Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 12: Milkshake


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"I disconnected my phone and took it to my office today, so it's not here tonight. I hid both our cell phones where I don't think you'll find them, so knocking on doors will be faster for you.

"If you can't save your balls, you can always get testosterone injections for the rest of your life. They come with some unpleasant side effects and they're expensive, but you can pay for them out of the damages you'll win from me in court. And you'll have the satisfaction of knowing I'll be in prison for a long time.

"You see, I've thought about this a lot since I heard about you and Teresa. You're smart, so I think you'll decide to avoid all the trauma and just enjoy your shake. That's all the string is really for. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to make sure you enjoy the shake, because I put a lot of time and effort into preparing it.

"I see you've noticed my friends. Yes, it's Violet, Daisy and Pansy. They've been filming us from behind the lights all this time, but now they're going to be moving in closer to get some close-ups of you enjoying your treat."

"Please wait, Celia," said Jeremy. "I'm not ready for this. You always said you'd feed me your milkshake when I was ready. I promise you, I'm not ready. I can't do it. Can't you feel me shaking? I'm so afraid of that stuff that if any of it even touched me, I think I would go to pieces, and you'd have to call in the men in the white suits. You always said you'd wait until I was ready, Celia. Was that a lie?"

"Of course not. I knew you were ready the other day when you told me you were going to throw away your milkshake. I couldn't let all that work go to waste.

"I don't think you understand the difference between ready and willing. You are ready to eat your milkshake, but you aren't willing. I can't wait until you're willing, because that could take a long time. So you'll enjoy your shake today because you're ready, even though you're not willing."

"No! No! Celia, please," he begged. "Don't our two years together mean anything? How can you do this to me?"

"The time for talking is over, Jeremy," she said. "I hope you enjoyed how I made love to you just now, because it was our last time, and I wanted it to be special for you. And I hope you enjoyed our last kiss. Yes, we had some good times, and I had a fantasy that we would always be together, but you destroyed my fantasy with that slut, so today I'm back to reality.

"Please don't say anything more because I'm anxious to get done so we can both move on. Maybe we can both find true love. After you finish your milkshake, I promise you there will be no hard feelings on my part. I'll only remember the good times and I wish nothing but happiness for you in the future.

"Before your milkshake, you're going to have a fresh appetizer. You see how I've got my ass up high in the air. Right now, Violet is putting a couple of cushions under your head to lift it off the sheets a little. No, don't move or I'll have to jerk the string. That's it. Cooperation will avoid any pain.

"Now, I'm going to move back on your body until my butt is on your face. Violet is helping to position it while Daisy and Pansy are filming. I'm watching everything on a monitor right in front of me, and the picture is crystal clear. I can even see a drop of your white cream on my labia. It's just hanging there. I'm trying to hold all your stuff inside me, but that little bit escaped.

"Open your mouth and lick it up, Jeremy. I'm waiting, Jeremy. Okay, I'll flick the string just a little to remind you that you need to do what I say.

"That didn't work, so I'm sorry, I'm going to have to jerk it once. I know that hurt. I could tell by your yell. But you still aren't licking the drop. Here's another jerk. I felt the tip of your tongue that time. I think you are ready to do it. I don't know why you stopped, but I think you can now feel me gently pulling your sack. I see your balls between your legs moving up to me slowly. How do you feel, Jeremy?

"They're getting higher. You should see how the sack is stretching. I see that you're starting to feel uncomfortable. I'll go very slowly, Jeremy, and I'll stop pulling the instant I see your tongue on the monitor and feel it licking that little drop.

"Wow! I didn't think you could stretch that far. Your balls are high in the air, and the membrane below them is getting awfully thin. It's almost transparent. I hear you panting fast. I guess you're worried about getting nauseous if you lick that one little drop. How bad could it taste? So bad that that you'd rather be castrated?

"Oh, great! That was beautiful. I'm so glad I could drop the string. I knew you could do it. Now rest for a minute. You're off to a good start on the appetizer.

"Listen while you're recovering. All I want you to do is what you always do. I'm really going to miss your magic tongue. You know exactly what I like -- how you lick all over the outside down to my thighs, how you comb and part my pubic hair with your tongue, how you gently stick your tongue in a little when my lips start to open, how you start lapping away slowly at first and then keep getting faster until I burst into an orgasm. So just do what you always do. All right, I'm ready for you to begin. Here's a little tug to remind you.

