What Did Happen in Vegas? Ch. 04


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"Could I have everyone's attention," Zack said and then waited until everyone settled down and the room was quiet. "I want to thank you all for coming this morning. I have some important news that affects everyone in this room. I think most of you probably have already heard through the grapevine that I have been planning to take the company public. Today I am announcing that that will happen on Monday, June 16.

"As part of the initial stock offering I am offering all employees the opportunity to set aside up to ten percent of their salary to purchase stock in NTD. When you purchase the stock you will receive a five percent discount off the market price on the date of purchase."

There was a round of applause from the attendees and Zack waited until the room was quiet again before he spoke.

"At this time I would like to announce the executive team for our new organization. I, of course, will be the CEO. George Kellogg will remain as Vice President of Manufacturing, Robert Harkins will be taking over as Vice President of Marketing, replacing David Ransom."

Zack looked directly at Ransom when he said that and Ransom couldn't get the smile off his face.

"Replacing Tom Boyer as Vice President of Sales will be Don DeLucia," Zack said.

Ransom almost started to laugh. Had Tom quit or been fired. He wasn't at the meeting and he was no longer a VP. That didn't break his heart. Tom was the only person that could have caused him problems with his future plans. With Tom Boyer gone it would be smooth sailing.

"Now I would like to announce the new President of NewTech Design," Zack said and looked at Ransom as he said, "Tom Boyer."

As soon as Zack said Tom's name the door to the meeting room opened and Lisa pushed Tom into the room in his wheel chair. Everyone in the room stood to applaud except for David Ransom. Lisa pushed Tom to the front of the room and he shook the hands of the three vice presidents and then shook Zack's hand.

David Ransom began to feel ill. Not only had he not gotten the job he expected, he had been replaced in his old job. He didn't yet understand what this all meant but he was about to learn.

"I can see that Tom is a popular choice and it was an easy one for me to make," Zack said. "Now I would like to welcome some guests to our meeting. First I like to introduce Carl Koonce. Carl is a client of ours and a friend of Tom's. Next I would like to introduce Mike Stanton. For those of you who don't know Mike, he is an old friend of mine and he also happens to be the District Attorney for the City of Denver. "Our last guest is an old friend of David Ransom's. I would like you all to meet Brandi Wilson."

As soon as Brandi walked into the room Ransom got up and headed for the door where he was met by two uniformed police officers. The room became very quiet as Ransom was handcuffed and led out of the room.

"I am sorry that you all had to witness that," Zack said. "I can't tell you what that was all about at this time but you will get a full explanation as soon as possible. That concludes this meeting and I hope to see all of you tonight at O'Neil's. The first round will be on me."

People were a little subdued as they left the meeting. It wasn't that David Ransom was well-liked, because he wasn't. It was just that seeing him being led away in cuffs was such a shock.

As people were leaving Tom went over to Don DeLucia and congratulated him on his promotion. While they were talking Brad Thompson came over and stood next to Tom and waited for Tom to finish what he was saying to Don.

When tom turned to face him, Brad said, "Congratulations, Tom. I know you will do a good job. I guess that now you will be wanting my resignation."

"I don't expect to let our personal situation interfere with the business," Tom said. "You work for George and as long as he is happy with your work you will continue to have a job here."

"Thanks, Tom," Brad said. "Just for the record, I am sorry."

After Brad left Tom told the three VPs that he wanted to have a meeting with them on Monday and then he turned to Lisa and said, "Let's go move me out of the hotel and back home."


9:45 PM

Tom and Lisa had dinner together in their own house for the first time in more than a week. While they were eating Tom told Lisa about some ideas he had for NTD.

"You know," Lisa said. "I don't think I want to work for NTD now that you're the president of the company."

"What? Why?" Tom asked.

"Well, we certainly won't need the money," Lisa said, "and there are other things I would rather do."

"Like what?" Tom asked.

"Like become a mother," Lisa said.

