To Tame a Slave Ch. 09


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"Sorry about her," he said, speaking over her smothered exclamations. "She doesn't really understand boundaries." The girl rolled her eyes and slammed her elbow back into the man's stomach, making him grunt in pain and release her.

She took a deep breath, bouncing again. Though she did seem slightly calmer as she said, "This is Kai. We're practically siblings. He's a nymph." Ha! So I was right about the water thing! I was getting pretty good at this. "We were just about to go and get a snack. Would you like to join us?" At the mention of food my stomach made a noise and I blushed. The girl grinned but thankfully didn't laugh. "I'll take that as a yes. Maybe afterwards we can give you a more in depth tour of our home."

That sounded like a good time to me, so I happily agreed, Drell seconding the agreement. I found myself greatly enjoying the pair's company as we wandered, discovering that Kai had a penchant for mischief, and that Tehna knew everything about everything and everyone who lived there, as well as many of their frequent guests. At some point Drell excused himself, citing the desire to get in some exercise, though I think he actually wanted to escape Tehna for a while. I didn't blame him. As much as I enjoyed her company, I found myself rather exhausted by the time dinner rolled around. Her energy seemed endless.

On our way towards the dining room we stumbled upon Alcina and Neera. She invited me to dine with her again, but I had to politely decline, citing the desire to spend some more time with Tehna and Kai and Neera. The fact that I was actually avoiding Prince Alek, and Drell... well, that I'd keep to myself.


I smothered a yawn as I trudged up the stairs. Tehna's unending energy made me feel so worn out it wasn't even funny. As tired as I was, I didn't notice the dark form leaning on my door until I was right on him.

"Drell?" I asked as our gaze met. Rubbing at my eyes, I asked, "What the hell are you doing here?" He pushed off the door, hand coming up to cup my cheek. For some reason I couldn't find the energy to pull away.

"I was wondering-" He paused, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably. "I mean- I'd like to sleep with you tonight."

My brow furrowed as I frowned. "Drell, we've been through this. I can't-"

His hand shifted, pressing to my mouth to quiet me. "I don't want anything like that," he murmured. "I got so used to having you in my arms while I sleep that I tossed and turned for hours last night without you. That's all I want. Just to sleep with you."

I could feel my heart melting slightly at his words. How could he go from being such an asshole to so sweet? What I wouldn't give to crack into that head of his and figure out what was going on in there.

After a long moment, I nodded. To be honest, I'd missed the feel of him as well. The relieved smile on his face made my heart melt further, and before I could react he was swinging me up into his arms and slipping into my room. He deposited me on the bed, kneeling to slip my shoes off before kicking off his own boots. I scooted up into the bed and under the covers as he dropped down next to me, feeling strangely shy.

And then he was in the bed with me, his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me tight against his chest. A content sigh escaped me, and sooner than I expected, I was drifting off.


"You know what, I think you just like trying to scare me," I snapped, tossing my book down onto the table in frustration. I'd been reading the same paragraph over and over for the last half an hour, too distracted by the man sitting only a few feet away. He looked up from his book, startled.


I stood up and paced, too restless to sit still. "Every time we start to get close you shut me out. You keep feeding me these lines about how you're not the type of man who should introduce me to such things, about how I need someone to be sweet and gentle with me." Hands trembling with my aggravation, I stopped in front of him. "You've been nothing but gentle with me so far. So I've decided you're either holding yourself back, or you've been lying, and you simply like trying to scare me. But it isn't working. I'm not afraid of you or what you may or may not want. And frankly, both of those options make me so angry I want to hit you."

He stared up at me in contemplative silence for a long moment before setting his book down and taking my still trembling hands in his own. "You want to know what it is that I want? Why I keep trying to warn you away? Why I wish I had the strength to walk away from you myself?" His voice was slightly hoarse, and his beautiful eyes were dark with something I couldn't identify. Nervous now, I nodded. There was another long moment of silence, and then he seemed to make a decision. He dropped my hands and said, "Walk over to the desk and put your hands on the edge."

I swallowed hard before nodding and turning to do as told. As my hands pressed down on the desk, leaving me bent over slightly, I suffered a brief moment of indecision. I'd lied before, when I said I wasn't afraid. I was. But not of him. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle whatever it was that he wanted from me. Because I wanted him. More than anything else in the many lives I'd lived.