"Jeremy, am I going to have to go through this all over. Okay, here's a harder jerk. Ooops! That may have been too hard. I'm sorry. But you're not reacting. Why are you putting yourself through this, Jeremy? All right. Have it your way. I'm starting to pull again.

"That didn't take long. I don't want you to feel pain, just some of the humiliation that I felt when I found out what you did. What you're doing feels so good. You know, I never saw you do this. I only felt it. It's twice as exciting to watch it on the monitor while it's happening.

"I can see that I'm starting to open up already. Okay, stop a second and try to control the gagging. Calm down, Jeremy. I know you can do it without me starting to pull again.

"That's it. Up and down. I'm opening now. I never knew it was so bright red inside me when I'm aroused. I don't see any white there.

"Look how wide I am now. I see another drop right at the bottom. Lick it lean. There, now it's all red again. Ooops! A little more white. That's it. Lick it up. You know exactly what to do.

"I'm starting to feel really funny inside. I want you to just lay your head back on the cushions, Jeremy, and Violet is going to adjust us, so that my clitoris is at your lips. There. It's sticking straight up. Flick it with your tongue. Okay, now faster.

"Ooooooo. I'm losing control. Oh oh! I just saw a huge ball of white cream flowing out of me and down your tongue into your mouth. Wow! I can see why you stopped. You're choking. You must have deposited a lot of stuff inside me.

"Yes, you better swallow it or it will go down the wrong pipe again. Take it easy. No gagging. You can do it. Rest for a moment.

"You seem to have recovered a little. Time to lick the clitoris again. That's it. More white is coming out, but not a huge gob like that first one. It's more like a little stream. You can handle it. Swallow and keep licking just like that. Oh no! Here I go!"

Celia began rubbing her vagina hard across Jeremy's mouth. As more semen escaped, it was rubbed into his face. Then she lifted up and slammed down, pressing his head into the cushions before she stopped. She sat there on his face for a few minutes breathing heavily, and then she got up and turned around.

"Thank you, Jeremy," she said. "I'll always remember that orgasm, and I'm sure I'll watch it often."

She tried to sound cheerful, but he saw she was crying again.

Jeremy lay on the bed breathing deeply and not moving. He was still weak from nearly being smothered. He was nauseated by the smell in his nose and the taste in his mouth. Celia got up and went to the bathroom. She came back with a warm, wet cloth and gently cleaned all the semen off his face.

"I hope you enjoyed the appetizer, Jeremy. They call that cream pie. It's sort of like a quiche. You don't have to do anything now but rest up while we prepare you for the milkshake. This won't be hard, because you're an advanced yoga student. Just think of it as a modified plow.

"I'm going to get here behind your head while Daisy is lifting your feet into the air. I don't need to tell you that if you don't cooperate or try to kick, I'll be tugging that string. That's it. You got the idea. Now that your ankles are in the air, Daisy is going to push them back over your head to where I can grab them. There, I have them."

Celia silently pulled his legs back by his ankles while Pansy pushed pillows under his back until his legs were in an arc over his head. Then Celia spoke again.

"That's it Pansy, we're almost in position. Adjust the pillows so his legs are a bit more to my right. There. That's perfect.

"You're ready for your treat, Jeremy. You closed your eyes, but you need to open them now. That startled you, I see. You are looking up right at your ass. Look while I pull your legs apart like this. Your butt cheeks open enough so you can clearly see your cute rosebud."

A second after Celia described what he was seeing, Violet stuck a finger inside his asshole. She took it out and a second later stuck it in again as Celia spoke.

"I know you love my finger in there, Jeremy, so you won't mind Violet pushing all that lube into you. There, I think that's enough, Violet. Do you have the baster, Pansy? Don't close your eyes, Jeremy. Look up at what we're doing, or I'll have to pull the string."

He saw a large plastic turkey baster in Pansy's hand, and a second later, he felt her pushing it into his ass. It stretched him a little, but it glided smoothly through the grease until it disappeared and all he could see was the large red bulb. Pansy began squeezing hit, and he felt his insides being flooded with something warm. His body jerked violently.

