Yin / Yang


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Having secured the house, Cathy stepped ahead and opened the door the door to the car. Sarah began to feel for the car when Deline yanked the leash and with her other hand brought the crop down on Sarah's backside. Sarah let out a yelp of surprise as she backed away from the car.

"Never do anything until I give you permission!" Deline's voice carried through the cul-de-sac as she chastised Sarah for the infraction.

"Yes mistress" had become Sarah's mantra and the limits of her vocabulary. Muffled though it was Deline knew exactly what she had said.

"You may enter the car, but not on the seat. Face down on the floor." Deline pointed to the floor of the rear seating area with her crop and Sarah proceeded to crawl into the car and spread herself across the floor of the read seating area.

Climbing into the back seat Deline placed the spikes from her heels directly in the center of Sarah's back as Cathy closed the door behind her and took to the drivers seat.

"Take us home," Deline spoke as she considered the next phase in her plan.


Blindfolded, ball gagged and naked Sarah stood with her back to a pole, her hands held aloft via a pair of handcuffs over a hook. Her breasts were thrust outward as struggled to stand upright and keep the pressure off her wrists. She could hear rustling and movement around her as she stood motionless against the pole waiting for any hint or sound.

Suddenly her nipples were on fire as a pair of spring loaded clips were applied to each one. Sarah screamed against the gag as the pain shot through her chest bringing tears to her eyes.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Deline asked, her voice cold calculating.

A muffled "Uh huh" was all Sarah could manage through the ball gag. Her nipples were on fire and felt like they would burst before to long.

"Well let's see here," Deline stepped forward and pulled the ball gag aside so Sarah could speak, "Do you have something to say?"

"No, mistress" Sarah replied.

"Well for you to be a proper trainee we need to prepare you, Cathy would you get the hose and the 'shampoo' please?"

"Yes, mistress" Cathy replied as she exited the room and returned a minute later with a hose and a small bottle containing a white looking substance.

"Hose her down!"

"Yes, mistress" Cathy grinned as she remembered what Deline had looked like when she had done this to her. Deline on the other hand seethed with rage inside as she remembered what had been done to her in this very room.

Cathy turned the water on and hosed Sarah down, before taking the hair remover and applying it liberally to Sarah's head and crotch, paying close attention to the latter as she worked. Sarah suddenly felt a burning sensation on both her head and in her crotch as the hair remover began to work through the brown hair covering both areas. It burns! Sarah tried to rub her head against the pole as the remover burned its way through her long locks of brown hair. Cathy stepped forward and began spraying both her head and her crotch and to her relief Sarah felt the pain subside, but a new sensation came to her attention. The cold water felt different as it played across her body.Oh my god! My hair!Sarah could tell without seeing that her head of hair was gone and her crotch felt smooth as the day she was born.

Pulling a black hood from a nearby bag, Deline walked over and placed it over Sarah's head and ran the zipper up the back. Deline knew this hood all to well, it had been her prison for nearly two weeks when she first arrived here. She felt it only fitting that Sarah should wear it for a while as well. Deline then removed the clips from Sarah's nipples and Sarah gasped with relief as long forgotten blood flowed back into each one causing a flush feeling to permeate her body.

"Cathy, clean her out will you?" Deline commanded.

"Yes mistress" Cathy replied and swiftly she spun Sarah around, pulled her hips away from the pole and shoved the hose tip into Sarah rectum, allowing a gentle stream of water to fill the void for a few seconds. Sarah felt the pressure build and just when she was about to scream, Cathy removed the hose and turned off the water.

"Sarah, you will hold that until I command you to let go. Should you disobey and let go early then your ass will never be the same again." Deline's voice had grown cold and determined. She was determined to replay some of what she went through on Sarah so that she might know what it felt like, the feeling of hopelessness and despair that can overwhelm you when all hope is lost, when those who you expect to save you don't. Not because they can't, but because they won't. Sarah felt the pain of pressure building in her backside and desperately tried to hold on. Cathy teased her by turning the hose on and off again, playing the stream of cold water at her feet.

Suddenly Sarah could take no more and the room filled with the stench of excrement as Sarah released the torrent of water trapped in her rectum.

"Well, well, I guess you couldn't hold it could you? Cathy, rinse that filth away and when you're done fuck her all you want, but only in her ass. When your done there secure her to the wall."