There was a soft sound as he stood, and then his footsteps on the floor, signaling that he was finally walking towards me. Despite knowing that he was coming closer, I still jumped when I felt his hands touch me, trailing lightly up my back and then down. A shiver rolled across my skin and my heart started to race.

"You want to know what it is that I want?" He murmured, bending over slightly, so close that I could feel the heat radiating from him. Yes. Yes, I wanted to know more than anything. His hands paused at my hips. "I expect an answer when I ask a question," he said, his voice firm.

"Yes," I managed to whisper, my eyes slipping shut.

His hands resumed their slow wandering. "Good girl." The praise made me glow, though I wasn't certain why. I liked pleasing him. "I want to touch you," he murmured. That sounded good to me. "And pleasure you." That sounded even better. "And hurt you."

Wait, what?

He must have felt me tense, because he chuckled softly, hands freeing my hair from it's clip to tumble around my shoulders. "That's right. I want to hurt you. And I want to make you like it. I want to hurt you and pleasure you until the pain becomes pleasure in and of itself." My breathing roughened as I considered that. Was it possible to enjoy pain? The idea seemed contradictory. As his words rolled around in my head, his hand sunk deep into my curls, tangling in my hair and firmly tugging backwards.

Without thinking I followed it back, hands leaving the desk, only for him to shove me forward again. "Hands on the desk." I quickly did as told. "Do not move them again." There was an unspoken 'or else' at the end of his firm order, and I trembled to think of what he might do if I were to disobey. Strangely, the thought both scared and excited me.

Once more his hand tightened in my hair and pulled back. Just barely I managed to keep my hands on the desk as my body bowed, trying to follow him back to relieve the pressure on my scalp. It began to hurt, but amazingly that hurt began to pool in my stomach, a warmth that made my thighs clench together. Was this what he meant about pain becoming pleasure?

After a long moment, he released my hair, letting me slump back forward and murmuring another 'good girl'. My legs trembled, and I worried that they might give out on me, especially as he stepped closer, hands sliding up to lock around my wrists. "Let go of the desk and stand up," he said in that same firm tone, the one that had me obeying before I could even think. He quickly but carefully adjusted my hands so that they were held behind my back before turning me around. His eyes searched mine until I finally dropped my gaze, unable to handle the intensity in them.

The moment I did he released my hands. Disappointment rolled over me, but I kept them where they were, sensing that that was what he wanted. But then his hands were back, wrapping around my hips and easily lifting me off the ground to set me on the edge of the desk. With a gasp, my hands flew to his chest to help me balance. He didn't move them or chastise me, instead cupping my chin and forcing me to look up, to meet his gaze.

He searched my eyes again, and whatever he found must have convinced him to keep going. "That's not the only thing I want though," he murmured, capturing my hands and pinning them behind my back again. "I want to control you. I want you to obey when I command you. I want to give you rules."

"Rules?" I asked when he paused, my voice breathless.

"Yes, rules," he said, nodding. "Things such as looking at me when I speak." I'd looked away when he responded, but my eyes instantly shot back up to his. "I want to punish you when you break them and reward you when you follow them." He paused again, allowing me to take this in. I fidgeted absently, hands squirming until he linked his fingers through mine, keeping them pinned gently while comforting me.

I bit my lip, turning my gaze down once more. This time he let me, as if sensing I needed to think. Finally I asked, "Have you done this before?" He nodded, and a strange sting of jealousy hit me. "So I would be, what, your slave?"

One of his hands moved to firmly tug my chin up, forcing me to meet his frown. "No. You would be my submissive, and I would be your Dominant. You would do what I desire because it pleases me, but only because it would please you to please me." That made sense in some strange way, and I felt desire begin to swell in my chest. "And in return I would care for you and protect you, and do everything within my power to keep you happy." His eyes and hand gentled.

After a moment, I squirmed and asked, "Would it mean I couldn't get angry with you anymore?" I thought it was a legitimate question. I couldn't imagine me snapping at him would please him very much, but he startled me by laughing.

