Virus Ch. 05-06


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A loud groan of delight filled the room and all three men couldn't help but stare at Alex. Her hair was plastered to her forehead and Drew walked up to her and smoothed it back. She opened her eyes and stared into his. The fake penis kept grinding deep inside her steadily. She had adjusted it slightly on the remote earlier and now it was hitting her G-spot with amazing accuracy. Normally most men couldn't find it or weren't interested in stimulating it to satisfy her. The only other time that happened was... well, was with Drew's real cock. Alex tried to say something to Drew but couldn't. He smiled at her to let her know she was safe and kissed her forehead. She could feel her orgasm building and she let go of the remotes. Drew saw her unconsciously opening and closing her hands and he reached out to hold her right one. His eyes were riveted on her body as a powerful orgasm overtook her. Her body strained against the metal cuffs that held her to the table and she shrieked out as overwhelming bliss coursed through her. She held her breath for a split second before she realized that unlike a real cock, there was no slowing down or gradual pulling out with this machine. It continued to pulse against her very sensitive pussy and she again experienced a very strong orgasm. She frantically slapped Drew's hand away so she could grab the remote and turn down the strength and speed.

Once Mark realized what she was doing, he jumped to turn off the machines. Alex lay shuddering on the table breathless, still feeling lashings of smaller orgasms course through her. Drew quickly snapped open the metal cuffs like they were paper and yanked off all the sensors and wires attached to her. Neil grabbed a blanket, which Drew took and wrapped around her. With one arm supporting her, he reached out with his other to snap the cock off the machine.

"Awww... I was going to ask you to bring that back to your house," Alex joked, still slightly out of breath.

Drew grinned at her, glad that she was able to joke. "I couldn't afford the electricity bills to keep you satisfied," he quipped back.

She gave him a half grin and leaned into him. She felt exhausted and also relieved that he was there. He tightened the blanket around her and helped her toward the door. Alex stopped when she saw Mark.

Mark smiled apologetically and explained that he was an old friend of Drew and Neil's. He also had the virus and worked as a scientist for the government so he could keep an eye on any attempts to use their kind as lab rats. "You have no idea how sorry I am that you were kidnapped and dragged here. I did my best to minimize what was done to you without compromising my position as a mole. By the way, the hair samples and blood samples have already been disposed of. I made sure they didn't take any tissue samples or do any other invasive tests," he assured her.

"Thanks Mark," Neil said, giving him one of those guy 'half handshake/ half hug'. "Are any higher ups going to be onto you now? Is there going to be an issue getting out of here?"

"Nah. This is mainly a research facility and isn't set-up for extensive security of patients. There may be a security guard or two but that's it. Also, the only security cams are in the hallway so as far as anyone knows I was knocked out too when you guys broke in. The good thing of a last minute grab and go, they don't have time to prepare security measures," Mark smiled.

Both men thanked him. Mark opened a cabinet and handed Alex a bag with her clothes. She took it and nodded, still slightly upset at him. Her brain understood the facts but she still felt icky and ashamed at the whole situation. As Drew helped her out she saw Patrick lying on the floor. She reached out with her foot toward him but was still feeling weak.

"He's not dead, though I was tempted," Drew confessed. "I just made him pass out."

Alex looked at Drew and nodded. "Good. I don't want him dead. But, ah, can you kick him for me? He still needs his ass kicked," she declared.

Drew laughed and complied, holding back most of his strength to give a powerful, but not fatal, kick to the guy on the ground.

"If you two are through abusing a guy who can't defend himself, I think it's time we should go," Neil stated drily.

Alex looked at Drew. "It's pretty bad when we're being lectured on the moral high ground by Neil of all people. Take me to your house, Drew. And I think I'll be calling out of work from now on."

Chapter 6: Day Dreams

Alex huddled in the backseat, mindlessly watching the scenery flash by. On the way out of the lab they ran into a security guard and he was subdued so quickly that Alex only saw a blur of movement. One moment Neil was behind her, the next the guard was laying on the ground. Now they were on their way back to Drew's apartment, where'd she have to stay indefinitely. She'd been through so much in the last two weeks that a part of her wanted to just shut her mind off and not think about anything at all. Another part of her kept replaying what that scientist, Patrick, had said.