"Really? I'm all for that. When do you want to start?"

"Whenever you want but I was thinking that I would like to stop taking my pills tomorrow. I think that I would probably want to continue working until the doctor tells me to stop. After that I want to be a stay-at-home-mom," Lisa said.

"That's great. As soon as I get this cast off my leg, I'll put a bun in your oven," Tom said.

"We don't have to wait that long," Lisa said. "I have an idea of how we can do it even with you still in a cast."


Lisa helped Tom get undressed and then she had him sit on a chair with his left leg straight out. Lisa then used her hands and mouth to get Tom fully aroused. Lisa then straddled Tom's legs with her own and lowered herself onto his lap taking his rigid cock inside her excited pussy. It wasn't great sex but Lisa was so happy to have Tom inside her again that she had a powerful orgasm. The position was not comfortable for Tom either but he was able to climax inside Lisa.

Afterward Tom joked that they were going to have to work on that to make it better to which Lisa responded with a smile, "Practice makes perfect."

Lisa helped Tom up to their bedroom and for the first time since the accident they slept together in the same bed.


Wednesday May 26, 2004

Tom was a nervous wreck. He looked at Lisa hoping to see something in her expression that would alleviate his fears but there was no help there. Lisa's face was bright red and hair was stuck to the sweat on her forehead. Tom knew that Lisa was in pain because of how hard she was squeezing his hand.

Tom was afraid to look anywhere but into Lisa's eyes until he heard someone say, "There it is."

Tom turned and looked and he also saw it. Well actually he was seeing it in a mirror. It was the head forcing its way out. Tom was struck by how much hair there was on this tiny head.

Tom turned back to Lisa and said, "Okay baby, push now. One more big push."

Lisa did as instructed and suddenly the rest of the body came into view. The baby was messy and slimy and perfect. Tom looked at the face and the hair and turned to Lisa,

"It's a miniature Lisa. We have a beautiful baby girl."

Lisa began to cry and, through her happy sobs, she said, "I love you."

Tom had to wipe his own tears away before he leaned over to kiss his wife. "I love you too."

"Mr. Boyer, would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked.

Tom accepted the scissors from the nurse and cut the umbilical cord and then the nurse carried the baby over to the sink to clean her up.

"Should we name her Brandi?" Tom joked.

"You weren't planning on living much longer were you?" Lisa said. "We already agreed that we would name her Brenda."

A few minutes later the nurse brought the baby, now wrapped in a blanket, back over and put her in Lisa's arms. Lisa looked at her daughter and said, "Welcome to the world Brenda Boyer."

Tom was sure that his smile could not possible get any bigger as he bent down and kissed the two most important people in his life.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

My favorite part was the line about her making him a sandwich. Subtle, but effective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Complicated, but in the end it's just another pathetic RAAC story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’m sure Tom, the new boss, gave Brad the punishment he deserved… A promotion. And told Lisa, his faithful wife, to continue bringing Brad all her reports.

This story deserves an addendum proving Tom is man enough to his employees that he is now in charge… fire Brad. As for Lisa, there must be some kind of power transfer between them

