All Comments on 'When We Were Married Ch. 05D'

by DanielQSteele1

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Eventually, something good has to happen to Bill. Hopefully soon. I'm almost hoping that he gets back together with Debbie once they both straighten out. But that's probably not going to happen, is it.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 13 years ago
Well done keep up

I know I said you have to write in your own time and I hold to that BUT I am looking forward to more. So please keep writing you have created one hell of a novel.

Great reading well worth the time and loss of sleep.

Thanks and keep going PLEASE! Till your desided ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
back in the game

The two pervious installments of WWWM felt weak. They had lost a lot of the momentum you had built. I had almost given up on you...But you brought it all back with this latest chapter. Thank you. Very well done.

ckcb4u2ckcb4u2over 13 years ago
A gifted writer

I wait with raw emotions for the next submission. Truly a deep, well thought out storyline.

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1over 13 years agoAuthor

It took so long to get this out that I didn't want to send in an edited version until people at least had a chance to read it. Despite this there's a very big mistake. It might slide by most readers but I knew a few eagle-eyed types would spot it and it's important. In the telephone conversation between Bill and Philippe, Philippe comments that he's home in Paris with his son,Andre. This is ten days before Aline goes back to Paris. The sentence should have read that he would be back in Paris in a week and a half. His being in Africa with Andre was the reason why Aline did not return to them as she usually did. In a few days, at most a week, I'll post an edited/corrected version for that one sentence. Otherwise, the story will remain as is. For the rest, I hope readers who've followed the story will enjoy it.


dallasburgdallasburgover 13 years ago
Great as always

Another wonderful installment of a good story. I also would like to see him and Debbie get back together once they get their heads back on straight and see the errors of their ways, but I guess that is not likely, it would just be a nice happy ending, even for the bitch that Debbie became.

Thanks and I wait for the next chapter of a wonderful story.

lokiloslokilosover 13 years ago
Great Job

Just wish I could give this 10 stars! As always, can't wait for the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
was worth the wait

lots of interesting twists and turns and little side-stories going on here, looking forward to the next installmant

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I believe

we are being prepared for Bill Maitland getting on his knees begging his cheating whore slut ex-wife to take him back for one more chance to be humiliated forever.

It appears that the so called Angel of Death thinks with his dick just as his ex-wife thinks with her vagina, specially when faced with big breasted curvaceous women like his boss's secretary. He actually isn't very smart, and his work, his accomplishments mean nothing because he didn't give his precious self-gratifying bitch ex-wife the attention and time she felt she deserved. He failed her, got fat and sloppy, so he deserves everything she can screw him with, repeatedly, with as many lovers she has as possible, with every miserable retarded self-obsessed action she can take. His fault, his mistakes, his misery. Thanks Daniel, I knew I couldn't resist a story like this.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorover 13 years ago
So long

I know I'm in the minority, but I'm finally giving up. Well written, interesting, but it seems to be just going on and on...a marathon for marathon's sake. Big is just not always better.

I've been hanging in there for the past two chapters, just wondering how it will end. But after reading this episode for a few minutes, I have come to the decision I have better things to do.

The reward -- being pleasurably entertained -- is just not sufficiently balanced by my effort to read on, and on...and on and on.

Senrab13Senrab13over 13 years ago
Soap opera

This truly is becoming a soap opera but I'm locked into the story and the characters. Looking forward to the next chapter but dreading a wait of 30 days...

curioussscuriousssover 13 years ago
I was a little surprised by the call from Paris...

...but I had previously thought Aline would be going home when she did to meet Philippe and Andre in Paris because she only had the two weeks free before that event. Therefore I must have misread, or ignored, an earlier reference to the timeline. I wonder if she was 'outed' by someone in Florida or if Philippe's spies were more efficient than she had previously realized - or, if Debbie's 'investigation' (un)wittingly tipped someone off about Aline and Bill's liaison. It makes no difference to the probable outcome but I did like Bill's reference in their conversation -

"You know I consider you a friend, Philippe. And I would treat your marriage with the same honor and fidelity that I know you have shown it."

A nice touch and it may have been prophetic for P and A's future relationship - or not! If nothing else it will have forced them to re-examine their lives in a whole new light. I still think Aline and Bill would be good together but maybe not so good if she would eventually have to deal with the guilt and fallout of a failed marriage and losing some access to her son.

Regardless of that, the emotions are paramount and you've presented them in a believable and realistic way. From your story it seems Debbie still has enough love for Bill to try and 'comfort' him, if the last scene was indeed such a genuine attempt.

This is masterful storytelling and we are a little further forward to an extremely uncertain future.

It's a complex and convoluted tale but, at its heart, really very simple. Despite the sub-plots, it's still Bill and Debbie's story as you averred in your postscript to chapter 2A. Your original estimate of novel length at 100,000 words has been exceeded massively (this chapter alone has 25,000) so this is already probably the equivalent of a trilogy, but I'm in it for the long haul.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Not enough

Good chapter, overall. But this story still has a fatal flaw, and this chapter didn't fix it. The problem is that Debbie is presented in an unrelentingly bad light, and yet the story is heading in a reconciliation direction, or at least toying with it, since we're reminded in every chapter how they're supposed to still be in love with each other. That's a massive contradiction, and it isn't fixed by simply repeatedly saying that he still loves her. WHY would he love her? What has she ever done for him that would make her love him? There's a huge difference between lust and love. Yes, we get that she's very beautiful and sexy, and physical attraction will carry a relationship along for a while. But there are lots of OTHER beautiful people in the world, such as Aline. In order for him to plausibly still have such strong feelings, there has to have been more upside to the good years of their marriage. Or, at least one would think, right?

For the first time, there at least is a token effort to describe these supposed good years. Bill says:

"The Debbie that you held in the night so many nights...the Debbie that cried inconsolably the night her crazy aunt Clarice committed suicide...the Debbie who made you smile just by looking at her after a hard day at the office....the Debbie whose body and mouth and smile made the miserable fucking world that you live in bearable so many days over the years.

"Lew, Mom, everyone on the outside only see the cheating bitch....they didn't live with her when she loved me. They can't see that Debbie...they only see the ghost that lives in her body now....and I can't make myself throw dirt on her grave the way we buried Clarice and accept the fact that MY Debbie is dead and gone forever...."

So what do we learn about the "good" Debbie before she became the "ghost" Debbie? She cried and held him when her aunt died. Big friggin' deal. Who wouldn't do that? And she smiled a lot and looked beautiful, and that cheered him up.

Is that it?! You gotta be kidding me! That just reinforces what we've seen all along, which is that Debbie is supremely selfish, self-centered, vain because of her looks, and incapable of loving anyone other than herself. And that's fine if that's how the author envisions her, except the author keeps going on about how Bill has this eternal love for her, but why?! Because she has a nice face and big boobs? Is he really THAT superficial? It just doesn't make sense. His supposed eternal love isn't credible unless there's at least SOME positive side to her personality, but we STILL haven't seen any sign of that. If there is a good side to her that we the readers just don't know about yet, that's a sign of bad writing, because after all of these tens of thousands of words it should have been at least hinted to or alluded to in some way. Yet, once again, all we see is a beautiful but selfish bitch.

I don't understand. Are we supposed to conclude that Bill is as shallow as she is, and does all his thinking about women solely with his dick? And if he is just as shallow and looks-driven as Debbie is, why should I care about anyone in this story? Why should I keep reading? Why should I root for Bill to find love and happiness if he's so illogical or insane that he would eternally love a woman who literally has no positive characteristics whatsoever other than good looks?!

