W.A.W.C. Club


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My wife was up the next day early and tried to wake me. I smiled at first as I saw her face, then last night and the report of her activities came flooding back. My smile faded quickly and she asked me if I was alright.

"I don't feel very good today (this was not a lie) and will probably stay home today and rest. You go to work and I will call you later." I replied.

"Ok but if you need anything just call me at work and I will come home. My club meeting is tonight but I guess Tammy could run the meeting if she had to." Carol said.

I could tell by the sad tone in her voice she was thinking about missing all the fun and seemed to smile more when I told her I wanted her to go tonight.

Carol dressed for work and left me in bed sleeping. I dozed back to sleep for another hour or so and got up. I had a few important things to do today, but the worst was to watch the video shot by Karen of the past club meetings. If I didn't know the people in the videos, I would have thought the videos were very sexy and hot. The opposite was true however. Including last nights performance, I counted over 70 guys fucking my wife. I don't even think my wife was aware of the volume of men she has fucked. This was just what I saw on tape. I still didn't even know if she was cheating on me before the group started.

The worst scene was on a frat night. Carol must have liked the perks of the job because she was enjoying herself being the center of attention. About 8 frat brothers picked up my wife and never let her down for over 20 minutes. She was stripped of all her clothes and each guy fucked her silly as they passed her around. She gave head to everyone of them and took it in every hole until she was exhausted. She was basically a human pin cushion for all the guys.

My wife was a total slut. There was no other way to put it. The woman I married seven years ago was not the same person in the video. Then again maybe she was a whore and I just never realized it.

Well I pulled myself together and made a few important calls. After all my business was complete I decided on a plan of action. Carol and I were through, but I wanted to end it on my own terms, not hers. The last call was to Karen.

"Karen I have a funny request for you and I was hoping you could help me?" I asked her.

It was then I informed her of my plan. She said she would help and told me to be ready by 3pm. I told her all the paper work will be done then. I waited and thought about my plan. If this worked, I would get my revenge and have some fun too.

Karen showed up in her van and told me where the new meeting was going to be. She was on the email list to get the new club party locations. Boy was this woman on the ball. She told me I was lucky because the usual frat boys were on vacation week so Carol had to hire the strippers again. She didn't think any makeup would hide the fact I was not in college. As a stripper I had a good chance of getting in the meeting undercover. This time there would be one more dancer at the W.A.W.C. Club meeting!

Karen drove to the new location and pulled out a bag of what might be called clothes. She told me to strip and get completely naked. I was a little nervous when Karen started to rub my cock. Well nature took over and I started to get hard and breathe fast. Karen then stopped and looked at my cock. It was at full mast when she started to laugh. I was not expecting that.

"Sorry I had to get you excited but if you are going to be a stripper you have to have a nice cock, and your equipment seems to be the right size, Big!" She raised her eyebrows and started to hum as she opened the bag. The transformation took about 2 hours.

Finally I was complete, and Karen made me look in the mirror. The results were unbelievable. Karen cut my shoulder length hair short, and made me shave my privates and my chest. She dyed my blond hair dark as well as my eyebrows. She gave me green contacts to hide my blue eyes and added a fake mustache of the same hair color. She gave me these fake buff tattoos on my chest and arms. Karen also commented that I was in good shape and could pass as a real stripper. I thanked her for the compliment and psyched my self up for the up coming party. Finally I had to wait until the meeting was to start.

Karen gave me a costume police outfit with belt, handcuffs, night stick, fake gun, holster, and a hat. The rest of the outfit left little to the imagination.

Karen grabbed the large envelope I brought her and I told her what I planned. She asked me if I really wanted to go through with my plan and I told her I did. I left the van at 6:45pm and went to the back of the club holding the party. Karen gave me a long coat to hide my attire until I was inside. The strippers who were there before me looked at me and wanted to know what I was doing here. I told them that a lady named Tammy Jones had given me $300 to do a special strip and fuck for someone named Carol Seneca. They said it was OK but any other money is split between all the boys. I then took $300 from my coat pocket and told the main guy to put it in the general kitty for the strippers. Karen warned me this might happen and her plan worked great. All the guys welcomed me, including me in their stripper family. Finally we were announced like all the other nights and we came out and attacked the two lucky ladies who won the raffle.