"Haven't you wondered how they are able to do the stuff they do? Aren't you curious why they are different?"

He had been trying to justify his experiments when he asked her that. Not that excused what he did but Alex had to admit it planted a seed. If there was even a slight possibility that she might turn into one of them, she'd better start learning more about the virus. "Um, Drew?" she started, tentatively.

Before she could say another word, Drew slammed into the backseat next to her, concern etched on his face. "Are you ok? Do you need anything?" he asked worriedly.

She gave him a reassuring smile. "No, I'm feeling ok. Well, tired and extremely embarrassed about what just happened but other than that..." She could see anger and guilt flash across his face so she quickly continued. "No, I just wanted to ask you something. You told me how the virus is transmitted and all that but...uh, once you get it, how does it change you?"

"Well, I can't answer that from personal experience. I was born with it. So was Neil. And those that I've transformed...well, it's been awhile so I don't remember," he replied.

Neil glanced at his friend in the rearview mirror, hoping Drew would prepare her for the process. When it was clear Drew wasn't going to say any more he spoke up. "It hurts at first as your body gets used to the changes, but it doesn't last long."

Alex looked frightened but tried to hide it. Drew caught Neil's gaze in the rearview mirror and frowned at him. She swallowed her fear and forced herself to dig deeper. "So what kind of changes will there be? I mean, how are you guys able to do all the stuff you do? Is everyone who gets the virus able to do that?"

Drew thought a moment. "Well, again, we've been this way since birth so I don't know how the body changes. Most of those infected do have skills that exceed those of quote normal humans unquote. It really depends on how strong the strain is."

"So someone who gets infected from me or Drew directly would be able to do more than someone who got a strain of the virus that's been passed down for a few centuries," Neil jumped in to add.

"Don't worry. Even if you got a tiny bit of the infection from that night, you aren't going to change," Drew reassured Alex, still believing in his heart that it was the truth. Neil shook his head to himself, wondering how long his friend was going to cling to that illusion.

Alex thought about what they said and all the things she saw them do. "So how does a change to the DNA give people powers? How are you guys able to move that fast, be that strong, even fly, for God's sake?"

"We're not sure ourselves," Drew shrugged. "You know that line 'People only use 10% of their brain?' Well, we suspect that we utilize more of our brains and in different ways than ordinary humans."

"So your brain allows your body to do all those things?" she questioned skeptically.

Drew chuckled. "Well, we also think our bodies are advanced as well. But what you call being strong could just be my mind calculating the right force to apply on a door where it's the least structurally sound. I'm not consciously thinking of that though. I'm just thinking of getting through a locked door. Running, well, it could be that our brains are subconsciously computing different criteria like wind speed, the angle that the foot should be hitting the ground for maximum push, etc. and that equals faster running. As for the way our bodies change, the ways they contort? Don't know honestly. It's instinctual. Maybe its evolution and our DNA is just the next step on the evolutionary ladder."

Alex blinked at him with an incredulous look on her face, unable to even come up with a sarcastic retort.

"Yeesh, it was much easier in the dark ages. People didn't question things. Anything we did was either magic or a miracle," Neil reminisced wistfully. "But then that damn 'Age of Enlightenment' happened and suddenly everyone wanted an explanation of how things worked."

"And we weren't anxious to have experiments done on us. I'm sure you can understand that," Drew added. Alex shivered and nodded. "We do have friends who are interested in answers. That's why Mark is a scientist. He keeps us informed on what the government knows about our kind and uses the latest technology to study the virus for us," he added.

A sudden thought struck Alex. "That guy, Mark. You said he's had the virus a long time. Almost as long as you..."

Both guys nodded. Drew waited for Alex to continue and saw her face turn red. "Yes?" he asked.

"And how he was friends with both of you, even when you didn't get along," she stammered. "Well, you mentioned how the virus was transmitted..." In a tiny voice she asked "Did one of you infect him?"

Drew barked out a huge laugh. Neil had to pull over because he was laughing so hard. Wiping the tears out of his eyes, Neil finally caught his breath and replied "No, neither of us screwed Mark. My sister dated him for awhile and he willingly got infected."

