up at him. "Why? Why not? Why do you keep doing this to me?"

He looked pained as he scrubbed his hand down his face. "I can't tell you Alanna. I'm sorry." My post orgasm glow faded quickly at his words, replaced by annoyance.

"Why can't you tell me? What is this big secret that keeps you from wanting to fuck me?" I snapped, trying to knock myself free of his hands. A dark look flashed across his eyes and his hands tightened, one coming up to grip the back of my neck.

"There's nothing I want more than to fuck you until you scream my name," he growled, his words stealing my breath. "But I can't. So fucking drop it."

I gasped and slammed my hands into his chest, forcing him away. "Then get out. Stop fucking touching me. Stop kissing me. And stop telling me how much you supposedly want me. Just get out."

He had the gall to look hurt by my words, and for a brief moment I almost felt bad. "You don't really want that."

"I want you to stop jerking me around," I snapped. "Either you want me or you don't. There's no fucking in between."

There was a long moment of silence as he watched me before finally sighing. "Okay," he murmured before standing and fixing his clothes. Without another word, or even a backwards glance, he disappeared from my room. It was either scream or cry, so I yanked a pillow up into my lap and screamed into it as loud as I could. I was so sick of this shit.


Depressed by Drell's rejection, I didn't really want to leave my room or deal with people. Eventually the pit in my stomach became more pressing than my grumpiness, and I forced myself to throw on a dress and run a brush through my tangled hair. It was getting long, for me at least, the gentle curls hanging nearly to my shoulders instead of my jaw. I scowled at it, hating how fast it grew. Maybe I'd ask Tehna if there was someone here who could cut hair. I needed something to remind me of home.

Rubbing my eyes, I stumbled from my room and down the stairs. There were a few people milling about in the foyer, none of whom I knew, so I kept my head down as I hurried towards the dining room. Intent on my goal, I nearly ran head first into somebody coming through the doors. A pair of strong hands came down on my shoulders, keeping me from tumbling to the floor.

"Look Raziel, you seem to have captured a wild human," came a voice I recognized. I looked up to see who I'd nearly run headlong into. Impassive grey eyes met mine. Of all the people I'd expected to see, Alcina's angel friend was not one of them. I hadn't seen him since my first night here. My eyes darted sideways, searching for the person who'd spoke, widening when they made contact with Prince Alek.

"It seems I have," Raziel murmured, my eyes shooting back up to him, uncomfortably aware that his hands were on my shoulders. As if sensing my discomfort, he dropped them and took a step back, bowing slightly. "It is good to see you again Miss Alanna. I hope you are having a good morning."

I nodded shyly, twisting my hands in my dress. That was a lie actually. This was a terrible morning so far, and it didn't seem to be getting any better. The angel frowned, brow furrowing. "Is something troubling you?"

"I'd hazard a guess that it's Drell causing her issues this morning," Prince Alek interjected before I could speak, earning a blush and a glare.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," I snapped, forgetting for a moment that it was a prince I was talking to. His grin just grew.

A hand landed on my shoulder again, startling me into looking back up at Raziel. "Night elves are an aggressive race," he informed me. "There is a reason they make up the majority of our armies. You seem like a very strong human however. You are more than his match. Do not let him bully you."

I felt better all of a sudden, and I grinned up at him. "I don't plan on it," I said, and he returned my grin with a small smile, the first I'd seen on him. He nodded and dropped his hand, turning to leave. "Oh, wait!" He paused, and I glanced meaningfully at Prince Alek, who put his hands up and turned away. Satisfied that I had a short moment of privacy, I murmured, "You should tell her you love her."

The angel looked startled for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," I said, propping my hand on my hip.

After a moment, he smiled wryly. "Is it so obvious?"

I shrugged. "Only a little. Or a lot. I'd be surprised if she didn't already know."

An unexpected chuckle left him. "Alcina can be quite blind when it comes to matters of the heart. For now, I am content to merely love her from afar. Perhaps one day." He smiled gently down at me. "Thank you though Miss Alanna. I do hope your own situation improves." With a gentle pat on my shoulder, he turned to go once more, and this time I let him. Content with my meddling, and feeling better, I turned and made my way into the dining room, humming under my breath.


