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JadeStatue10's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

...she stopped just thinking, and started doing?

by awomanlikeme
BDSM 02/20/2006
H 4.58 43.4k 14 1 21

Domination, chocolate, and hot sex.

3.68 29k 3 3 3

You are a prisoner.

by Captain_Cooter
BDSM 10/05/2007
4.12 22.8k 4 14

She discovers her submissive side unexpectedly.

by FeJuggler
BDSM 04/08/2002
3.87 28.4k 3 5

Woman succumbs to lust with a near stranger.

by Reality-Bites
BDSM 02/25/2002
3.89 17k 3 3

This is written for a member called 'Liz'.

by slyeugeneguy
BDSM 01/10/2009
3.94 31.3k 4 6

A man & his ex thrash it out in the bedroom.

4.38 27.5k 5 2 7