I was always in the background and looking over the crowd for my wife. She was by the side laughing and talking to Tammy and some other ladies at the party. Finally I told the main leader of the strippers to introduce me to Carol and Tammy. He did and I didn't say a word. I got right in front of Tammy and started to do my best stripper dance. Mostly it was shaking my hips and ass. This got both my wife and Tammy going. I pointed to a chair and motioned for Carol to sit down. She did and I went behind her back. I started to grab her tits and squeeze them hard while pulling the nipples. Before she knew what was happening though, I put the handcuffs on her and attached them to the legs of the chair. She was restrained and could not get up.

The whole room started to get in full orgy mode but I had eyes only for Tammy and Carol. I motioned for Tammy to come closer and started to undress my wife's best friend right in front of my wife. She and my wife had no idea who I was. Tammy had been at my house over a hundred times over the past six or seven years. I considered her my close friend until I found out she was helping my wife be a whore and not telling me. I had always wanted to fuck Tammy, but being my wife's best friend I knew she was off limits. Now she would fulfill a long time desire.

Tammy started to breath heavy as I fingered her clit. I dropped to my knees and licked her pussy for about 3 or 4 minutes. She was very hot now and wanted to get fucked real hard. You could see it in her eyes, as well as Carol's. I pointed for her to bend over the table Carol was next to. I entered Tammy's pussy slowly and started to work up some speed with my cock. Carol was all eyes as her best friend started to get fucked really hard. She was just a few feet from my cock as I drove it in all the way. Tammy's feet would lift off the floor with each push and only the table edge was stopping her. I knew she would be sore tomorrow after I got done with her.

Tammy was a blond and had a super nice ass and 34DD tits. She had a beautiful face to match also. She was just as the guys say a M.I.L.F..

The feeling of Tammy wrapped around my cock was beyond words. I had always lusted after Tammy but now I could do anything I wanted to her. I increased my speed and force (if that was possible) and gave them the best show I could. I knew my cock was ready to cum so I pulled out quickly and aimed it at my wife. She was very surprised by this move and realized I was not wearing a condom. I wanted to fuck Tammy bareback.

With one swift move I aimed my cock at Carol's face and let loose. I don't remember ever cumming this much. I must have been saving it up because my wife was covered by me. Tammy was still lying over the table and looking behind her. She had a great view of my cock spraying cum all over Carol. This is when I first spoke so only Tammy and Carol could hear me.

"I hope your club shows you love, keeps you warm at night, and takes care of you when you are sick. When I'm gone you will need someone but it just won't be me" I stated in my natural voice.

As I finished my statement Carol's eyes were wide open looking at me hard. I took off my fake mustache and popped out the contact lenses. Tammy was totally dumb founded as she realized she was just fucked by her best friend's husband. Carol was in disbelief. Just as she was catching up on the situation unfolding around her Karen stepped up.

"Is your name Carol Seneca?" Karen asked.

"Yes" is all Carol said, with a surprised look in her eyes.

"Then as an officer of the court, you have been duly served." Karen stated. Karen then put the large envelope of court divorce papers in her lap. Carol was still handcuffed to the chair and could only look up with tears in her eyes at the proceedings. As a favor Karen gave me the original footage of me fucking Tammy and cumming on my wife. As far as anyone else was concerned, I was never there and Carol or Tammy couldn't prove it. Karen served the papers, and no one who actually knew me could identify me in court as being there.

I left with Karen out the back door and asked her if she gave the handcuff key to the table guard outside the room.

"I told her to bring it in 15 minutes after I went back inside. I told her Carol the president will need it then." Karen told me. As always her timing was perfect. I was very pissed off at my wife, but I was not such an asshole as to not leave her the key.

Karen dropped me off and I said goodbye. I told her I was going on vacation starting right that minute. I told her she was getting a bonus for all her help and I would be in touch after I returned. She wished me luck, kissed my cheek, and told me to go enjoy myself. That is just what I was planning.


The appearance of a husband at the meeting, much less the president's husband serving court papers, was a big shock to the club. They also found that they had all been named in the court papers for my divorce. I also named the insurance company she worked at for 'alienation of affection' and other legal mumbo jumbo. My lawyer said that since the group meet after work at an off site bar, and was not sponsored by Carol's company it wouldn't fly with the judge, but my lawyer wanted to push the insurance company for some money if I stayed quiet.