This story would be sooo much better and more interesting if Debbie was presented as a complex character with differing levels of both good and bad qualities (or at least she had good qualities earlier in her life!) instead of the unrelentingly shallow and selfish bitch that she appears be in every single chapter. For all the emotional intrigue and plot complexity, she remains a cardboard character because there are no shades of gray about her, just black.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
RE "I believe"

who cares what you believe? this is hell of boring story now it was interesting once but now just, i dont know i stopped caring what will happen to them, i am following other authors, i think we are lucky to have very talented and young author SirThopas, he is completley diff from other writers here, high quality and always new ideas, very close to reality. you must read him, just three stories and i am fan of him, and there is StangStar06, also talented really loving stories. i recommend you all if you havn't read them yet.

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Dragging out a little bit

Kind of turning into a full scale novel really hard to keep memory of past chapters and what is importNt to the ongoing plot path

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
This story just gets better and better.......

I feel like I'm on a endless rollercoaster, up and down, round and round, and like a kid I love it. I just hope Bill sticks to his guns and prosecutes the killer cop. Keep 'em coming please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

i wish it was longer and that each new chapter came quicker

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
This is not a novel.

Your conceit is that you think your user ratings equate to quality. Without serious editing, this would get binned by every publisher to read it. And WITH serious editing it would be down to about 20 pages of actual material.

I'll credit you with this, though: I've never seen someone go on for such length without actually accomplishing anything in their narrative. Or create such a group of terrible people. In fact, I take back what I said. Solicit this to comic companies and they'll be banging down your door to write hammy villains for them.

BriteaseBriteaseover 13 years ago
Back on track

Last couple of chapters were good, but not exceptional. This one is ---- Yet again!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You know, I have hope for this story yet...

Debbie loves Bill, Bill loves Debbie.... BUT finally he realises it's the OLD her he still loves. That leaves me with the hope that he will eventually move on and find happyness elsewhere. Ofcourse he still loves her, it has been 2 months since their divorce. You don't turn off 20 years of loving someone, especially when you're not the one who gave up on the marriage.

I have to agree with the anonymous commenter who said you still keep painting Debbie in a bad light. This alone HAS to lead to Bill moving on. There's just no justifying her actions, and Bill will never forget how she humiliated and keeps humiliating him. She keeps kicking him when he's down. He's standing in his office all but crying about his second great loss, then she marches in and says "Oh, I'm sorry for your loss, but I think you should know I jerked off a bunch of guys when we were at various parties," AND then she reaffirms that she meant every single word in the emails she wrote; which basically tells us she has zero respect for him. What the fuck?! Bill and Debbie just cannot EVER be a couple again.


I really, REALLY hope Bill gets over Aline. She was never right for him - he deserves better. Catching her looking at the ocean and the ships with more love than she felt for Bill OR Philippe has to tell him as much. Also, considering all french people have no or very little respect for their marriage vows, she would just cheat on him like she does on Philippe. I concede that Aline and Philippe have an arrangement, but would Bill and Aline have that same arrangement? I think not, but would that stop her? A marriage to Aline woould only lead to her cucking him.


I was glad to see more of Myra in this chapter. I hope there will be more about her in the comming chapters - more character development, so it's not just about the fact that her tits are bigger than Debbie's.

BillPorterBillPorterover 13 years ago
This story !!!

This story, is is going to go on forever, the way you bring up most, of the towns population into it. Please kill it of befor I have to stop reading it, what started off as interesting story. Is now dragging on, and on, about things that had nothing to do with, the original concept of the break up of their marriage.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 13 years ago
This was an interesting chapter . . .

. . . in that it made me think along the reading way. I thought about people, times, places and events in my own life and my long past marriage. Beyond introspection, I wondered why this isn't labelled 6a; it read much like an embark point on new directions, maybe emphasis is a more correct word, in Maitland's life and adventures. Two weeks is long enough for a passionate love to burn. Aline may show up again five years down the road for another two weeks. Will Bill be married to someone by then? Will Aline walk into his office and suddenly rip lifelong beliefs about marital sanctity from their moorings? Only the author knows, if he even does yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Thank you...

...for this Christmas present. Looking forward to the next chapter

Sidney43Sidney43over 13 years ago
Some good parts, some a bit long

At least Debbie now realized that Aunt Clarise was wrong about Bill and that is important, beyond almost all the external issues that fill out the story line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You are building up to its peak and I can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Bad soap opera gets a rating of ONE

You have written thousands of pages, but You still have not provided a plausible “character” description of Debbie. We know she is tall, blond, and big titted; and we know she is self absorbed and selfish, and she behaves as if the world evolves around her. She divorced Bill because he devoted more time to his job than her, he is way out of shape physically, and according to her aunt, he was cheating on her. But there is little in her post-Bill separation period to suggest that her life style or the quality of her life improved significantly. SO WHO THE HELL IS THIS SELFISH BITCH AND WHY DID SHE DIVORCE BILL.

rphinneyrphinneyover 13 years ago
Hmmm.. a story without a single character to like or admire!

Bill is a prosecutor with principles? Wow, you finally made it clear that this is entirely a fantasy with no basis in reality. Bill will insist on going ahead with the Grand Jury because of the questionable loss of an absentee father figure to the two kids? Really? So prosecuting the cop is going to deliver salvation to the two unfortunate kids? They'll win the Lotto because of this? And he makes a big speech about believing in Juries and I suppose the Justice System? After ten years as a prosecutor? Are you smoking a big bowl?

Bill has become what he despised, and demonstrated he has no more character than his ex-wife. I would say I hope they get back together because they deserve each other, but honestly, I don't give a shit what happens to either of them. The way you have written them, they aren't worth any emotional investment. In fact, I have yet to see any character you write that is even remotely likeable in the slightest.

I do want to say that I am amazed you managed to write a story with an attempt to instill a great deal of emotion, and yet, you managed to make every character completely devoid of any semblance of love. Lust, self-obsession, vanity, stubborness, pride, and jealousy plenty, but no redeeming feelings at all. This truly is a soap opera, because there are no honest emotions at all, just overblown exaggerations of over-dramatized human parodies. After slogging through this story, I am hoping that a hurricane will come along and take everyone out. I can really believe you write for newspapers and PR, they are all exaggerated fiction too, right?

I did laugh once though. When Debbie talked with Bill's secretary, she said the last thing she would want to do is hurt him more, and then she walked into his office and did exactly that. It isn't even a decent soap opera, because there is no one to care about in any of this.

Well, I suppose you'll insist on continuing...

Mousse9Mousse9over 13 years ago

You know, I think the other commenters are right, in the respect that this just drags on. It actually does feel like it's a soap opera. A very shallow one populated by caricatures.

As it has been hammered on by countless commenters throughout the chapters, there's simply no redeeming quality in Debbie. In all of these chapters, not once did she come off as a basically good person. Shallow, vain, narcissistic, selfish, near-sociopathic (mainly in her complete lack of empathy for others), that's how I would describe her. Why does Bill love her? It just doesn't make sense. Bill's in lust with her, not love.