"No, you're absolutely allowed to be angry with me," he reassured me, tucking a strand behind my ear. "For some reason, I also quite enjoy your scolding. It's not something I've ever allowed a woman I have this kind of interest in to do." We were quiet for a moment as I digested that, before he softly asked, "Are you afraid now?"

My eyes firmly met his again as I whispered, "No." I heard him exhale a shaky breath.

"It would also mean I would have access to your body any time I desired," he added, making me tremble. "Afraid?"

I closed my eyes for a moment to consider this, before forcing my voice to be firm as I answered, "No."

"Would you like to try it for a time?" He asked, his voice slightly hoarse now.

Finally, I opened my eyes and met his gaze. "Yes."

He swore under his breath, hand curling into my hair as he pressed himself closer. "Yes, sir," he corrected as his lips descended to mine.

"Yes Sir," I responded breathily, feeling more than hearing his growl before getting lost in his kiss. It was nothing like the ones we had shared before. He dominated my mouth, took me and controlled me with a passion I'd never seen or felt before.

I awoke in a tangle of sheets and limbs, momentarily forgetting where I was. A pang of jealousy struck me, more intense than I'd ever felt before. I'd never considered myself a jealous person, but when it came to Anthony... I allowed my eyes to slip shut again. I knew I shouldn't feel this way. There was nothing more that I wanted than to get home, and it wasn't fair of me to want to claim a man I couldn't have. And even if I did want to stay, I couldn't really have him. He belonged to her. This mysterious woman who haunted my dreams. His wife. His submissive.

A small part of me hated her. Hated how he was with her. And that wasn't fair. To any of us.

There was movement behind me, startling me from my thoughts, and I rolled to meet Drell's sleepy black eyes. This was a man I could have. He wanted me, and despite how angry he made me, I wanted him too. He didn't belong to anyone, that I knew of. Though maybe he did, considering how frustrating he'd been about anything sexual.

"It's too early for you to look so serious," he murmured, breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled slightly as his hand came up, smoothing the furrows in my brow. "How did you sleep?"

"Alright," I said, shrugging awkwardly.

Something in my voice made him frown. "More dreams?"

I squirmed slightly in his hold, part of me wishing I'd never told him about them, before nodding. "I get them every time I fall asleep," I admitted finally.

His fingers slid down the side of my face to cup my jaw. "Do you want to talk about them?" I shook my head. Not yet. Not with him. Not with Anthony. It was all just too much. He caught my jaw tilting my head slightly, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I'm going to kiss you now," he murmured. Before I could respond he'd captured my lips, overwhelming my senses with the gentleness of his touch. Gentle was not a word I often associated with him, but I couldn't deny that I liked it. Maybe too much.

Releasing my chin, his fingers left burning trails down my throat before sliding up into my hair, gripping just hard enough to tilt my head so that he could deepen his kiss. I don't know how long we stayed like that, lost in each other, but by the time he pulled back I was breathless with desire.

"I want to see you," he said gently. I frowned at him in confusion. "I want to see all of you." The confusion cleared and then came back, followed by a blush.

I squirmed a bit, saying, "You've seen me naked before."

He shook his head, fingers running through my hair. "Not like this. Flushed with want for me, and only me." The way he said that made it sound like he- "Let me see you." It was both an order and a plea all rolled into one, and I couldn't have resisted it if my life depended on it. I nodded shyly and he quickly twisted to kneel over me. His hands slid up my legs, taking my dress with him, pausing for a moment at my thighs to look up at me. I nodded again, silently giving him permission, and his hands resumed their upward trek, ghosting over my inner thighs before wrapping around my hips.

Before I could move to help him, he easily slid his arm around and lifted me enough to scoot the dress by, taking the chance to grip and stroke the curves of my ass. He helped me to sit up then, and with no further teasing, my dress was tugged up and over my head, landing forgotten on the floor.

His eyes trailed hotly over my form. "You are so beautiful," he murmured. I flushed red straight from my cheeks to my chest.

Squirming on the bed, I muttered, "I'm okay." A yelp escaped as his hand swung and landed a stinging swat on my breast. I glared at him. "What the hell was that for?"