Satisfied now that my stomach was full, I meandered for a while, peeking into study rooms here and there, though only near the library. I still wasn't brave enough to wander up to the third floor though, no matter how curious I was about these 'pleasure rooms'. Eventually I'd find my way up there, but not yet. With a sigh, I draped myself across a couch in one of the many sitting rooms.

I honestly didn't know what to do about Drell. The man was going to drive me crazy. I snorted. Going to? He already was. I couldn't tell up from down when he was around, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could handle his hot and cold bullshit before I broke.

With a frustrated growl I leapt up, stomping my foot on the ground. What the fuck was wrong with me? Mooning and moping about a man. I really was going crazy. There were more important things to focus on right now. There were more important things to focus on ever. Drell didn't matter. Anthony didn't matter. None of it mattered. I had to get home.

Determination reaffirmed, I stormed from the room. It wasn't until I reached the library that I realized I had no idea where I was going or what I was doing. Tina and Crim were my best bets on information, but how was I supposed to find them in this huge place? Just start looking into rooms? Because that'll go over well in a pleasure house, innocent though this wing seemed to be.

An idea occurring to me, I hesitatingly called out, "Hey Aaron?"

After a moment he appeared out of thin air in front of me, making me jump. "Ah, Miss Alanna. How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you had any idea where Tina and Crim might be?" I asked.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, before saying, "I'm not sure. But I can go and look for them if you like."

"Oh, no, that's not nec- damn." He'd disappeared before I could get the sentence out. I stood there for a long moment, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot as I waited. Finally he reappeared, instructing me to follow him. He led me to a small sitting room before disappearing again. I peeked in, spying the pair in what looked like an intense game of chess.

It was Crim who saw me first, looking up at the sound of the door opening. A brilliant grin split her face and she waved me in. "Good to see you! How are you liking things so far?"

I returned her smile, dropping into a chair near them. "This place is pretty awesome. Everyone I've met so far is really nice." As I spoke, Tina moved a piece on the chess board. Crim stared at it for a long moment before swearing and leaning back in her chair.

"Damn it Tina, how are you so good at this fucking game?" The other girl shrugged before carefully moving all the pieces back to their original positions. As she did so, Crim turned back to me, saying, "Yeah, I guess Alcina tends to attract some pretty cool people. I really dig Neera and Kai, though Tehna is a bit too excitable for me. I think you've met all of them." I nodded, and she continued, "Doe's an absolute sweetheart too. She's really shy so you probably haven't met her. She's a wood elf, which is pretty cool. Steer clear of Angela and Sadie though. Sadie isn't too bad, but Angela's a fucking bitch, and they're always together."

I nodded, making a mental note of all of these names, though I'd probably forget them later. Names weren't usually my forte unless I had faces to put them to. "Do you know much about Raziel?" I asked curiously. He was a mystery, but everything I'd seen about him so far I liked, and his obvious affection for Alcina seemed to soften him.

Crim tapped her chin, looking up at the ceiling. "He's a bit of a strange dude, but he's not bad. You don't typically see him far from Alcina's side, so he's not an easy one to get to know. He seems nice enough though, from what little I've seen." She grinned at me. "Is it super obvious that he's in madly in love with her, or am I just imagining things? Tina says I read too much into stuff." The woman in question gave her a flat look, but said nothing.

I returned Crim's grin. "No, you're definitely not imagining it. He's totally in love with her. Like, Alcina has to be totally oblivious not to have seen it yet."

Crim rolled her eyes. "Girl, that man could drop to his knees and beg her to marry him, and she'd probably still not realize he means it. She's one smart cookie, but I fucking swear, she so fucking oblivious sometimes." It felt good to talk to someone from my world, to hear our slang again.

I paused, hoping I wouldn't upset either of them, before saying, "What do you guys miss most about our word?"

Leaning her elbow on the table in front of her, Crim sighed. "I miss movies. Don't get me wrong, the shows they put on here are fantastic, but I miss good old horror movies. And rollercoasters. Dude, I was a total thrill seeker. You?"

I had to think about it for a moment. There were so many things I missed, so many people, that it was hard to be specific. Ignoring the people, knowing it would make me too emotional, I said, "I miss karaoke. And tequila. Oh man, and Chinese food." We both put our head back and groaned, and I guessed Crim missed it as much as I did.