As the anon with the comment headline "Not Enough" elaborated on, what did Debbie do to make Bill happy with her? I'll have to copy/paste anon's bit here:

"The Debbie that you held in the night so many nights...the Debbie that cried inconsolably the night her crazy aunt Clarice committed suicide...the Debbie who made you smile just by looking at her after a hard day at the office....the Debbie whose body and mouth and smile made the miserable fucking world that you live in bearable so many days over the years."

HE held Debbie for so many nights? Not the other way around? Nitpicking, but it shows. Debbie herself doesn't do anything here.

Debbie crying and Bill holding her consoling her? Uh, shouldn't a husband do that for his wife? If it had been a relative of BILL who had died, and BILL had been crying, and DEBBIE had been holding him for an entire night, then OK, but this is the other way around. All the stuff mentioned is Bill doing stuff for Debbie, not Debbie doing stuff for Bill.

As for the rest of that statement, Bill just needs a hot woman to look at to be happy after a hard day of work. Nothing that says it was anything unique to Debbie. Myra could easily have fit the bill, or Aline. In a very misandrist portrayal, Bill completely loses his mind, his wits and higher functioning when he sees a hot woman. Lay off the stereotypes, man.

And yes, Debbie is sorry Bill is hurt because of the emails, but she is not sorry she wrote them. She is not sorry about the affair itself, just that Bill is hurt by it. "What he won't know, won't hurt him", basically.

Debbie's hypocrisy shows when she's confronted with Aline. Debbie rubs a lot of cocks at parties, cheats on Bill, humiliates him when she's found out, and now she's angry because Bill found another woman?

The part with Clint is classic. OFCOURSE she's fucking him. How could she not? It's DEBBIE. But that's not what the classic part is, it's how Clint explains to her that she's not a cheating slut bitch, but a good woman who made "mistakes". He's rationalizing away how hurtful and selfish her actions were, by saying they were all mistakes.

Her shrink says the exact same.

It's like hearing the mother of a bankrobber who plans months ahead, acquires ski masks, guns and a getaway car, shooting several people in the head for not giving him the money fast enough, say that it was a "mistake" when he's caught by the police. "He's a good boy! He just made a mistake, that's all!"

Given his previous stories, I knew DQS would write a RAAC ending, so that's not very shocking. I'm a little amazed that I care so little now, despite being so worked up over things in previous chapters. Everything in this chapter seems to give me a "been there, done that" feeling. It's actually become rather dull...

PS. Heh, I knew Myra wasn't fucking her boss. She did that just to get the hyenas off her back (or her front).

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I knew debbie will go and fuck client abbot. he is her new client, she is nothing but a CHEAP WHORE.


DQS stop this utter nonsense and find some thing else to write.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 13 years ago
Several things keep showing up.

Debbie has a really unusual and even bizzare fixation on tits in general, and hers in particular. She feels that they, and not the sun, are the focal points of the solar system. She and her shrink have not even addressed this major abnormality... it is as big as her tits.

This love thing is really wearing thin for me. Bill beats up guys. He sends old ladies to die in prison. He is pleased when people that threaten him die. Why is he such mush around so many women? The story is interesting, the writing is exceptional, but the overall plot seems confused. This story does not have twists so much as left and right turns and a few u-turns, and numerous tangents. I will continue to read every chapter, but the shine has worn off. The two week hiatus for Aline started in September and just ended. It lasted forever, almost! Half an hour in the dentist's chair seems to go quicker than those two weeks.

We know that Debbie projected her Aunt's gangbang as her own. So that matters to us in some way? I guess I just feel that neither spouse has any reason left to love each other, if they ever did and it just seems like they would be done with it. Even when it looked like Bill would be fired and there would be some closure, he wasn't, and there wasn't. How long will the two weeks he has to think about the situation last in Q time? Till Memorial Day?

This story has a life of its own and it won't be beauty that finally kills this will be a huge set of tits.

bartolobartoloover 13 years ago
True romance story with a lot more happening

This story is becoming a classic. It's that good. However, it's not a typical situation that ends in divorce. Now there are signs of a reuniting of Debbie and Bill. I would like this to happen in a way, although I might prefer Myra as Bill's women, though we know little about Myra.

Both the politically correct and truly correct way for Bill to go in the "Officer Smith" case is one of the central issues. I think Bill will do his homework, consider every angle, and make correct decisions that are politically sound for Austin Edwards, the police establishment, the minority communities of Florida, and satisfy both Bill and Edwards.

We all pretty much knew that his French lover would need to leave him for her son and husband back home in France; and we knew that Debbie never stopped wanting him as part of her life - she may say she doesn't 'love' Bill but then what man has Debbie actually loved (Doug?). Debbie is overwhelmed by Bill's achievements as an attorney, his popularity locally and internationally, and his ability to attract select, top of the line women.

This is an outstanding story. Waiting for the next chapter is worth it though we get very impatient after having to wait 4-6 weeks for the next chapter to be posted.

t_i_n_at_i_n_aover 13 years ago
so why is this good?

I'll tell you. I just can't be bothered to read trash, bad writing, or drivel. My only complaint is the length between chapters!

This is a wonderful "yarn", it won't be easy to tie up properly, but I'll be reading it to the end!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
lifes a beach then the tide comes in.

i have found the comments about debbie amusing, yes she is everything other readers have said, thats the point she is a bitch, and trust me bitches just like her realy do exist.

for the hater's hey you dont have to read the story, for the rest of us though carry on Daniel you have us hooked.

movermoverover 13 years ago

Watiently paiting.

What HDK said.

Develop Myra? Oh yeah, 50lb. tits! Can't wait to see them!

Keep on keeping on, DQS, and I will read the next chapter when it gets published, not a minute sooner,

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

an educated woman fixated on her tits and cunt like an animal, that is Debbie. truly a bitch in heat. more like white trash. how can a logical person still be in love with her!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
still exceptional quality writing

but... even if DQS1 considers it's a novella and therefore it must be long, somehow the long time between chapters is killing the "drive" of the story. It feels a bit like on step forward and two backwards. I will stick to my intention of reading it all again when it's complete and I/we can read on with the "facts" fresh in mind. Still, exceptional story from talented and gifted writer. I doubt it if many would have spotted this "mistake" about Paris/Africa. Philippe could have returned early for some reason and was just letting his wife know, so why bother about correcting that. It fits the context of finding out about Aline and Bill. I too liked the sarcasm in Bill's remark about Philippe's failthfullnes to his marriage. So, bring it on DQS. Wrap up this story a your earliest convenience but don't let the comments influence the outcome you have in mind. It's YOUR story.

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
HDK may be onto something, I'm just not sure.

If it were my story, I would probably find some way of killing off Aline's husband, and have her come straight back to Bill. I sure don't see Debbie ever being a sympathetic figure. Reconciliation with her would be so fucked up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

…where all the hot women have big tits, and all the men think with their little brains…

I find nothing redeeming about Debbie (and it's not because I don't have big natural tits...I do, and mine don't sag, either).

My fear continues to grow about a reconciliation.

By the time it happens, though, I'll probably care even less than I do now.

Too bad, too. I used to like Bill and feel a lot of sympathy for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Best yet, and worth the wait.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Dammit, DQ

if you try to make this story live up to that first page's twelfth paragraph (the NEVER paragraph), I may quit reading you forever. You know that there are thousands, probably millions, of persons around the world that say those words everyday and then deny or contradict them within hours, and YOU have left all kind of loopholes (psychiatrist, rediscovery of feelings that Debbie thought were dead, etc.) in this story that won't let Bill live up to those "never" words. Now, I'm going to finish all eight (8) pages and hope you rescue my feelings and intuitions somewhere within them.