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A great read

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Creative story about a bunch of coincidences, a bungled conspiracy, an opportunistic "best friend" (asshole Brad), and two dumb married people (both Tom and especially Lisa). The commenter from 4 months ago that starts with "The cellphone charger excuse is really lame." lays put in detail the many blunders of Lisa in Chapters 1-3 and her cellphone disability in Chapter 4. Btw there are other ways to communicate with someone. Laptop? Email? Use Carl's phone to text or call? But also Tom was an idiot in Chapter 1. He could have made the simple calculation to save his marriage by explaining what he did at Vegas without exposing Carl. And he could have looked at thr photos in detail. Instead he clearly lied, got pissed off, and didn't protect his marriage, giving credence to the faked photos; all for a promise of nondisclosure about attending stripper clubs with Carl. Still Lisa takes the cake. While her behavior in Chapter 1 is not praiseworthy it is understandable to a certain degree. But her behavior in Chapters 2 to 3 is just beyond imbeciles. Also agree with commenters below that her having it out with Brad about his treasonous lie was a huge missed opportunity. While the reconciliation was warranted, the actual reconciliation came off with little emotional pathos, with too much focus on police, Brandi, the DA, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Way too much coincidence, dead phones, lack of common sense.....I could go on but I've wasted enough time with this brutal farce of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not as good as the other three chapters. Too much emphasis on the dual attack on the perpetrators. I get the attempt for Lisa to redeem herself to protect her man, but her cell phone battery being dead for several days is ridiculous. So much emphasis on justice and police and the meeting where Ransom is arrested, not enough emotional discussion between Tom and Lisa. Not undercutting the reconciliation, but just don't believe there would be so little dialog, especially from Lisa, who after all of this is more passed he snuck out of the hospital when her last words words were to "I'll help you pack". Tom takes the high road with Brad and doesn't fire him but makes it clear they only have a professional relationship and he is under a different manager two levels down (know your place asshole!). Ok. But where is Lisa's hurt and angry confrontation with Brad? Telling him you lied to get me to break up with Tom, I thought we were friends but all you wanted was to get into my pants and whisk me away? Nothing. Nada. There is not even a statement from her to Tom when he says he can't forgive Brad for what he tried to do to his wife and marriage taking an opportunity, that she feels the same. Or anything yo that effect. Zilch. Author's story but a big misfire there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The cell phone charger excuse is really lame. Can't buy one in Vegas at a Walmart of Best Buy? They are all pretty standard with a couple different connectors. She had no excuse for being out of contact for what 3 days? She really is too dumb to be in this marriage. I feel bad for Lisa because of her obvious disability (proven many times in these chapters) and Tom for having to live with her for the rest of his life? Yes I am fine with reconciliation but I only hope the daughter doesn't inherit her mom's intellect. And I am not even talking about Lisa being tricked by the first batch of pictures. She always leapt to the worst case conclusion all throughout the story until Chapter 4. Anonymous phone call? Husband is guilty. Why would they lie? Husband caught in a lie? Yep he cheated. Pictures seal it, right? Except she looked at printed out THUMBNAILS! She didn't look at the blown up pictures, didn't for moment consider they might be fake, never sought any help as to if they were genuine besides asking POS Brad who wants to be in her pants! She decides on a stupid pre-planned revenge night at the club. Dows she take Shandra? Nope she takes Brad who keeps hitting on her for thr last six months (though delicately) as he asks three times a week for documents he has no reason to look at given his job. But hey no biggie, right? Then Lisa when confronted with a heartbroken and angry Tom at thr club, well she gets all passed at the ultimatum and fucks Brad. Let me correct that. She only partially fucks Brad because she gets a premonition as her husband lies dying in a hospital. Brilliant. Or you can argue that she failed to get fully fucked. Depends on your perspective. Worse is the comedy of errors where though his wallet is left at home, his car is in the garage, and nothing has been taken from the house, she misses all messages, has her cell phone turned off for a long time, evades the cops unintentionally, crashes at a friend's place, willfully or stupidly misinterpret the (almost) final testament of her husband when she checks voice-mail on cell phone, still doesn’t do shit, gets confronted by neighbor about cops on Monday night, as she is less worried about husband's disappearance than having Brad help her at Applebee's to catch her cheating hubby based on the new photos, including one that shows the bimbo on her porch WITHOUT her husband, but oh yeah she DOESN'T call the police until she hears the phone message she skipped before (remember those machines has message counters Mrs. Dumbass?) because she thought it was the one message she left, and that us freaking four days later on Tuesday!!! Yes that is a monster run on sentence, but purposely for full effect because those are all her mistakes and misinterpretation to fit her view of events. Wtf? Maybe worse her pandering mg to Brad, not recognizing his manipulation / opportunism as he keeps hitting on her throughout the whole crisis and especially after that fateful night she cheated. She doesn't think a bad thing of Bead until she catches him in the egregious lie and worse we don't see her confrontation with him because it occurs off screen? A good story but wow what she did in chapter 4 doesn't make up for her dumbass behavior in the rest of the story and again she forgets her charger and doesn't buy a new one while on her mission in Vegas. Gah!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Like I said before, I thought that you really had cheated on Lisa so I just tried to help her accept that you had done it. Of course I did that for selfish reasons. I thought that I might have a chance with Lisa if you two broke up. I would never have done anything if I knew the truth. I acted selfishly and now I have lost my two best friends. I just hope you two can get through this and that you'll both forgive me someday."