"It's possible to transmit it to the same sex but I assure you, I've only spread it to women," laughed Drew.

She felt embarrassed for asking but was relieved that it had given them such a laugh and had lightened the mood from such a traumatic day.


Days had passed, and Alex and Drew settled into a pattern like an old, married couple. That is to say, they avoided each other, didn't talk much, and never had sex. Drew would read the paper in the kitchen while Alex would surf the web in her room. Or she'd stretch out on the sofa with a book while he worked in his office. They did eat dinner together and would watch TV afterwards but each would settle into chairs on opposite sides of the room. Their attraction to each other had not lessened, but the whole 'Hey, sorry I might have given you one hell of a STD' puts a huge strain on a relationship.

One morning Drew was lying in his bed having the best dream. He dreamt that Alex was playing with his cock, stroking it with her hand and running her tongue along the sides. Slowly waking up, he groaned in pleasure. The dream had made him hard and he wished it was really happening. He stretched and his half asleep mind gradually became aware that someone was on top of him. His eyes blinked open and saw Alex astride him naked, slowly grinding on him. Her eyes were closed but her face had a ghost of a smile. Drew could feel his stiff cock wedged against his stomach between them as Alex slowly rubbed her pussy up and down it. He grumbled out a low moan. The sensation of her wet slit gliding across his cock felt incredible but the slow speed she was maintaining was like sweet torture.

Drew examined her face and realized that she was actually asleep. He knew people sleepwalked and even ate in their sleep but sleep-screwing was something entirely new to him. He remembered hearing that you shouldn't startle a sleepwalker awake. As he tried to figure out what to do, her pussy slid across every ridge and bump of his cock once again. He either had to wake her up or somehow influence her to pick up the tempo. He decided to do the honorable thing and wake her up.

"Alex," he crooned softly, rubbing her thigh gently to awaken her. All that succeeded in doing was getting her to increase the pressure of her body against him. Drew groaned again. He took a slow breath and gently shook her knee. "Alex, you need to wake up."

Alex grunted. Her eyes were still closed but she mumbled "Unnnhh... No." Drew shook her a little harder. She frowned and pouted "No. Let me sleep more." She was slowly coming out of her sleep though and had stopped grinding. Now she was listing slowly to the right, still in that not-quite-awake state. He pulled her down gently onto his chest so she wouldn't fall and saw her eyes blink open a few times but she stubbornly kept them closed. She snuggled against his chest as if he were a pillow.

"Alex, you need to wake up," he said sternly.

"Mmmm...I was having the best dream," Alex yawned as she gradually opened her bleary eyes and took in her surroundings. "Why are you in my room?" she asked when she realized they were in bed together. Her tone wasn't mad or accusatory, just curious.

"You're actually in my room. A room that was locked, by the way," he retorted.

"Oh, ok," she said breezily, her mind still cobwebby with sleep. Once again she snuggled against his bare chest. He could feel her soft breasts press against him and he took her by her arms to gently pull her off. Instead of sliding down next to him like he hoped, she sat astride him again, leaning back on her heels. Drew started to say something when she glanced down and noticed his still erect cock. Her body was tingly from earlier and her mind still in the hazy happiness of her dream. "I dreamed that we were having sex and it was wonderful," she confessed.

"Alex..." he reprimanded in a low tone.

Images from her dream flashed in her mind. Their bodies writhing together in sweat and lust. She smiled, closed her eyes, and without thinking rubbed her body against his. Drew's mind knew he should stop her but his body desperately wanted her to continue. Once again the mind won out. "Alex, we need to stop," he croaked.

She gave him a kittenish smile and placed her hands on either side of his body, leaning forward until her face was inches from his. Even though she didn't have make-up on, her hair was tousled, and she had a little gunk clinging to her eyelashes, Drew still found her beautiful. "Drew," she breathed. "I had a crush on you the first moment you walked into the library." She drank in all the details of his face, the chocolate brown eyes, the small scar on his eyelid, the full bottom lip and his adorably large ears. "All I could think of was biting that bottom lip and kissing you." She shifted her weight onto her left hand so she could run her right index finger across his lips. She stared wistfully at his mouth and continued. "Then when you asked me out, I was scared you were going to be an asshole. But you turned out to be even better than my fantasy. You were actually intelligent and really funny. And that night we had sex..." She hummed in pleasure remembering how amazing it was. Her mouth twisted into a grimace and with sadness in her eyes exhaled "I should have known there was no way it could last."