C_frommnC_frommnover 13 years ago
Very Good

Love the way Everyone is getting on with their Lioves and the Pain the Bitch felt at seeing her Ex with another as Pretty as her and making her feel like a Cow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I can't wait to find out where you are going from here. This story has so many interesting and dynamic characters. I am going to miss Aline.

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 13 years ago
When I Was Reading

Jeez Q I know you said it would be a long story but c'mon. Okay how about a tiny hint, a fractional fact - where are we? Halfway? 3/4?

Oh, good story, I was wondering when Mona's monogamous meaderings would begin to show up. And whatever happened to Doug's Kung-fu buddy? And what about...

Lord_GroLord_Groover 13 years ago

Interesting update. Won't try to tell you what direction to steer the story, or even any of the sub-plots. I'm pleased that he's going to prosecute the LEO who shot a fleeing assailant in the back. Anything else would have been out of character.

Will wait patiently for the next installment. (Although, I think that really ought to be intallments, as I don't think you can wrap up ALL of the plot threads tidily in one go.)

On the whole, your stuff is BETTER than most of the drivel that passes for storytelling around here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Long Wait

No need to appologize for a long tyme between instalments when the writing is this good. From your plot as it involves the prosecutors office I almost think U work in a prosecutors office. Very spot on.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

He is still wearing his wedding ring? I don't know what else to comment on, that one blew me out of the water. Thats pretty fucking sad.

xtremeddxtremeddover 13 years ago
Moving right along.........


Thanks for sharing on Lit.


CSD2CSD2over 13 years ago
thanks for the christmas gift

one correction tho ( and somebody probably pointed it out, but i'm too lazy to check) but the Cadillac CTS came out in 2002 as a 2003 model. but i'd rather have Debbie in that than the 2001 Catera, which would have probably broke down on her as she tried to find her Aunt.

going back to waiting mode now. thanks and happy holidays!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
keep it coming

in joying your story

brujaybrujayover 13 years ago
Very Real

The characters in this chapter all felt so real. You didn't hate anyone, disliked maybe, but they were all very believable. The little sidebars all came together so nicely, too. This is so well done story-wise.

Thank you, again for sharing this wonderful story with all of us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

great story you could it now. However, I look forward to the next chapter.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 13 years ago
Ignore the naysayers . . .

This story was well-written and there were only a very few typos and minor mistakes. This chapter seemed to have advanced the plot. We now see hints of RAAC! Bill has conflicts revolving around him -- but I guess that's a prosecutor's life -- and despite the threats he looks as if he will do the right thing.

By the way, in real life, if a cop threatened the ADA, and threatened to rape his ex-wife, not only would it be essentially an admission of guilt (in the shooting of a fleeing man in the back), it would probably get the cop fired outright. You just do not threaten the DA or the ADA.

Even though it lets Bill off the hook a bit, my thought would be to call in that favor from one of the organized criminals who promised Bill a chit or two. Have the cop killed in a drug bust and all the pressure is off. Bill won't prosecute a dead cop. Bill's boss won't fire Bill. The sheriff can relax. Everyone saves face.

I know it's not moral or ethical, but letting the cop off after what he did, that's not moral either. If Bill persists, he'll be fired and the DA will drop the charges against the officer, so the cop gets away with the murder. If Bill himself lets it drop, the cop gets away with murder and Bill looks weak. Some of the cop's "friends" might even try to bump Bill off! Right now, it's lose-lose.

Debbie thinks primarily with her cunt. That's fine in the bedroom (men want a "whore in bed and a nun in public") but not fine in the real world. Lately, we are not seeing much in the way of intelligence or morality about her.

Can't wait for the next part, whenever that may be. Thanks for writing.

Sidney43Sidney43over 13 years ago
Some thoughts

harddaysknight commented - we now know that Debbie projected Aunt Clarice's gangbang as her own.

I am not so sure that this is a correct analysis. Debbie may well have arranged her own gangbang and humiliation as a way of somehow emulating her Aunt that she regards as her Mother figure. I know there was some question raised by the Psychiatrist as to whether Debbie really had this happen to her, but I think it may turn out to have been a real event.

SteinermanSteinermanover 13 years ago
Love it and Hate it

I'm really at the point where I both like and dislike this story. I really like DQS1's writing and for a long time have looked forward to reading a great yarn every time I've seen his name.

The problem is that, ever since he's started this "book" we haven't had any other stories from him. This wouldn't be all that bad, except that it's 4-6 weeks between sections here - with nothing else of his to read in the meantime. If the author really knows where he's going with this, why the long wait between installments? And if he's making it up as he goes along, well, how 'bout giving us some of your previous fare while you decide where you want to take Saint Bill & Debbie the Slut?

Your early stories were great. Does this mean we're not going to see any more of them?

ChagrinedChagrinedover 13 years ago
I continue to read, but more reluctantly...

Yes, I know, nobody cares if I read this story or not. But fuck you anyhow. :-)

A few of things I want to emphasize to make the story better.

First, PLEASE don't resubmit just because you made a mistake with the Paris call. You made note of it, so move on. Don't let people think they are getting a new chapter when they are getting an old one with one revision.

Second, study a bit more on pacing. Your pacing sucks, no offense. HDK had a valid point when he mentioned that we got Aline there in Sept and she leaves in December. Only 2 weeks in D time. This isn't a TV soap and you don't have to keep people employed for years!

Also, because of this pacing problem, this would never make it as a novel. A good editor will tell you:

You change POV too much. Constant jumping from first to third is amateurish. You are writing this as if it were a screen play. you have a lot of content, but little of it actually MOVES the story.

If Bill is your protagonist, and is telling his story, keep it his story.

Finally, (for the sake of brevity) inconsistency in your characters is great. Makes them more interesting but, as I say over and over again, you have to have someone to root for and you are, unwittingly I hope, turning Bill into the biggest hypocrite outside of Washington, D.C.! He has been an ADA for 10 years and Shawn is the FIRST time he has been asked to go easy on a cop? In JAX, no less? I lived there. I know better! And he is ready to sacrifice his all for the integrity of the job when he was too sorry to do diddly for his marriage? Thank God Austin was able to point out, a bit thinly perhaps, that Bill was talking a lot of sanctimonious, self serving shit while his dick was still wet with another man's wife! And then he calls Debbie a cheating slut! What is Aline? Mother Theresa???! Hypocrisy can be pretty hypocritical at times. :-)

Keep it up, take the comments in the spirit I meant them and get back to the computer.

Best Regards and tell HDK Hi for me.


digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
Debbie is the one with trust issues

It looks like Aline is gone, and probably for the best. She packs a lot of trouble with her being married and having a small child.

Perhaps Bill could get back together with Deb once she figures out that he isn't the cause of all of her troubles, but she will have to eat a lot of crow to ever get him to even think about her again.

At Least thats what I feel is going to happen.

Thanks for the interesting time I spent reading your work, It's been a pleasure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I have come to hate Debbie more than ever

She is a complete bitch. She feels bad because he's finally getting some love and she immediately throws herself at Clint. What the f'ing kind of name is clint anyway? But back to my hate for her. She has not done a single thing in this entire story that doesnt make me want to like her. Her latest confession seals it. Burn the freaking bitch already.