=== ahh Brad. The opportunistic backstabbing asshole best friend. He needed to br chastised harder. Especially getting busted by Lisa. That was a real missed opportunity by the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No clue why commenters are screaming for Tom to burn Lisa, complaining about RAAC. This isn't close to a RAAC, that is "at all costs". What was the high costs here to Tom? Sure she messed up. She had photographic evidence, lies from Brad, a month long conspiracy against her husband, her husband not coming clean about Vegas trip looking shady in his denial, and yes she got penetrated while angry and drunk but backed off with Brad before they went while hog. Did she commit adultery? Yes she did. Did she screw up horribly? Yes she did. She should have had more faith in her husband. But as he isn't a slut. She wanted to hurt her husband at the restaurant but did not plan to do anything regarding sex until she got furious when Tom showed up and gave the ultimatum. She was bitterly remorseful once she learned that actual truth. She felt guilty about his near fatal accident. She actively sought out Brandi and then took steps to protect him and save her husband. This was a reconciliation. Not a RAAC. Heck would still be a reconciliation if she had had a full night of drunken sex with Brad. That would have hurt Tom worse and required counseling but still a reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Tom's early rebuttal to the photos was not smart. Rebut their authenticity hard. Who cares where they cane from. Lisa's willful blindness to the date conflict on the Applebee's photo is moronic at best. And Tom could have nipped this all in the bud with Lisa early. Explain about Carl and the strip club. Get it out there. Get in front of the false photos. Carl could have backed him up as an alibi. Another disappointment is the lack of confrontation with Brad. Brad is a conniving opportunistic asshole. At the end Tom can let him keep his job, but at least say that he otherwise doesn't want anything to do either him and stay away from Lisa and him. Lastly, I would have liked to see Lisa's dialog when she confronted Brad. She should have told him she knew he lied and then slapped his face and told him to drop dead. Instead was all off page and seemed tepid when she reviews her time before the scene on the hotel when she and Tom make up.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownalmost 2 years ago

Someone wrote a response in another story where they proposed the theory that K.K. secretly masturbates to scenarios of wives/girlfriends cheating. Cheating without repercussions. I don't think it's a theory, it's factual.

Anyone who questions "whatever happened to the real men" in society today need to look no further than the hundreds of examples here.

Literotica is a anonymous home to beta bitches, cuckyboys, RAAC apologists.

Truly pathetic...

GrassIsGreenerGrassIsGreeneralmost 2 years ago

Lisa went too far with Brad. The 1:05 was OK, but she messed up there. Brad was an asshole. He got off too easy. I always like your stories. Tom should have told his wife what he did in Vegas. She is his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

“Are you going home now” asked Lisa

“No. Not tonight.” Replied Tom

“Why? Are you still mad at me? Asked Lisa

“No. Responded Tom

What!!! Lisa fucked Brad and it’s ok? WTF…

Tom is a big cuck! He is on longer friends with Brad. Huh!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What about Brad? And what about Lisa. I’ve read many of your great stories but nothing happening to Brad? Really? Ad some kind of addendum to this story. It would give the story a real conclusion.

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