"Yes mistress!" Cathy beamed at the thought of finally getting to fuck Sarah. Washing away the effluent from Sarah's behind down the floor drain, Cathy then removed the hose from the room and returned moments later with a large black dildo and strapon harness very similar to what Deline had used earlier that evening at Sarah's house.

Tears flowed in steady unrelenting streams down Sarah's face as she cried over all she had lost these past several weeks. She'd gone from wife of one of the richest men in town to a veritable pauper in almost no time at all. Everything she'd worked so hard to gain, everyone she'd manipulated to make this possible had left her. Now all she had was blind servitude to a woman she'd only met a week before and only because she felt she had no choice. She was broken. Broken by her own hubris and ambition. For this she cried.

Deline paused at the door as she heard Sarah's quiet sobbing through the mask.So that's what I looked like? Suddenly a twinge of pity found its way through the hate, through the anger that had seethed in her for so long. She watched as Cathy secured Sarah to the wall. Sarah never said a word as Cathy lubed the strapon in Sarah pussy and then with what seemed way too much enthusiasm shoved it deep into Sarah ass and began fucking her like she was possessed. Sarah screamed from the pain and the pleasure, but otherwise said nothing. Cathy seemed to be enjoying herself way to much and worked the dildo with reckless abandon. Finally after several minutes Cathy screamed as a powerful orgasm racked her body. Stepping away from Sarah, she removed the dildo from the harness and shoved it back up Sarah's now ravaged backside. Sarah could no longer feel anything and simply stood emotionless as the intruder returned to its new home.

"Hold that for me will you?" Cathy removed the harness and after making some adjustments applied the harness to Sarah so that it held the dildo in place.

As Deline turned to leave a tear formed in the corner of an eye and began its wayward trek down her cheek.


Nina held Deline close as she cried. They'd been lying in bed listening to the fire as it crackled and burned in the nearby fireplace.

"I told you in the beginning to be careful what you wish for didn't I? What will you do with her? Did you think about that?" Nina's voice was inquisitive, but Deline could hear the concern behind the questions.

"I... I don't know..." Deline replied, her voice shaky as she spoke. "Up to now all I wanted was for her to suffer, but even that isn't enough and then while I was watching Cathy work her over I suddenly felt a twinge of pity for her and ashamed of myself for what I'd done." Deline began sobbing again as Nina held her close.

"Darling we can still end this if you want. Let her go. Look I've been waiting to tell you this, but now would seem as good a time as ever. I'm selling the business. I've been given a very generous offer that along with selling the manor would mean we could spend more time together. Maybe do some travel, see the world! We could finally stop the charade and live a normal life. I leave in the morning for a few days, but when I return I want to put the manor up for sale and leave this area. I need you to have this figured out by the time I return."

Deline turned and looked into Nina's eyes, "I... I don't know... I don't know how to put and end to this."

"You'll find a way and then we'll have each other. I love you Deline, but even I can see this is not right anymore. Let it go, please" Nina hoped her final plea would be enough to get Deline to stop the foolish game she was playing, but as quickly as Deline's sudden bout of compassion had appeared, it vanished with the fleeting words "We'll see..."


The next morning Nina kissed Deline hard as she stood before the car in front of the manor.

"Deline there's something else you should know before I leave. I had Tom followed for a bit before his arrest and what I discovered would shock even Sarah. She evidently had no idea that Tom was already seeing someone else, so for what it's worth please reconsider what we talked about last night. He's a shit head and he deserves to rot in jail for a long time, but Sarah has become a pawn these past several months and I think you should put an end to this now so she can move on with her life. Here's the proof they collected." Nina handed Deline a large envelope with evidence of Tom's philandering ways. Deline held it and thought back to last night's conversation. She had been feeling uneasy about their talk from the night before and for once wondered if Nina might be right. A part of her wanted so badly to continue punishing Sarah for all she'd done, but another part of her wanted so badly for it to be over with so she herself could move on as well.

"I'll be back in a couple days. I love you" Nina said.

"I love you to," Deline replied before once again kissing Nina hard.