Finally she turned towards Tina, arching an eyebrow. I really didn't expect much from the typically quiet woman, but she surprised me by saying, "I miss my camera. Sometimes it's a physical ache." Crim reached across the table to take her hand and squeeze it gently. "And I miss doing ballet. I've done that as long as I can remember, though I had to take many breaks. I mean, technically I can still do ballet. I've been trying to pick it back up, but I'm not used to my wing yet, and they throw off my balance." She frowned and sighed, those black wings flexing slightly behind her. "There are a few other winged people here who are helping me to get control of them, but it's slow going."

There was pain in her face, though it faded quickly. I couldn't imagine not being able to do something she so obviously treasured, and my heart hurt for her.

Finally, I lead back into the question I really wanted to ask them. "So, how long have you two been here?" I asked nonchalantly.

Crim's head fell back and she seemed to be thinking. She muttered under her breath, counting on her fingers. "I wanna say it's been... ten months. Does that sound right Tina?" The woman nodded. So long. They'd been here so long. "We both got dropped here together. Which was lucky I guess. I can't imagine having to deal with this world by myself." The pair interlocked fingers, and I had to wonder about their relationship before swinging back to the important question.

"So," I started slowly, "I'm sure you talked to a lot of people about stuff, especially here with Alcina. Have you-"

"There's no way home," Crim interrupted me softly. The words didn't register at first. "We used all of Alcina's contacts, and nobody has found even a single mention of our world. I'm so sorry Alanna."

I stood so fast that my chair was knocked backwards across the floor, and my whole world froze, eyes widening and heart stopping in my chest. Were they really- Could they be telling me- It couldn't-

"I-I think-" Hell, I couldn't even get words out. My mouth felt dry and everything felt numb. "I think I-I need some time alone. I'm going to- going to go to my-my room."

The pair exchanged a look, and the usually stoic Tina gave me a sad frown. "Of course," she said, reaching out to take my lifeless hand. The touch seemed uncharacteristic for her, and it made my throat close up. "Would you like us to walk you there?"

I shook my head, pulling my hand from hers. "I can find it." Without another word, not giving them time to respond, I spun and darted from the room.


Ten months. Ten months they'd been here. Ten months, and they'd never found a way to get home. Even with all of Alcina's contacts and influences, they'd never found a way back. I couldn't comprehend it. I'd spent my whole time here trying to find a way to get home, only to be told that it wasn't possible.

I cried out, hands clutching at my head. Anger and terror and grief swirled inside of me, pooling in my stomach and making me feel sick. I struggled to keep from throwing up as I collapsed to my knees, curling in on myself. This couldn't be happening. I'd never see my family again. Never see my friends. Never see my home. It was all gone.

With another cry, this one laced with fury, I leapt to my feet, knocking over a table and sending the vase that had been sitting on it to the floor. It shattered as it struck, much like my heart was doing at the moment. My eyes fell on the small black book that Knowledge had gifted to me, and feeling a sudden surge of rage, I snatched it up and flung it across the room, watching with satisfaction as it slammed hard into the wall.

The action didn't alleviate my rage though. I snatched up another book, but before I could throw it as well, the door to my room was opening. Drell appeared in the doorway, a concerned frown tugging down his lips as he took in the mess.

"Tina said you'd come up here, and when I heard the noise, I thought I'd-"

"Get out!!" I screamed, my rage suddenly focusing on him. The book in my hands was flung at him. As he ducked out of the way, my hand was grasping another vase and that quickly flew through the air as well. Before I could find a third object to throw, his arms were wrapping around me, pinning my arms to my sides and lifting me off my feet so all I could do was helplessly squirm and scream obscenities at him.

Drell wrestled me to the floor, well away from the shards of the innocent vases I'd destroyed. He grunted once as one of his hands slipped, allowing me to slam my elbow into his stomach. It didn't stop him from eventually getting me completely subdued, legs trapped under his, arms pinned to my sides, one of his hands slapped across my mouth to stop the screaming.

"Fuck, Alanna, what the fuck is wrong?" He asked, concern and anger mixing in his voice. The concern mixed with the overwhelming feel of his body wrapped around mine, and my rage immediately morphed into grief. I sobbed, my whole body shaking with the force of it, and tears began to form rivers down my face.