"Relax, Jeremy," Celia said "It feels nice, doesn't it? It's not an ice-cold milkshake. We melted it and warmed it up in the microwave. It's about the same temperature as when you spurt it into my mouth. I think that heating it does make the smell stronger. I'm not close to it, but I'm still feeling a bit nauseous.

"Let's see how much we can get into you. It looks like it's all going in. No, some is starting to squeeze back out the side of the baster. You can stop, Pansy."

He felt Pansy slowly pulling the baster out of him.

"We're almost ready for your milkshake, Jeremy. Do you see the drop outside your rosebud. You won't have to lick it off."

Daisy wiped his ass clean with a damp cloth.

"That's to make the next part more dramatic," Celia said. "Do you see what Daisy is pushing inside you now? It's the end of a bulb syringe."

He saw a bright pink rubber ball in Daisy's hand. It had a long snout in the shape of a tapered cone coming out of it. Daisy pushed the snout all the way into him and began squeezing the pink ball.

"Guess what's in the bulb syringe, Jeremy," Celia said. "Do you feel it? The answer is absolutely nothing. It's completely empty, except for air. Do you feel all the air inside going into your colon?

Daisy squeezed the pink ball flat and pulled the snout out of him. He saw it draw in air again until the ball was round once more. Daisy inserted the snout again and squeezed more air into him. He started to feel itchy inside his ass.

"I see you're starting to squirm, Jeremy," Celia said. "One more helping of air should do it, Daisy. That's it. You are really moving now, Jeremy. Girls, doesn't he remind you of the stripper at Pansy's bachelorette party. His butt is shaking and vibrating and jerking in all directions. What a show! It's going to look great on the video."

In a couple of minutes, Jeremy was frantic. His insides felt like they were going to explode. He closed his eyes and began panting. Then he felt a hand over his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw it was Daisy's. She pushed it tight, and then with the fingers of her other hand, she pinched his nose shut. He couldn't breathe.

"Daisy will let go in a second, Jeremy," Celia explained. "Try to hold your breath and it won't feel like you're being suffocated. Just a few more seconds. Let's count down from ten, and then take your hands away, Daisy."

At zero, Jeremy opened his mouth wide to gasp for air, and then he heard what sounded like a gunshot from his ass, which Daisy had positioned inches from his face. He began drowning in a flood of come that blasted into his mouth. It went up his nostrils and poured out his nose. It went into his windpipe and down his throat. He began coughing and sneezing and choking.


"Did you hear that?" Celia asked. "When Daisy shut off your air supply for a few seconds, it weakened your control of your bowels. And when you opened your mouth, your ass shot a cannonball of come into it. Here's another shot, and another, like a machine gun. All that air she pumped into you is making you fart your milkshake into your mouth.

"Yes, swallow as fast as you can to keep from choking. Don't worry about the stuff going up your nose. It will burn, and the smell is horrible, but it's harmless. Your mouth is so full, it's flowing out all over your face. Your eyes are covered and your hair is soaking. And your ass is still shooting it out.

"Wow! Your face looks like a ball that's been dipped into melted vanilla ice cream. The video is going to be amazing.

"Did I tell you that I'm making two copies of the videos, one for me and one for you? In case you misplace yours, I'll have mine to show the jury. I'm going to plead not guilty, so that I'll get to testify about what you did to me in front of the jury and show my revenge.

"The judge will probably clear the court before the jury sees the video and will confiscate everyone's phones, but I'm sure there are a lot of people in the courthouse who can will check it out of the evidence room. I wouldn't be surprised if there are quite a few copies made. Maybe it will even be posted to the Internet and I can watch it while I'm serving my time.

"Do you know what they call this milkshake, Jeremy? They call it a dirt pipe milkshake. It looks like your explosions have stopped, but the white river is still flowing. What a sight!"

After that, she didn't say anything. Jeremy didn't say anything either. His nose was full of come, so he had to breathe through his mouth, but each time he opened it, more come fell in, so the only sound was his occasional sobbing gasp, retching and gagging.

Come was in his ears, so when he heard a strange sound, at first he didn't know what it was. He strained to hear, and then he realized it was Celia sobbing. She went on for a while, and then the sobbing tapered off. She bent over close to his ear and spoke to him. She didn't sound gleeful anymore. She sounded gloomy.