As Nina drove away, Deline took the envelope and retired to the bedroom to look at its contents. Reaching the bedroom she flopped down on the bed and began running through the contents of the envelope. What she saw proved what Nina had said. Tom had already moved on to someone else after marrying Sarah.Obviously he has commitment issues, she thought. Scanning the pictures there was one of Tom making out in public with a blond woman and another of him groping that same woman in another location.It would seem Tom felt he could have her anytime, anyplace. You must let her go. But she destroyed your life! She humiliated you. Maybe, but that life is more important now than what I had before. Yes.

After a few hours Deline laid back on the bed and turned on the evening news. Her mind ached over the decision and even though she hated to admit it, Nina was right and Sarah needed to be told the truth.

"Breaking news tonight, one inmate is dead and two others are critically injured and in the hospital tonight when a fight broke out over of all things cigarettes at the county detention center. The inmate killed was none other than local businessman Tom Andersen when he tried to breakup a fight between two other inmates over a pack of cigarettes. Mr. Andersen was stabbed repeatedly by the friend of one of the inmates when he tried to intercede. That inmate was subsequently stabbed as well as one other when guards finally broke up the altercation. Mr. Andersen was pronounced dead at the hospital a short time later. In other news..."

Deline immediately turned off the TV and ran for the bathroom to throw up. Dropping to her knees she heaved until there was nothing left and all her body could do was spasm as it tried to empty its contents. Finally after several minutes her body relented and she collapsed to the floor sobbing.Tom's dead. It's all my fault. I should have walked away, but I couldn't. Now he's dead and Sarah will never forgive me. Deline curled up into a ball as if to shield herself from the world and the horrible events she had put in motion. She laid there for several more minutes and then suddenly she knew she had to tell Sarah. She had to put things right.

Cleaning herself up, she made her way to the basement. She spied Cathy on the first floor and after explaining everything, they went down to the basement and the room that had become Sarah's prison.

They made their way to the door and slowly opened it to see Sarah barely standing against her restraints. Rushing over they grabbed her, picked her up and released her. Sarah felt great relief as she was lowered to the floor. Cathy carefully removed the dildo still held in Sarah's rectum by the harness and tossed it by the door.

"Pick her up. Help me carry her to our bedroom." Deline spoke with rapid precision as she and Cathy carried the limp and haggard woman to the room Deline shared with Nina. Carefully placing her on the bed she dismissed Cathy and sliding onto the bed she gently unzipped the hood and slowly removed it from Sarah's head. As she did so she lightly covered Sarah's eyes with a hand.

"Shhh, it's ok. Everything will be ok, I promise. Keep your eyes closed for a moment" Deline spoke softly so as not to alarm Sarah.

Sarah recognized the voice, but couldn't believe that Inga was now treating her kindly after all she'd forced Sarah to do for her.It just feels good to lay down. I could sleep for a week.

"Sarah, open your eyes slowly." Deline removed her hand and Sarah gently opened her eyes to see not Inga, but...I know this face. Yes I know her! It's Deline!

"Yes Sarah it's me, Deline" Deline could see the recognition in Sarah's eyes and also the sudden shock at who it was.

"But I thought..."

"You thought I was Nina's slave? Yes I was, but in the end love conquered both of us and we live as equals now. Nina has given up her life as a dominant to be with me. Sarah, first I want to apologize for the last several weeks. It was my idea to get back at you and Tom for putting me where you had, but in the end I realized it wasn't worth it. Unfortunately before I could change some of what I'd done something else has happened that was out of my control." Standing, Deline walked over to the window and stared out as if to see something that would never appear, "Tom's dead."

Sarah, was having a hard enough time comprehending that Deline had been the one to trick her, but now she was telling her that Tom was gone. "Wha...What? What do you mean he's dead!" Even in her weakened state Sarah had the strength to stand and launch herself at Deline. Collapsing against Deline she pounded her fists against Deline's chest as she sank to the floor and sobbed.Tom's gone. I have nothing now. My life is gone, shattered.

Looking down at the distraught woman she'd helped to make, Deline ran her hand across Sarah's bald head and spoke, her voice soft and soothing, "Sarah, I sorry for what I did truly I am. You must understand that hated both you and Tom for putting me through everything, but in the end I realized that hating both of you wouldn't bring back the life I had. Also I didn't want it back. For the first time since my parents died I'm truly happy with my life and getting back at the two of you suddenly didn't seem to matter any more. I can't bring Tom back, but even if I could I don't think either of us would have wanted him." Releasing Sarah, Deline stepped over to the bed and held out a couple of the pictures that Nina had given her earlier that day.