Maybe he can be the one to send her to prison? I know that is way beyond belief, but I really want this poor bastard to get sone sweet revenge on the fucked up slut.

If she was my ex wife, I suspect the angel of death would be sending me to trial for murder one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Thank you so very much...

for this wonderful Christmas present. Love it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
hey DQS1

yuo should write more filmy style -- like

"If this is not Happy Ending , this is not ending at all"

in your case, "If Hubby is not Wimp in the end, Then that's is not the END"

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Thank you for continuing this "story". Whether or not some like the way the people in this story live and act, it is one of the best I've read because this is the way some people are and live their lives.

Please don't stop.

Sloburn38Sloburn38over 13 years ago
I don't get everyone wanting closure

True maybe DQS1 should have titled it The Chronicles of When We Were Married, but still he writes in a really easy to read, pleasant style that keeps you involved with the story, so I don't care when or if he ever ends it.

Life is what you make it, not finishing the story means we have something to look forward to. Besides we can see from Separate Vacations that the author can jump away from this story, write another and come back.

Relax, the story will end when it ends, enjoy the ride.

RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago
The technical aspects are outstanding, but . . .

I go back to an observation I've made several times in previous comments on previous chapters: Did you write an outline for this story before you started writing it? The reason I ask is because we seem to be in circles. Sure, we've got the two new conflicts being introduced--Phillipe now knows about Bill shagging Aline (or should know) and Bill is facing the loss of his job if he takes the cop case to the grand jury. But do either of those really propel the plot?

One of my books on writing pointed out that all good stories--ALL OF THEM--start with a basic theme. Anything not propelling the them is cut from the story. If the theme is (for reconciliation) "True love can conquer all," then why all of the subplots that have nothing to do with true love. Sure, we can have minimal subplots that show why Debbie did what she did and how their marriage broke up and that create tension in them getting back together. But it doesn't explain all of the courtroom subplots in such excruciating detail. (And I'm a lawyer and, as a rule, love courtroom scenes!) If the theme is "Betrayal of the marriage dooms the parties to divorce," then, again, what do the subplots have to do with this?

Three postings ago, I really saw the story going in circles. Now, I only see new conflicts being added for the sake of new conflicts and, as comments above have pointed out, numerous, previously major subplots and characters haven't been mentioned in five or more chapters.

One other problem I'm having is the Bill character. He started out--accurately, I believe--as a complex character going through incredible pain. His early actions were a bit over the top, to be sure. Now, though, he is a caricature of the honorable prosecutor surrounded by crooked, unjust police and politicians. He insists that justice demands the cop go to the grand jury? Give me a break. Any prosecutor worth a shit can indict a ham sandwich for the Kennedy assassination. Thus, if his job is to do justice, taking a questionable case to the grand jury--remember, the victim was engaging in a MAJOR felony, and the law indicates the shooting would thus have been fully justified whether the prick was running away or not--will only perpetuate an injustice.

While I continue to applaud the exceptional writing skills DQS has--and make no mistake, he's probably the best pure writer in this genre--composing sentences and paragraphs is only a small part of writing a story. You must also plot correctly and allow us to empathize, in varying degrees, with most if not all of the characters. Plotting and empathizing for characters is dwindling quickly.

angiquesophieangiquesophieover 13 years ago
what is it about you americans...

poisoning a good fish with coffee. coffee?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Literary Ponzi scheme? DQS=Debbie?

All of DQS’s female leads are extremely beautiful and sexy, but extremely superficial. Their only internal substance may be a psychotic/insane personality disorder. None have any character. As many have pointed out, there is no reason for liking any of them, much less loving them. Yet DQS’s male leads do profess their undying love for them (and their tits). Immature women believe that all men care about is women that are extremely beautiful and sexy (and have big tits). Therefore, many attractive women live their lives doing anything they want, when ever they want, trying to get away with as much as possible, believing they can get anyone they want, whenever. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the live of celebrity women: all beautiful, sexy with revolving bedroom doors. Not able to have sustainable relationships (Would that seem to indicate men in real life need something more than just big tits. Like someone with character?). AND WE ALL KNOW SUCH A WOMAN WOULD NEVER SEEK TO BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION EVERYWHERE SHE WENT, SEEKING TO STROKE HER OWN EGO THROUGH ALL THE ATTENTION SHE CAN GET. Oops, my bad. That’s exactly what Debbie does in every situation she’s in. Even if she gets bad attention, she likes it cause SHE’S THE CENTER OF ATTENTION.

Further, many of DQS’s scenes seem to be written with a female emotion and understanding only a woman (or a gay 19th century novelist) could write from. Therefore, it seems apparent that DQS’s female leads are written from a woman’s perspective.

The importance of DQS being a lady: If someone lies about one thing they lose credibility and will lie about anything and maybe everything. As many have noted, chapters are only published after 100+ comments are recorded. Commentators have suddenly come out of the woodwork to comment on this story. New commentators have SUDDENLY APPEARED, created apparently with the primary, if not sole, purpose of commenting and provoking controversy about this story, adding comment after comment, almost AS IF SOME OF THE COMMENTATORS HAD BEEN CREATED JUST TO STIR UP CONTROVERSY about each chapter, stroking the author's ego. The plots go round and round soap operalike going nowhere. Chapters, characters and subplots are added that do not move the story along but appear to be merely to provoke, or supply a basis for provoking, controversy and more comments. Comments are made about comments, and back again. Controversy pandering to a desire for attention. ALMOST AS IF THE AUTHOR IS SEEKING TO STROKE HER OWN EGO BY ALL THE ATTENTION SHE CAN GET. Just like Debbie, and all DQS’s other lead females. Now, I haven't come right out and said that IMHO this is using the tools of LIT for the purpose of playing the audience, but if it walks like a duck...

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago

I have read this chapter and after I write this comment I honestly believe that I won't be thinking about this story again until maybe the middle of February 2011 when I would expect the next posting to be made. I don't mean that as a complaint or a swipe so much as it is a "ho-hum" about the story. With every chapter that has come since last August, I find myself caring less and less about the people in the story. I have always wanted Bill to be the "honorable hero" in this tale but in this chapter it sure did appear to me that he was trying to blackmail his boss into not firing him so that he could keep the job that he has let become his life above all else. Plus, Bill's affair with Aline hasn't done much for him in the "honor" department. On the otherhand, Debbie is such an unlikeable and unsympathetic character, it has become difficult for me to read through any of the scenes that she appears in.

DQS1 is a good writer and I am sure that he will find ways to make the future chapters readable and entertaining. My concern is that having the two lead characters in this story portrayed so that you can't root for or have sympathy for either of them is going to be difficult for the author and the readers to overcome.

Til next time, Happy Holidays everyone!

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1over 13 years agoAuthor
I'm going to hate myself in the morning, but...

Since early on I've tried to avoid getting into too much detail about the story of WWWM and how I'm writing it and responding to individual readers comments. I do try to respond to emails but even there I'm bad about responding and I hate that about myself because reader reaction is a lot of the reason I write here, but I know myself and I'm just bad at staying up with what I need to do. If you're upset with anybody, get upset with HDK because as an 'older wiser writer' I took his advice not to get into it with readers but to let the story speak for itself.

But sometimes, as with Bill Maitland and Aline,you just gotta do what you gotta do and to hell with the consequences. was actually Rehnquist that sparked my desire to comment on the comments. I could have emailed him directly but he's saying what a lot of others have said in one fashion or another.