Without even being conscious he going to do it, he slid his right hand behind her head and drew her mouth to his. His left arm circled her back, flattening her naked body against him. He kissed her hungrily and she returned the passion with no hesitation. Her kisses felt like air to him and he mashed his mouth against hers. She opened her mouth slightly to catch a breath and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between her parted lips. She happily reciprocated, gliding her tongue in his mouth to taste him and playfully suck on his tongue. Drew felt the friction of their bodies as they kissed and became aware of just how painfully erect he was. With a grunt he smoothly rolled her over so he was now the one on top.

Alex let out a squeal of surprise as she was being turned around. She giggled and slipped her arms around his neck to continue their frantic make-out session. Drew kissed the tender spot behind her ear, then ran his tongue along the edge of her ear before flicking the inside, causing her to shiver underneath him. He dipped his head to nuzzle and lap his tongue at the crook of her neck. She pulled him back up for a deep kiss. Mouth still locked on hers, he grabbed her left breast and squeezed, occasionally tweaking the nipple. He suddenly broke the kiss to lean down and pull her breast into his warm mouth. Her head rolled back in pleasure as he grabbed her other breast to lick and suck that one too. He pushed them together so he could alternate sucking on each nipple.

Alex's body was on fire and she had to bite her lip to keep from demanding he put himself inside her. As if reading her mind, he grabbed his cock and slowly started running it up and down the slit and just along the inner lips of her pussy. She met his gaze with a sultry stare as he leisurely rubbed the head of his dick against her clit, teasing it out from behind its hood. Drew could tell she was sufficiently wet and guided his hard cock to her opening. He entered her gradually, watching her close her eyes in pleasure. He tried going slow, just to enjoy the feel of her - the wetness, the tightness, how amazingly she enveloped him, but lust overtook him and he started increasing his pace. He had the discipline to hold back and not fuck her with the speed he was capable of, but they still fucked with a frenzy, both desperate to quench their desire. He loosened his grip on her left leg to seek out her clit. He stroked it with his thumb as he sunk his cock deep inside her with every stroke. Alex felt her whole body start to tremble and spasm as she experienced a shuddering climax.

Drew felt her pussy tighten as she came and knew he was very close himself. He plunged into her again, feeling her walls clench his cock once more as she experienced another orgasm. He was close, so very close but somewhere in the fog of his mind he remembered that he shouldn't come inside her. With seconds to spare he pulled out and sprayed his come across her stomach. Some instinct in Alex triggered her to swipe some of it on her finger and lick it. She reached down again but Drew saw what she was doing and quickly wiped his seed off of her.

He sat at the edge of the bed, lost in a myriad of thoughts. He felt guilty, sated, ashamed, and happy all at the same time. Alex lay on the bed, pleasantly exhausted. After a few minutes of silence Drew heard her whisper "That was incredible..." He could only nod his head in agreement. "And we can never do it again," she murmured with a gloomy finality in her voice. Again he nodded.

He turned around on the bed to face her. He gave her a smile and said "I can't lie and say that I didn't enjoy that. But, yeah... We can't..." He looked at her. Even spent and sweaty she looked beautiful. He sighed and said, almost to himself, "Tomorrow I'll buy a stronger lock for my door."

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Itzy_StrangeItzy_Strangealmost 9 years ago
Loving this story.

You are one talented lady! The prose is well written, parts are funny, parts are hot. All of it is good. :)

AEisMeAEisMealmost 9 years agoAuthor

Tw0Cr0ws - Very good point. Especially because I thought about adding something along those lines as I was editing these chapters. (Honest!) I finally just decided to add it to the next chapter so you'll see it addressed soon.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago

By this point it is becoming unbelievable that she has not asked just what would be so bad about becoming fully infected.

She would obviously not be the first to do so voluntarily.

Weeks together unable to either get satisfaction or get apart from each other and she doesn't say "Why would it be so bad?"

Even sci-fi/fantasy has limits to what is unbelievable.

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