Sarah couldn't believe what she was seeing. Tom was kissing another woman in one photo and in another he was running his hand over her breast, groping her as they kissed.

"He was..." she stammered.

"Yes, Sarah he was cheating on you as well. Nina had him followed for a few weeks prior to his first arrest and this is what the PI found." Dropping to her knees, Deline gently put her arms around Sarah and held her as Sarah began to cry once more. "Sarah I'm truly sorry I put you through what I did and while I don't expect you to forgive me anytime soon, I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me some day."

"I need time to think." Sarah replied coolly through the tears.

"There's a room down the hall. I had Cathy layout some fresh clothes for you and draw a bath as well. Also there's fresh food as well. Take your time. By the way Tom was doomed by his own hubris, he never switched the deed on the house and so I still own it. That was the last thing I was going to take from you, but now, I want you to have it. It belonged to my parents, but I no longer want anything to do with it. It's yours. I'll have a lawyer draw up the paperwork in a few days when you're feeling better."

"Thank you... I think." Sarah replied a bit more puzzled, her grief tempered by Deline's sudden kindness.

"You're welcome." Deline didn't look back as she left the room a tear running down her cheek.


Her hands glided over the tops of the tall grass as it tickled her palms. The shape of a new house could be seen nearby as she walked through the field of grass. Workmen banged away at the new house as it grew from the large farmland she and Nina had purchased a several months back. To the right of the house was the trailer they'd been staying in since their return from a long trip to Europe after selling the business and the house. Their first stop had been Massachusetts where they married in a small civil ceremony. Cathy and Eve were their witnesses and shortly after them Cathy and Eve were married as well. From there they traveled all over Europe and Scandinavia before returning home. Sarah had stayed a few more days at the manor and left shortly after Nina had arrived home from finalizing the sale of the business. She never formally forgave Deline, but Deline could see in Sarah's eyes that she didn't hate her either, and that was enough for Deline. She transferred ownership of her parent's house over to Sarah and as it turned out the new owner of Nina's old company needed someone to run the business. Sarah needed a job and with Nina's help Sarah became the new business manager for the firm. Cathy and Eve stayed on to help run the business as well and managed to purchase the manor from Nina for an 'undisclosed sum'.

As she got closer she could see fruit trees scattered to one side with different fruits dangling from their weeping branches and a rose vine covering a trellis on the other side of the garden. As she approached she saw someone tending the roses, gently cutting the flowers and placing them in a basket at her feet. It was Nina.Nina.Deline waved as she walked. Nina straightened up and arched her back to stretch it out. As she did so a great bulge appeared displayed for all the world to see that she was pregnant. At about seven months she was starting to really show and as Deline had teased her last night, she looked like a cow from their neighbors pasture. Deline giggled at the thought and picked up her pace as she approached Nina. Taking Nina into her arms Deline kissed her hard as she lead Nina about the small garden.

We're home.

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MasterN6845MasterN6845about 9 years ago
Thank you

This was a great story. I really enjoyed it. Helped me "relieve tension" many times. ;)

AleksandirAleksandirabout 15 years ago

This was a great story, very well written and full of substance. I felt immersed into the world and I felt like it flowed seamlessly from scene to scene, only snapping me out of that "zen" during the fantastic sex scenes. The absolute domination that Nina had over Deline and the subsequent domination of Sarah fascinated me. No step in the sexual play was taken without asserting absolute control.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

A nice twist on the bdsm theme. I kept recalling scenes from V for Vendetta. And a happy ending, which didn't seem possible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

i have to admit in the beginning i hated it i wanted to cry because of the way they treated her but as i kept on reading i loved it. the plot was amazing

TE999TE999almost 18 years ago
A Well Crafted Tale

Clever plot twists and a thoroughly satisfying ending. Believeable characters and realistic dialogue. A welcome addition to this web site. Bravo and welcome!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Excellent, smashing and stunning and this

assessment is based solely upon the first three pages. I'll have to get back to you once I've read the entirety but based upon intuition I'd have to stick with my initial judgement. It is always a pleasure to discover a new writer {new to this site} with a fresh and innovative view.

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