I understand that the general rule of fiction is that you tell a story, you hold the reader, and you can throw in side elements but they can't slow the story down to the point that people just walk away. And, I've done that. I've written at novel length and followed those guidelines. Most of the novels I've written are fairly tightly plotted.

But....this was never intended to be that tightly plotted. It's a episodic, sprawling story with a lot of characters, a lot of happenings, a lot of 'stuff' going on. It is not tightly structured. It's not that unique a form. A lot of novels are published that don't follow Hemingway's dictum. I like those kind of novels and while this is the first time I've written one like that, I think I've done a halfway decent job at it. It's also a long story and some people just don't like long. That's Okay. I love short stories and we have great short writers on this site and I'll write more shorts myself. But this is a long story and will appeal more to people that like long stories. Just that simple.

That said, Bill and Debbie are the spine of the story. Bill was a prosecutor and most of the sub plots in one fashion or another were going on the first chapter. Bill's work, these subplots, were integral to the disintegration of his marriage. The reasons their marriage ended are slowly being brought out. While it seems like Bill is the be-all and end-all of the story, Debbie is a co-equal and I've spent a lot of time on her as well and probalby will do more in the future. Readers have a fair criticism that I have slighted her compared to Bill and I intend to do a better job of showing other aspects of her than wife, mother and sex symbol.

Another frequent criticism is that I'm making things up as I go along and that I have no idea how it's going to end. I've said it before but the only way to prove that wrong is to write the ending. Whether I'm believed or not, I've known how the story will end since the first chapter. I obviously haven't plotted every scene and every development in a 300,000 word serial. I have made adjustments as I've gone along, but they all fit within the overall plot line. In a couple of cases I've incorporated elements suggested by readers because they appealed to me.

AS readers might have noted, I had a hard time with Chapters 5B,C and D, besides the outside pressures I've mentioned. Probably because over time the characters actually become real to a writer and I really didn't want to write the ending to 5D.

And I'm not going to start making promises, but finishing 5D seems to have opened the flood gates. I've plotted the remaining chapters in a lot more depth and I hope in the new year to get back to a more regular schedule. We'll see.I doubt I'll ever get back to posting every 10 days to 2 weeks simply because my life has changed since I started writing WWWM, but I'll do the best I can.

And while I'm doing this, one more thing. I like big breasted women. I like them in fiction. I like them in movies. I sure as hell like them in real life. I probably. throw them into a lot of my writing. Actually, I know I do. But...I've dated and made love to and been friends with women of a lot of different body shapes and big boobs is just one element in the equation. I can understand a lot of the criticisms thrown at me, but being upset because of the cup size of the female characters in my stories throws me.

Last item and this is from the heart. I'd reached a point in my life when I'd basically given up on writing fiction - at any length. Then I discovered Literotica and particularly the Loving Wives and Romance sections. It literally inspired me to start writing again. I will always be grateful to the people who run the website, and the writers and readers who've followed my stories, for that inspiration.


victoriangentvictoriangentover 13 years ago
I find it

simply amazing that you feel you have to justify anything. This is your story. Long, short, complicated subplots or whatever. Write it, that is all there is to it.

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
DQS wrote in a comment

"His being in Africa with Andre was the reason why Aline did not return to them as she usually did."

What DQS didn't tell us was why she didn't meet her husband and son in Africa. That Phillipe and Andre were in Africa, is a reason to "not return to them"? That dog don't hunt.

As one "anonymous" says, Bill and Aline would be good together -- his lusting after every set of big tits in the court house and her targeting a different swinging dick on every cruise.

victoriangentvictoriangentover 13 years ago
Coffe with fish

Only with largemouth bass Angie.

victoriangentvictoriangentover 13 years ago

You apparently read, however you seem to have a problem with retention. It was already stated in the story the Africa trip for the son and father was to promote "male bonding" therefore, no women, wives etc were allowed. You seem to fire your gun long before those dogs finish the hunt.

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
As we plod along

in the winter of our discontent, all the characters are becoming very dark and there seems no hope of a happy ending.

Perhaps he will cause another murder. Perhaps Debbie will go back to him and cheat again. There is really no hope of a positive resolution. Sounds like life through the eyes of an unhappy person. It is a question of taste whether we keep reading or not. But then there are people reading the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant....

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

hit yourself with your own shoe!you stupid moron.

cw159cw159over 13 years ago
I agree and disagree...

...with the learned Chief Justice. OK yes, I know arguing the law with an attorney is probably tantamount to tilting at windmills in la Mancha however, Rehnquist called the part of the story with Officer Smith a "questionable case" but, to me, the only question involved would be why the case was not taken to the Grand Jury as soon as it happened. Yes, the victim was engaged in a felony and under Florida's castle doctrine, killing the two inside the house while in fear of bodily harm/death was a righteous shooting. After all, someone breaking into your domicile at 3am is not there to ask you to the Cotillion. However, if you are going to carry/possess a weapon, whether with a Florida concealed carry permit as I have or as a LEO, you had better know when, by law, that weapon may and may not be used. One major point of that law is, as soon as the threat of bodily harm/death ends your right to use deadly force ends. No ifs, ands or buts on that one. In the instance of the third man running out of the house and toward his truck, the threat has ended. Doesn't matter if you "think" he's going to his truck for a gun or not, when you shoot him in the back while he's running away, it's NOT a justifiable homicide for anyone, especially not for an off-duty LEO who should know better. There would be no question of this going to the Grand Jury. Just a question of how fast an Assistant State Attorney could get it there while avoiding the appearance of rush to prosecution.

I do have to agree with Rehnquist about the sub-plots. While many of them are enjoyable, unless they contribute to moving the story forward and are united in the end, a la Tom Clancy, they are not needed. Again, it doesn't mean they aren't enjoyable, just that they are excess baggage.

Someone said they hated Debbie more than ever. I'm really starting to like her character although I don't like some of the things she does. To me, no matter how smart she is Debbie is the stereotypical Prom Queen/Head Cheerleader/leader of the high school God Squad (the IT crowd). She knows all the boys worship her and as long as they pay tribute to her with longing in their eyes, she ignores them. But let one of the boys fall out of line in her universe, she's going to pitch a temper tantrum and then try to reel him back in. This is what Debbie is doing. Bill has worshiped Debbie for years and, no matter how badly she treated him, she thought he always would. Suddenly, Bill isn't paying homage to her beauty and Debbie pitches the tantrum through sex with Clint before rubbing herself all over Bill in the office seeming to say "She's gone but I'm still here." This seems to be a glimpse of Debbie possibly being amenable to a reconciliation with Bill since she's learned that much of her anger toward him was a mental aberration caused by things her Aunt Clarice said. Of course the question is if Bill would ever consider a reconciliation with Debbie, despite his protestations to the contrary.

It's the character of Bill that I'm changing my attitude about. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is. It wasn't the affair with Aline as some have mentioned or the prosecution of the Killer Granny. I liked the Bill who worked himself to exhaustion in the gym; the Bill that would go into court to battle for truth, justice and all that; the Bill who could beat the crap out of Doug and still be a good guy. I liked the poor dumb Bill who was blindsided by his wife in the beginning and even the "Angel of Death" Bill who started dressing in all black. But it's almost as if, when he put on the black clothes, Bill began slowly morphing from the soul of Anakin Skywalker to the soul of Darth Vader. I don't know where DQS1 is taking him but I will say I hope Bill doesn't complete the transition and put on the mask.

