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Ashliemassenberg's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

She lures man into her house & learns his secret.

4.32 207.9k 40 10 65

Jo pushes the limits to win.

4.45 64.5k 25 15 28

Jo helps a friend and the games take a twist.

4.33 65.8k 17 2 19

The trade is complete and Jo gets new playmates.

4.42 84k 18 5 22

Jo goes to dinner with friends.

4.4 85.5k 18 2 22

Jo resists and becomes the star of the show.

4.33 105.2k 22 5 25

Jo's ski trip starts taking unexpected turns.

H 4.53 114.7k 29 2 33

Jo loses again and the stakes get higher.

4.41 170.1k 32 6 37

Jo bets it all and loses so much more.

4.35 339.8k 151 8 189

Wife helps husband discover his feminine side.

4.09 277.2k 59 9 68

His dark secret is discovered by his beautiful sister.

H 4.73 380.7k 196 58 246

A surprising first night out dressed as a girl.

4.19 93.4k 37 5 42

A tale of metamorphisis.

4.19 143.5k 22 23