Karen's footage and report were awesome. She gave me a great detailed report and all attendees at the club meetings caught on tape were identified. This seemed to cause a big uproar. Tammy called me after my vacation as I wouldn't return any of Carol's calls or emails. She said that the president of the company got wind of the situation and wanted to talk to me. I told her I would meet with him the next day as soon as my lawyer was available. Tammy hinted that the group was not happy that their activities were caught on tape and wanted to know if they could do anything to keep this quiet. I thought about having each lady come over to my new apartment everyday and give me sex until I did everyone of them. I quickly dropped the idea and told her I would think about it. This whole club deal had caused nothing but a big pile of problems. I could feel for the other husbands and boyfriends, as I was right in the same boat.

Every woman in the club said the same thing to their better half "I was only watching!" Some of the husbands wanted to see the videos and this gave me a great idea. I went with it, and told my lawyer. He laughed and said that I could do what I wanted to do if I did not mention the insurance company's name, otherwise it was clear sailing.

The next day arrived at Carol's workplace and I meet my lawyer at the reception desk. I remembered the girl at the desk from one of the videos. She liked to give head and swallow cum by the gallon. She knew, I knew about her secret life as a cum slut. Just then my wife showed up and asked if I would please talk to her. I had not said one word to her since I last saw her at the club meeting. I told my lawyer what to say before we entered the building.

"Mr. Seneca is not at liberty to talk to anyone until the case is closed." My lawyer said.

I didn't even look at her and she just walked away crying. The president came down and escorted me to his office just after this. My lawyer started the show and told him what our case consisted of. The company CEO started to get on his high horse about not being responsible for the actions of the group. This is when I put my two cents in.

"If you would be so kind, please use your computer on the desk and go to this web address." I told the CEO as I handed him the address on a piece of paper. He got on line and punched in the website. His face turned a funny shade of purple and then lost all color. His wife was the first up as she was on video giving head to three strippers. She was all smiles in the video. The main banner above the website read 'W.A.W.C Club - Wives And Whores Coalition Club'.

My lawyer then started to tell him that this was perfectly legal as the videos were being used in a court case and would be made public after the divorce trial. He also told the CEO that as of right now the website was private, he was the only one to see it so far, and would go public in three days.

My lawyer then put on the table what I really wanted. Yes I wanted money, but I really wanted to be done with this whole matter. I looked the CEO in the eye and told him myself what the real deal was.

"First I don't want anyone fired including my wife. She will need an income now that I am gone. The company will compensate me for all the trouble the club has caused me. This means all lawyer fees, court costs and my private investigator bills, on top of a settlement. I wanted the group permanently disbanded. In return no footage of anyone at the group will ever come to light or their names and activities mentioned. I will redraw the divorce papers for adultery only and list only Carol in them. I now suggest you go to the board of directors and discuss the problem you have." I stated in a very business like manner. I knew the CEO was thinking about the bad publicity as well as everyone in his social circle seeing his wife on the net in all her glory.

"I cannot give you an answer right now but I will discuss this and get back to you." the CEO told us.

"Just remember if you don't want to see your wife and all your female employees being gang banged on the net, you had better call soon and it better be a good offer. I will not be in this office ever again and only showed up as a courtesy to you." I told him flatly.

His expression was unreadable, but I knew I got him with this last line. My lawyer and I both got up and shook his hand goodbye. After leaving his office all eyes were on us as we left the building. I could see Carol down the hall but I pretended not to notice.

"You know you could have been a really good lawyer the way you pushed that guys buttons. I am very proud of the way you are handling this whole situation by the way. Telling him we would not be back was great. If I know corporate America, you will be sitting pretty in a week, and my fee will be a nice one too." my lawyer told me with a smile.

A month later I was single and had $1.5 million in the bank. I still miss Carol but I have to get on with my life. To this day I have never spoken to Carol. That is what lawyers are for.


mfbridgesmfbridges5 months ago

Fuck yeah, good one. For those that ever wonder why it majority of cheating stories are about women. It's because it's men that like to read this stuff. Guys cheat too.....as a matter of fact both the men that fucked my ex-wife were married. Do you get the irony of that statement.

Medussa55Medussa559 months ago

Absolutely hopeless but a good read

NitpicNitpicabout 1 year ago

What a load of crap.If the women involved were named,it would be impossible for it to be kept quiet.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

A good fun read, full of good ideas but so full of holes , great

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

You do have a tendency to have women be way beyond simple sluts...its like you hate women and need to make them all the type that need to fuck the State of Rhode Island to be happy.

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