DQS1, overall I enjoyed this chapter,. Thank you for another good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
why dont you just go to forum, start new threead and keep posting there

come on guys comments are just for comments these are to tell how many people liked the story, not how much arguments were held on story.

Frums are for discussion, not comment board, you people might have learned english, but you dont seemed to understand what it written in englsih, this COMMENT bard, not DISCUSSION board, it shows how much computer literate you are.

try to be with world start some forum thread and you can discuss there whatever you want, it will also be creative discussion which could be used by other authors to give you better stories in future, no one is going to read all the comments from starting but forums will be read, and be active for people to follow, so please comment what you think here but discuss on forum. so that it would be easy to follow, what bugger is saying what.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
cw159 touched a nerve...

I am seeing the same transition in Bill character like you see.Maybe is paranoia, but...

Scorpio44Scorpio44over 13 years ago
Still powerful

Other than the space between chapters this is still a well crafter, well written story that I enjoy reading Think you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story

Can't wait till the next chapter.


vietvetvietvetover 13 years ago
ANON: why don't you just???????????/

It appears that you have not learned proper English nor computer literacy as you cannot write correctly nor have you learned to use spell check, so please don't attempt to lecture us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Despite his english, he had a very valid point. DQS1 lives for these comments despite what he says about not reading them. I would wager he would post a lot quicker if the comments dried up. <P>

I would also wager that the fake DQS1 was putting us on with his broken english. He is one devious MF. Lets take the discussions over to a forum board.

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
Continued great story

Loved Debbie's soliloquy on cocks...reminded me of the Armour hot dogs tv commercial.."fat kids, skinny kids, kids who had chicken pox" (or something like that). Hated not knowing the players as they came up in the who the fuck was Clint, finally remembered. Or who was Heather MacDonald or Jessica somebody, pissed me off that I did not recall these characters.

Really relished the legal melodramas as well as the cleverly written soap operas. A continued great story that I am thoroughly enjoying.

Finally thank you Mr. Steele for the last phrase " not the end of the story.". Because I really thought it was a coda.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Tears & Memories

Years ago, coincidentally, I met a European woman while attending a seminar, coincidentally again, in Florida. We started out (there was a strong attraction) as a friendly relationship attending meetings, then lunch, then dinner and while we didn't get involved sexually, we both had tears in our eyes as I took her to the airport for her return to Europe.

Having worked for a European firm in the US and traveling extensively all over Europe and behind the Iron curtain, spending as much as seven months a year in Europe I had become very comfortable with the personality, character and psychology of most Europeans.

I had been on the verge of and trying to make a decision about my wife (a sexual player in my absence) and was concerned for the influence of a divorce on my son.

I met several times with my friend in Europe in different countries and we did, very much, find that we were definitely in love (real love). Despite her being engaged, we knew we wanted to be together and the opportunity arose for me to relocate to a major city in Europe and we could marry. Problem, I worried that I would not be able to obtain custody of my son and as time dragged on we let our hopes and relationship pass...with much sadness.

My point, Europeans are different and while they have a more broadminded attitude towards sex it does not hold true that they are always promiscuous - quite the opposite. I know, many years later that I still love her, miss her, wish I had made the move and I'm sure she still has the same feelings for me.

The kind of love, feelings and relationship you write about with Bill & Aline is real, she worries for her son. Some of your readers place her in contempt with low morals. Your description of her and her conduct with Bill suggests to me that you are well traveled and familiar with Europeans s0...when you are through with your Novella (?), please bring them together. You have damn near parallel my relationship of many years ago and it is like yesterday when I read your story - Make Them A Couple!!!

For what it is worth, I ended up divorcing my wife here, did not claim adultery, felt he conduct was her problem, not mine and she was an extremely attentive, sexy and loving wife when I was home. No complaints, she was discreet in my absence and I still love the good memories of her when we were married.

As to you story, I am enjoying it, thanks for writing.

Mousse9Mousse9over 13 years ago

All you Americans who think that Europeans think cheating is no big deal, think again. If you think a husband whose wife you're fucking will say "Oh well", you got another thing coming. Mainly a baseball bat to the knees.

Where do you Americans get that cheating is allowed in Europe? Stop watching so many Hollywood movies. They're not real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

i know should have left it alone, but noo, i have to read this chapter. what can i say? reading about the lives of Bill and Debbie fascinates me. Kudos to DQS. you've created characters that intrigued us.

robb790robb790over 13 years ago
Stepping over the line

I am enjoying the story very much but this last episode i believe has crossed the line. Mr morals, Bill, has taken a stance for justice in the matter of the "self defense" shooting by cop and of course earned his "Angel of Death" title for acting along the same principles. He has scorned his ex for her slut actions. Now we are expected to believe the same character beds and, more than that, would live the rest of his life happily with a cheater. Has Aline done less than Debbie? Sure, Bill is divorced so he has not acted as Debbie had but why do his tenets and standards not include Aline?

I am looking forward to the rest and will read and enjoy it despite my thoughts here; but my morals are looser or non existent by comparison.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Thank you very much

I am from Ethiopia. By now i am not read the story still waiting eagerly specially this chapter 5D. You believe or not when i open the internet i found chapter 5D. I download 8 parts of the story and go to home from internet cafe. Dear DanielQSteele1 wishing you a happy good new year 2011 for you and your family. After the reading i will sent my comment

Addisu Abebe From Ethiopia

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Clint .. "I was in love with my wife for five years after she died and she was a cheating lying bitch."

Debbie "Just like me...that's what you're thinking, isn't it,"

.... call a spade a spade ... and a cheating cunt a cheating cunt! Nice to see her recognized for what she is!!! Good story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story

I gotta say that it seems as if you have captured the essence of characters being human. Who knows why we love or act the way we do?

I love your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Why you people dont try to understand?

DQS1 is taking advantage of people hooked here, right now you see it as a best story on lit, it may or may not be, but yes it is most debatable, which gives wrong impression, you using it as forum, and no of comments increasing unneccessariy, will wrongly reflect its popularity, comments should show, how many people liked the story and what they think about it, but you are discussing it here, commenting others' comments.

DQS1 is never going to end it, not with in next 6 months, and you will first popular story pages all with its chapters if yuo like th story so much, then vote for it. Higher no of comments might discourage new authors, they would never be able cross this benchmark, which is false in many way, weather they write better on or not, you are commenting on it because, earlier used to post frequently, now he wont post until you reach 200 comments, soon all authors will accept same stetergy, then you just go on barking on lit, that why are they not, posting regularly. if you start a forum, it will also be honor for DQS1, which will also prove how much popular or talented author he is, but commenting is like giving wrong rewards for wrong talent. think about it, and please stop whinning about english, you know english better than me so what? i am not going to learn, i am able to communicate is not that enough, and there is nothing to be proud for learning english, i wanted to tell you something, i told you you got t, but you just have to fuss about english, which your IQ problem or you are like the cheating slut wife, when husband accuse her of cheating all she says is -- why are you yelling at me, and feels sorry that he is hurt, she did not mean to hurt him. [totally ignoring the fact the she was wrong, he is hurt, and she is not sorry]. think about it. and about language. i know so many languages that never thought english was necessary to learn professionally. and i do not wish to learn more, it will improve when it will, you dont need to worry.

knowing english does not make you james bond or gives right to only you to communicate, will you understand if I speak or write in my native language? or should wait for months to tell you something which i want to say now,[moths for taking course]?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Rethink deadly force cw159

In Portland Maine, about ten years ago, three men threatened a man on the lawn of his house over a woman. None of the three men had firearms, but the homeowner feared for his life. The homeowner shot and killed two men on his lawn. The third man made it to his car, was driving away and was shot and killed from behind and to the side. The homeowner was acquitted on all counts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for this Christmas present.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Re: Anon

Why don't YOU start a forum if the comments are such pain in your ass?Are you jealous? Please take some course in English and come back when you'll be more understandble or just write in your native language, it'll be much easier to ignore you.