"We still have a lot of your come left, Jeremy," she said. "You were going to get seconds and maybe thirds, but suddenly I find I can't go on. I hate looking at you like this, and I hate myself for doing this to you.

"It felt good for a while, but now it feels horrible. I'll give you a copy of the video to use against me if you want to send me to prison, but I'm not going to make a copy for me. I don't want to remind myself of what I did to you. I'll be right back. I'm going to get something to clean off your face."

When she came back, she moved his head away from the pool of semen it was lying in. She gently washed off his face. His hair was still so thick and white and wet that it looked like someone was shampooing it with come. Even with his face clean, he couldn't stop gagging and heaving from the taste and smell in his mouth and nose. For a while, he sobbed hysterically. Gradually, he calmed down.

He looked up at her, and he saw she was crying silently now. Through her tears, she said, "Jeremy, I wanted to tell you again that I will always remember the good times with you before you cheated and put us both in danger.

"Although I don't believe what you said the other day, I was hoping you would say something like that for a long time because I loved you. I was hoping that you would grow up and be capable of loving someone else besides yourself, and I was hoping that person would be me.

"Now I can only hope that one day you find a woman you love enough to be faithful to, and you will both have a wonderful life together. I hope you'll be so happy that you'll forgive me for this. I wish you only the best, Jeremy. Goodbye."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Jeremy tried to say something, but when he started to talk, it moved around some semen in his mouth and nose. He began gagging and retching again. Celia looked at him pityingly and continued to cry for a while. Then she got up and walked out of the bedroom, holding onto Daisy for support.

A second after they left the room, Violet walked to the bed, leaned over him and slapped him violently on his right cheek. He cried out and tried to move away, but she pushed his hands away from his face and slapped him hard on his left cheek.

"I'm sorry," said Violet, "but I had to wake you up. Daisy is keeping Celia downstairs in the living room for a few minutes before they leave. I hope you are smart enough to see how much she still loves you, and if you want her, you've got to forget how you're feeling right now, forget about all the come in your hair and forget about putting your clothes on. You need to run out that door and down the stairs and get on your knees and --"

Violet stopped because he was already out the bedroom door and running down the stairs with the come in his hair flying everywhere. She went to the door in time to see him slip on some of the come, fall down the last three steps and land on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Then she smiled as she saw Celia rush to him and gather him in her arms.

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That milkshake would have been rinsed with hot water down the disposal the first I heard of it. The woman

is psychotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Baseball bat.

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosalmost 2 years ago

Yeah no. I hope he does everything she did to him right back to her...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Any fool would of dumped the, "milkshake" down the toilet as-soon-as they knew what it was going to be used for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Do you EVER think things thru?

He comes home early one day, microwaves the "milkshake" and flushes it down the toilet. All done. She wraps the string around his balls and is standing behind him? He wraps two fingers around the string, thereby preventing her from hurting his balls, turns around and with one punch knocks her out. When she comes to, the police are there, reading her her miranda rights and it's off to jail. He keeps everything in the divorce. Your ending has him going back to the bat-shit-crazy bitch? In no ending does that happen. She'd be lucky if he didn't beat her to death and ditch the body.

Once again an awful Ed mess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You insane laughable punch of an author how pathetic you are!!!

Only in your insane and pervert fantasy you will find a man who will take your shit and will live with a brain sick slut like your protagonist!! He takes the video to his lawyer to unleash hell!!! She goes to prison for a long time and all the other co-perpetrator will go down with her!! So what's your message??!! That you are a laughable punch of an author??!! I quite agree with you!!

RePhilRePhilover 6 years ago
His real address is in the blog

His real name address and URL can be found in our blog. Have fun

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thank God this writer is dead


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why didn't the idiot just throw the, "milkshake" or wash it down the drain himself? How could he forget it was in the frig when he came back from his trip? Only a stupid fool would of put up with that crazy girlfriend of his....

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

yea I guess, I gave it a 5, because it was different. Not what I would want to go through, but different. One question comes to mind, yes. Do people make mistakes, yes, more than they are willing to admit usually. Doesn't matter if they are male or female, it happens, that's life. What she did was what I would call over the edge, or over the top, but its her mind. Including other people in her scheme, again, over the top. Filming it, I wont even comment on that one.

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