He grabbed my chin roughly, forcing his thumb between my lips to keep me from talking. I bit down on it, but it made no difference. "I don't want to hear that from you again," he growled, shaking my head. "You're fucking gorgeous. You would be gorgeous wearing just a burlap sack. So I don't ever want to hear you disparage yourself again. Do you understand?" I stared up at him for a long moment before hesitantly nodding. He released my jaw then, leaning closer so he could slide his lips up my throat to my ear.

"Besides, you liked it kitten, didn't you?" A whimper escaped at his words."That's right, you love it when I hurt you." He nipped my earlobe once, making me shiver, before sitting back up. Before I even had a chance to think, his hand swung and left a stinging handprint on my other breast. Once more on each side, before his calloused fingers gripped my nipples roughly, rolling them and tugging on them until I was mewling with pleasure, my body arching, trying to find something to rub against.

"So pretty," he murmured, leaning down to wrap his lips around one. I moaned, spearing my fingers through his short hair. His tongue flicked across my nipple, before he pinched it between his teeth, just rough enough to sting and make me clench my hands. One of his hands still played with my unattended nipple, as his other slid across my chest, making it way roughly up my throat. For a moment I worried that he'd close it around there, and break this moment we were having. It didn't stop though, instead prying my jaw apart to force his thumb back into my mouth.

This time I welcomed the intrusion, wrapping my lips around his thumb and sucking hard, swirling my tongue around it and making him groan against my chest. I grinned inwardly at my ability to pull such a sound from him. He sat up suddenly then, freeing my mouth to instead sink his hand into hair. "I want those pretty lips around my cock," he demanded roughly, free hand undoing the laces of his pants. I nodded eagerly. "And if you're a good girl and suck me good, I'll give you a surprise."

I was slick between my thighs, both from the thought of getting his cock into my mouth, and wondering what he could possibly have planned as a surprise. There was no more time to think as he tugged my head around and pressed his cock to my slightly parted lips before I could even get a good look at it. Later. I'd give it more attention later.

Instead I opened my mouth wide and let him slide in until he hit the back of my throat. He groaned, head falling back, hand tightening in my hair. He pulled out slowly until only his head was in my mouth, and I went to work, swirling my tongue around the soft flesh, sucking hard until he slammed forward again. There was nowhere to go, pinned beneath him as I still was, all I could do was accept it.

Which of course I did, very gladly. I moaned around his cock, almost as worked up at sucking him off as I would have been had he been touching the rest of me.

He continued fucking my mouth for a couple minutes, aggressive, hitting the back of my throat with each thrust until my eyes were watering. I kept a deep suction, using my tongue as much as I could, trying to make this as good as possible for him. Not just because I wanted to know what his surprise was, but because I genuinely enjoyed pleasing him.

Finally he slowed to a stop, breathing heavy. "Very, very good girl," he murmured roughly and I flushed with pleasure. "I think you earned your reward." Before I could ask, he slid down my body and jerked my legs open. As I realized what his reward was, a whimper escaped, making him grin. Despite the roughness of his hands on my thighs, his tongue was light and gentle as it slid up my slit.

I whimpered again, rocking my hips, searching for more, which made him chuckle and grip my thighs harder. He teased my pussy for a short time, before seeming to grow bored of it and diving in, tongue sliding between my lips to lap up my juices. His tongue pushed at my hole, imitating the fucking I so wanted him to give me with his cock. Slowly it trailed up, twirling around my clit without touching it.

Another chuckle as I tightened my hands in his hair, trying to force his mouth where I wanted it. He resisted for a moment, before giving in, wrapping his lips firmly around my clit and abusing it with his tongue before closing him teeth around it briefly, making me jump. He returned to licking up and down my slit, as if he couldn't get enough of my taste. Once more his mouth drifted back up to my clit, this time with one of his fingers pushing inside of me. It felt like he was being gentle, until I bucked down onto it, drawing a growl from him. All bets were off then.

With no warning, he shoved two fingers deep inside of me, lips forming a tight suction around my clit as his teeth grazed across it. I groaned in pain and pleasure, eagerly fucking his fingers. He pulled back suddenly, making me glare for a moment before he flipped me onto my hands and knees over top of him, backwards. His cock lay across his stomach, heavy and hard, and as his tongue swiped up my pussy again, I realized what he wanted. With a purr of pleasure, I wrapped my hand around his cock and sucked it deep into my mouth.