Wonder_OneWonder_Oneover 13 years ago

DQS1 characters are not all nice however, I find myself caring about what might happen to them and want the story to continue.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Exhausting to read sometimes

This story is like those soap operas. Unrealistic, relationship-wise and just piling on the angst. But you just can't stop reading.

My problem with the story though is that it's too unrealistic. There are other stories that deal with romance, group sex etc. but you can pass it off as fantasy. But over here, because the writer is good at conveying the moral grey area of cheating and relationships, it gives the sense of being very realistic when it's not. The women characters are too oversexed, (Debbie, Myra etc) and other things here and there put me off.

Just the contrast between realism and fiction is sometimes just too much for me, especially with no sense of resolutions for any of the characters in sight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Statistics indicate that in the US about half of spouses in a marriage at least 1 cheats on the other or both do it. In Europe it is even worse. Mistresses, lovers, outside of marriage, are par for the course and even tolerated. Sex is not love, but too many people here confuse the two. If sex meant love then all the customers of prostitutes would claim that they are in love with their whores. Even people much in love have sex not because of love, but for the pleasure that sex provides and that is what starts most affairs, a sort of friends with benefits relationship outside of marriage. Grow up and live with it, pussies and dicks do not wear out and feel just the same in a marriage and outside of it. One could even say that marriage is a medieval anachronism set up to deal with responsibilities in child production and the care and passing on of property.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Spouse or property

Everyone who reads "cheating/loving wives" should keep in mind that according to modern law neither spouse owns the other. Even the so called "marital rights" to sexual fidelity proclaimed in marriage vows can no longer be enforced and one spouse can no longer insist that their other half not take an outsider to bed. In this story the husband at least had the sense to move out of the house instead of throwing the "cheatin' bitch" out. In the latter case, if the house were in both their names, the wife could have claimed megabucks as part of the divorce for being thrown out and collected big time because she had not committed anything that is nowadays considered illegal and she had a right to at least half the property. She probably then would have been able to call the cops and have him arrested for violence and deprivation of her home. This could even happen if the hubby owned the property outright, but her continued tenancy for many years would have made the case for her claim of permanent tenancy.

Most of these stories are read and commented on by men who are bitter, but have no idea how real laws and courts work today.

Guys, leave the cave and enjoy occasional or even regular sloppy seconds. The pussy will still feel the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
i dont think cheating was problem

Like in US each hubby enters with mind prepared to be cuck in future, it does not matter if wife is cheating, for them laws is so strong that even their wife is cheating on them for her entire marriage, they are not allowed to even fuck once, love is just in papers, like marriage. When one spouse think the marriage is over , marriage ends there, but some wimpy man like bill here, Still to hold that dignity by remaining fathful to his unfaithful wife. Is that sign in court matters so much to you? Same law, which could not do anything when you wife humiliate you in public by kissing other man, bad-mouthing about you in very intimate email with her "JUST FRIEND", calling him small dick, why not jut shoot him, and the man is still alive? Why not he just go commit suicide, why is he living? Even his children thinks nothing of him. And now Aline? see this is plague which keeps spreading, it started from DQS1 , then to Bill, and Phillip is being cuckold, wow, direct from US to Europe. One day it would be obvious part of marriage.

sex and love? are you kidding me? having sex with whore? you compare it with that? no that is not love, but going to same whore again and again for sex and having intimate talks is love, or starting of it, what do you believe? that love is some obligation? the point here is why are you having a sex outside marriage when you can have it with you spouse? And whatever i had read on net US laws suks where marriage is concerned. Giving equal rights to woman is one thing but revolving whole country around pussy and big boobs?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A possible ending to the Bill, Aline, and Debbie Saga.


Have Bill get off his moral high horse and act in his self interest for once.

My solution for Bill would be simply to arrange for the death of Aline's husband Andre or actually do it himself.

Bill in all his years as a prosecutor must have acquired any number of people who owe him favors. He could trace Andre's location quite discreetly through his law enforcement contacts and if Andre were to die in some manner on a trip somewehere like his last one to Africa, nobody would even take note.

Although Aline has proclaimed her love for Andre, she also did mention to Bill that she could not divorce Andre simply because through his powerful political position he would keep custody of her son and deny her access. That to me indicates that she was discreetly suggesting to Bill that Andre's suddenly not being there could be welcome. That would leave Aline in charge of her son and Andre's estate even if the son were the sole heir.

In any case the author could incorporate all this in the story in a manner as to leave the reader uncertain whether Bill actually got rid of Andre or there was simply finally some good fortune smiling on Bill.

As for Debbie and what happens to her in the end, does it really matter? Being left out in the cold would be the perfect ending following the story this far and especially how this current section ended.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Andre is Aline's son and not her husband, her husband is Phillipe.

Mousse9Mousse9over 13 years ago
Spouse or property?

"Most of these stories are read and commented on by men who are bitter, but have no idea how real laws and courts work today."

Tsk tsk, assumptions, assumptions!

"Guys, leave the cave"

Tsk tsk, stereotyping, stereotyping!

"and enjoy occasional or even regular sloppy seconds. The pussy will still feel the same."

LOL, "enjoy". Now now, the pussy will not feel the same, don't lie, anon.

Enjoy regular tests for STD's, and raising children not your own, indeed!

You know, maybe this anon girl is hinting that men should cheat too. I mean, everything the wife does, the husband can do as well (well, maybe except the getting knocked up bit). If he cheats, she can't very well throw HIM out of the house either, right? Heh.

easylivineasylivinover 13 years ago
Love the progression!!!!

Bill is moving on and I believe he and Aline will eventually become a couple. He finally took off his wedding ring and replaced it. Debbie knows that she has lost him at this point and it is her turn to feel the utter loss that Bill felt at the beginning. This after she finally realizes that she never put any real effort into thoroughly knowing her ex-husband. While Debbie has learned alot about herself over the chapters, she still has some revelations ahead. I believe that they will start becoming quite a bit more distant from one another in the future and that the final talk about "when we were married" will come when events in their childrens' lives bring them together for an intimate moment of reminising. There will be love for their children, but they will realize that there is no longer any sembelence of love left between them, just memories and resignation that they were a mistake, but the children weren't.

Aline's husband will realize that they have their son, but their relationship cannot overcome the constant separation. Bill will try the deputy's case and that will lead to him leaving the SA's office. His new found freedom will allow him to spend the time with Aline that her current husband can't, or won't. This same separation from the SA's office will also distance Bill from Debbie because he will become a partner of Lew's and will take cases mostly outside the Jax area, due to his celebrity status.

All in all, a great study in missed opportunities, missed responsibilities, misplaced loyalties, and many bad decisions, along with functional immaturity.

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